The BulleTin • Sunday, May 9, 2021 C3 Element 1 DEAR ABBY Write to Dear Abby online at or by mail at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Dear Abby: After a bad breakup, a good friend and her husband offered me a room in their home. They have two wonderful teenagers. Then the pandemic came, and we all be- came infected. What started out as a few months’ plan for me to get back on my feet has lasted 14 months. I have offered to pay them some money, but they will accept only $200 to help with the groceries. My problem is I have no- ticed that the husband is not very happy with my presence. I told my friend I’m ready to start looking for my own apartment, but she insists that I stay just a little longer so that I will be really stable on my own. She tells me how “I am family,” and I’m not bother- ing anyone, and they have no complaints about me. I did not tell her what is really driving me out. I’m really uncomfortable with his attitude toward me, and I understand that perhaps I have overstayed my welcome. My question: Should I leave and tell her I felt that I was no longer welcomed by her hus- band? Or should I just leave without telling her? Thanks for your input. — Uncomfortable in Miami Dear Uncomfortable: Do not sneak away. Do find a place of your own. Express to your friend that she has been a saint to allow you to live with them during this extended pe- riod, but it is clear the time has come for you to go. Tell her you will not only be fine but forever in their debt for their kindness to you. P.S. As soon as it is feasible — not before — give them a nice gift for their home. Dear Abby: I recently have been dating a neighbor woman who is a cat lover. I assume she owns many of them. (I haven’t yet been inside her apartment.) My problem is, when she comes over to my place, the odor of cat urine is overpow- ering. How do I disclose that I’m disgusted by this cat smell without hurting her feelings or offending her? — Holding My Nose in Oklahoma Dear Holding: You have to say something. While the odor of cat urine may be attractive to other cats, it has also been known to act as people repel- lant. Start slow. Lead into the sub- ject by asking her how many felines she owns. When she answers, ask if they are all OK. Regardless of her response, explain that you are asking be- cause one (or more) of her pets may be spraying her furni- ture or her clothing, and it has left an odor. This will give her the opportunity to rectify the problem. However, if she finds the truth offensive, so be it, be- cause the relationship would not have worked out anyway. Dear Readers: I wish a very happy Mother’s Day to mothers everywhere — birth mothers, adoptive and foster mothers, stepmothers, grand- mothers who are raising their grandchildren and dual-role dads. Orchids to all of you for the love you give not only to- day, but each and every day. — Love, Abby YOUR HOROSCOPE By Georgia Nicols Stars show the kind of day you’ll have eeee DYNAMIC | eee POSITIVE | eee AVERAGE | eeSO-SO | DIFFICULT MOON ALERT: Avoid shopping or making important decisions from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. EDT today (3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. PDT). After that, the Moon moves from Aries into Taurus. HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR SUNDAY, MAY 9, 2021: You are honest, open and direct. Not only are you practical, you also have a wonderful, artistic imagination. As your new year begins, you are entering a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. Be open to letting go of old habits and habitual patterns in your life. Consider new ways of doing things, because this year will bring you fresh opportunities. ARIES (March 21-April 19) eeeee On the whole, this is an upbeat, powerful day for you because, for most of this day, the Moon is in your sign; plus, it’s dancing with lucky Jupiter. This makes you feel optimistic and exuberant! (Check the Moon Alert for shop- ping warnings.) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) eeeee This is a favorable time for you with both the Sun and your ruler, fair Venus, in your sign. This is why you feel so friendly and sociable with everyone. Because you have a warm feeling in your tummy, you will enjoy your own solitude. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) eeee Today part of you wants to hide, while the other part of you wants to get out and chat to everyone. No doubt, your involvement with groups and organizations will be positive. In particular, you might be involved in a charitable enterprise. CANCER (June 21-July 22) eeee You make a favorable impression on others today, which is why people admire you and might be talking about you. (Creative and artistic friends are also in the picture.) This is a good day to go after what you want, because Mars in your sign gives you an edge! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) eee Today you need to shake things up a bit because you want to do some- thing different. You want to break free from your daily routine. Ideally, you would love to travel. Go someplace you’ve never been before. Be proactive about going after what you want. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) eeee You’re in an adventurous frame of mind today, which is why travel and adventure will appeal to you. However, when it comes to financial matters, you feel so generous, you’re tempted to give away the farm. (Generosity is a good thing, but remember your own self-interests.) LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) eee Because today the Moon is opposite your sign, you have to be cooperative with others. Be prepared to go more than halfway. You will come out smelling like a rose because, at this time, issues, especially financial matters, will tend to go your way. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) eeee This is a solid day. Issues related to partners and close friends are warm and supportive. Meanwhile, business related to your job, a pet or your health also will be affirming and positive, which pretty much gives you the green light for today — except for the Moon Alert. (See above.) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) eeee You’re in work mode, trying to get better organized. You want to im- prove your health as well. Today, however, you want to play! Fortunately, physical sports and exercise will fill the bill for you. You can improve yourself while having fun. Yay! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) eeee Because this is a fun-loving, playful time for you today, you might en- tertain at home, or several people might spontaneously gather where you live. The purpose of this gathering could be for fun, for education or for charitable purposes. (Just your bubble.) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) eee Look around you. Everything you see began with a thought. (Without question.) Because you are optimistic and inclined to believe in your ideas today, who knows where this may lead? Remember: Everything begins with a thought. (Check the Moon Alert above before you make a decision.) PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) eeeee This is a good money day for you. You might see ways to boost your earnings or you might attract money to you. However, if you are spending money or making financial decisions, check the Moon Alert. (See above.) This is a positive day for you! Continued from C1 When Josh Tibbits, an El- ement 1 engineer, joined the company seven years ago, he was a fresh-faced 34-year- old college graduate in the OSU-Cascades Energy Sys- tems Engineering program, which was created by the col- lege to fill a niche need. He got his job through a connection he had made with Schluter, who was visiting to talk as a guest lecturer about energy storage. “He encouraged us to talk to him, and that was a few months before graduation,” Tibbits said. “And then I heard they were hiring. The rest is history. “That contact was every- thing, especially if you want to stay in Bend.” Rebecca Webb, OSU-Cas- cades senior instructor in en- gineering degree programs, said the program was de- signed to address the energy challenges facing the planet. Many of the hires at Element 1 are former students. “Partnerships like this one are very symbiotic,” Webb said in an email. “We work together to shape a curricu- lum that aligns with industry needs, the companies sponsor capstone projects and intern- ships, give guest lectures and hire our graduates.” For Bend, a business like Element 1 supports the city’s green jobs initiative, said Ben Hemson, Bend business ad- vocate. Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin An M13 Methanol to Hydrogen Generator is seen at Element 1 Corp in Bend on Monday. “Element 1 is a business that looks to the future by developing new technology,” Hemson said. “We have a long list of businesses that have succeeded that are looking to the future. These businesses are forward-thinking and growing.” Lee, of Economic Devel- opment for Central Oregon, said Element 1 is among the best examples of partnerships OSU-Cascades has with com- panies creating economic di- versity. “It’s a good example of the university listening to the marketplace here of where the opportunity is. Element 1 can benefit from this program at OSU-Cascades because it can employ local people and at- tract others from the rest of the country.” Element 1 began when Edlund, a new graduate of the University of Oregon, was hired by Bend Research (now Lonza) to create the technology. Edlund, also the co-founder of Bend fuel-cell manufacturer IdaTech, met Schluter, a neighbor with years of business development experience. Schluter says the business model employed by Element 1 is to develop the technology and get it ready for commer- cial use then license others to manufacturer the product. Al- ready, the company’s fuel-cell technology is being employed by a Changchun, China truck- ing firm. “As long as there’s methanol in the fuel tank, we’re using re- newable methanol, “Schluter said. “It’s starting to become available on the marketplace. It’s really clean versus diesel and gas. Our technology pro- duces zero pollution. No black soot. No smog. No tailpipe emissions. “But it does produce CO2, and that’s a greenhouse gas.” Other companies also build hydrogen fuel cells, but what Element 1 offers is the technology piece of the puzzle to achieve the full po- tential. “It’s taken us 10 years to make the technology market- able,” he said. “Now the eco- nomics of fuel cells is where the action is, and that’s where we got traction.” e e Reporter: 541-633-2117,