RETIRING FROM BUSINESS! cemprises a whole county, and is valued at many million pounds. It is the Roderick O’Neil estate, which the priest says is to be di vided, among six O’Neils, who will Kd I tor. C. BTRÏ» Southoru democrats waived their eac^ receive 6,000,000 pounds, claims to a place on the ticket ex- Two, he said, lived in The Dalles, Eyerv citizen of this free govern-1 pressly to prevent the cry of “sec- two in Seattle, and two in Sacra- ment, where we have the right to, tionalism”. and yet that cry has mento. If the priest’s story is true , the O’Neils of The Dalles meant sit d iwu under a juniper tJee, sage b<en raised by republicans, • may be Will and John O'Neil. No bush or fig tree, and worship God other O’Neilc are known. according to the dictates etc , with The leaders of the democratic Both are now absent from the goldbugs to h ad and the A P. A. ’.party had their way in 1892. Why Having determined to close np my business, a good opportunity city, and their family history could is offered everyone to purchase supplies at prices that will justify in t » j « . » *11* » • to follow in the wake, is I L/Otwccn --------- should they not be willing to give thtse two fires. It looks as if the the men who have done the voting not be learned. John O’Neil is at ,«layng in a full years supply. present in the Greenhorn district, most of us, if not ready to melt, we a chaoce in 1896? ■ near Canyon City, where h® went are at least prespiring freely. No Mike Your I vestments While I over a week ago. William O’Neil thing like it kind friends! It is If the gold democrats wish to do is working at Seufert’s cannery. good for us to sweat a little, it I the thing which would help Bryan The story can scarcely be true, throws off the impurity of bad pol and Sewtll the most they will put says the Chronicle. Sixty million gooils will be charged on my books and all parties owing me itics and religion, which through an independent gold ticket in the hereby notified to make an early settlement. dollars is too much money to fall the poreB of our bodies has entered. •• > . r-------------------- ~ into The Dalles at ane drop. One and must needs be purged. This I:eia- J. DURKHEIMER. or two hundred thousand dollars heating and sweatidg operation is ' an elixer and gives us courage. > With Bryan from Nebraska and nrght have been credited, but the Since the nomination of W. J I Sewall from Main it cannot be said larger amount—well hardly. Brian for president, all of h’s that the democratic candidates live hu.ui'Ie followers, are denounced too near each other, bv the newspap rs of gold bug pro- ....... f ohn ohrman rewer pensities as populist®, anar nists,. The republicans are making j .1 zxl.xvi a zi fflAvlznva zd lnmilltll plebeiansand workersol iniquity, ' great efforts to hide the fear they well begun is half done. Begin , well by gutting Ferrf’e Seeds. i Is not this enough to make ns feej over the nomination of Bryan Don't let wince determine vour crop, but plant Ferry’s OF THE FAMOUS 'Heeds. Known and sold swsat? Can any gond come out of and SewaU, but they are not sue- everywhere. I Before you plant, get Nazareth? So say the goldbug leeding. Ferry’s Seed Annual papers for 1896. Contains more prac Mr. Bryan is c died a i azar’n', bi - tical information for farmers It is dollars—silver dollars—to and gardeuers than many high- cause he is a western man of west brass buttons that McKinley will priced text books. Mailed free. . it. ■. ruiBY a co., BSTBOIT, bicil ern political views, and^not a wor not dare to enter a joint discussion sliiper of Wail street and monev ’ with Byran 7 _________ corporations. JulTording to the' views of the ‘‘silk hat” fraternity, BURNS. OREGON The New York Herald should there is no democratic party except the goldhug part of the party. The take something for that excited FOR SALE IN KEGS AND BOTTLES. class of this government, who have feeling, or the cosequences may be | heretofore diotated finance in pol serious. To the E ditor »—I have an absolute remedy for Consumption. By its timely use ' itics, have been left behind, and thousands of hopeless cases have been already now there is nothing so vile oi im A bad case of Bryan fright has permanently cured. So proof-positive am I power that I consider it my duty to pure, as all things and all politics • indefinitely suspended McKinley of ° send ft its two bottles fret to those of your readers contrary to their belief- • 'cabinet-making. who have Consumption,Throat, Bronchial or I Lung Trouble, if they will write me their The common people, the south | express and postoffice address. Sincerely, and west, should have no voice in| j Even Mark Hanna and McK:n- T. A. SLOCUM. M. CL 1*3 Furl SL. few York. The Editorial and Business Management ot political matters pertaining to* the ]ey / inu“t be convinced by this time »#■ this Paper Guarantee this gsnsrous Proposition. interests of these Fictions, I Lilt (that the silver question, and not the CHAS. JOHNSON Proprietor. should quietly submit to dictation,' tariff, is to be tbe lead'ing is8ue of so those former leaders would have I the Cttrnpaign. you believe. BURNS, OREGON There is no justice or common ' It looks like the democratic par senre in this kick against the reg ity would have numerous new lead ular nominee of the party, and we ers before the campaign ends Wines Liquors, and Cigars. are for the ticket first, last and I ---------------------- Good Billiard tables, PleaaantJCard Room«, «t«., «te. always. ; The only Maine man who was Saloan is first class in every particular. Experienced bartender 1 ever nominated for second place on If some democrats who did not a national ticket, before Mr. Sewall. Mixed drinks to please the most fastidious. have their way at Chicago are not was elected. Those who are in- coretul they will be overcome --------- by dined to superstitious think that the heat. This isn’t good weather argues well for Bryan and Sewall to get one's blood too hot Keep | cool, gentlemen, and if you can't j There may be another president-I keep cool at least keep as cool as as ial tiiket put up by the bolting) you can. You will thank us 1 f°r democrats, but there will be but the hit iater on. one democratic ticket. JOHN SAYER, Proprietor. I ______________ I To get right down to hardpan it , And now it is said that the silver Siln.toa on Silvios Hvor 1 mil. E.,t .f n,„ th# kridp “J Better is just as well to state that whiP | sentiment is growing so rapidly in Than Bver Before the democrats who bolted the dem New Jersey that Hobart is badly Customers wil receive GOOD FLOUR from ocratic ticket and platfor.j are ! >584 PAGZS. frightened at the prespect of not more numerous than we care to see being able to carry his own state. > 1,500 TOPICS Good Wheat take that step, they are mostly in states from which no democratic Tell.' r^! Yon "’ar; io Know When lou electoral votes could have been ob i A Story of Fabulons Wealth. VVaat to Know It. tained upon any ticket or platform. CT|,a i7hnr«ï-¥irratd Ifore the convention, and yet that (LIUU3 JUlflVWe man is as strong a candidate as ______ — cculd have been named to run on WKDNK8UAT JULY. 221»« the platform adopted. I offer my Entire Stock ot Goods at Cost tor My Stock is Complete. I PLANTING J »-» g J , B R » az T ™srLOuH& sawmill ) John Booth, of the Dalles, while A newspaper notorious for its riding on a train a few days ago, audacious fakes has caused Mr. engaged in conversation with a Bryan to decide not to grant any Catholic priest, who, according to interviews to newspaper men dur Booth, lived at Fossil. The priest, ing the campaign The paper in learning he was from The Dalles,. question attached a fac simile of told him of the good fortune of two I Mr. Bryan's signature to a fake of Its residents, who fell heir to | interview which it prnted. 130,000,000 each, says The Dalles I Chronicle. An immense property Only one man was ev»r no.ninil* in Ireland, which had been in liti- ed for President of the UniUd gati m f.<r 50 years, has finally been staU s lie.* use of a speech made be- settled by the courts. The estate ,A VERITABLE CYCLOPEDIA OF UP-TO-DATE FACTS. An Inv-ioabl« and Unrlvallec Foiitlcal end Popular Hand-Book. READY JANUARY 1st, 1896. fXiCE 25 ceRTs. BLACKSMITH 4 WAGON SHOP M c K innon ¿ king . burns (PustpaidTy MalL ) "T he W orld . . Puiitzer Building, New fort tea’« O wiUteu, UTUU PruMoattal Yu* Shop opposite th« Brewery ,0.r.lL°rk 10 GW.““ X'r WUh dÌ,P*Uh- *