A14 THE BULLETIN • WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 2021 504 Employment Opportunities OSU-Cascades is seeking a full-time, classified (Union represented) Science Laboratory Prepar- ator. This position provides support to science laboratory teaching programs by preparing chemistry or biology labora- tories for use by students and faculty. 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices address above. Bids shall be made on the forms furnished by the County, in- cluding a Bid Bond or Cashiers Check for the minimum amount of 10% of the Bid Price, ad- dressed and mailed or delivered to Chris Doty, Department Director, 61150 SE 27th Street, Bend, To view the full posi- Oregon 97702 in tion description and a sealed envelope apply, visit the OSU plainly marked “BID jobs site at FOR NE NEGUS https://jobs. WAY & NE 17TH ST. oregonstate.edu/ I M P R OV E M E N T ” postings/100339. Full and the name and consideration date is address of the bid- 05/21/21 and closing der. date is 05/30/21. Bidders must submit a Subcontractor Dis- OSU is an AA/EOE/ closure Statement. Vets/Disabled The subcontractor disclosure statement may be submitted in the sealed bid pri- or to 2:00 p.m. on May 26, 2021 or in a separate sealed envelope marked “SUBCONTRAC- TOR DISCLOSURE **FRITO LAY- NOW STATEMENT - NE HIRING** NEGUS WAY & NE Route Sales Repre- 17TH ST. IMPROVE- sentative in Bend,OR MENT” prior to 4:00 -$1,115.38 Weekly p.m. on May 26, target-Health care, 2021 at the above Retirement benefits, location. Education tuition Because the work reimbursement, Paid called for under vacation and so this contract is for much more! a public works proj- Apply at Fritolayem- ect subject to state ployment.com prevailing rates Not sure if this is the of wage under job for you? Call 503- ORS 279C.800 to 405-1741 for more 279C.870, the Coun- information. ty will not receive or consider a bid un- less the bid contains Driver needed. Class a statement by the A CDL with doubles bidder that the bid- endorsements. A der will comply with good driving record is ORS 279C.840. required. You will drive Each bid must con- well maintained late tain a statement model trucks equipped as to whether the with High Horsepower bidder is a resident engines, and 18 speed bidder, as defined transmissions. You will in ORS 279A.120. be home every day. Vendors shall use We have never faced recyclable products layoffs, this job affords to the maximum ex- you the opportunity tent economically of long term steady feasible in the per- employment. Com- formance of the con- pensation average of tract work set forth in $225 a day, Health this document. and Dental Insurance Bidders shall be pre- availability, and Paid qualified with the Personal Leave Time. State of Oregon for Call 541-419-1125 or the Class of Work email richard.hoke@ stated above in ac- dctchambers.com cordance with ORS 279C.430 through Caregivers needed! 279C.450 and De- Starting at $12.75 schutes County 24.50/hr DOE. $500 Code 12.52.020 The monthly childcare successful bidders incentives & $500 and subcontractors new hire bonus. Full providing labor shall benefits package w/ maintain a qualified medical/dental/vision/ drug testing program life insurance/disability. for the duration of Short & long shifts the contract. Bidders available w/ 3-4 days shall be licensed off per week. All training with the Construc- provided/paid. Let us tion Contractor’s help with YOUR work Board. Contractors life balance! Visit https:// and subcontrac- www.opportunityfound. tors need not be li- org/careers to apply. censed under ORS 468A.720. Deschutes County Legal may reject any bid not in compliance Notices with all prescribed bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a find- ing of Deschutes County it is in the 1001 public interest to do Legal Notices & so. The protest peri- od for this procure- Public Notices ment is seven (7) calendar days. Legal Notice CHRIS DOTY DESCHUTES COUN- Road Department Di- TY, OREGON rector ROAD DEPARTMENT INVITATION TO BID Call The Bulletin At NE NEGUS WAY 541-385-5809 & NE 17TH ST. IMPROVEMENT Place Your Ad or E-Mail Sealed bids will be At: www.bendbulletin.com received at the De- schutes County Legal Notice Road Department, PUBLIC HEARING 61150 SE 27 th NOTICE BEND Street, Bend, Ore- CITY COUNCIL gon 97702, until but PROJECT NUMBER: not after, 2:00 p.m. PL20-0783. APPLI- on May 26, 2021, CANT: Bend Park & at which time and Recreation District. place all bids for the NATURE OF THE above-entitled public APPLICATION: Va- works project will be cation of a public publicly opened and bike path easement read aloud. north of Colorado The Class of Work Avenue, east of the of this Project is Deschutes River. Asphalt Concrete APPLICABLE CRI- Paving and Oiling TERIA: Bend Code or Aggregate Bases. Chapter 3.80; Right The value for this of Way Vacation; Contract is estimat- Oregon Revised ed to be between Statutes, ORS $2,000,000 and 2 7 1. 0 8 0 – 2 7 1. 17 0 $3,000,000. The available in City Hall Work will consists of, or at the Community but not be limited to, Development De- the following: partment portion of • Install and maintain the City’s website. temporary traffic DATE, TIME, AND control. LOCATION OF THE • Perform earthwork HEARING: Wednes- and drainage. day, May 19, 2021 • Perform cold-plane at 7:00 PM, City pavement removal. of Bend Council • Construct full-depth Chambers, 710 NW reclamation base. Wall Street, Bend. • Construct aggregate ADDITIONAL IN- base and shoulders. FORMATION: The • Construct asphalt application, docu- concrete pavement. ments, and other • Install fences and evidence submitted gates. by or on behalf of • Install permanent the applicant, as well signs and perma- as public comments, nent pavement can be viewed in the markings. City’s Online Per- • Perform additional mit Center Portal and incidental work at https://cityview. as called for by the ci.bend.or.us/Portal/ specifications and Planning/Locator. plans. STAFF CONTACT: Specifications and Aaron Henson at other bid documents (541) 383-4885, may be inspect- ahenson@bendore- ed and obtained gon.gov. Send writ- from the Deschutes ten testimony to staff County Bids and contact or the City of RFPs website at Bend, c/o CDD, 726 h tt p : / / w w w. d e - NW Wall St. 97703, schutes.org/rfps. In- or attend the virtu- al public hearing. quiries pertaining to these specifications Attendance instruc- shall be directed to tions will be at http:// Cody Smith, County www.bendoregon. Engineer, in writing gov/councilagenda at Cody.Smith@de- at least 7 days prior schutes.org or the to the hearing. address above. 1000 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS DESCHUTES COUN- TY DEPARTMENT OF SOLID WASTE KNOTT LANDFILL CELL 9 ENGINEER- ING & CONSTRUC- TION MANAGE- MENT SERVICES The Deschutes Coun- ty Department of Solid Waste is re- questing proposals to provide engineer- ing services for the preparation of de- sign, regulatory, and bid documents and for furnishing con- struction manage- ment services for the implementation of Cell 9 at Knott Land- fill in Bend, Oregon. In general, the ser- vices to be provided include: •Development and preparation of de- sign documents, construction quality assurance plans, construction plans and specifications, and construction certification reports. •Providing assistance during the bidding phase of the con- struction project. •Providing project management ser- vices during Cell 9 construction ( p re - c o n s t r u c t i o n and progress meet- ings coordination, construction moni- toring, construction quality assurance/ quality control and testing services, submittal review and approval, change order review and approval, and coor- dination of project close out, etc.). The Request for Pro- posal may be ob- tained or examined at the Deschutes County Department of Solid Waste of- fices at the address listed below or viewed at https:// www.deschutes.org/ rfps. IMPORTANT: Pro- spective propos- ers downloading/ accessing web- site-posted specifi- cations and other bid documents MUST complete and submit the Contact Informa- tion Form provided on the website, to re- ceive follow up doc- uments (addenda, clarifications, etc). Failure to provide contact information will result in propos- er disqualification. Proposers must sub- mit five proposal copies by 4:00 p.m. on Friday, June 4, 2021 at the De- schutes County Solid Waste Depart- ment, 61050 S.E. 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97702. Pro- posals should be addressed to Chad Centola, Operations Manager. Proposals may be submitted in person or by mail and must be re- ceived by the Solid Waste Department by the due date and time specified above. E-mail or facsimile proposals will not be accepted. This is not a con- tract offer and with this solicitation, the proposer assumes any liability for the costs incurred in the preparation and transmittal of pro- posals in response to the solicitation. Contract award is contingent on the approval of the County’s fiscal year 2021/22 budget by the Deschutes County Board of County Commis- sioners. Award of this project will be based on cri- teria as described in the Request for Proposals and in- cludes, but is not limited to experience and qualifications in municipal solid waste landfill design and construction including document preparation for bid- ing and construction, construction quality assurance/qualit y control and regulato- ry agency document preparation and cer- tification. Questions regarding this solicitation can be directed to: Chad Centola, Opera- tions Manager Deschutes County Solid Waste Depart- ment 61050 SE 27th Street Bend, Oregon 97701 Phone:(541) 322-7172 Fax: (541) 317-3959 Email: chadc@de- schutes.org THE BEND BULLE- TIN: Wednesday, May 5 and Friday, May 7, 2021 DAILY JOURNAL OF COMMERCE: Wednesday, May 5 and Friday, May 7, 2021 Legal Notice NOTICE OF SUPPLE- MENTAL BUDGET HEARING • For supplemental budgets proposing a change in any fund’s expenditures by more than 10 per- cent. A public hearing on a proposed supple- mental budget for Deschutes Public Li- TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED • 541-385-5809 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Deschutes Public Li- brary for the current fiscal year will be held at https://zoom. us/j/98807727095. The hearing will take place on May 12 at 12:10 p.m. The pur- pose of the hearing is to discuss the supplemental bud- get with interested persons. A copy of the supplemental budget document may be inspected or obtained on or after May 5 at 507 NW Wall Street, Bend OR, between the hours of 8 a.m. to Noon and 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. SUMMARY OF PRO- POSED BUDGET CHANGES AMOUNTS SHOWN ARE REVISED TOTALS IN THOSE FUNDS BEING MODIFIED FUND: Bond Capital Projects Funds Resource 1) Proceeds of Bor- rowing Amount $224,421,000 Expenditure 1) Materials & Ser- vices Amount $ 987,000 Resource 2) ________________ Amount _________________ Expenditure 2) Capital Outlay Amount $222,807,280 Resource 3) _______________ Amount _________________ Expenditure 3) Transfers to Re- serve Fund Amount $ 626,720 Revised Total Fund Resources: $224,421,000 Re- vised Total Fund Requirements: $224,421,000 Explanation of change(s): To appropriate the pro- ceeds of borrowing related to Deschutes Public Library Bond Series 2021 FUND: Grants Fund Resource 1) Other Grants Amount $120,000 Expenditure 1) Materials & Ser- vices Amount $398,482 Resource 2) State and Federal Grants Amount $278,482 Expenditure 2) _______________ Amount _________________ Revised Total Fund Resources: $398,482 Revised Total Fund Require- ments: $398,482 Explanation of change(s): Deschutes Public Li- brary (DPL) received grants mid-fiscal year from the Insti- tute for Museum and Library Services for $120,000 in collab- oration with High Desert Museum. In addition, DPL was awarded Coronavi- rus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (Cares Act) not to exceed $278,482. 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Successor By Merger to Wells Far- go Bank Minnesota, National Association as Trustee for First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 2002- FF4 Asset Backed Certificates, Series 2002-FF4,Plaintiff/s, v. Juvenal Castane- da-Salinas; Angel Noble; Crecencia Ortegal; State of Or- egon, Department of Human Resourc- es; State of Oregon, Division of Child Support; Vista Ridge Homeowners’ Asso- ciation, Inc.; and Per- sons or Parties Un- known Claiming Any Right, Title, Lien, or Interest in the Prop- erty Described in the Complaint Herein, Defendant/s. Case No.: 15CV0074FC NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EX- ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Of- fice will, on Thurs- day, May 27, 2021 at 10:00 AM, in the main lobby of the Deschutes Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the high- est bidder, for cash or cashier’s check, the real property commonly known as 63329 Brody Ln, Bend, Oregon 97701. Conditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 min- utes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office to re- view bidder’s funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier’s checks made pay- able to Deschutes County Sheriff’s Of- fice will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immedi- ately upon the close of the sale. For more information on this sale go to: http://oregonsheriffs- sales.org/ Legal Notice NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS Vicki L. Montgomery Howard has been appointed Person- al Representative (PR) of the estate of Marilyn Ann Montgomery, de- ceased, by the Cir- cuit Court, State of Oregon, Deschutes County, Case No. 21PB02971. All per- sons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the PR at 204 SE Miller Ave, Bend, OR 97702, within four months after the date of April 21, 2021, the first publi- cation of this notice, or the claim may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the records of the court, the PR, or the lawyer for the PR, Patricia Nelson. Legal Notice NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS Sue E. Price has been appointed Personal Represen- tative (PR) of the PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD estate of Marian ONLINE AT BENDBULLETIN.COM Lee Bertotti, de- ceased, by the Cir- Legal Notice cuit Court, State of WELLS FARGO Oregon, Deschutes BANK, N.A., its County, Case No. successors in inter- 21PB03026. All est and/or assigns, persons having Plaintiff/s, v. claims against the TIMOTHY J. UN- estate are required DERWOOD AKA to present them, with TIMOTHY JAY UN- vouchers attached, DERWOOD; PAME- to the PR at 204 SE LA UNDERWOOD; Miller Ave, Bend, TILLICUM VILLAGE OR 97702, within HOMEOWNERS four months after A S S O C I AT I O N ; the date of April 21, AND OCCUPANTS 2021, the first publi- OF THE PREMIS- cation of this notice, ES, Defendant/s. or the claim may be Case No.: barred. Additional 14CV0913FC information may be NOTICE OF SALE obtained from the UNDER WRIT OF EX- records of the court, ECUTION - REAL the PR, or the lawyer PROPERTY for the PR, Patricia Notice is hereby given Nelson. that the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Of- fice will, on Thurs- Legal Notice day, May 27, 2021 TRUSTEE’S NOTICE at 10:00 AM, in the OF SALE TS No.: main lobby of the 089065-OR Loan Deschutes Coun- No.: ***6338 Refer- ty Sheriff’s Office, ence is made to that 63333 W. Highway certain trust deed 20, Bend, Oregon, (the “Deed of Trust”) sell, at public oral executed by JAMES auction to the high- F. HOWARD AND est bidder, for cash KAREN J. HOW- or cashier’s check, ARD, AS TENANTS the real property BY THE ENTIRETY, commonly known as Grantor, to FIRST as 20393 Ahha AMERICAN TITLE Lane, Bend, Oregon INSURANCE COM- 97702. PANY OF OREGON, Conditions of Sale: as Trustee, in favor Potential bidders of ACCEPTANCE must arrive 15 min- CAPITAL MORT- utes prior to the GAGE CORPORA- auction to allow the TION, as Beneficia- Deschutes County ry, dated 4/18/2008, Sheriff’s Office to re- recorded 4/23/2008, view bidder’s funds. as Instrument No. Only U.S. currency 2008-17851, in the and/or cashier’s Official Records of checks made pay- Deschutes Coun- able to Deschutes ty, Oregon, which County Sheriff’s Of- covers the following fice will be accepted. described real prop- Payment must be erty situated in De- made in full immedi- schutes County, Or- ately upon the close egon: Lot 38, Block of the sale. 2, Cimarron City, For more information recorded November on this sale go to: 26, 1978, in Cabinet http://oregonsheriffs- A, Page 179, De- sales.org/ schutes County, Or- egon. APN: 111747 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices egon. APN: 111747 // 171316C004700 Commonly known as: 22862 RODEO COURT BEND, OR 97701 The cur- rent beneficiary is: BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON TRUST COMPANY, N.A. AS TRUSTEE FOR MORTGAGE ASSETS MANAGE- MENT SERIES I TRUST Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the above-de- scribed real property to satisfy the obliga- tions secured by the Deed of Trust and notice has been re- corded pursuant to ORS 86.752(3). The default for which the foreclosure is made is due to the failure of the borrower to maintain the proper- ty as their principle residence. TOTAL REQUIRED TO PAY- OFF: $294,939.49 By reason of the de- fault, the beneficia- ry has declared all obligations secured by the Deed of Trust immediately due and payable, including: the principal sum of $248,918.13 to- gether with interest thereon at the rate of 1.6 % per annum, from 6/11/2019 until paid, plus all ac- crued late charges, and all trustee’s fees, foreclosure costs, and any sums ad- vanced by the ben- eficiary pursuant to the terms and con- ditions of the Deed of Trust Whereof, no- tice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, CLEAR RE- CON CORP, whose address is 111 SW Columbia Street #950, Portland, OR 97201, will on 8/17/2021, at the hour of 11:00 AM, standard time, as established by ORS 187.110, AT THE BOND STREET EN- TRANCE STEPS TO THE DESCHUTES COUNTY COURT- HOUSE, 1100 NW BOND ST., BEND, OR 97701, sell at public auction to the highest bidder in the form of cash equivalent (certified funds or cashier’s check) the interest in the above-described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time it exe- cuted the Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in inter- est acquired after the execution of the Deed of Trust, to sat- isfy the foregoing ob- ligations thereby se- cured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a rea- sonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.778 has the right to have the foreclosure proceed- ing dismissed and the Deed of Trust re- instated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than the portion of prin- cipal that would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee’s and attorneys’ fees, and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tender- ing the performance required under the Deed of Trust at any time not later than five days before the date last set for sale. Without limiting the trustee’s disclaimer of representations or warranties, Ore- gon law requires the trustee to state in trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufac- turing methamphet- amines, the chem- ical components of which are known to be toxic. Prospec- tive purchasers of residential property should be aware of this potential dan- ger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. In construing this no- tice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word “grantor” in- cludes any succes- sor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Deed of Trust, the words “trustee” and ‘beneficiary” in- clude their respec- tive successors in in- terest, if any. Dated: 3/31/2021 CLEAR RECON CORP 111 SW Columbia Street #950 Portland, OR 97201 Phone: 858- 750-7600 866-931- 0036 Hamsa Uchi, Authorized Signato- ry of Trustee Trust Deed shall be sold at public auc- tion to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy the obliga- tions secured by the Trust Deed and the expenses of sale, in- cluding the compen- sation of the trustee as provided by law, and the reasonable fees of trustee’s at- torneys. The default for which the foreclo- sure is made is: The monthly installment of principal and in- terest which became due on 5/1/2010, late charges, and all subsequent monthly installments of prin- cipal and interest. You are responsible to pay all payments and charges due under the terms and conditions of the loan documents which come due subsequent to the date of this notice, including, but not limited to, foreclo- sure trustee fees and costs, advanc- es and late charges. Furthermore, as a condition to bring your account in good standing, you must provide the under- signed with written proof that you are not in default on any senior encumbrance and provide proof of insurance. Nothing in this notice should be construed as a waiver of any fees owing to the benefi- ciary under the deed of trust, pursuant to the terms and pro- visions of the loan documents. The amount required to cure the default in payments to date is calculated as follows as of 4/30/2021: From: 5/1/2010 To- tal of past due pay- ments: $118,299.72 Late Charges: $4,732.20 Additional charges (Taxes, In- surance, Corporate Advances, Other Fees): $32,434.63 Trustee’s Fees and Costs: $1,725.50 Total necessary to cure: $157,192.05 Please note the amounts stated herein are subject to confirmation and review and are likely to change during the next 30 days. Please contact the suc- cessor trustee ZBS Law, LLP fka Zieve, Brodnax and Steele, LLP, to obtain a “re- instatement” and or “payoff” quote prior to remitting funds. By reason of said default the benefi- ciary has declared all sums owing on the obligation se- cured by the Trust Deed due and pay- able. The amount re- quired to discharge this lien in its entirety as of 4/30/2021 is: $275,565.12 Said sale shall be held at the hour of 11:00 AM on 8/27/2021 in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, and pursuant to ORS 86.771(7) shall oc- cur at the following designated place: At the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond Street, Bend, OR 97701 Other than as shown of record, neither the said ben- eficiary nor the said trustee have any actual notice of any person having or claiming to have any lien upon or interest in the real property hereinabove de- scribed subsequent to the interest of the trustee in the Trust Deed, or of any suc- cessor(s) in interest to the grantors or of any lessee or other person in posses- person in posses- sion of or occupying the property, ex- cept: NONE Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.778 has the right, at any time prior to five days be- fore the date last set for sale, to have this foreclosure proceed- ing dismissed and the Trust Deed rein- stated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default com- plained of herein that is capable of be- ing cured by tender- ing the performance required under the obligation(s) of the Trust Deed, and in addition to paying said sums or ten- dering the perfor- mance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, togeth- er with the trustee’s and attorney’s fees not exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.778. The mailing address of the trustee is: ZBS Law, LLP fka Zieve, Brodnax and Steele, LLP 5 Centerpointe Dr., Suite 400 Lake Oswego, OR 97035 (503) 946-6558 In construing this no- tice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word “grantor” in- cludes any succes- sor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, the words “trustee” and “beneficiary” include their respective suc- cessors in interest, if any. Without lim- iting the trustee’s disclaimer of repre- sentations or war- ranties, Oregon law requires the trustee to state in this notice that some residen- tial property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing meth- amphetamines, the chemical compo- nents of which are known to be toxic. Prospective pur- chasers of residen- tial property should be aware of this po- tential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. Dated: 04/15/2021 ZBS Law, LLPS fka Zieve, Brodnax and Steele, LLP By: Jef- frey A. Myers, Esq., OSB#094561 ZBS Law, LLPS fka Zieve, Brodnax and Steele, LLP Authorized to sign on behalf of the trustee A-4731111 05/05/2021, 05/12/2021, 05/19/2021, 05/26/2021 Legal Notice TRUSTEE’S NOTICE OF SALE TS NO.: 18-53893 Reference is made to that cer- tain Deed of Trust (hereinafter referred as the Trust Deed) made by JORDAN C. THALE AND ASHLEIGH N. WIS- HON as Grantor to AMERITITLE, as trustee, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Sys- tems, Inc. (“MERS), as designated nom- inee for Taylor, Bean and Whitaker Mort- gage Corp., bene- ficiary of the secu- rity instrument, its successors and as- signs, as Beneficia- ry, dated 10/2/2008, recorded 10/3/2008, as Instrument No. 2008-40658, in mortgage records of Deschutes Coun- ty, Oregon covering the following de- scribed real prop- erty situated in said County and State, to-wit: LOT ONE HUNDRED TWO (102), HUNTING- TON MEADOWS PHASES 5 AND 6, DESCHUTES COUNTY, ORE- GON. The street ad- dress or other com- mon designation, if any for the real property described above is purported to be: 16472 RILEY DRIVE LA PINE, OREGON 97739 The Tax Assessor’s Account ID for the Real Property is purported to be: 22- 10 - 14 - C C - 0 3 4 5 1 / 251668 Both the beneficiary and the trustee, ZBS Law, LLP fka Zieve, Brod- nax and Steele, LLP have elected to foreclose the above referenced Trust Deed and sell the said real property to satisfy the obli- gations secured by the Trust Deed and a Notice of Default and Election to Sell has been recorded pursuant to ORS 86.752(3). All right, title, and interest in the said described property which the grantors had, or had power to convey, at the time of execution of the Trust Deed, together with any interest the grantors or their successors in interest acquired after execution of the Trust Deed shall be CHECK YOUR AD on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Spellcheck and human errors do occur. Contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 Bulletin Classifieds PLAY FOR FREE ONLINE CROSSWORD • SUDOKU WORD SEARCH www.bendbulletin.com/puzzles