A14 The BulleTin • Tuesday, June 22, 2021 General Merchandise ----------U2U----------- —I 282 |— Employment Opportunities Community EÜD 204 Cancer Support Group For patients, caregivers, and family members. Meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays from 1-2:30. Contact JoAnn Roberts at 541-410- 9716. Want to Buy or Rent Wanted $ Cash paid for vintage, fake, & fine jew­ elry. Top $ paid for Gold & Silver. I buy in bulk. Honest Artist. Elizabeth 541-633-7006 CASH tor Wood dress­ ers. Dead washers & dryers. 541-420-2218 Garage Sajes 300 301 Garage Sales - General 210 Pets & Supplies AKC Registered Yellow Lab Puppies Born 4/24/2021. Microchipped,2 sets of shots , vet checked ect, S1200 541-519- 6515 2-family Garage Sale! 60122 Ridgeview Dr. W, Bend. 6/25 & 6/26, 8-3. Tools, outdoor furniture, sporting gear, antiques, & lots more! 267 Trees, Plants & Flowers Thomas Orchards, Kimberly, Oregon U-Pick Dark Sweet Cher­ ries $1.75 per lb Rainier Cherries $1.95 per lb Ready Picked Cherries, Apricots by Wednesday Bring Containers for U Pick Open 7 days a week. 8am-6pm only. 541-934-2870 Look for updates on Facebook! Look for us at the Wednesday Bend Farmers Market in Brook Valley Advertise your car! Add A Picture! Reach thousands of readers! Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds 282 Community Prayer Shawl Group For knitting or crochet­ ing hats, scarves, lap robes, or blankets for those going through hard times. Yarn dona­ tions are appreciated. Meets every 2nd and 4th Thursdays from 10:30-12. Contact Suzie at 503-819-1723 YOU NEED STUFF HAULED?I NEED TO HAUL STUFF! CALL THE WORKIN' MAN. SPECIALIZ­ ING IN PROPERTY CLEANUP AND ITEM REMOVAL. (541)610-2926 504 Our employees see the big picture ... a com­ munity without a strong newspaper is missing something important. Our people are here to make sure The Bulletin remains a vibrant part of your community. Recent findings by Pulse Research say 98.6% of Bend resi­ dents use The Bulletin or BendBulletin.com for their local news, plus more people refer to The Bulletin and BendBulletin.com before making a buying decision than any other local media. Would you like to join us? Employment Opportunities Exciting outdoor job fighting forest fires includes adventure, travel, new friend­ ships that will last a lifetime, and don't forget the $$$ OT Apply www.patrick- fire.net or in person 1199 NE Hemlock, Redmond EOE The Mitchell School District has the follow­ ing openings for the 2021-2022 school year beginning in August: • Middle School Teacher • Social Studies/PE/ Health Teacher • Head Cook • CDL Certified Bus Drivers • Substitutes for teach­ ers and other staff Contact 541-462-3311 for more information or go to our employment page at http://www.mitchell.k12. or.us/employment Maintenance Techni­ cian needed to care for buildings and grounds of a large church cam­ pus In Sisters. Full time with medical benefits. Contact Sheryl, 541- 549-1201. Sales Professional You may not read a printed newspaper every day, but If you live in Central Oregon, The Bulletin Impacts your life. Inserts for shopping, stories on Facebook, a digital version for on the go. A print copy for those who love information and want in-depth coverage of big issues. Ads and stories that keep you informed about events, sales and concerns in the community. The Bulletin and White Board Media (our digital agency) are seeking an outside salesperson who is passionate about helping local business­ es be successful. Must demonstrate excellence in person-to-person sales and customer service, work well with a support team and be proficient with technolo­ gy while managing time and required paperwork efficiently. Skills in work­ ing with digital adver­ tising, real estate and/ or automotive clients would be a bonus. This is a full-time posi­ tion, working Monday through Friday with evenings and weekends off, plus paid holidays! Guaranteed wage plus commission and mileage reimbursement make this a great op­ portunity for an aggres­ sive sales professional. To apply go to: https:// www.eomediagroup. com/careers/ NEED TO SELLA VEHICLE? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our special deals for private party advertisers. 541 - 385-5809 Autos & Transportation mm 901 Automobiles-Trucks, Auto, RV, Vans 1946 Ford 5-passenger coupe, on S-10 frame. 350 V8, 350 trans, runs. $15,500.503-728-3562 2017 Harley Sportster 883N iron. Only 153 miles. $7000 541-548- 7171 CRR will text pics. Call 541 -385-5809 to advertise. www.bendbulletin.com Notices ffhi I 1001 |- Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice Dominion Construc­ tion, LLC has filed suit against Moisan, LLC, for breach of contract, negligence, and unjust enrich­ ment, as a result of Moisan’s negligent work performed on a construction project known as High Des­ ert Industrial Park, located at 2561 NE 4th Street, Bend, Or­ egon. Moisan was the general contrac­ tor hired to perform excavation and un­ derground work on the project, but after conducting negligent work, failing to com­ plete its work, failing to pay its workers, and causing de­ lays, Moisan aban­ doned the project and Dominion was forced to file suit to Legal Notices & ------- 1 1001 I------- Legal Notices & Legal Notices & Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices Public Notices recover the costs associated with Moisan's contractual breach and negli­ gence. Dominion estimates damag­ es owed by Moisan total approximately $1,918,000.00. The motion or answer or reply must be given to the court clerk or administra­ tor within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. Date of First Publica­ tion: June 8th, 2021 Department of Ag­ riculture Natural Resources Con­ servation Service (NRCS) announces the availability of a Draft Watershed Plan-Environmental Assessment (Draft Plan-EA) for the Ar­ nold Irrigation Dis­ trict Infrastructure Modernization Proj­ ect. Arnold Irrigation District proposes to install 13.2 miles of buried pipe in the District-owned Main Canal to improve water conservation in District owned infrastructure, im­ prove water supply management and delivery reliability for District patrons, and improve public safe­ ty. The Deschutes Basin Board of Con­ trol is the project sponsor and Arnold Irrigation District is the project co-spon­ sor. Farmers Con­ servation Alliance is assisting NRCS in this planning pro­ cess. The proposed improvements may be partially funded by NRCS through the Watershed Pro­ tection and Flood Prevention Act of 1954 (PL 83-566). The proposed proj­ ect is located In Deschutes County, Oregon. The Na­ tional Environmental Policy Act and the Council on Environ­ mental Quality's reg­ ulations at 40 CFR Parts 1500-1508 require evaluations of the potential ef­ fects of federally funded projects on human and natural resources. These evaluations include input from the public. NRCS has reviewed the potential impacts of the project and re­ leased a Draft Plan- EA for public and agency review. You are invited to attend a virtual public meeting to provide input on this project. At the virtual meeting, project partners will present the range of resource issues associated with the project and alterna­ tives to addressing system improve­ ments in Arnold Ir­ rigation District. The presentation will be followed by a ques­ tion and answer ses­ sion. Date: June 23, 2021 Time: 6 PM to 7 PM Register at: oregon- watershedplans.org Due to COVID-19 pub­ lic event restrictions, the meeting will be held virtually using Zoom. A recording of the meeting will be available afterward at the same web­ site. Media inquiries should be sent to Marla Keethler at maria.keethler® fcasolutions.org. Comments on the Draft Plan-EA may be submitted during a public comment period starting June 8, 2021 and ending on July 8, 2021. You can view the complete Draft Plan-EA and other project information online at oregonwa- tershedplans.org. A printed copy of the Draft Plan-EA is also available at the Deschutes Public Library (601 N.W. Wall St, Bend, OR 97703). Comments may be emailed to arnold. id.comments® gmail.com, submit­ ted online at oregon- watershedplans.org, submitted via phone to (541) 716-6085, or mailed to: Farm­ ers Conservation Alliance, 102 State Street, Hood River, OR 97031. Additional information is available online at oregonwater- shedplans.org or the NRCS Oregon public notices web­ page at nrcs.usda. gov/wps/portal/nrcs/ main/or/newsroom/ pnotice/. date of first publi­ cation to the under­ signed or they may be barred. Addition­ al information may be obtained from the court records, the undersigned or the attorney. Date first published: June 8, 2021 /s/ Thomas R. Gorman THOMAS R. GOR­ MAN, Personal Representative c/o Edward P. Fitch Attorney at Law Fitch & Neary, PC 210 SW 5th Street, Suite 2 Redmond OR 97756 Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE­ GON FOR THE 1941 Chevy Convertible. COUNTY OF DE­ Needs restoration, runs. SCHUTES Probate $25,500. 503-728-3562. Department In the Matter of the Estate of DONALD The Bulletin is your GENE LOWE. De- Marketplace 1001 I- -------- 1 1001 I--------- Legal Notices & Legal Notices & 2019 Reflection 5th wheel by Grand A De­ sign. 1 slide w/ extras. $37,500. 541-385-8049 Employment 11001 I- -------- 1 1001 I-------- ('ûaeorl Case No. 21PB03964 NOTICE TO INTER­ ESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Betty L. Rushing has been appointed Personal Representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present the same within four months from this date to the undersigned at the law offices of DOLE COALWELL, 810 S.E. Douglas Avenue, P.O. Box 1205, Roseburg, Oregon 97470, or said claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the es­ tate proceeding may obtain additional in­ formation from the records of the above entitled court, the Personal Represen­ tative or the Person­ al Representative's attorneys. DATED and first pub­ lished on June 15, 2021 . Jeffrey A. Mornarich, OSB #935291 DOLE COALWELL Of Attorneys for Per­ sonal Representa­ tive Legal Notice The undersigned has been appointed per­ sonal representa­ tive of the Estate of JANE ANNE GOR­ MAN, Deceased, by the Deschutes County Circuit Court of the State of Ore­ gon, probate num­ ber 21PB04478. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present the same with proper vouch­ ers within four (4) months after the FIND YOUR FUTURE HOME IN THE BULLETIN Your future is just a page away. Whether you're looking for a hat or a place to hang it, The Bulletin Classified is your best source. Every day thousands of buyers and sellers of goods and services do business in these pages. They know you can't beat The Bulletin Classified Section for selection and convenience - every item is just a phone call away. The Classified Section is easy to use. Every item is categorized and every category is indexed on the section’s front page. Whether you are looking for a home or need a service, your future is in the pages of The Bulletin Classified. The Bulletin uf« VoW& ' S V . J \ äx V ä V V Legal Notice Notice of Availability of Draft Watershed Plan-Environmen- tal Assessment and Vir­ tual Public Meeting June 23, 2021 for Arnold Irrigation District Infrastructure Mod­ ernization Project The United States F M P O W E R I N G DUR C O M M U N I T Y THROUGH LOCAL JOURNALISM JO OUR READERS /^»cTtainly uit-cnbtn# or rwwwinR vour V-*ubKnrtwn v*r> important to u* *>u curtas»*" However. the mw>l importjuI w*y you ¿in help » Utt% The Bulletin E M P O W E R I N G DUR COMMUNITY Just like us, Ben loves his job. Please support local journalism in Central Oregon. TO SUBSCRIBE • www.bendbulletin.com/subscribe-now/ • 541.385.5800 SIZZLING SUMMER SALE Hot Prices Both Stores! Stores! 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