eJee of the porch, bolding to a port way. that Arnold Spikes’ steamer for vopfwrt- He awid to G i B bsi *. Victoria has arrived there after hav 'J ihn be killed me. I’m dying J^hn ing visited tbe Swedish aerooant, I'm dying: be was behind tbed«»or.’ Herr Andree, at Danes island. Tbe And to awoîher be said. He sbo< erection of a bsllooo boose has been i Returning prosperity will make many rich. Kit nowhere ran fh«*r me do vn like a deg The M in- tegun and Herr Andree expected make so much within a short time as by successful Speculation in <;» ; Killiog in Cnxk County. '1 F“n cbestcr was not U> le seen »ben to be ready to start on bis aerial Provisions and Stock. John H. Campbell, who shot and Gibson appeared on the scene. The vovare toward tbe North pole early Ujn 00 FOR EACH DOLPR IgVESTEOC»N BE MADE Bl OUR killed Isaac C. Swearingen, at New- gun had been removed by Camp- in Joly* Before startirg however, I Systemitic Plan rf S.innlrioi non; creek, in Crook county, July bell so Mrs. . Swearingen testified. it was lb« intention of tbe aeronaut originated by us All succcessful speculators operuenn a regular sv-fem 4|has surrende-ed to Sheriff C«?mLe. • "The T’__ corof.er held the inquest to test his balloon thoroughly by It is a well-known fact that there are thonaan Is of men in ail p/- A full account of the killing is thus ;*nd last Tuesday Campbell was sending it up attached to ropes and of the United States who. by systematic trading th«-o lgh Chicago brok" told by the Prineville Review: '____ ____ before Judge Brink, ’.he by telephone to tbe steamer Virgo ers. make large amounts every yeir, ranging from a few thoueanl d »l!a-, arraigned ‘ Isaac C Swearingen and family • committing mag^itrate. , on the which vessel couveyed Herr Andree for the man who invests a hundred or two d >lla-s up to I »3 OX) \ , 1100.000 or more hv tho«e who invest a few thousand Eave Lveri n Newsom creek for the charge of murder. The defendant and hie companions and their out It is also a fact that those who make the largest profits from coin pan 10 years. The family consist- wa-J-.r.d w.thout bonds to await fit to Spitzenbergenr On the way parativeiv small investments on thia plan are pers >n« who liv» awiv ed of the father, mother ard three the action of Nbe grand jury on the back from Spitzeobergen tne steam from Chi.-’ago and invest through brokers who thoroughly und ratani er Victoria called at Advent hay on systematic trailing. daughters the eideat being 16 and charge of murder Our plan does not risk the whole amount invested on any trade.but -As to Mr. Campbell, be i« a June 29th where it was learned 17 year» of age Domestic trouble covers both sides, so that whether the market rises or falls it brin»« a caused the M-paration >f the father young mas 22 years old, and he is that the members of tbe Martins- stealv profit that piles up enormously in i «a»-; i a* from his wife and children, be go ‘of a family that is well respected in Conway party and tbe Swedish WRITE FOR CONVINCING PROOFS, al o our Manual on successful speculation and our Daily Market Report, full of monev ing to a small cabin on the ranch th* comm unity in which they live, Norring expedition were well, making pointers. ALL FRiE. O if man lai explains mtrgin and residing there while be permit and Mr. Ca mpbell has heretof. re vent bav was full of ice. trading fully. Highest references in 3 gard to our standing and ted the family to continue in tbe borne a good reputation. His moth success. For further information address borne. <>tb*-r penoo* interested er and other relations live near A> THOMAS &« CO. themseires in tbe affairs of this bany, Linn county, Oregon. J. H 2-M-242 family and instead of trying to Cox. who has stock in.erests at bring mgetber this broken bouse- Mowry and now a resident of Linn hold did all they could to widen tbe county, is an uncle of the unfortu- gulf Let wee h bu»Land and wife. nate man.' •^Swearingen was in Prineville Balloon Voyage. tbe day before bis death and arriv- • THS NAME O'T E NEXT ed borne F rid ay evenirg about 11 | London, July 13—Advices have o'clock and went up to his cabin. been received from Tromsoe. Nor M hen be arrived he f«»and John G ai d f<*mi y wh<> r< -m--lined “ until morning. In the morning the Gibsonti and r wearingen went FREE BRAND COLUMS. to the barn of Swearingen, which Hora brand bar ten on left «boulder; Catlh f • bar ten on left hip and upper «-lip on but! was about 90 yards from the house ear«. J. A. McKinnon, Burna Ore. where Mrs. Swearing«-n and family Hardin A Riley, cattle branded Von left »ide WILL BE ANNOUNCED IN Horae brand"? leftside, r o. BurLi,Or«c<>n live, an«J got some provisions. John Gibson remaining with .Swearingen, F j RTH . Rlul OF ONE. J. C, Folev. cattle brand = on rlgnt «ide helping him to fix up (or his har Horae brand — on left ahouìder. — rH------ vest. They were engaged in fixing «'■ttle brand, II.. on left rit under bit in up a mower, when Swearingen went , left ear, under a!.>pe in riirht ear Horae bran«! 71 on rixht atifle. R E J. A. Williaina F, O. . up to his cabin and got a Wim hes- I Riley Or. ter rille returning to the barn, he i FO. THE YEAR. Horaea branded )-( on left atifle. Cattle brand --------- +4------- put the gun down and went on with ed )-( on left hip. Marion Bunyard. PO Hurt.» ON NOVEMBER 4th 1896 his werktj .After he had worked a —THIS PAPER— C attle lia-n >n ! on ’.eft hip; h >r • l»ulder. Charle« H. Voerllty, Hur-.« » while, he wanted a drink and want ---- WITH---- Horae branded P on rixht »houlder. cattle i ed Gibson to go with him and get THE S N FRANCISCO on right hip. K. A. Hendrick«. P.O. Lawen Or it. Gibson refused to go. He then Public interest will steadily increase, and the question how themen^ Horae brand SB on left ahoulder, alao thre. •vhose votes turned the scale at the last election are satisfied with the picked up his gun and started to do’a.*. u> «hapeof triangle,cattle brauded«atne ' E. E. Urout burna/Or. results under the administration they elected, will make the campaign th ¡¡house and went to tha front i'KICM ai .Sj FV.It Vt Mita Kj.»a Dirkenaon Uorae brand anvil o, the most intensely exciting in the history of the countrv. door, and said to his wife, who met left «1 1 He. Cattle branded barli on left hip. I ----- <»K----- O. I.awen Ore him. ‘If he's here, I'm going to ,B3 SAN FRANCIS 0 J. P Dlckeneon cattle brand J P connected < i kill him. Ahe replied, ‘He's here.’ left hip Hone braud anvil ou left stifle P. Ci Laweu Ore “Swearingen on receiving the Cattle brand fltntre 7on eitherhlp; mark lig!»- crop off ea<-h ear, »lip in each ear, an1 .rat? he leading Republican family newspaper of The United States, wil aliove reply entered the house and on left jaw. Horae b and flKUre7«>n either hi;» Filiti; «11.0 »FIR VKAS, publish all the political news of the day, interesting to every American J. 11. Bunyard.Burna ¡Ore. his wife attempted to take the gun ------- ------------- citizen regardless of party affiliations. Geo Willfan.«, bore»« and mule« bra away from him and they scuflled •.HE SAN FRANCISCO Also general news in attractive form, foreign correspondents cover ruun ding w. on tieh-etilie. F. O Kiley o WEEKLY CALL through the house, which consists | llorac brand bar m on left ahonlder; Catti« ing the news of the world, an agricultural department second to none N I» a iiautiauuie eight- bran«i 1 ar-ni on left hip and rii>». Catherin« in the country, market report's which are reccgnixed authority, fascinat of several room*, on to the back pa.ee paper. It Is lu'U.-d every Mareha.l PO XartuuRiire. porch, both retaining a hold on the] ing short stories, complete in each number, the cream of the humorous T hit rede v, a <1 contains ail of Horae brand on left ahoulder S Miae l.aur» tne ttnpi riant new« of the papers, foreign and domestic, with, their best comic pictures, fashion gun Then Campbell, who hud. Stan« lift, Burt» Ote. week, iileun<*.| from r»er.y <|U»r- plates and elaborate descriptions of woman’s attire, with a varied sud been in a l»ed room, near the front ! ter of the globe, eonipl«-le up Hur»e brand ~ on left «h .nlder and anme on »ttractive department of household interest. The “New York Weekly to date of publication, It fur- door, appeared in the door ofieniiig Tribune ” is an ideal family paper, with a circulation larger than that ! e u»«-le of righ; hind leg. Phil Smith Burn» uialira the latent and not) Ore. on the p«»rch. When he appeared > of an, other weekly publication in th - * country issued from the office of reliable Oioncial new* »nd S. I.anipeh'.te ard Son ca ’ tle brand a daily. Large changes are being made in its details, tending to give at the door, ¡Campbell said, ‘ike, ifj market quotations, ai d giva« it greater life and variety, and especially more interest to the nomen a pec tai attenti d tu horticuU connected. Far mark ewallow f<»rk in rtght eat you have anything against me, we underbit in left. P, O. Burna Ore. tural ami agricultural news, and young people of the household. will settle it now.’ At the same and la in every reject a fir»t- Horace and Cattle branded .1 P on left »h .ul .... } der «ime b » ruled JP connected. Mary A SPECIAL CONTRACT enables us to offer this splendid journal tla<u> family racer. appealing time, according to Mrs. Swearin Price, Burn« ore to the interval of every member and THE HERALD for gen's testimony, Swearingen jerked Herman Ruh ca'th brand ¡J ut the houaehoid. •r crop ,.ff «mi «M al. in f rk in left ear the guu from her hands and cocked -----+----- «•ar under a'tife. P. O. I.aaen. Hl MOIIMSU Cll.l. and leveled it at ('ampbell, who •’»' le s-i > I -f ». >n left his, ('««it Iwvaa » WMl) ri chi rir « li-r i« a i I »p it i i stood in the dour She stated fur 1» a live n.r irapoliltn >-( o. on left th >n Ider. v lint i.' ther that Campliell drew his pis'ol «Hily. it ta me MOST KELIA- auii la rccogntaed a« mr. Cattle anti horse brand T with half eircl after he «as covered with the Win d»r G. W. I'hompaun. l.»weii O b'-liiii th- LEADING NKIVS chester, and shot Swearingen, the i'ATKft . I the Coati. PAY UP YOUR HTSCRIPT.'CN AND GET THE TRIBUNE ► titer •( the at»«.»« i »om w* ball entering the breast near the* 1 wilt »«nJ pt-tu <id m a pre right shoulder, between the first mium <>n r.-eel I of the follow, and Second rib» and coming out ing «atb«erletton price» fur the «VRSrltlPTTOMl MAY BEG1S AT AST TIME. eouibli.all-'C : four inches lower, and to the left of • Address or call at HERALD OFFICE the spine. At the inquest. Dr Bel cav EAI knap cut the bullet out from under COPYRIGHTS.^ \\ rite ytnir usnre mid address on a postal card, send it to Gf o M I ,f MS !.b Pi. TUR, en 1 ORTI IM A rATBNTt Fw a the lower part of the shoulder bla<!». Room 2. rrihtpne Rulding. New York Citv. and a ssmule copy 01 Bmmnt answer arel an b.-orM op.ni.Mt, write to Ml NN 4k CO., win. have had near);«Fty tear»* THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE will be mailed to you. The gun was a 45-caliber Colt. I I« 00 • ip*et««MW la U»e iwteot boxneaa. Coalman»ce* ti.ma Mrt.-tit cwtfMrn:ial. A llandbwak of lo- "John Gibeon immediately ran' f ormai ton «vwMwrnin« Falcata and bow to ob t' a I \ a P'—"______ i ? tain them aent rrwe. Alao a aaSetarM of ma c- Saw leal and amentlAc book« ^nt free. to the house and at the gate met Patenta taken throuah Munn S Co. recete» •eec.ai notice lathe «eleatis« America», and WlTlil« Th»«»en» lìe«ne«ty cerea quickly. ,^tJ -, Campbell and the fsmilv. Camp I OiTVoi.s Wea Meiniwr, Ix»»a of Bra n « • u - Inai ar« broucbl wid.lr bet.me lb« public with NERYL 5EEDS WEAK ME out c*»t to tbe l»»entor. Thia aeleadid paper, LfjHeMa.be . Wakeiumwee, lx>»s Vbaluy. . r ! tmued weehlr. eleaant ly illaatrated, hm by far the bell remarking. 'J«»hn, it wm a r >1 dr- nut», Impot'.-cr and warne« Skaawee» c-u • ... I ÄU Un P ?•'. P r If r, larcrat ctrçwlatKat of any acieDUSe w«mk ta the •m.»A««.l. m.rj nr »«ra.-v-«. Ccnt»;:i»M»«»rlete». laawerw. - •ovK. S3 a y«ar. san r>> cwMea vent free. and ».„wM build«.» Hak»»tha paleand pu-y M~’nca»4 > mighty bord thing to do. by G—d, Sanding Kd.txm monthly. «.St yaar. Steste laMtye«r.ier|in Tr<->.r'-t. •» perlw<x; d t »•<*• f? 50 •omaa. 43 cent*. Rv«e» nuaatwr eoatataa bean, tael. wS'k a «Ivtr» r .« I had to do it to eave mveelt’ Swear tifai platea ut eotora and «>Mn«rm»ha of new rwe«.e.-t h». «, «ealod plain w-ar. —r. W i t* “ IX *I«V, « 4. boema • th plan., »nab. .n« bender« fo »how Ute . «•-.-»•'n«. f irk.?-« Mr ,-w ■■ '• ■ w lateat deaitna and »eeur* .-ontracta A«Mr«aa ingen was found, standing <ut tbe n ewe-lI . R»*r- •" •-> <««* -• -I • Ml NM S Cu_ Naw Toaa. 3S1 B wuadwa V, ?hr îimrs-lirraid Bankers and Brokers Railto Building Chicago of the United States The New York Weekly Tribune Our Premiums Weekly Call! A*. The N e w Y ork W eekly Tribune Morning Call! ONE YEAR FOR ONLY $2 Î S. I HAU t MARKsJr DAILY CUI ”-2KLY cm I I J r Fiwsaleln Bant. ,.lT, ,l_j jv, yj. HOI'.Tc.., •-