The BulleTin • Tuesday, June 8, 2021 A13 Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2021 TODAY WEDNESDAY TONIGHT HIGH 61° LOW 37° Clouds and sun with a shower in spots Mostly cloudy 58° 37° 67° 47° Mainly cloudy, cool; a stray p.m. t-storm Warmer with more clouds than sunshine ALMANAC TEMPERATURE Yesterday Normal Record 63° 70° 92° in 1926 39° 41° 26° in 1919 PRECIPITATION 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" Record 0.40" in 1922 Month to date (normal) 0.08" (0.22") Year to date (normal) 2.23" (5.24") Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 29.84" SUN, MOON AND PLANETS Rise/Set Today Wed. Sun 5:22am/8:47pm 5:22am/8:47pm Moon 4:21am/7:26pm 4:51am/8:28pm Mercury 5:50am/8:49pm 5:46am/8:41pm Venus 6:41am/10:17pm 6:43am/10:18pm Mars 8:23am/11:33pm 8:23am/11:31pm Jupiter 12:56am/11:31am 12:52am/11:27am Saturn 12:08am/9:54am 12:04am/9:49am Uranus 3:33am/5:43pm 3:29am/5:39pm New First Full Last Jun 10 Jun 17 Jun 24 Jul 1 Tonight's sky: Giovanni Cassini's birthday (1625). Source: Jim Todd, OMSI UV INDEX TODAY 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. 3 5 5 3 The higher the UV Index ™ number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. 0-2 Low, 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Very High; 11+ Extreme. POLLEN COUNT Grasses High Trees Moderate Weeds Absent Source: Oregon Allergy Associates FRIDAY SATURDAY 65° 40° EAST: Pleasant Tuesday; sunshine and a few clouds. Fair and cool Tuesday night. Cloudy and cool Wednesday. CENTRAL: Breezy and cool Tuesday; a mix of clouds and sun. Partly cloudy at night. Mostly cloudy and cool Wednesday. WEST: A mix of clouds and sun Tuesday; a shower in the after- noon. Mostly cloudy Wednesday; chance of a shower. 79° 50° Mostly cloudy with a shower in spots A couple of showers possible Astoria 61/47 Hood River NATIONAL WEATHER As of 7 a.m. yesterday Reservoir Acre feet Capacity Crane Prairie 47488 86% Wickiup 59117 30% Crescent Lake 24766 28% Ochoco Reservoir 9193 21% Prineville 77214 52% River fl ow Station Cu.ft./sec. Deschutes R. below Crane Prairie 120 Deschutes R. below Wickiup 1260 Deschutes R. below Bend 124 Deschutes R. at Benham Falls 1570 Little Deschutes near La Pine 95 Crescent Ck. below Crescent Lake 16 Crooked R. above Prineville Res. 2 Crooked R. below Prineville Res. 277 Crooked R. near Terrebonne 51 Ochoco Ck. below Ochoco Res. 11 -0s 0s 10s 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s 80s 90s 100s 110s NATIONAL EXTREMES YESTERDAY (for the T-storms Shown are today’s noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. Rain Showers Snow Flurries Ice Warm Front Stationary Front Cold Front Source: USDA Forest Service Vice President Kamala Harris offered an op- timistic outlook for improved cooperation with Guatemala on addressing the spike in migration to the U.S. after her meeting abroad with Gua- temalan President Alejandro Giammattei on Monday. She also delivered a direct warning to migrants: “Do not come. Do not come.” Her comments, during a press conference af- ter she met privately with the Guatemalan pres- Realms Continued from A1 She frequently donates or makes meals for homeless shel- ters like Bethlehem Inn. “I have a spot in my heart for the homeless community in Bend,” Fine said. “I know how fortunate I am, so whenever I (can) help, I do.” Around the holidays in late 2020, Fine saw that a homeless man died in Bend due to freez- ing temperatures. So she and a friend organized a drive to gather gloves, jackets and sleep- ing bags, along with COVID-19 protective equipment like face masks, she said. “It would be detrimental for a homeless person to get COVID,” Fine said. Fine’s desire to reach out to others went beyond the home- less. She also loved making con- nections with staff and students at Realms, and standing up for her fellow students in schoolwide discussions — something the high school encouraged, she said. “The student voice at Realms is really, really valued, which I appreciate,” Fine said. “We have ident, underscored the challenge that remains even as Harris engages in substantive talks with the Guatemalan and Mexican presidents during a three-day visit to the region this week. “I want to emphasize that the goal of our work is to help Guatemalans find hope at home,” Har- ris said. In conjunction with Harris’s trip, the Justice Department announced it would create an anti-corruption task force and an additional task force to combat human trafficking and drug smuggling in the region. — Bulletin wire reports Meet the grad Name: Devan Fine Age: 18 School: Realms High School Hometown: Bend Post-high school plans: Attend COCC, then Oregon College of Oriental Medicine to earn doctorate in tradi- tional Chinese medicine Favorite food: Fried chicken Favorite TV show or movie: “RuPaul’s Drag Race” If you could hang out with a famous person for a day, living or dead, who would it be?: Lady Gaga Once COVID-19 restric- tions are fully lifted, where do you want to go?: A reggae music festival If Hollywood makes a movie about your life, which actor would play you?: Cher a judgment-free zone, where we can express our needs or what we’re thinking without fear of being rejected.” Roger White, the princi- Truck stop Continued from A1 Police believe a bullet traveled through the man’s hand, then his leg, and into the woman’s leg. The man didn’t scream but ran outside in shock, bleeding profusely, Israel said. The man was able to secure a ride to the hos- pital before first responders arrived, Webb said. “I don’t know what was going through his head, but I know that he went pretty much di- rectly from where it happened to the hospital,” Webb said. The woman remained at the scene and was treated by medics and sent by ambulance to the same hospital. Yesterday City Hi/Lo/Prec. Abilene 92/73/Tr Akron 84/72/0.22 Albany 90/61/0.00 Albuquerque 91/61/0.00 Anchorage 59/51/0.00 Atlanta 86/71/0.14 Atlantic City 90/67/0.00 Austin 91/76/0.00 Baltimore 95/72/0.00 Billings 79/50/0.00 Birmingham 86/69/0.01 Bismarck 97/50/0.00 Boise 80/47/0.00 Boston 96/73/0.00 Bridgeport, CT 85/68/0.00 Buffalo 84/67/0.00 Burlington, VT 96/70/0.00 Caribou, ME 92/64/0.00 Charleston, SC 86/75/Tr Charlotte 89/71/1.71 Chattanooga 88/71/0.78 Cheyenne 88/56/0.10 Chicago 80/73/0.02 Cincinnati 82/69/1.05 Cleveland 82/73/0.10 Colorado Springs 89/53/Tr Columbia, MO 83/68/0.10 Columbia, SC 91/73/0.54 Columbus, GA 83/71/0.30 Columbus, OH 82/69/0.60 Concord, NH 94/61/0.00 Corpus Christi 90/80/0.00 Dallas 82/69/0.81 Dayton 83/68/0.60 Denver 92/53/Tr Des Moines 89/67/0.00 Detroit 84/72/0.01 Duluth 86/68/0.00 El Paso 98/80/0.00 Fairbanks 75/46/0.00 Fargo 92/48/0.00 Flagstaff 75/37/Tr Grand Rapids 80/73/0.46 Green Bay 91/70/0.00 Greensboro 86/70/0.95 Harrisburg 92/68/0.04 Hartford, CT 95/68/0.00 Helena 76/46/0.00 Honolulu 87/74/0.01 Houston 91/79/0.00 Huntsville 86/68/0.12 Indianapolis 82/69/0.01 Jackson, MS 90/70/0.19 Jacksonville 90/75/Tr Today Wednesday Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 95/75/pc 96/76/pc 84/70/t 81/68/t 82/68/t 86/61/t 91/61/pc 91/63/s 57/50/r 57/49/c 82/69/t 86/71/t 80/70/pc 81/69/t 92/75/pc 93/73/pc 90/72/t 90/72/t 78/56/t 90/60/c 85/71/t 84/71/t 95/70/t 93/65/t 82/54/pc 77/47/pc 95/72/t 87/66/t 82/69/t 83/67/t 81/66/t 82/66/t 85/69/t 85/57/t 89/60/s 77/48/c 83/73/pc 85/73/t 83/70/t 87/70/t 83/71/t 82/71/t 86/54/pc 86/57/s 84/68/t 82/66/t 79/69/t 79/69/t 83/68/t 81/67/t 90/60/pc 88/61/s 81/69/t 87/70/t 82/70/t 84/70/t 84/70/t 89/70/pc 84/68/t 80/68/t 90/67/t 89/57/t 91/77/pc 91/76/pc 89/75/t 93/76/pc 80/69/t 79/70/t 93/59/pc 90/62/s 88/70/pc 89/70/pc 84/68/t 81/68/t 81/58/t 72/57/c 97/71/pc 102/74/pc 65/53/c 71/53/c 94/73/pc 95/69/pc 74/40/pc 76/44/pc 83/66/t 84/66/t 90/67/t 87/65/pc 83/70/t 87/70/t 85/69/t 88/69/t 89/70/t 87/64/t 74/51/c 80/53/pc 86/75/pc 87/75/pc 92/78/pc 92/76/pc 85/71/t 82/70/t 76/69/t 78/70/t 88/75/t 87/74/t 89/71/pc 90/70/t Amsterdam Athens Auckland Baghdad Bangkok Beijing Beirut Berlin Bogota Budapest Buenos Aires Cabo San Lucas Cairo Calgary Cancun Dublin Edinburgh Geneva Harare Hong Kong Istanbul Jerusalem Johannesburg Lima Lisbon London Madrid Manila 74/55/pc 83/66/pc 62/56/r 106/76/pc 90/80/t 88/67/pc 80/71/s 79/58/sh 64/50/t 82/58/pc 62/58/s 91/79/s 93/70/pc 60/44/r 89/78/pc 68/56/c 66/54/c 71/57/t 68/45/pc 87/80/t 73/61/t 78/64/pc 57/42/pc 67/63/pc 80/59/s 74/54/pc 95/61/s 91/81/t City Juneau Kansas City Lansing Las Vegas Lexington Lincoln Little Rock Los Angeles Louisville Madison, WI Memphis Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Newark, NJ Norfolk, VA Oklahoma City Omaha Orlando Palm Springs Peoria Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, ME Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Richmond Rochester, NY Sacramento St. Louis Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego San Francisco San Jose Santa Fe Savannah Seattle Sioux Falls Spokane Springfi eld, MO Tampa Tucson Tulsa Washington, DC Wichita Yakima Yuma pal of Realms High, said Fine had a significant presence at the school. He called her an ambassador for Realms, and noted she gave more tours to interested students and fami- lies than anyone else. “In some way, she’s provided more unofficial leadership for our school than many of the kids in our official leadership governance group,” White said. “She sets the tone and builds a culture of student activism, student engagement, courage in speaking, all of that.” Fine will start studying full time at Central Oregon Com- munity College in the fall, al- though she’s already taking a few classes now, she said. Even- tually, she plans to transfer to the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine in Portland, and earn her doctorate degree in tradi- tional Chinese medicine. Fine said she wants to be an acupuncturist because Chinese medicine has helped her with her frequent migraines. “The only thing that’s ever helped me is Chinese medi- cine. I really struggle through Western medicine,” she said. Patrons and staff searched in vain for the man’s fingers, worried he’d left them behind. “We didn’t find any pieces on the floor, but that was probably because they were still in his pocket,” Israel said. The young man was later transferred to St. Charles Bend for surgery. No citations were issued Sunday, but police are still investigating whether crimes occurred. The firearm involved was seized as evidence, and truck stop patrons and staff were inter- viewed as witnesses. Webb expects to transfer a possible criminal case to the district attorney’s office soon. More information will likely be released at that point. e 72/50/0.00 86/66/0.00 60/52/0.17 104/79/0.00 93/84/0.00 86/68/0.00 79/72/0.00 81/58/0.00 68/52/0.23 81/61/0.00 57/51/0.00 97/76/0.00 90/68/0.00 54/43/0.25 90/80/0.02 66/46/0.00 68/49/0.00 72/63/0.02 65/43/0.00 89/80/0.16 77/62/0.01 80/59/0.00 57/40/0.00 68/62/0.00 77/57/0.00 73/57/0.00 91/59/0.00 91/80/0.17 75/55/pc 82/67/pc 64/56/s 107/78/pc 90/80/t 81/67/c 83/73/s 79/59/pc 63/51/pc 83/61/pc 64/58/sh 92/76/s 100/73/s 60/47/t 89/78/pc 70/56/pc 66/57/pc 75/57/t 70/46/s 87/80/t 78/62/sh 82/69/s 58/42/c 67/63/pc 82/60/s 75/58/pc 97/64/s 91/81/t Mecca Mexico City Montreal Moscow Nairobi Nassau New Delhi Osaka Oslo Ottawa Paris Rio de Janeiro Rome Santiago Sao Paulo Sapporo Seoul Shanghai Singapore Stockholm Sydney Taipei City Tel Aviv Tokyo Toronto Vancouver Vienna Warsaw Find it all online WORLD BRIEFING Harris warns against coming to U.S., seeks ‘hope at home’ for Guatemalans Sunny to partly cloudy Yesterday Hi/Lo/Prec. 62/40/0.02 88/65/0.00 81/72/0.05 96/80/0.00 79/69/0.01 92/65/0.00 79/67/0.79 71/62/0.00 84/71/0.56 84/71/0.03 83/69/0.09 89/80/0.00 82/75/Tr 96/74/0.00 85/70/Tr 90/75/Tr 91/76/0.07 95/74/0.04 91/75/0.00 82/66/Tr 92/68/0.00 93/77/Tr 93/73/0.00 83/72/0.11 94/72/Tr 104/75/0.00 88/69/0.80 94/64/0.00 91/68/0.00 89/73/0.00 94/56/0.00 84/55/0.00 91/71/0.00 90/66/Tr 79/55/0.00 87/73/Tr 94/64/0.00 90/77/0.00 67/62/Tr 66/55/0.00 70/52/0.00 90/50/0.00 87/76/0.19 63/44/0.41 97/68/0.00 63/42/Tr 82/65/Tr 94/77/0.25 100/67/0.00 80/67/0.49 90/76/0.00 82/67/0.00 67/45/0.00 98/72/0.00 Today Wednesday Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 66/46/s 64/49/pc 86/69/t 90/71/t 84/68/t 84/66/t 94/73/s 95/66/s 80/68/t 79/68/t 91/67/pc 94/70/pc 81/71/t 85/72/t 75/60/pc 77/59/pc 81/72/t 80/72/t 86/67/t 86/66/t 80/73/t 82/72/t 88/78/pc 88/78/s 81/64/t 76/62/t 94/74/pc 93/74/t 84/71/t 80/70/t 90/79/t 89/77/t 86/73/t 86/71/t 89/73/t 89/72/t 88/74/pc 89/74/t 85/72/t 92/73/pc 91/70/s 93/71/pc 91/72/pc 91/72/s 95/71/s 97/64/s 83/69/t 85/69/t 90/72/t 89/71/t 99/75/pc 103/76/s 82/68/t 79/65/t 89/68/pc 85/58/t 88/69/t 85/66/t 84/71/t 88/72/t 90/61/t 91/63/pc 73/47/s 68/38/s 90/72/t 89/71/t 79/66/t 82/60/t 74/49/s 72/47/s 81/73/t 85/73/t 91/67/s 92/59/s 92/76/pc 94/75/pc 69/62/pc 71/60/pc 66/53/s 65/54/pc 68/49/s 66/50/s 88/53/pc 90/55/s 85/72/pc 87/72/t 66/49/pc 65/47/pc 94/69/pc 95/71/pc 72/50/c 69/49/c 80/68/t 85/70/t 92/76/t 92/76/t 99/68/pc 102/69/pc 84/74/t 88/75/t 89/74/t 89/74/t 88/71/pc 90/74/t 73/46/pc 73/45/c 97/68/pc 99/68/pc 109/85/0.00 81/56/0.09 90/73/0.00 72/59/0.08 77/55/0.00 88/76/0.00 102/82/0.00 87/67/0.00 72/54/0.06 91/66/0.00 75/55/0.00 79/72/0.00 74/61/0.04 70/49/0.00 70/64/0.02 78/55/0.00 77/63/0.02 90/72/0.00 90/81/0.07 76/52/0.00 71/50/0.00 86/75/0.59 86/69/0.00 81/70/0.00 88/70/0.02 60/48/0.43 81/55/0.00 79/55/0.00 108/83/s 78/59/t 86/69/t 70/58/sh 73/56/pc 86/76/pc 105/88/pc 88/65/pc 71/53/pc 85/69/t 78/57/pc 77/72/pc 77/59/t 71/42/s 69/60/t 72/53/pc 82/65/pc 87/75/c 88/78/pc 67/52/pc 66/52/pc 91/79/t 80/73/s 83/68/pc 80/67/t 63/50/pc 81/60/pc 78/55/c INTERNATIONAL 48 contiguous states) National high: 107° at Pecos, TX National low: 27° at Afton, WY Precipitation: 4.82" at Okmulgee, OK FIRE INDEX Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Chance for a couple of showers NATIONAL Yesterday Today Wednesday Yesterday Today Wednesday Yesterday Today Wednesday City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Astoria 60/45/0.13 61/47/pc 61/48/pc La Grande 67/39/0.00 67/48/pc 65/45/c Portland 66/50/0.08 67/50/pc 68/49/pc Baker City 71/29/0.00 72/44/pc 66/44/c La Pine 60/29/0.00 58/36/sh 56/34/t Prineville 61/30/0.00 65/38/pc 56/38/t Brookings 59/47/0.00 56/44/pc 56/46/pc Medford 66/51/0.00 67/47/c 68/47/pc Redmond 64/34/0.00 64/38/pc 62/36/t Burns 69/29/0.00 71/41/pc 65/40/c Newport 55/46/0.12 56/46/pc 57/47/pc Roseburg 65/46/0.00 66/44/pc 67/45/pc Eugene 65/47/0.04 66/44/sh 68/45/pc North Bend 60/50/Tr 61/47/pc 62/48/pc Salem 65/49/0.03 67/46/pc 69/46/pc Klamath Falls 64/33/0.00 61/35/pc 59/31/t Ontario 80/46/0.00 83/58/pc 79/53/c Sisters 61/41/0.00 61/37/pc 59/38/sh Lakeview 73/32/0.00 63/35/pc 61/34/pc Pendleton 63/39/0.00 72/50/pc 70/49/c The Dalles 70/51/0.00 73/52/c 74/51/pc Weather(W): s-sunny, pc-partly cloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers, t-thunderstorms, r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snow, i-ice, Tr-trace, Yesterday data as of 5 p.m. yesterday -10s 83° 50° TRAVEL WEATHER Umatilla 77/53 Rufus Hermiston 68/51 77/54 73/54 Arlington Hillsboro Portland Meacham Lostine 74/52 65/44 67/50 67/45 Wasco 69/44 Enterprise Pendleton The Dalles Tillamook 69/44 70/51 72/50 Sandy 73/52 McMinnville 60/46 Joseph Heppner La Grande 63/47 Maupin Government 65/43 67/48 70/45 Camp 68/48 Condon 68/47 Union Lincoln City 63/46 52/39 70/47 Salem 57/47 Spray Granite Warm Springs 67/46 Madras 69/46 Albany 62/40 Newport Baker City 65/39 66/40 Mitchell 56/46 64/43 72/44 Camp Sherman 62/42 Redmond Corvallis John Yachats Unity 61/37 64/38 63/42 Day Prineville 55/46 70/43 Ontario Sisters 65/38 Paulina 70/44 83/58 Florence Eugene 61/37 Bend Brothers 64/40 Vale 59/47 66/44 61/37 59/37 Sunriver 83/59 Nyssa 59/36 Hampton Cottage La Pine 84/59 Juntura Oakridge Grove 58/36 62/39 OREGON EXTREMES Coos Bay Burns 79/45 62/44 66/43 Fort Rock 61/44 71/41 Riley YESTERDAY Crescent 60/35 68/41 High: 80° 55/36 Bandon Roseburg Christmas Valley Jordan Valley at Ontario Beaver Frenchglen Silver 59/45 66/44 62/37 76/43 Low: 29° Marsh Lake 73/42 Port Orford 56/34 62/36 at Meacham Grants Burns Junction Paisley 59/47 Pass 78/48 Chiloquin 65/38 69/44 Rome Medford 58/36 Gold Beach 67/47 80/48 55/43 Klamath Fields Ashland McDermitt Lakeview Falls Brookings 76/45 61/44 61/35 75/41 56/44 63/35 Seaside 61/47 Cannon Beach 59/47 MONDAY 82° 53° Shown is today’s weather. Temperatures are today’s highs and tonight’s lows. 541-683-1577 WATER REPORT Bend Redmond/Madras Sisters Prineville La Pine/Gilchrist SUNDAY OREGON WEATHER Bend Municipal Airport through 5 p.m. yest. High Low THURSDAY Reporter: 541-383-0325, 109/85/pc 77/56/t 85/57/t 64/57/t 72/57/pc 86/76/s 106/85/pc 89/68/pc 75/51/pc 85/56/t 82/59/s 77/71/t 79/61/t 65/44/pc 73/62/sh 72/51/s 89/66/pc 86/75/t 88/78/t 70/52/pc 57/45/sh 92/79/t 85/76/s 84/66/s 85/65/t 63/49/pc 81/61/sh 78/54/pc