The spelling of “tranquillity” await the old man in our jails, with one “1” on the new one dollar j “A case has been cited in which I silver certificates is being widely a man had been strangled. The, criticized, but not of the critics has person to whom the crime, by his j WEDNESDAY AUUU8T. a 1H 6 up to the hour of going to press re- own confession, was brought home: Editor fused to accept the new notes at was a feeble old fellow who *1:ld W. c. BYKD their face value. | been paralyzed in both arms for twenty years, and could not have) Watson’s nomination for vice 38 1)18 president bv the populists will not! The proposition to shoot down ; committed the crime. complicate things tMhe extent that' non union workmen w ho refuse to family all said he did it, and he himself said he did, and as there join the unions, which was recently tome people are hoping for. were plenty of ‘eye witnesses,’ the made by John McLuckie, ex-bur­ old man went cheerfully to the jail, | Mark Hanna’s control of the sec­ gess, of Homestead, Pa , would, if and lies there still ”—The London ond convention at St Louis was not adopted, soon result in the exter­ Mail as absolute as at the first; not by a mination of unions. jug fall- I Wall ftreet is afraid to try the Senator Sherman is said to be panic m< th xl. anxious as it is to anxious to make gold sptechts in defeat Bryan and Sewall. THE 0. C. CO • HUNTINGTON. OREGON, | 1X101'6 ^"OOClS 111 1 89£) 11130 3OV <"' other House in Eastern Oregon! They Carry the Coods and II7TTV0 Willi Mak® the Prices- More Goods for a Dollar Than Ever Before- i All goods lower in Price.—Send or call on them. Strictly one Price Get Their Prices the west. He couldn’ldoanything| that would give more pleasure tot C. A. Snow n the big insurance compan­ for inventions in the United States, ies enter the field against Bryan Canada, and Europe. They will and Sewall, as some of them have (send printed advice about procur­ already done, thev merely op-n a ing patents free to any address way for some of their smaller rivals Inundated by a Cloudburst. to get a big increase of business. rim*'« J ohn R ohrman , B rewer OF THE FAMOUS S teubenville , O., July 30—Aj It is true tiiat Bryan is a very severe storm, like a cloudburst, oc-J yourg man to be elected I resident, curred west of t his city this after- but there are plenty ef older men1 i noon about 4 o’clock, and within a1 in the democratic party up n whom J period of 30 minutes a mighty tor he can rely for wise advice. Tent of water had spread desolation i ilong both Parmer’s and Fisher’s 6ov. Evans, of 8. C., sized up the runs, in the lower part of this city, i situaii >n correctly when he said: No lives were lost, as there were1 "It makes no difference how i manv ------ pergOn8 a|ollg the creeks who saw tickets are in the field, the issue is the water come dfiwn the valley i silver or gold, and the democratic and ran from house to house warn­ ami republican platforms make the 1: ing the people. Everybody tied,' / P,i ? fight open and square.” i many wading knee deep in water t J to the hills which line both sides, i An indication of the general in Two bund-ed people are homeless | terest in the financial question is tonight as a result of the Hood. the daily average of about 1200 The damage will aggregate $200, j letters, askine for all sorts of finan­ 000. The water came down the 4 cial inf. irmatmn, which arereceiced creeks 20 feet high, sweeping before I at the U. 8. Treasury department it the barns, houses, bridges, trees The people are studying this ques- and outbuildings. Nine dwellings Hou harder than they eyer did be-|an^ I one store were washed away fore. . ! and completely wrecked. Twenty-I five other dwellings were wrecked or damaeed by the water and mud » W«T'* » The populists mav not notify Bryan that they have nominated ’th“t 8ettl'‘d„oreir everything. All Pulitzer B .¡¿'ng. •, ,v him fo- president, but be’ II find itlrai!wi,y traffic through here is sue j Isn't Ou V, itlioiit I'. »"kl i I pended tonight ou! jjst the same. > BURNS, OREGON FOR salp : in kegs and bottles . I V; ‘1 » »-ww jrwr . w—wwui — m I d CHAS. JOHNSON Proprietor. 'S .0 • ' ’1 ’ * '■? V • - 4 . \ w » Ù Í I ..... . , c .. .6. BURNS, OREGON Wines Liquors, and Cigars. - ' 4 ’ Good Billiard tables, Pleasant;Card Roomi, ete., ate. Saloon is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. . Vicarious Punishment In India. Maik Hanna isn t finding tt.easy tobe everything and to boss the, A student of life and manners in whole lepubliean party. Ben Har i | the Punjab has been struck by the rison isn’t till only m u that has | large proportion of very old men in snubbed Hanna. ; the Indian jails. In the prison at' Mooltan there were last year seven-j Even McKinley must by this | teen life prisoners, whose total ages' time tie entertaining doubts about were found to amount to more thai 1 that cinch he thought he had on 1,100 jyears, two of them being the piesidency. patriarchs of upward of eighty years. William Jennings Bryan is the iiiis remarkable fact is attributed only man ever nominated by three . partly to the great improvement in nilional conventlo i8 fur president., the economy of the Indian jails _ _ since tiie exposure of their mis­ management some yrars ago, but una h is been convin'ed that more directly to the prevalent . . , . ------ '"•J prevalent it isn t going to l»e a tariff campaign. I practice, when a crime has been He will be convinced of tom thing coll,mitU(jt of handing over the »lee next Noveml>er. ( least useful member of the family as a sort of vicarious off ring to justice. Bishop Newman, who owes j On this point the InspictorG n proaea that he f>od, ample clothing, a special- is alarmed, and we think lie has dietary, the lightest of work, and a excellent ¿round for his fcnn*. a -ci« ty nut entire |y uncongenial I PLANTING] well tiegun 1. half done. Begin well by getting Ferry’• Seed* Don’t let chance determine your crop, but plant Ferry’. Heeds. Known and «old everywhere. Before you plant, get Ferry's Seed Annual for 1896. Contain, Con tai na more pru»- prao tical information for farinera farmer. Ileal a and _ gardener. rueuer. than many higi lilgh- I nr Iced text text book* Mailed M.. r„.." priced free, n. a. rtKKv a co., arraoir, iicil mhns p LO uh & S aw mill JOHN SAYER Situated on SiW. riw , mil, Ewt Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR Good Wheat J° J?1 E ditor :—I have an absolute ♦T™* A 'Consumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been already permanently cured. So proof-positive am f of 1 Cons«er «t my duty to two battle frtt to those of your readers who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or Lung Trouble, if they will wrtere thei address. Sincerely, Oneroo. PronoeiUo*. blacksmith a wagon shop SHELLEY A KING. F. STCÁTTOX UUUr‘ BURNS ■*W YOU. Shop opposite the Brewery tx, r!l «tcLÏt?** All work in our line done i guaranteed. Given, .call. Satigfaeti a