B4 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2021 MARKET RECAP SlgCmsInfoA m 123.90 +2.32 DFA EMktCorEqI 27.36 +.54 EmMktsInstl 36.33 +.69 EmMktsValInstl 33.70 +.64 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.94 +.01 GlbEqInstl 31.89 +.29 GlbRlEsttSec 12.67 +.31 InflProtSecIns 13.38 +.02 IntlCorEqIns 16.76 +.23 IntlSmCoInstl 23.42 +.34 IntlSmCpValIns 22.62 +.35 IntlValInstl 20.58 +.43 ItmGovtFIIns 12.92 +.03 LgCpIntlInstl 28.23 +.30 OneYearFIInstl 10.30 ... RlEsttSecInstl 45.52 +1.31 ShTrmExQtyI 11.03 +.01 TAUSCorEq2Instl 26.73 +.13 TMdUSMktwdVl 38.98 +.14 TMdUSTrgtedVal 46.52 +.21 USCorEq1Instl 34.32 +.20 USCorEqIIInstl 31.57 +.17 USLgCo 31.79 +.20 USLgCpValInstl 46.38 +.36 USMicroCpInstl 29.26 +.22 USSmCpInstl 47.76 +.23 USSmCpValInstl 46.95 +.44 USTrgtedValIns 31.79 +.32 Davis NYVentureA m 38.14 +.12 Delaware Inv ValInstl 25.21 +.30 Diamond Hill LgCpI 35.94 +.10 Dodge & Cox Bal 118.03 +1.23 GlbStk 16.45 +.30 Inc 14.32 +.03 IntlStk 50.70 +.89 Stk 244.68 +3.94 DoubleLine CorFII 11.12 +.03 TtlRetBdI 10.54 +.02 Eaton Vance AtlntCptSMIDCI 43.18 -.17 Edgewood GrInstl 57.31 +.40 FPA Crescent d 41.42 +.08 NewInc 10.02 ... Federated InsHYBdIns 9.98 +.03 TtlRetBdInstl 11.35 +.02 ... UltraShrtBdIns 9.23 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 147.12 +.94 AsstMgr20% x 14.70 +.05 AsstMgr50% 22.00 +.11 AsstMgr70% 28.29 +.16 BCGrowth 175.58 +.49 BCGrowth 18.13 +.05 BCGrowthK 176.18 +.49 Balanced 30.95 +.16 BalancedK 30.95 +.16 Cap&Inc x 11.17 -.11 CmdtyStrat 5.56 +.10 Contrafund 18.09 +.07 ContrafundK 18.14 +.07 CptlApprec 46.33 +.19 DivGro 36.32 +.23 DiversIntl 51.07 +.04 EmMkts 49.09 +.80 MutualFunds For the week ending Friday, June 4, 2021 WK FUND NAV CHG AB LgCpGrAdv 90.64 +.29 AMG 24.51 +.29 YacktmanI Akre FocInstl d 60.14 +.35 American Century 49.92 +.29 GrInv UltraInv 80.15 +.21 American Funds 43.07 ... AMCpA m AmrcnBalA m 32.96 +.23 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.49 +.04 AmrcnMutA m 50.74 +.29 BdfAmrcA m 13.47 +.02 CptWldGrIncA m 65.48 +.34 CptlIncBldrA m 69.56 +.58 CptlWldBdA m 20.94 +.02 EuroPacGrA m 74.04 +.49 FdmtlInvsA m 78.25 +.39 GlbBalA m 39.60 +.19 GrfAmrcA m 72.47 -.03 IncAmrcA m 26.32 +.26 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.87 +.01 InvCAmrcA m 50.25 +.34 NewWldA m 95.84 +.75 NwPrspctvA m 65.77 +.13 SmCpWldA m 86.97 +.29 TheNewEcoA m 62.28 -.14 TxExBdA m 13.70 +.01 WAMtInvsA m 58.28 +.45 Angel Oak MltStratIncIns 10.41 ... Artisan IntlValueInstl 47.01 +.51 Baird AggrgateBdInstl 11.44 +.03 CorPlusBdInstl 11.82 +.03 IntermBdInstl 11.51 +.01 ShrtTrmBdInstl 9.89 ... Baron EmMktsInstl 20.17 +.29 BlackRock EqDivInstl 24.29 +.21 EqDivInvA m 24.18 +.19 GlbAllcIncInstl 23.22 +.07 GlbAllcIncInvA m 23.02 +.07 HYBdInstl 7.86 +.03 HYBdK 7.87 +.03 HthSciOpIns 80.83 -.89 LowDurBdInstl 9.77 ... MidCpGrEqInstl 45.62 -.29 StrIncOpIns 10.40 +.02 StratMuOpIns 11.97 +.02 TtlRetInstl 11.94 +.03 Calamos MktNetrlIncIns 14.24 ... ClearBridge ApprecA m 32.39 +.15 LgCpGrI 72.45 +.03 Cohen & Steers PrfrdScInc,IncI 14.40 +.04 Rltys 73.91 +1.81 Columbia DivIncIns 29.75 +.22 LgCpGrIns 60.39 +.11 p %RETURN 1YR 3YR +35.1 +22.8 +42.3 +17.2 +21.8 +20.1 +35.6 +21.0 +44.2 +24.3 +32.5 +22.2 +18.0 +27.5 +1.6 +35.4 +22.6 +5.5 +41.0 +37.8 +20.2 +41.5 +26.2 +1.3 +34.7 +43.2 +46.0 +49.0 +37.2 +5.9 +34.1 +15.0 +11.8 +7.3 +12.3 +6.2 +11.7 +8.6 +4.8 +12.2 +14.8 +8.7 +19.0 +10.2 +4.4 +14.0 +14.5 +18.7 +18.7 +15.0 +4.9 +14.4 +8.7 +2.2 +47.3 +11.7 +0.9 +2.4 +1.8 +1.9 +5.7 +6.1 +5.2 +3.5 +52.1 +10.8 +37.7 +37.3 +28.7 +28.4 +13.0 +13.1 +20.3 +3.3 +38.3 +9.2 +11.4 +3.5 +7.4 +13.7 +13.4 +12.2 +11.9 +6.7 +6.8 +16.9 +3.3 +22.9 +5.2 +3.8 +6.0 +4.6 +35.7 +17.0 +33.9 +19.3 +12.7 +7.7 +31.3 +14.9 +33.5 +15.2 +39.7 +21.1 p DOW 34,756.39 +226.94 +67.4 +29.8 +49.9 +46.4 +48.7 +1.0 +44.9 +28.7 +8.5 +41.5 +45.7 +46.8 +47.6 -2.7 +35.9 0.0 +29.0 +1.6 +45.8 +43.6 +69.8 +44.3 +46.7 +38.1 +45.8 +67.0 +61.9 +77.9 +77.5 +8.7 +8.8 +5.4 +2.6 +13.2 +10.3 +7.0 +7.6 +7.8 +4.1 +4.8 +5.3 +8.6 +1.5 +13.5 +2.9 +15.3 +11.9 +9.5 +15.9 +15.4 +17.6 +11.0 +10.6 +11.4 +9.6 +11.0 +51.3 +14.7 +32.8 +9.7 +42.8 +16.2 +35.7 +13.4 +53.9 +13.2 +3.8 +6.3 +42.2 +7.4 +54.8 +16.6 +4.0 +2.6 +4.6 +4.0 +37.9 +15.5 +42.0 +23.7 +38.9 +12.6 +2.7 +2.8 +10.8 +3.8 +2.8 +38.1 +9.7 +21.7 +29.9 +55.2 +55.9 +55.3 +32.4 +32.4 +23.6 +47.4 +38.7 +38.7 +43.9 +35.6 +30.8 +47.2 +6.7 +6.3 +2.5 +17.6 +6.4 +10.3 +12.2 +28.0 +29.7 +28.1 +15.7 +15.8 +9.3 +3.1 +19.0 +19.1 +18.8 +13.1 +11.9 +16.3 EmergMketsOpps 27.03 +.54 EqIncome 72.10 +.63 ExMktIdxInPr 88.01 +.28 Fidelity 69.22 +.30 FourinOneIdx 60.66 +.36 Frdm 2020 17.51 +.12 Frdm 2025 16.04 +.12 Frdm 2030 20.16 +.16 Frdm 2035 17.66 +.16 Frdm 2040 12.68 +.12 Frdm 2045 14.52 +.13 Frdm 2050 14.65 +.14 GlbexUSIdxInsPr 16.20 +.19 GlobalexUSIdx 15.95 +.20 GroCo 35.72 +.30 GroCo 24.84 +.20 GroCoK 35.83 +.31 Growth&Inc 52.68 +.37 IntlDiscv 58.94 +.24 IntlGr 19.49 +.10 IntlIdxInstlPrm 50.76 +.46 IntlVal 11.69 +.16 InvmGradeBd 11.66 +.03 InvmGradeBd 8.37 +.03 LargeCapValIdx 15.75 +.12 LowPrStk 59.41 +.54 Magellan 13.27 +.04 MidCapStock x 42.53 -2.88 NasdCmpIdx 173.89 +.87 OTCPortfolio 19.13 +.15 OTCPortfolioK 19.48 +.14 Overseas 65.63 +.13 Puritan 28.71 +.21 SmCpOpps 18.23 +.04 StkSelorAllCp 64.13 +.23 TotalBond 11.09 +.03 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 121.66 +.71 USBdIdxInsPrm 12.07 +.02 Value 15.60 +.16 Fidelity Advisor GrowthOppsI 164.63 +.66 NewInsA m 39.52 +.21 NewInsI 40.81 +.22 StgInc 12.86 +.04 TotalBondI 11.07 +.03 Fidelity Select Biotechnology 21.11 -.15 32.03 -.30 HealthCare MedTech&Devcs 73.17 -1.27 Semicon 18.14 +.27 Swre&ITSvcs 28.61 +.14 Technology 26.48 +.15 First Eagle GlbA m 69.40 +.60 Franklin Templeton CATxFrIncA1 m 7.82 +.01 DynaTechA m 141.77 -.08 DynaTechR6 148.86 -.06 FdrTFIncA1 m 12.38 +.02 GlbBdAdv 9.42 +.05 Gr,IncA m 26.10 +.14 GrA m 144.66 +.30 IncA1 m 2.53 +.01 IncAdv 2.51 +.01 IncC m 2.57 +.01 RisingDivsA m 89.00 -.13 Harbor CptlApprecInstl 105.47 -.37 Harding Loevner IntlEqInstl 30.49 +.27 INVESCO ComStkA m 30.97 +.56 DevMktsY 57.83 +.79 p NYSE 16,708.74 +153.09 +48.5 +38.4 +56.3 +35.0 +32.5 +23.9 +26.7 +30.3 +36.8 +41.2 +41.2 +41.2 +36.7 +36.7 +57.2 +58.4 +57.3 +42.8 +38.9 +32.9 +33.1 +40.7 +3.7 +1.7 +39.3 +51.4 +31.0 +51.6 +44.6 +47.5 +47.6 +32.5 +30.6 +49.5 +41.6 +3.8 +41.1 -0.1 +71.8 +13.9 +14.7 +17.2 +18.7 +13.6 +10.4 +11.1 +12.0 +13.3 +14.3 +14.3 +14.3 +8.9 +8.9 +28.4 +29.7 +28.5 +15.5 +12.5 +15.7 +8.4 +7.5 +6.6 +6.4 +12.9 +13.8 +16.6 +15.9 +23.0 +23.9 +24.0 +11.6 +14.3 +13.5 +17.1 +6.3 +17.6 +5.3 +16.2 +57.2 +36.7 +36.2 +16.0 +36.5 +16.3 +10.7 +6.0 +3.8 +6.2 +16.4 +23.2 +35.7 +62.4 +38.1 +52.5 +11.7 +17.5 +20.9 +28.7 +25.0 +27.0 +31.2 +10.4 +5.7 +40.3 +40.8 +6.5 +0.1 +31.9 +35.8 +25.7 +26.1 +25.2 +34.5 +5.5 +24.4 +24.8 +5.1 -1.1 +5.0 +18.6 +8.7 +8.9 +8.1 +16.2 +40.6 +22.1 +34.7 +10.5 +51.1 +11.4 +39.8 +10.3 EqandIncA m 12.50 +.09 GlbA m 125.91 +.53 HYMuniA m 10.44 +.02 MnStrA m 61.26 +.24 RisingDivsA m 25.27 +.10 RisingDivsC m 20.78 +.07 Ivy SciAndTechA m 95.73 +.97 JPMorgan CPBondR6 8.55 +.02 CoreBondI 11.99 +.03 CoreBondR6 12.01 +.04 EqIncI 23.09 +.15 LCapGrI 63.10 +.02 MCapValL 46.06 +.11 Janus Henderson BalancedT 43.45 +.14 EnterpriseT 169.54 -.24 John Hancock BdI 16.36 +.03 BdR6 16.39 +.04 DiscpValI 25.81 +.22 DiscpValMCI 28.78 +.24 IntlGrI 40.73 +.17 MltMgLsBlA b 16.57 +.10 MltmgrLsGr1 b 17.58 +.11 Lazard GlbLtdInfrsIns 15.99 +.13 IntlStratEqIns 18.61 +.05 Loomis Sayles BdInstl 13.59 +.06 GrY 25.64 +.34 Lord Abbett BdDebA m 8.50 +.03 BdDebF b 8.48 +.02 ShrtDurIncA m 4.21 ... ShrtDurIncF b 4.21 ... ShrtDurIncI 4.21 ... MFS GrA m 161.28 +.19 GrI 173.47 +.20 InstlIntlEq 33.66 +.12 ValA m 52.11 +.15 ValI 52.44 +.16 MassMutual SelectMdCpGrI 29.93 -.15 Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI 10.94 +.02 TtlRetBdM b 10.94 +.02 TtlRetBdPlan 10.26 +.02 Morgan Stanley InsInGrI 92.07 -.09 Northern StkIdx 47.43 +.30 Nuveen HYMuniBdA m 18.36 +.04 HYMuniBdI 18.36 +.04 IntermDrMnBdI 9.69 +.01 LtdTrmMnBdI 11.35 +.02 Oakmark IntlInv 31.12 +.54 Inv 115.50 +1.84 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCpStrat 19.54 ... LgCpStrats 18.82 +.13 PGIM Investments HighYieldZ 5.59 +.02 TtlRetBdZ 14.56 +.04 PIMCO AlAstInstl 13.68 +.23 HYInstl 9.05 +.02 IBdUSDHI 10.88 ... IncA m 12.11 +.02 NASDAQ 13,814.49 +65.75 +33.6 +43.0 +14.1 +37.4 +32.3 +31.2 +11.0 +15.0 +6.0 +16.6 +13.6 +12.8 +43.5 +22.8 +3.2 +5.6 +1.5 +5.4 +1.6 +5.5 +36.5 +13.6 +39.8 +25.8 +47.9 +12.2 +23.0 +12.8 +35.8 +16.8 +4.1 +4.2 +47.4 +48.5 +41.9 +27.6 +35.3 +6.3 +6.4 +12.1 +12.9 +12.9 +11.3 +12.8 +8.7 +35.1 +7.4 +8.9 +10.2 +4.1 +35.9 +21.3 +14.1 +14.1 +4.9 +5.0 +5.1 +6.5 +6.6 +3.5 +3.7 +3.8 +29.5 +29.8 +30.6 +32.9 +33.2 +20.4 +20.7 +11.4 +13.2 +13.5 +34.4 +17.3 +1.8 +1.6 +1.9 +6.1 +5.9 +6.2 +56.6 +33.7 +37.9 +17.5 +16.2 +16.4 +5.1 +2.9 +7.3 +7.5 +4.8 +3.7 +58.2 +7.1 +59.8 +16.0 +38.2 +11.0 +34.1 +12.2 +13.8 +2.6 +7.7 +5.8 +30.1 +9.6 +3.9 +9.8 +9.7 +6.6 +4.4 +5.2 p IncC m 12.11 IncI2 12.11 IncInstl 12.11 InvtGrdCdtBdI 10.90 InvtGrdCdtBdI-2 10.90 RlRetInstl 12.27 ShrtTrmIns 9.83 TtlRetA m 10.34 TtlRetIns 10.34 PRIMECAP Odyssey AgrsGr 57.91 Gr 48.60 Stk 41.88 Parnassus CorEqInv 60.62 Pioneer A m 39.95 Putnam GrOppsA m 54.94 LrgCpValA m 31.43 Schwab FdmtlUSLgCIdx 22.67 IntlIdx 24.53 SP500Idx 65.08 Schwab1000Idx 93.87 SmCpIdx 39.63 TtlStkMktIdx 75.15 State Farm Gr 114.66 T. Rowe Price All-Cap Opps 75.61 BCGr 176.21 Comm&TeInv 190.88 CptlAprc 37.07 DivGr 67.13 EqIdx500 111.99 EqInc 38.05 GlbTech 28.62 GrStk 104.74 HlthSci 101.89 InsLgCpCorGr 69.48 InsMdCpEqGr 76.87 InsSmCpStk 34.08 IntlDiscv 99.02 LrgCpGrI 67.03 MdCpGr 119.84 MdCpVal 36.78 NewHorizons 82.67 Rtr2020 24.38 Rtr2025 20.95 Rtr2030 31.13 Rtr2035 23.48 Rtr2040 33.95 Rtr2045 23.58 Rtr2050 19.97 SciandTech 61.56 SmCpVal 62.68 TIAA-CREF BdIdxIns 11.24 EqIdxIns 31.40 IntlEqIdxIns 23.64 LgCpGrIdxIns 52.62 LgCpValIdxIns 24.34 Thornburg LtdTrmIncI 13.88 Tweedy, Browne GlbVal 31.19 VALIC Co I StkIdx 53.00 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 391.44 BalIdxAdmrl 46.98 BalIdxIns 46.99 +.02 +9.0 +.02 +10.1 +.02 +10.2 +.04 +4.4 +.04 +4.3 +.01 +8.5 -.01 +2.4 +.02 +1.9 +.02 +2.2 +4.4 +5.5 +5.6 +6.6 +6.4 +6.8 +2.1 +5.3 +5.7 +.41 +42.2 +12.3 +.29 +41.7 +12.5 +.13 +46.8 +14.6 +.15 +40.5 +20.2 +.26 +42.4 +21.1 +.21 +32.8 +22.6 +.24 +38.4 +14.2 +.33 +.24 +.42 +.49 +.31 +.44 +49.9 +33.2 +38.1 +39.3 +59.2 +41.1 +16.7 +8.4 +17.6 +17.8 +13.0 +17.6 +.71 +38.1 +17.6 +.06 +.42 +.38 -.13 +.15 +.71 +.27 -.34 +.03 -.61 +.16 -.36 -.01 +.79 +.08 -.56 +.42 -1.27 +.10 +.09 +.15 +.11 +.17 +.12 +.11 +.32 +.50 +.02 +.18 +.23 +.17 +.19 +.01 +47.6 +33.9 +39.3 +25.4 +33.0 +37.8 +45.1 +57.1 +39.3 +29.0 +34.0 +33.2 +49.4 +47.2 +42.7 +32.6 +50.7 +38.1 +23.7 +27.0 +30.6 +33.7 +36.7 +38.6 +38.7 +52.7 +57.1 +25.3 +18.6 +25.2 +16.3 +17.6 +17.4 +12.6 +25.7 +20.0 +17.8 +18.8 +17.2 +18.5 +14.1 +21.8 +16.9 +12.5 +26.0 +10.8 +11.7 +12.6 +13.4 +14.1 +14.5 +14.5 +24.8 +12.3 0.0 +5.2 +41.0 +17.6 +33.1 +8.4 +38.9 +22.3 +39.3 +12.8 +3.1 +4.8 +.20 +26.4 +5.6 +.33 +37.7 +17.3 +2.51 +38.1 +17.6 +.21 +22.3 +12.9 +.21 +22.3 +12.9 S&P 500 4,229.89 +25.78 p CAITTxExAdm 12.31 +.01 CptlOppAdmrl 203.60 +1.75 CptlOppInv 88.16 +.75 DevMIdxAdmrl 17.04 +.19 DevMIdxIns 17.07 +.20 DivGrInv 36.72 +.07 EMStkIdxInAdm 45.58 +.89 EMStkIdxIns 34.66 +.68 EqIncAdmrl 93.35 +1.13 EqIncInv 44.54 +.54 ExplorerAdmrl 131.64 +.11 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 139.17 +.45 ExtMktIdxIns 139.16 +.45 ExtMktIdxInsPls 343.43 +1.10 FAWexUSIAdmr 40.42 +.54 GNMAAdmrl 10.67 +.02 GNMAInv 10.67 +.02 GlbEqInv 42.24 +.27 GrIdxAdmrl 139.70 +.36 GrIdxIns 139.71 +.36 GrandIncAdmrl 107.17 +.75 GrandIncInv 65.64 +.46 HCAdmrl 94.52 -.17 HCInv 224.13 -.42 HYCorpAdmrl 5.96 +.01 HYTEAdmrl 12.13 +.02 ITIdxAdmrl 192.45 +1.91 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 12.15 +.03 InTrInGdAdm 10.15 +.02 InTrTEAdmrl 14.85 +.02 InTrTrsAdmrl 11.48 +.01 InflPrtScAdmrl 28.63 +.09 InflPrtScIns 11.66 +.03 InsIdxIns 370.42 +2.37 InsIdxInsPlus 370.44 +2.37 InsTrgRt2020Ins 27.60 +.15 InsTtlSMIInPls 83.34 +.49 IntlGrAdmrl 166.57 +1.78 IntlGrInv 52.34 +.55 IntlValInv 45.96 +.62 LTInGrdAdm 10.86 +.07 LTTEAdmrl 12.28 +.03 LfStrCnsrGrInv 23.40 +.12 LfStrGrInv 44.05 +.33 LfStrIncInv 17.34 +.06 LfStrModGrInv 33.69 +.22 LgCpIdxAdmrl 99.59 +.57 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 11.24 ... MCpGrIdxAdm 96.34 -.04 MCpVlIdxAdm 75.41 +.83 MdCpIdxAdmrl 291.14 +1.56 MdCpIdxIns 64.32 +.35 MdCpIdxInsPlus 317.20 +1.71 PrmCpAdmrl 176.75 +.53 PrmCpCorInv 34.20 +.12 PrmCpInv 170.53 +.51 RlEstIdxAdmrl 145.31 +3.76 RlEstIdxInstl 22.49 +.58 SCpGrIdxAdm 97.10 -.21 SCpValIdxAdm 76.47 +.87 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.80 ... STBdIdxIns 10.80 ... STBdIdxInsPlus 10.80 ... STFederalAdmrl 10.96 ... STInfPrScIdAdmr 26.28 +.03 STInfPrScIdIns 26.30 +.03 STInfPrScIdxInv 26.24 +.03 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.99 ... STInvmGrdIns 10.99 ... STInvmGrdInv 10.99 ... STTEAdmrl 15.94 ... STTrsAdmrl 10.74 ... SeledValInv 32.64 +.17 SmCpIdxAdmrl 107.31 +.63 +3.6 +46.8 +46.7 +36.8 +36.9 +29.7 +41.9 +42.0 +35.1 +35.0 +48.9 +54.7 +54.8 +54.8 +37.5 -0.2 -0.3 +43.4 +39.9 +39.9 +39.7 +39.6 +15.2 +15.1 +9.2 +9.9 +43.6 +0.7 +3.3 +4.4 -0.2 +8.0 +8.0 +38.1 +38.1 +17.9 +41.2 +54.8 +54.6 +43.2 +1.3 +6.6 +14.1 +29.8 +6.8 +21.8 +39.1 +2.4 +36.9 +47.3 +42.3 +42.3 +42.3 +43.8 +44.6 +43.7 +30.6 +30.6 +40.3 +60.9 +0.9 +0.9 +0.9 +1.3 +6.7 +6.7 +6.6 +3.0 +3.1 +2.9 +1.2 +1.0 +60.6 +52.2 +4.5 +17.2 +17.1 +8.9 +9.0 +16.7 +9.3 +9.3 +13.1 +13.0 +18.1 +17.1 +17.1 +17.1 +9.2 +3.8 +3.7 +15.7 +22.7 +22.7 +17.1 +16.9 +13.8 +13.8 +6.8 +6.3 +27.5 +6.6 +7.0 +4.9 +5.5 +6.6 +6.6 +17.6 +17.6 +9.5 +17.7 +21.5 +21.3 +9.0 +9.5 +6.0 +8.8 +12.4 +6.8 +10.6 +18.1 +3.0 +19.0 +12.2 +15.8 +15.9 +15.9 +16.1 +15.6 +16.1 +13.0 +13.0 +16.9 +11.3 +3.8 +3.8 +3.8 +3.5 +4.3 +4.3 +4.2 +4.3 +4.3 +4.2 +1.9 +3.2 +13.0 +14.2 SmCpIdxIns 107.30 +.62 SmCpIdxInsPlus 309.72 +1.80 StarInv 33.23 +.19 StrEqInv 44.40 +.22 TMCapApAdm 222.44 +1.23 TMSmCpAdm 92.11 +.80 TrgtRtr2015Inv 16.26 +.07 TrgtRtr2020Inv 36.04 +.19 TrgtRtr2025Inv 22.89 +.14 TrgtRtr2030Inv 43.55 +.29 TrgtRtr2035Inv 27.38 +.20 TrgtRtr2040Inv 48.56 +.38 TrgtRtr2045Inv 31.25 +.26 TrgtRtr2050Inv 50.44 +.42 TrgtRtr2055Inv 54.76 +.46 TrgtRtr2060Inv 48.37 +.40 TrgtRtrIncInv 15.32 +.06 TtBMIdxAdmrl 11.26 +.02 TtBMIdxIns 11.26 +.02 TtBMIdxInsPlus 11.26 +.02 TtInBIdxAdmrl 22.78 +.04 TtInBIdxIns 34.18 +.06 TtInBIdxInv 11.39 +.02 TtInSIdxAdmrl 36.18 +.49 TtInSIdxIns 144.67 +1.96 TtInSIdxInsPlus 144.71 +1.95 TtInSIdxInv 21.63 +.30 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 106.74 +.62 TtlSMIdxIns 106.76 +.63 TtlSMIdxInv 106.70 +.62 TxMgBalAdmrl 40.38 +.14 USGrAdmrl 174.54 -.06 USGrInv 67.37 -.02 ValIdxAdmrl 55.08 +.52 ValIdxIns 55.08 +.52 WlngtnAdmrl 83.17 +.40 WlngtnInv 48.16 +.23 WlslyIncAdmrl 71.76 +.48 WlslyIncInv 29.62 +.20 WndsrAdmrl 87.46 +1.28 WndsrIIAdmrl 82.22 +.66 WndsrIIInv 46.33 +.37 WndsrInv 25.93 +.38 Voya IntermBdI 10.35 +.03 WCM FocIntGrIns 26.98 +.15 Wells Fargo SpMCpValIns 52.72 +.19 Western Asset CorBdI 13.21 +.04 CorBdIS 13.23 +.04 CorPlusBdI 12.16 +.05 CorPlusBdIS 12.15 +.04 iShares S&P500IdxK 501.58 +3.20 +14.3 +14.3 +13.6 +12.7 +18.1 +12.5 +8.0 +9.4 +10.4 +11.1 +11.8 +12.4 +13.1 +13.2 +13.2 +13.2 +7.7 +5.3 +5.3 +5.3 +4.0 +4.0 +4.0 +9.0 +9.0 +9.0 +8.9 +17.5 +17.5 +17.4 +11.4 +25.0 +24.9 +13.3 +13.3 +12.9 +12.8 +9.9 +9.8 +14.2 +17.4 +17.3 +14.1 +2.8 +5.8 +42.4 +20.0 +45.7 +14.9 +1.6 +1.5 +2.8 +2.8 +5.9 +5.9 +6.5 +6.6 +38.0 +17.6 Fund Footnotes: b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA - not available. p - previous day´s net asset value. s - fund split shares during the week. x - fund paid a distribution during the week. Source: Morningstar. p RUSSELL 2000 2,286.41 +17.44 +52.2 +52.2 +27.7 +54.1 +39.9 +64.2 +13.0 +17.9 +21.4 +24.4 +27.4 +30.5 +33.7 +34.0 +33.9 +33.9 +11.6 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.7 +0.7 +0.6 +38.0 +38.1 +38.1 +38.0 +39.5 +39.6 +39.4 +20.7 +43.7 +43.5 +37.9 +37.9 +24.6 +24.5 +13.2 +13.1 +47.4 +49.2 +49.1 +47.3 WILSHIRE 5000 44,239.75 +273.39 CONDITIONS REPORT Redmond trails Pick up The Bulletin’s Explore section every Friday for weekly outdoor adventures, or go to centraloregonexplore.com. CYCLING East of Bend trails • Dry River Canyon: Closed through Aug. 31 • Crooked Arm, Holy Loop, Sand Canyon: Sandy and loose • Swamp Wells: Riding well, deadfall reported • All other trails riding well Prineville, Ochoco trails • Independent Mine, Round Mountain: Winter mix • Lookout Mountain: Winter mix; deadfall reported • Cougar Creek: Riding well, deadfall reported • All other trails riding well A mountain biker rides along singletrack on Cline Buttes. Maston complex Mark Morical/Bulletin file photo • All trails riding well Looks like our June heatwave has subsided. So get out and explore all the High Desert has to offer before the mercury rises again. Bring plenty of water and sunscreen and keep an eye out for wildflowers and critters wherever you venture this week. HIKING AND DAY USE SITES • NOTE: Many high elevation trails are open but are on seasonally closed or unmaintained roads and can only be able to be accessed by hiking in while the trails themselves may still be under deep snow. See Forest websites for more details and restrictions. Deschutes National Forest • Bessie Butte Trail: Open • Boyd Cave Day Use Area: Open • Horse Butte Trailhead: Open; snow and deadfall likely above Swamp Wells Horse Camp • Pine Mountain: Open Ochoco National Forest • • • • Alder Springs Trailhead: Open Cyrus Trailhead: Open Gray Butte Trailhead: Open Henderson Flat OHV Trail System: Open • Henderson Flat Staging Area: Open • Rimrock Springs Trailhead: Open • • • • Scales Corral Trailhead: Open Skull Hollow Trailhead: Open Tam-A-Lau Trailhead: Open Trail Crossing Corrals Trailhead: Open • The Saddle: Closed for nesting eagles, likely to reopen late fall of 2021 • All trails riding well Madras East Trails • All trails riding well FISHING • Updated at 8 a.m. June 3 • Lower Deschutes (Pelton Dam to Columbia River): 4,610 cfs; redband trout, steelhead, whitefish • Middle Deschutes (Benham Falls to Lake Billy Chinook): 4,030 cfs; brown trout, rainbow trout; anglers reporting good fishing and hatches are coming out during the warmest part of the day; artificial flies and lures only, no limit on brown trout • Crooked River (below Opal Springs): 1,186 cfs; rainbow trout and mountain whitefish; water level is higher but will be lower than average this summer; any trout over 20 inches are considered steelhead and must be released, bull trout must be released unharmed and reported to the USFW at crookedbulltrout@fws.gov • Prineville Reservoir: 53% full; rainbow trout, small and largemouth bass, catfish, crappie, crayfish; bass and trout fishing has been good • Ochoco Reservoir: 22% full; rainbow trout, black crappie, smallmouth bass; water level is still extremely low and bank access is limited to walk-in only • Haystack Reservoir: 70% full; rainbow and brown trout, kokanee, largemouth bass, black crappie, bluegill and bullhead catfish; bass fishing should be good, trout will be harder to catch during the middle of the day especially from shore • Lake Billy Chinook: Bull, brown and rainbow trout, kokanee, smallmouth bass; bass fishing picking up with kokanee and bull trout fishing being fair OREGON STATE PARKS Bureau of Land Management • Badlands Rock Trail: Open • Black Hills ACEC: Open; climbing and geocaching are prohibited • Chimney Rock Trail: Open • Christmas Valley Sand Dunes: Open • Cline Buttes Recreation Area: Portions of Deep Canyon, Fryrear, Maston and Jaguar Road are closed through Aug. 31 • Crack-in-the-Ground: Open • Derrick Cave: Open • Flatiron Rock Trail: Open • Fossil Lake ACEC: Open; motor vehicles and fossil collecting prohibited • Green Mountain: Open • Huntington Wagon Road: Open • Lost Forest: Open, vehicles restricted to designated roads only • Lower Crooked River: Open • North Fork: Open • Oregon Badlands Wilderness Tumulus Trail: Open • Redmond Caves Recreation Site: Open • Scout Camp Trail: Open • Steelhead Falls Trail: Open • Trout Creek Trail: South side of trail, including Trout Creek climbing walls is closed through Aug. 31 • Cline Falls State Scenic Viewpoint: Open • Cove Palisades State Park: Open; all campgrounds, cabins and moorage slips are open • Fort Rock State Natural Area: Open; day-use hours 8 a.m,-8 p.m.; rock scrambling closed in southeast area to protect nesting falcons; cave tours canceled for 2021 • Jasper Point: Open • Peter Skene Ogden State Scenic Viewpoint: Open • Prineville Reservoir State Park: Open; no boat moorage; Powderhouse cove boat ramp is closed; Prineville Resort is closed and no fuel is available for purchase • Smith Rock State Park: Open — some services reduced and facility closures may be in pace; Bivouac camping open with limited availability, tent camping only, no reservations, showers for guests only; climbing closures to protect nesting raptors in place until August; park-wide drone ban is in effect. Find it all online bendbulletin.com Living Well Begin s with Top -rate Ser vi ce w w w.w h isper i ng w i nd s .i n fo • 5 41-312 -9 69 0 • 29 2 0 N E C on ners Ave ., Bend , OR 9 7 701 For almost 20 years Whispering Winds Retirement community has stood strong • Being local and family owned, we’ve never waived on the values and dedication it takes to make retirement living the best it can be. We are all banded together in the love for our residents and team members. We are dedicated to their safety and security, especially in these unsure times. We believe that everyone deserves a safe place to call home. Whispering Winds...we are all in this together. Providing End less Amenities to Ensure a High Qua lit y of Life