Image provided by: Harney County Library; Burns, OR
About The Times-herald. (Burns, Harney County, Or.) 1896-1929 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1896)
----------------------------------- - —Walter Gray and Ed Page were in town on Sunday. —We saw John Harper in town last Saturday. WEDNESDAY JULY. 22 18S6 •IAS THE LARGEST CIRCULATION OF any NEWSPAPER IN THISCOUNTY. Mountain fires have started and the usual amount of smoke is sur rounding our Valley. Local News. _ ,uminer hats at Cowing’s at cost. —Great reductions in all summer goods at N. Brown A Sons. —Homer Mace thinks of re plac ing his burned residence, with a brick one. Mrs. A. A. _ Simon Lewis waB in town last Friday night. —W. D Huffman left here for- Baker City last Friday on a busi —John Rohrman’s beer is very nesa trip. rofreshing this hot weather. —Winnie Gowan is assisting the —Great reductions in all sum typos in T he T imes -H erald office mer goods at N. Brown & Sons. this week. —N. Coinegys and family are —Preaclrng at Harney morning new residing in the Huntington res and evening on Suuday the second idence. of Aug By Rev. Jones. —The Burns races will begin —Chas. Voegtly has received his about Sept. 2. There will be $800 chain mowers. Those, wishing to in purses. purchase, call and see them. • — Herman Ruh was in town the —Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson of latter part of last week, looking for Drewsey, were in our town a day- or hay hands. two the latter part of last week. —If you want the best mower on —Peter French passed through the market, buy the chain mower, here last Sunday on hie way to at Charley Voegtly’». Huntington, at which point he will —II C. Turner and brother, ship east a lot of beef steers. each came in from the R. R. last — Hugh Smith is now doing the Friday loaded with mowers and butcher act for our citizens. Hugh rakes for Chas. Voegtly will endeavor to keep his shop sup —Chas. Roper was in town the plied with the best of beef, pork and other day and informed us, that mutton. the miners of Gold Gulch are hav —The butcher shop in this place ing a successful season. has changed hands. Hugh Smith, — R. C. Angevine has bought out now, proprietor takes possession to the interest of Austin Goodman in morrow morning. Hugh is ar. old the “Star Saloon.” The firm is butcher, therefore we augur will now controled by Anderson A giye satisfaction to his customers. Angevine. —Homer Mace came into town —J. M. Vaughn, we are sorry to state, is still suffering from rbeu inatism. He seems to bear his affliction with a great deal of forti tude, and generally is his same old self in a political argument. —Jorgensen has the finest and best lot of goods that ever came to Burns; go and see for yourself. He is also taking Cabinet Photos, at $3 per dozen. Do not forget to go and see what he has on hand. —Remember the concert at the A mory Hall, next Friday evening. We think we can 8afely promise our citizens quite a treat and the proceeds are to be applied to the support of the presbyterian minis ter. we hope to have a full house. —J F. Boyle, photographer, wishes us to state that he will visit, Burns again in the near future His numerous patrons, knowing the superiority of his work, will do well to retain their orders until he come». We are glad te publish the im provement of Miss Grace Riggs, who. as has l>een already reported 'n previous issues of this paper, was >n a critical condition from the ’■fleets of an attack of gripp She in now in a fai- wav of regaining her accost med health. Because of more locals, for our last issue than room, the birth of the little stranger to Mr. and Mrs. hllis McKinnon failed to appear. The typos take the locals froui the •'ook in rotation, and there being many of them that one. un- Munately, was left. The baby is ( NOTICE —Ed Joy, we aie sorry to learn,1 - Great reduction in all summer goods at N. Brown A Sons. is no better. — New goods goods ft at the the Johnson Johnson store store All persons knowing themselyes __New —N. Brown’s new building is now under control of Henry Canaday, indebted to the firm of Johnson A nearing completion. Just as cheap as ever or cheaper. Call | Harris are requested to make an —Great reductions in all summer hih ! examine goods nod get pi ices, and early settlement by cash or note. if suited buy. goods at N. Brown A Sons. We have dissolved partnership and _ If any one who has been bene- ’ the accounts are in my hands for —Chancy Cummings was in town Monday and Tuesday of this fitted by the use of Dr. Williams’ collection. I will pay all debts Pink Pills wi 1 write to T he H er against the firm contracted while week. in business. ald . they will receive information —Great reductions in all summer H ugh H arrts . that will be of much value and in goods at N Brown A Sons. terest to them. —“Scottie” is developing quite FIRE. I — Mr. and Mrs. Moore left he-ie a trotter cf the horse he lately I for their home in Diamond the purchased of P. G. Smith. The residence of Homer Mace, Mr-». Moore —Carl Cecil, on last Saterday,de latter part of last week, . situated uu on IUO the lomuu, island, veil ten uiuvo miles l„___ . BltUMlOU is so far recovered as to be pro-1 livered to Hanley Bros , two or nounced out of danger, by her phy- 8out^ ®ft8t ™ Burns, was consumed three car loads of big fat steei8 Mi,» Olli.flre °", S""day eveni"8, sician. Dr McPheeters. inst 1 about six o clock. —Don’t f »rget the concert Fri Frye accompanied Mrs. Moore,' 119th. .. J , iL. . Nothing was saved, everything day evening. Admission 25c ts. and will remain with her for some * went up in the flames. The loss Children 15 cts. time assisting in the performance i upvuo **“*""• ., ...... I we presume to Mr. Mace is about —Jake Johnson is assisting Sig. of household duties. 1 $2000. A pan of hot grease on the in the J. Durkheimer merchandise — The Burns school board have cook stove caught °n fire, and no store’ during the absence of Julius secured the services of Prof. W. A. one about the house except Mr. I Durkheimer. Wetzell, of Portland, for the com Mace and his wife, the flames fired are al ing school term. Mr. Wetzell, it the wall of the building so quickly —Some of our citizens most, constantly recreating ili the will be remembered, assisted Prof, that every effort proved fruitless to this warm Newell in our lad county institute gave it, and in their eagerness to mountains, during He is one of the leading educators t gave the bouse the fire got under weather. of this state and his success as such such a headway, that the contents —Haymaking is now in full is known, recognized and appreciat- were burned with the building, blast in our county, There will be edin eyery section of Oregon ac- Mr. Mace writes us that the proper- thousands of tons ricked iu this quainled with him and hi» work WM part|y ineurBd county this season. The board in securing him to take1 _______________ _ —Guns, Bicycles, Mowers and charge of our school deserves the [ all kinds of machinery repaired commendation not only of this Huntington, Ore., March 21. 1896. promptly and satisfactorily at the school district, but this whole see-’ D ear S ir :—We are now starting | tion of country. There isnown0|on th® new year. Computations C. H. Voegtly Hardware store. ( necessity for parents sending their ( last year are completed. We find that our firm sold during 1895 children to educational institutes at a distance, for the acknowledged the enormous amount of 167 car ability and success of Mr. Welzell loads of goods, equal to ten train —J. C. Wooley returned from is such as to guaratee equal ad- loads—just think 167 cars—For the railread the latter- part last dancement of pupils under his this we thank our patrons,and prorn- I ise the same generous treatment in week,his height team loaded for our . charge, to that of any school in the ' the future. During 1896 we will this morning, bringing with him enterprising merchant, N. Brown. I state. sell closer than ever, and no honest hie little girl, whom he thought was —J. S Devine, when in town 'competitors will be allowed to do suffering with an attack of rheu Notice. last week, expressed himself enthu I more for you than ourselves. We matism, but upon consultation with siastically in favor of the demo Notice is hereby given that for are here for .vour business. we must Dr. Marsden, be fears it is “hip eratic nominees for national honors. the purpose of making an examina- i [ hays it, , if honest count, weight,and disease.” tion'of all persons who may offir I treatlnent and L<w Price8 wiU do —Mr. Frank Dunn of the Nar —Our city council has purchased rows country lost a thumb a few themselves as candidates for teach it. Call or write us. a first class fire engine for Burne, days since, lassoing cattle. He is ers of the schools of this county, Respt., which will be here inside of two now in town having the wound the county school superintendent O. C. Co. weeks. This is a move in the right treated. thereof will hold a public examina direction for our town is exposed to tion at the school building in Burns,1 ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE, — Fred Racine returned from the ravages of fire, without any Monday. Fred’s beginning at 1 o’clock p m. on the I means, whatever, of fighting the Portland last flames. The only wonder is that many friends are very glad to wel second Wednesday in August, 1896 ( Notice is heroby given to all persons come him home, as he is a general Dated this 22d day of Jul v, 1896.. we have, so long, escaped. holding claims against the estate of favorite of our citizens. W. C. B yrd . —James Thompson, residing in i Leo Brandon, deceased to present the County School Superintendent of LinD county, this state, is here I — B. D. McIntyre, our enterpris same to (1 A. Sweek attorney-at law. Harnev county. visiting his brother H. E. Thomp ing brick mason, has kilned 110, at his office in Burns Harney County, son. ThiB is Mr. Thompson’s first 000 brick and the fires have been Oregon, verified as by law required, furnaces. This 1 rogram or the Coneert Friday within six nonths from the date of this visit to this section of Oregon, and started in its we understand, if pleased with our amount of brick, he thinks will Night. notice. Dated at Burns, Oregon, this county, will move his family here supply the wants of our citizens in 27th day of June 1896 and become one of our permanent this line for this season. I Selection, ......... Burn3 Brass Band James Brandon, Administrator. residents. —The University of Oregen at Chorus—“Dancing O’er the Waves” (J. A, S week , — Choir. Attorney for Administrator. — Will the Indians keep out of Eugene is rapidly becoming the Duett—“Tell us Merry Birds”— our mountains this season? Is a foremost institution of higher learn Madge and Julian Byrd. I Notice for Publication. question interesting our citizens. ing in the Northwest. Tuition is i ________ Solo—“Punchinello,”— Mrs. D. H. The warning has gone forth re free and the literary and scientific U 8. L and O ffick , B urns. Or. .July 21,1896. Jones. Notice is hereby given that the follow peatedly from this paper in the courses are equal to the best. Free Selection ............................. b B. B. og named settler has filed notice of his last few months, and we venture to information may be obtained by intention to make final proof in suDport Solo — “ If Thou Didst Love Me, ” __ of his claim and that said proof will be state if it is not heeded, those that addressing University of Oregon, ? u £«ore Renter and Receiver U. 8. Miss Hewitt. Eugene. Oregon. venture, will be called upon to fettth lÆVz: Ur“’- Oreg°n* OnAUg' Chorus — “Moonlight Dance,” — —Mr and Mrs Adolph Tupker make a hasty exit or take the con Choir.| J. NELLI8 P, RKER. talk of starting to California in a sequences. Solo—“/ Afterwards * ”—Julian Byrd , «/¡’d No .880, fo,-Lot 8, »ection 19, tp. few days. Their object for making ------ i..;_ 'S. .......... s?i w » —Get one of I. S. Geer A Co’s Duet—“ '•n. Come Join the ~ Dance”.......... . ’ BndN*8Ei section 24, tp this trip is to benefit Mr. Tupker, premium purchase tickets. This Mrs. Leyens and Madge Byrd ' He n »mes the osmes me followiu rollowlnjr witne«.. firm agrees to give the holder of whom, all aur resident* know, has Solo,..................................p* - “ r ....... .................... Madge Byrd such tickets a fine life size Crayon been suffering with rheumatism Duett—“Very Wrong Indeed”— Mee«. .U *“> *> Portrait absolutely free of any for several months Mr. Tupker Mrs. Biggs and Julian Byrd. has improved very much already, Jonas. Register. charge, by purchasing $20 worth I Violin Solo,.................... Mr. Duncan but he thinks in order to effect a of goods for cash at their store. It | Solo -“The Song for Me”—Mrs. D. JOHN F. STRATTON’S is not necessary that the whole more speedy cure, the application, CELEBRATED H. Jones. • amount should be purchased at one | either by bathing or inwardly, or Trio—“Whippoorwill”—Mrs Jones, BiriingbaiiiStetlStrbp time, but any amount from 5 cents j both, of the water of some springs ter Vlelln. Guitar, MaMalla, SaaU Mrs. Biggs, Madge Byrd. to $20 as explained upon the tick situated in California, of which be Chorus,......... ________ _ w Phled. - w>arr»nt»d not io rust. Send for Catlc has been told, will more quickly ........... Choir ets. JOHN F. STRATTON. restore him to health. Selection.. . . ... B. B. B. Jfaau/aetu.rr «nd WAoloaU Pralrr* —Nellis Parker cam’ in Mon day evening, with his freight team of twelve horses and four wagons loaded with goods for merchants. B a • oy and was born on the morn- '»f the 14th. Ellis is very proud of bis toy. I a 811,818, 815. 817 E. 9th St, N. Y.