X 7' 1 EAST OREGON HERALD AND BURNS TIMES J.X THE T.MiS-HTBALD. Consolidated July 22, 1896. BURNS. HARNEY COUNTY, OREGON. AUGUST VOL. IX. 5 NO 35. 1896. - —X ' leaving the tepee he spied a lean, 'yellow cur. H»1 asked Chief Two During the late war between Chi B. ¡'y how much he would take for PIBLI-HED EVERY WEDNESDAY na and Japan we heard often of the dog, at the same time stroking . w’ondeeful acts of bravery perforin tlie brute dnifn the back and eaeh^ W. C. BTHD & SON. cd by the Japanese, but tales of time taking a handful of money; PUBLISHERS AND PlIOrUIETORS. Chinese bravery were ft w ami far from the end of his tail. “Him very valuable dog,” said between. The following story, how- ¿LBSCKirTlON KATES: >re Year .............. <?.<«» lev, r, which appears to be told by I McAlister, ABSOLUTELY PURE picking a coin out of Ifx Month» ....................... Lt» Three Months................ .............................. 75 | an eyewitness, is enough to show the dog’s ere and another out of HERALD CUT. LIST: ¡that the Chinese had at least one his nose. "Two poij^s for him, Sera'd and llatpsr'» Magaziue............... 5.00 Herald and Harf er’s Weekly .................5.20 officer w ho was no coward. chief.” Herald and Harper’» Bazar......... •........ 5.20 The Indians, with eves as big as Tiie depo.-ed viceroy, Li Hung Herald and Harper's Young People .. 3.75 Mcrald amt lldcn’» Manifold Cyclopedia,..2.K saucers, stood ip awb and astonish- Chanf, and the committee appoint- eu'ii a idlti.oial volume after Vol. I 55 cent»: Id ient» extraDcr volume, postage. I . ed by the government to investigate merit and rhOolc flit’r heads. Af f ^T-t'opic« of all the above works can be ex »he reasons of defeat at the battle ter McAlister had gone they carried «■allied at leisure iu the Reading Room. of Port Arthur met in the city of the poor png d<|wi|t<) the riverside AND Publishers of periodicals are solicited o semi I ubb'tig rales, a cony of their work f<>- Peking. I Among the cha ’ ges was and cut him open, but the goose our Free Headin': R mm—We file and bind the »Iteri. 11. «<• ofevery half volume, »nd r»v <1 one of poor gunnery brought against , had no gulden >gg, and they went ■••pies bv advertisement. | Captain Le Chen Fue, who had slowly back to camp as completely commanded the Yen Tse Chang, dumbfounded and as solemn as h u- ADV ERTISI N<i RATES: one of the largest battleslii|>s that j man beings can possibly be. •r i, r. ; 1 wk 1 2 uk 1 in» J S mo J 6 mo |_lyr escaped from the action without • neh 111.50 42.50) »5 00 »■> 00 »11.00 »15.00 MANUFACTURER OF THE WELCOME TREE 28.CC great dap.age 4 DU 1.50 12 l>3 18.00 I •• I 8 <10 A Dog’s Devotion. 40 W 24 00 •• I 8.50 5.001 s oo 15.00 50 O' 82.00 I “ I 4.50 f. 00 1 lo.ou -V 00 After Li Hung Chang ha<l read 54. IX J 00 ; 15 00 2S.00 4«. 00 col. I 6.00 80.0C 1-0.0 '4 112.ao 1 io.00 1 •> 00 48.00 the charges in full the accused cap San Francisco, July 27.—The B’.uns* l “ |20.»W 1 80 00 1 40.00 00.00 110 00 140 0 Oregon- tain rune and requested that a dozen doleful whining of a. dog near the JOB WORK shells jie brought from his vessel. Scandinaven in Laurel Hill ceme jf every dc»criptlon executed with ncatne»» This was tlune, and the shells were tery, attracted thoattention of Mrs. inà derpatch. nt reasonable rate». set in a row before the committee. S C Oyer yesterday aftti^non. Pamphlet« »irculara. Poster«, Letter Heads, Envelope», Bill Iles la. Le Chen Fue then stepped forward, She took the path leading to a Farti«. TicKcts, Statement«, Note HeaCs. liivitatkiti«. Dodger», Etc. Memoranda. and drawing his sword, said. “Can clump of bushes, w hen a smatl fox >- T he H eeald ia kept regularly <>u file for re 1 Sfc irie.k|j^ lerence, in <be t.eo. H. Rowell Newspaper Ad- you wonder that we were defeated terrier ran toward’ j-v-'r. rtr i»ii>g Bureau. 10 spruce st.. New York. when our .shells were like these?” to pet ths dog, but the animAl kept Frepriotor of the SX-ITJE SALOON As he spoke and before any one ' out of reach. Not seeing anything, ( OFFICIAL DIRECTORY | could stop him he raised his sword j she returned J away, but th * dog BURNS’ OREGON. and brought it down on the shell followed her, finally ’ pulling at her natioxal : Keep constantly on hand a supply of fine Liquors and Cigars The shell was I skirts. She turned once more, and ... .Grover Cleveland in front of him. PrefthleKt ........ . .. 7ice-Krciii<!eut. Adlai Stevenson iecret«ry oX sta’e Riiharo 8, Oh ey split in two, and sawdust end red I the dug, a pace or two a head, led j ' hc re ary of Treasury John G Carlisl« --THEY HAVE ALSO — Secretary of Interior Hoke Smith ‘»rick dust flew all about. the way into the brush. A few steps Secretary of War Daniel 8. Lamoni .. Hilary A. Herbert ie<TetHr> of Navy "_.7_ I Then in rapid succession he farther and she was startled.to see ▲ Fine MONACH BH.lia.ri Table. J. Sterling Morion vg t v; <t of Agriculture. Jud-« u 11 armoil struck shell after shell. attorney General the body of a man. She leaned over Nobody ?ostm&nter General .. W m. L Wilaon The I moved, we were so surprised and and saw that he was dead STATB DKE gox : 6. W. McBride. v^euarort .................. I remember thinking dog cuddled down and licked the J. H.Mitchell. , frigh’ened. I (Bineer Hermann 'that if the last one proved a good face of the corpse. ••n-jrcshinen .................... (W. R. Kill» Attorney treue tai ........ C______ _______ ’ ¿ Win ’J P m ’*’ Lord ™’" I ione there would be none of us left Mrs. Oyer at oneb left the place wovernor .............. ... ir «rei ary of State ' to tell the tale; ’ but. no, that was I and notified the superintend nt of | Manufacturers and dealers in all kinds of rreaaurer • R Phil. Metachan éupt. Pub io ina»ruction '' iJ ¡ rwi . n the cemeterv, who in turn notified 4ta:c Printer R W H Laed» like all the others—a sham. > R. S. Bean As he finished Le Chen Fue laid the morgue When the wagon ‘upre.iii Ju Ixe» Wolverton . . .} C. Wol > F. A. .. M -lucre his sword al the feet of Li Hung reached the spot the dog was still NIN'ETH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. of his late master. Harriet Ju4ge ..*... D . M.D.CLirroKv Chang, ard as soon as that states bv the side V’Ktrl r Vtorncr . ,. n. ramali. C. W. Parrish. foint-Repreaentative .111) . .O. L. Fattersoti. man could speak he dismissed the Deputy O’Brien and Mes-enger twin t-Senator Fishing Taokl s A. ad Sporting Soods. A’ w.bowan charges. McGinnes took the reclever and | COCJITY—HARNST t started to lift the body. The dog J ou nt y w ldge .......................... C. P. Rutherford. . I’in ware and Firearms promptly Repaired. lerk,... iR) H. Kelley . Jumped at them and had to be T re atti rer it 1 ' a ■ iirveTor A Valuable D g. . D T a . McKinnon driven away. When the body was Burns, Oregon. Sheriff ■ (D) A. J. Mi Kitinon \ mteMor zb:.... S’. W Miller placed on the reclever the dog i ‘h- m ! Superintendent • iD) W. C. H, rd I Some tribes of American Indians Uock lnupecior Geo Tre.-aakla are said to I e highly expert at feats and had to be taken out. Vhe dog ’?!( A. B. Mark« »unmiw ionera Geo. liage. of jugglery. Other tribes seem to followed the wagon Borne distance HAKKKT 0. S. LASP OFFICR: t>e almost unacquainted with such but was finally'lost Hen»’»r . ...........................Thom«» Jon«-» There were nc papers or any 1 Accelrer ................. ..A. A. Cowing tricks, if we are to credit a story thing on the body that would said to have Iwen told by a military I officer at Fort Sill and reported by identification. The deceased wai SOCIETIES. STEPHENS * RICHARDSON, Proprietor a man apparently 60 years old the Buffalo Express. SYLVA REBEKAH Dc<rcc No. *8. Professor McAlister, the magi with a short chin beared and gray Meet» every i»t »ndM We<ine»«l»y. ish hair. MI m I.F» McGee N.G. cian. once visited a camp of River Sarn M<> her»he»<l. Rec. Sec’y. keep constantly on hand Crows on the Yellowstone, and after ¡extracting variuus packs of cards For your Protection.— Catarrh “CnrcB" or a . o. c. w. Ror0**' for Catarrh in liquid form to b« taken Mect.every 2d »nd 4»h . M W and other articles from the ears, Tonics internally, usually contain either Mercury or J W Saj«r. Il«*’»* neck, noses and garments of the as- Iodide of Potaaaa, <»r both, which are injur, tonisbed Indians was invited to a ions if too long taken. Catarrh is a local, not 1>1< mx 1 disease, caused by sudden change to HARNEY LOPGR. NO. 77. 1. O O F. U..UU».. .-»u. 77. i. o o r. i feast of roast dog ® and other a cold M, et* at odd Fellow» Hall, every S»tnr<Iay. " or damp w eather. It starts in the nasal Some Fearful Moments. Oc ¿iincs-ïinafd J. C. Welcome, SADDLE HARNESS Xw. W. JOHNSON, I. S. GEER & co, Hardware and Tinware. The Burns Bar :.wpm. delicacies. W C. Byrd. N.G. B. D. McIntyre, Secy. Chiet Two Belly was so impressed by the great n. dicine powers of the H ARNEY FO9T KO. «. <». A. R. M»et»everv 1«t and M Wc1ne»Cav of each professor that he took him to his ■ th •< «»•»•! Fall■.»»• HCl. Ali Cutnrad» wigwam, introduced him tn his it. g«xx! »tandingInvtted. daughter, Miss Wicista-Neeta (meaning wildcat) and offered her V. S. MAII.l. I to him fora wife at the low price ares»—vaut I rriveaand departadaily, of two ponies vr aw«—CasvosctTV : ! The feast and daughter were ve.as-4 Iwpart»dally, ssrept sande» • t*uth declined, but as McAlister was i passages, aff’-cting eyes, ears and throat. Cold in the head causes excessive flow of mucus, and, if repeatedly neglect, d, the re sults of catarrh will follow; severe pain in the head, a roaring sound in the ears, lad Iweath, and oftentimes an offensive dis charge. The remedy should ><e quick to allay inflammation and heal the membrane. Ely’» Cream Balm is the acknowledged cure for these troutdes and contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, 50 cents. «-S^Uourteous treatment guaranteed. Your patronage solic Eurns-Canyon Stage Line H. A. W illiams , contractor. Carrying U. 8. Mails and Eastern Oregon Express Co’s Expe StagesI^eave Burns dy for Canyon City, and inteimedati joint« > $5. 4