“I’d try to be sensible, mv dear,’ l paid the sage spinster, counting the crimson stitches on her npedle, and | buds; and then there was a quiet then deftly looping off as many BY EMMA GARRISON JONES. wedding at Strathway House, and white ones. \V. I> HUFFMAN will be in Burns again this fall with Grades ‘‘Four offers have I had this From People's Home Jeurnsl. I a grand reception, and another ball and Thoroughbred Bucks. week,” resumed Viva, numbering at the Elms. — r pink tip« . . of her , pretty ' I I CHAPTER I. [C ontinued .] j Del and Grace are still rnagnifi them on the “Oh, he’s dead! He’ll never cent, arid unmarried. They now fingers, “and there’e not one of speak again!” she cried, aa the dress to their heart’s content; but them would have looked twice at gardener came hurrying in. "Go it is unselfish, simple heaited little me if popular rumor hadn’t set me down as an heiress. Oh, Dolly, to the Elms, John, and bring the Rose who wears “the coronet.” how much happier I used to be be girls Oh! poor papa!” J HE END- fore Cousin Dewbury left me this Half an hour later, and De) and senseless pile of gold! I don’t feel a Grace entered the silent chamlxtr, particle thankful for it I never wearing deathlike, awe stricken BY HELEN FORREST GRAVES. saw the c-abbcd old miser, and 1 faces above their festive robes. I didn’t care two pins whether he The marquis, who had accompanied 1 From People’» Home Journal. ■ lived or died.” them, made his way to the head of 1 “My dear Viva!” CHAPTER I. the couch, where a little, quiet "Well, no more did I! There’s figure knelt. Marriage is a lotterv,” Genevieve ó Perc'yal Floyd, with his bigeyes, "Whet can I do?” he said, bend I Harper, “and I, for on'*, will have and his languishing manners, and ' ing over her. “My cousin. Mrs. none of it.” ‘My dear, what a very foolish his faultless Frenchy toilette—do Chadwick, will come in an hour.” “God bless you!” murmured I epi ech,” said her sensible, old maid you suppose he would have made Rose, looking up through streaming cousin, picking up her crochet the sublime offering of his h°art; teuis needle from the basket of spicy and hand to any sum less than a hundred thousand dollars? There Three months later, the marquis clove pinks where it had fallen. “Well, but, Dolly, I can’t help was John Le Vert, who cares for came to Strathway House, to make nothing on earth but his wines and « his farewell call Del and Grace|lt! little1 his fast horses A There was Dick The dark eyed, imperious sat in the grand reception-room, ' pale and beautiful, in their crape beauty was pacing up and down [ Pomeroy, who spent all his own and bombazine. But the marquis, her I otidoir, with both her hands patrimony long ago, and only wants made his way out io the old sitting- behind her, and the blue black ' to bolster himself up with a few of room, where little Rose was busy , | curls pushed in silky confusion , my deeds and mortgages. There is i back of her ears—one of those odd, Guy Ferroll—” sewing. Ail “Viva!” “I have come to say good-by,” bewitching “capriccioB” of Dame he said, sitting down beside her. ' Nature that it is as impossible to “There is Guy Ferroll, . I say,” “I go back to England next week.” describe as it would be to photo-, persisted the young lady, nodding From the Herald, Columbia, Tenn. Thè rosy-red cheek paled; but graph the glitter of lightning, or' her head resolutely, “ •with his ?' ' -.ry County i; one of the richest ami of Columbia (who is now clerk and Master the evanescent glow of sunset dreamy philosophies and his Rose only answered quietly-. Id; .<■ I .nt best counties in Tennessee. It of the Ciiniicery Court of this county), re- clouds. She was like a spark of i ici < x igger.ition to say that any commended Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills lor “I am sorry. You will find in v Utopian theories of perfect human u .rilil via l.- i knew every other man in this Pale People. fire, or a gleaming diamond, or a nature, condescending, from the on - ity. sisters in the drawing room.” bin it may s'ltcly be said that few, if! “ I betpin using them as per directions for e.in •• -me »»• tirer to it than .Mr. Joe M. j locomotor ataxia, and in aliout one week “I have net come to see your tropic bumming bird, winged with familiar heights of his sublimity, to my, l' ôter. wit >s • home i.-; ar , ‘urter’s * 'reek, anil , some of my friends thought I was better; i i is an v connected w ith the Herald. In I but it was two weeks before the improve- flame and crested with jewels—a accept me as a sort of balance to sisters, Rose.” ic i It. i' -t of the II riJd he hits visited i meiit was plain to all and satisfactory tc my The brown eyes llasl bed up fu]| | creature born to love and be loved! my money-bag«, that he may have n nrly every Ii > in- ilt tiie county. Upon self. Then, however, I ¿mew the pills were ’.-:.ite ” <!•’< tai ma—that is. the Herald’» nil- doing their Errand and glorious work, and “ • ( And when you heard her demurely mi re leisure to contemplate the • null of puzzled inquiry. The marquis pie-tre reunion he is the “ Master of I kept taking them until I could hobble •''eremonii-s.” There are few men better about on crutches. ' and deliberately asserting that she problem of existence!” laughed outright. kn i v i, few better ... liked, none more trusted, “ It wits suggested to me then that nsture (ind a hat hr say i .................. • tne J(.'-ii/7, , um-otiditioiiully would do the rest, and I loft off the pills. “They are magnificent young meant to avoid the popular delus “Viva, I won’t hear you talk so!” ipt I tin • piiv i -illy, will vouch fir. In about ten days 1 saw that I was going ladies,” he continued, “and I ad ion of matrimony, you couldn’t cried indignant Miss Penqoyer. To s hi ii now iti perfect health anil down hill again; I promptly renewed the OÎ e i oti-i w >.till not think that, two and pills, and again I began to improve. A mire them with all mv heart; but 1 have helped smiling at the very ) gathering up her laills of rainbow a h if years iig:> he was a bed-ridden ‘ second time I tried to leave the l.attle to a i iv di I. a physical wreck, whose family go >d constitution, but found it still too love you. little Rose' Shall I tell ' absurdity of the thing. colored worsted and preparing to p -i si.-ii i. love I ones at home and friends weak so I commenced on the pills again t i > i .'ht w is sion to be called hence. and kept, taking them until I was icefl. you a secret? I have loved you | ‘ The fact is,” said Genevieve, leave the room. “Guy Ferroll is all 1 o' s-i -h is th- e-is-', and not only he hut his “I was in my fifty-first year whin I was ever since that afternoon when 1 working herself up into enthusiasm, * too good, and true, and noble to be 1 u.iiiy and a him lr.-d friends will testify to . taken sick. It is now aliout two years since it. ’ I discarded stick tind crutch and found my found you fast asleep amid the 1,1 D* dewy light turned her I criticized thus! You netdn t curl up It was a peculiar atfli'-tion he had, and liis legs strong enough to carry me. I am en w is marvellous. his recovery a nine- joying splendid health, weigh more and look roscB.” | { v< Ivet brown eyes to shady wells ofi your haughty lip; let me t<-ll you. cure te -nth e.-ntury mincie. And that others better than for years, and nttrihtite my may enj >v the blessings of the wonderful health and my ri’coverv and life to the Rose looked at him for a moment brilliance, and the faint pink rosesi Viva Harper, you mad»* the great ui "licine which beyond the per.idventure of : magic of Pink Pills for Pale People, under in utter nmazement; then h«ir ' bk»-somed in her creamy cheeks est mistake of your lifetime when ' ii doubt—u-lder (I id’s blessing—savin? his the blessing of God. life, Mr. Foster—not desiring publicity but “I have recommended these pills to a I cheeks flamed with blushes, and with tiie hope of doin' çood—has con- i number of people, and many 1 know have !” I d to tell of Isickness and his eutv , been cured by them. I wish in my heart down went her face into her dim most decided stump—‘the fact is, * ‘ V:va was- silent a moment, wh le s -nt< It was in the fall of 1892 he was taken '»!. j that every person on earth who is suffering He w is -i firmer tii-n, and had suent the day ■ as I was could get them and would try them. pled banda. I’ve got «1 little money—” 1 across her face passed the peculiar exposi-il to the weather and working in the | I “ To those who know me, I hope it is not The marquiB raised it very ten “A good deal, I ahi uld think,” ¡impress of some mental feding — fiel I. and fir tire hours was in the mud, in a i necessary for me to add that T make this ftoo-iin » position. 1-1 a few days thereafter of my own free wjll,: without derly, smoothing back the tangled, inttriupted Miss Drily Pennoyer. whether of d iubt, remorse, or dis- lie had a peculiar feeliiv» in his feet and statement money and without price. But if there are hails; they becataie liumh and felt us if any who tire inclined to doubt, I will refer brown tresses. “Well, then, a ¿ood deal,” went satisfaet on. Miss Dolly Pennoyer 0'1 -ep. them to Dr. J. H. Hill, J. M. Hunter. R. peril ips, it would lie better to let Mr. 1). Lockridge, Joe Tcrwell, Anderson Nic “1 have never known anything,” on Genevieve, ‘‘and consequently I was scarce physiognomist enough to F > But, ter tell his own experience, and this is hols. S. B. and G. W. Nichols, allot,Carter's wh it lie s-iy.s : Creek, Maury County, Tenn.fftrif they will he said, "half so true, and tender, i am tormented to death by a hungry discern. " 1' blowing the numbness of mv feet and call upon me I will give them the names of a and guileless, ns your own sweet crowd of fortune hunters. I m-ed hands, that numbness spread until mv whole 11 J h undreii witnesses of as good men and women “Mort over." add *d Miss Pennoy ■ I«>ly was paralyzed. I had a dreadful eon- ■ as the sun ever shone upon. self, little Rose; and that is why 1 I to believe in human nature—I don’t er, “you have no right to forget I striction around my body, and ils I grew . " Hoping smue poor sufferer may read and worse this extended up, cutting off my believe and be raised from a bed of pain, I want you to be my wife, I am now. I once thought there was' that he is a distant connection of breathing; it finally got within a few inches an» Very respectfully, J oe M. F oster , going back to England next week ; here and there a grain of pure vour own, and that many think he ot my thro it a-id it was with ditiieulty that Cnreof the Herald, Columbia, Tennessee.” I breath d at all. At irregular intervals I but wden the blue-birds sing again, : metal in the dross of this world,) has been wrongfully neglected by had lightning pains throughout my entire Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale Peo and limos, and for at b ast five months ple are an unfailing remedy for all dis and the punsies bloom in your1 but I am pretty thoroughly ¡ the provisions of your Cousin Dew-1 b.xiy i was perfectly helpless, and a man servant eases arising front a poor and watery »tondi- W ils kept in my room day and night to turn I tion of the blood, such as pale and sal- garden borders, 1 shall return— awakened from the delusion." I burv’e will.” me in Issi and wait upon me. s low complexion, general muscular weakness. that u, if vou will be glad to see of appetite, depression of spirit«, lack of In the earlier part of my illness my feet lo-s 1 “Mv dear! my dear!” interposed ' "All the more reason that this felt “ ns if 1 was walking bare-footed on a stiff ambition, antemia, chlorosis or green sick mo.” e irpet. S.mn I could not walk at all in the ness, palpitation of the heart, shortness of Miss Dolly, reprovingly, “you are! soured, disappointed le^icy hunter dark, and could not even stand nlonc with breath on slight exertion, coldness of hands “But—but,” stammered [Rote, forming altogether too rash judg . should never become mv eyes shut. I rapidly grew worse, and or feet, swelling of the feet and limbs, pain any ntarer ■ mi hi -.iv liia'w refused to carry me. Finally tn the back, nervous headache, ilizziness, “wliiu will Deli and (irate say ?” i menta.” t relation to me,” said Viva, with I bit my ' -’ise of feeling or touch, and loss of memory, feebleness of will, ringing in The mart]it is took thia, i as he i “I can only judge by experience, coi:! i -let ti i| when mv feet were against the ears, early decay, all forms of female audacious gavtfy. “Come, Dolly, eich r, but f it all the while as if they weakness, lencorrha*a, tardy or irregular ought, for nn i acceptance. and and mv exoerisnee has been that • “. in - pt»)l‘ I apart. , jM’riods, suppression of menws, hysteria, you needn’t run away on account wor • • ,i,.. : . .-.iniivg I had called in nr pinilvsis. locomotor ataxia, rnenmalistn, laughingly kissed Rose, promising self interest rules the world, with p .•»!■ i 1-1. ri vi-ry mtccessfiil prneti- sciatica, nil diseases depending on vitiated of my heresies against St. Guv, the i! - >>:>t »neon atreitnicnt. wnh in humors in the Mood, cansing scrofula. to make it all right with the sisters. selfishness, greed and avarice i in its Crusader! I in going out mvsel*— ri i ► ;> ve-vqtiirt. But I contin ; swelled glands, fever sores, rickets, hip-joint And he did; for when the long train.” ui w <r", irvi in ahout six weeks he disease«, hunchback, acquired deformities, fre-h air I must have an J exercise . < .ali l'i id l>on<"*t!v, that l-e litui drvttyed bones, chronic erysipelas, catarrh, interview was over, and he had de • “Viva!” 1 • h- -r. I’li* In» had a’.*) adviswd with consumption of the bowels and lurgs, and I must have or 1 shall become de nF Cn’ V.................. •■<*« )< nii-i - phvsicians, civ- I also for invhronuing the bhasl ami system parted, they came rushing out like “Perhaps the fault is in me, ’»••HI l.’V ynip-oins, but th <t l-e eonld when broken down bv overwork, worry, dis i ” mt nt» <1, in view of all my trials and a whirlwind » •fir’1» ’ f »1 i- ■ uri’ it w i» ns-lrss for bini ease. excesses a»»d indiscretiocs of living, re went on the brunette, ‘•If I hsd troubles.” ’ 'v f »’•th* r. li • un i tlie phvsicians covery from acute diseases, such a.« fevers, “You deserve it, little Rose,” only been born poor! There’s my »• h »in Iv* mc I v :«el proti Min«-' d my tlt<- etc., loss of vita) powers, spermsti” rh-v.-i, At.«l Viva tripped away, hum i earlv decay, prem -.ture old age. 1 her e«-t ■>. nn ’ iix imble. , cried Del. half smothering her with seamstress, poor little thing, was miiig an opera canzonette merrily tot I ». v tri k Ì- tht-y c >• il try «ny- »lire "Tv on the bl<s«l, snpplyirg to the bl<»«l '<*v w M mh I. i-i-i th< -i ! l>e—in trviir» its life-giving qualifies bv cssisting it to kisses. "You’re the kit girl in the married last wet k to a master ■ c.ir- under her breath, while Miss Dollv' V rn * t’v’it w »s ii -in- toi. I trie-il dif- absorb oxygen, that great supporter of all r v ■> r-lt t nilu, . shock- - _ organic life. Pink Pills are wdd by all deal world, and I am glad for your penter. He loved her for herself; *•» s »'dt V irvir^, triih niiml*'!’- er«. or will be sent post paid on rweipt o* looked after her with a solemn , * *»i >'! both internaHy »rd price. W* cents a box or tux boxes for IB.- t O, sake.” and th< re’s my maid, Sylvie, en- shake of her stiff little side-curia ; ' . 1 • ’ all to an r^rct. pntiF by addressing Dr. Williams’ Medicine Uc» "And for your own, too, Del,” gaged ,o the coachman. Heigho! 1» , . i. i >. a cj .siOj Mr. A N. Aiken, Schenectady, M. Y. ~ TO BE CONTtNt ED. inter|H>sed Grace. “You'll give us I’ve a great mind to lavóme a nun, * ^diamonds, and let us have or catch the small-pox, or turn all hit of a Ixmdon season, my treasury bonds into curl papers V Rose*’ Would vou, lhdly?" The marouis more than kept his WHO SHALL WEAR THE COR-, promise, for l.e returned with the ONET. very first swelling of the April BUCKS! BUCKS!! Will sell Grades from $3.50 to $6 per head. Thor oughbreds $6 to $10. THE LATEST WILL. t I b newspaper Mail Relates a Mar vellous Story. Interesting Chapter in His Own Life—Some, We Hope, May Profit by Reading Same. » J