Teller Supporting Bryan. I L incoln , Neb., Julv 18—That William J. Bryan will receive the support of Henry M. Teller there can be no longer any doubt. Mr. Bryan today received a letter from ■ Senator Teller in which be told bim he would support him in his race for president. The letter reads as follews: On Corner opposite Post Office. able to consolidate the friends of free silver in your support, and if we do this I believe you will be elected, although I do not overlook Merchant. Leading t Denyer, July 15.—Hon. W. J. Bryan, Lincoln, Neb.—Dear Sir: I congratulate you on your nomi­ nation at Chicago. I think the country is to be congratulated also. I need not assure you tLat your nomination was more than satisfac tory to me. I think we shall be ANDERSON & GOODMAN, Proprietors The best brands of Liquors, wii es and cigars. Two billiard and one pool table. OF NO PAINS SPARED TO ACCOMMODATE CUSTOMERS. County. Harney the tremendous power that will lie ORÏGON • • _ •. • put against us in this campaign. All the power of money and organ­ ized wealth, corporations and mon­ opolies of all kinds will be against Ul.j Justice is on our side, and this is, the cause of the people. It is a con-1 test for industrial independence and for f-eedorn from the domina-1 ■ tion of foreign powers and foreign I capitalists; and it does not seem BURNS DRUG STORE. u I DRUGS, PAINTS, GLASS, TOILET ARTI­ CLES OF ALL KINDS, ETC possible that in such a contest be fore the American people that jus­ < ____ think I can promise you the cor'.lIT dial support of the western silver, fi||y TUilUV HTBQT n u U m llIlUI ullIWu men who have heretofore acted with I Til A •* 51 H T PPfl «bw«w| MSlP • coast and intermuuntain states will | be with you. , . I wi] II not offer any suggestions ‘ -* • . the Republican party, and if you I get that I think all the western . _ 1 ^F“ Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Registered Pharmacist Blacksmith and Wagonmaker. tice would fail and wrong prevail, > I do not believe we shall fail. I • ______ A - H W WELCOME, Proprietor. Oregon I Harney, ' to you save to advise you that, as I you were nominated without! pledges of favor or privilege to any one, that you maintain that position and make no pledges or promises so that you may go into the great office of president of the United States without the embarrassment that follows pledgee and promises, I ABSOLUTELY PURE. Is m*de in ®Mke,r City, »nd » home production even if they are such as may be properly carried out. It will afford me pleasure toplace BUY IT. and you will find it gives satisfacton. Keep your myself at the disposal of the nation­ al committee to make speeches in .< kom., .„a bui« up I-»“« i-a-'ri.« I your behalf as my health will per- mit, where and when they may I tyFOR BALE BY ALL GROCERS think will do good. 1 am, very respectfully II. M. TELLER. < Work Guaranteed to be first class. We mix our own Paints, and Durkee’s Baking Powder. » I MI1IIY imiYi fflU Chamberlain’« Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. This is the l>est medicine in the world for bowel complaints. 1 acts quickly and can always be- depended upon. When reduced with water it is pleasant to take Try it, and like many others won will recommend it to your friends For sale at 25 and 50 cents a laittle by Druggists. * ROBT. « IRVING, Prop. MAIN STREET OREGON HARNEY, Prineville—Bums Stage O «Stage ’caves Bums everey Monday and Thursday. JOHN F. GTRAi tON’3 to P rinkvïli . k musical asawcMANoiac. «11.813,813.017IktlX..... wYocK FRANK SMITH DUDE McCLAIN Proprietor 1 he proprietor is well known not ouly here but in all the adjace"’ 1 Hi* known not ouly nere dui m and »> natural .— business qualifications affec ( ounties and Towns. His affei f ÏO.OO. I - g«F“First door north of Brick Store. On the Corner South of the French Hotel, Main Street. Good Aceoaodattona. F are iv«l«r K Parties Desiring Cabinet Work that excels any done in this place heretoore, call and examine mv work. RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. icoxxvtia "d xrior Sae>'n>* «T m UI CARPE«™, BUILDER, CABINET MAKER Comm'xiious, Convenient, Cheap. I esissasT’o CUITAR», e Our Work Sneaks fo it e f, *• THOS. LAHEY, Burns, Oregon. Ti»ia»v), »»»r rut* 'n*’ »*• n»-"s V.I..S ••«nr) s«»i«u ‘3SICN VHOH9IM TVOICOW »-• tm ir» it Burns, Oregon. CULP BROS, PROP tion for horses specially fits him for the avocation.