The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, May 02, 2021, Page 23, Image 23

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    The BulleTin • Sunday, May 2, 2021 C7
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Elks to sponsor baseball team in 1946
Compiled by the Deschutes
County Historical Society from
the archived copies of The
Bulletin at the Deschutes Histor-
ical Museum
For the week ending
May 1, 1921
Bend teacher paid highest
The highest single salary
for a high school teacher in a
district of the first class in Or-
egon is paid in Bend, accord-
ing to a report just issued by
the State Teachers’ association.
The yearly salary in question
amounts to $2022.50, and is
paid in accordance with the se-
niority rule. Corvallis stands
second and Pendleton is third.
Bend does not, however,
rank the highest in the state for
salaries in any other depart-
ment, Pendleton taking the
lead, outside of Portland. Bend
ranks about average. City su-
perintendents are paid from
$2300 to $3600, high school
principals $1600 to $3000,
grade principals from $1200
to $1680, high school teachers
$1170 to $2022.50, elementary
teachers $972-$1800, according
to the report.
Red coloring for paving
“Why not red pavement?”
Asked A.H Horn, president
of the Bend Brick Co., today.
While there is some objec-
tion to the plan for making the
streets snow-white, announced
by C.S. Reed, president of the
Willite company, distinction
in the coloring of Bend streets
should not be entirely aban-
doned. Mr. Horn urges. The
color he advises is along the
line of suggestions recently
made in the columns of The
Oxide of iron is to be had
in sufficient quantities at the
brickyard, says Mr. Horn, and
would cost less than the freight
on marble dust from Califor-
nia. It would give a dull, red-
dish tinge to the asphalt, which
would be attractive and at the
same time would not be injuri-
ous to the eyes, he declared.
Better Baby week planned
A Better Baby week confer-
ence will be conducted in Bend
from May 18 to 19, under the
direction of the child welfare
committee of the Women’s
Civic league, assisted by Miss
Julia D. Clock, county nurse.
Meetings will be held in the city
rest room.
On each of the four days,
from 10 to 12 o’clock in the
forenoon and from 1 to 4
o’clock p.m., a corps of doctors
and nurses will conduct, free of
charge, physical examinations
of children under six years of
age. Helpful suggestions will
be given in the general care of
children of this age, and in-
formation concerning specific
cases will also be given without
The committee is planning
the clinic for the benefit of
all mothers in Bend and De-
schutes county, and has ex-
pressed the hope that the date
will be kept in mind and that
as many as possible will bring
their babies to the conference.
Merchants of Bend will co-
operate with an exhibit in the
rest room window of articles
appropriate to the subject.
Patent is granted for
safety device
G.J. Sell, chief engineer for
the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber
Co., has received word that a
patent has been granted on his
automatic engine stop, which
has been in use in the local mill
plant for four years.
The device invented by Mr.
Sell has received considerable
notice in mechanical journals,
and a number of manufactur-
ing and insurance firms have
taken an interest in the mat-
ter. The automatic stop serves
a double purpose, in that it
guards against engine racing
and prevents governor acci-
dents. Three essential features
of this device are that it is so
sensitive that it may be put in
operation by a snap of the fin-
gers: that it is always free to act,
no part being inside a steam
pipe, and that it is entirely au-
tomatic, and may be arranged
to be operated electrically from
any point in the plant or away
from it, if desired.
For the week ending
May 1, 1946
Elks to sponsor Bend ball team
Bend will have a baseball
team this year and it will be
sponsored by the Elks, just as in
former years when local teams
won renown on state circuit di-
Ready for play with the se-
nior Bend team will be one
of the strongest outfits ever
to represent this city, even in
Mid-Columbia league and Or-
egon State league days. With
four first string pitchers, Paul
Gehrman, Bob Houtchens, Jim
Farmer and Harold Barfknecht
ready for action. For catchers,
Wally Kramer and Les McCon-
nell will be on deck.
Other Elks “Rarin’ to go” are
Bill Hatch, Jim Byers, Bill Byers,
Frank Donahue, Ted Myers,
Muriel Nehl, Jack Gordon, Cliff
Piland, Bob Douglass, Claude
Gant, Sam Blucher, Elmer
Brown, Ned Douglass, Don
Ackley, Willard Ferneau, Pete
Rold, Pershing Andrews and
Chuck Curry.
The team has its equipment
and is ready to go — with one
exception: A diamond is still
lacking, but the squad has the
assurance of the city that one
will be put in shape soon.
Madras to get army airport
This county seat of Jeffer-
son county has been awarded
an airport by the federal gov-
ernment, according to a tele-
gram received here today by
Nestor Seaman, city recorder
from Sen. Wayne Morse. Upon
the recommendation of a civil
aeronautic administration of-
ficial, a portion of the Madras
army air field, with appropriate
runways, buildings and other
facilities has been awarded to
Madras for use as a public air-
The big air field was built
during the war at a tremendous
cost for the use of bombers.
Suttle Lake Lodge is prom
The Sisters high school ju-
nior-senior banquet was held at
Suttle Lake lodge on Wednes-
day evening, April 24. After the
dinner, pinochle tables were
formed, and dancing was also
enjoyed by those who attended.
Upperclassmen present at
the festivities were the follow-
ing: Joyce Smith, Donald Ait-
ken, Leslie Morris, Ralph Mor-
ris, Lane Widmark and Charles
McGregor, juniors; Leona De-
maris Idell Snelgrove, M.G.
Snelgrove and Patricia Wilson,
Seniors. Invited guests were
Mr and Mrs. Peter Leithouser,
Mr and Mrs George Wakefield,
Mr and Mrs Lloyd Baker, Miss
Ann Haglund and Robert Wil-
liamson, Leithouser, Wakefield
and Baker are members of the
school board.
For the week ending
May 1, 1971
County museum to open
in Bend on Saturday
The Deschutes County Mu-
seum, on the corner of Har-
riman Street and Greenwood
Avenue in Bend, will be open
to the public starting Satur-
day. Hours will be from 1 to 5
p.m daily except Monday, with
evening hours available by ap-
Mrs. Edna Bronson will be
chairman of the hostess com-
mittee for the Saturday open-
ing. A number of members of
the Deschutes Pioneers Associ-
ation will be on hand to explain
the relics on display.
Persons interested in mak-
ing gifts or loans are asked to
call Mrs. Laura Wonser, secre-
tary of the Deschutes Pioneers
Association, or Mrs. Ivy Gro-
ver, museum curator. The as-
sociation, which has some 750
members, has been active in
developing the museum and
acquiring exhibits. The build-
ing was made available by De-
schutes County. Evening ap-
pointments may be made by
calling the caretakers, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Larson, at 382-
3375, or Mrs. Wonser day-time
at 382-2700. An official grand
opening will be held later in the
BLM resists ‘show of hands’
Bureau of Land Manage-
ment officials resisted attempts
at last night’s meeting here to
show support of, or opposition
to, the BLM’s recreation plans
for the Lower Deschutes.
The 96 miles of river bank ex-
tends from Warm Springs to the
Columbia River, with the BLM
controlling 45 per cent of it.
Chadwick McBurney, the
BLM official leading the meet-
ing, sidestepped several efforts
of a Portland fisherman to get
a “show of hands’ on the plan,
despite heavy applause at each
request. He said written com-
ments from individuals and
organizations would be more
Garvan Bucaria, a Redmond
teacher, drew strong applause
when he showed pictures of
congested development on the
upper river.
“The Upper Deschutes has
had enough development for
the whole river,” he said. “Why
work on the rest of it?”
Jim Ellen’s, The Dalles, gave
McBurney petitions, with 500
signatures, asking for no more
motor routes on the Deschutes.
John Wallen, president of the
Northwest Steelhead Council of
Trout Unlimited, was spokes-
man for its 4,000 members. He
asked for a two-year morato-
rium on development until it
can be determined “what the
people really want.”
Wallen said the BLM has not
correlated any plans with what
the Warm Springs tribes may
do on the other side of the river.
“We must conserve for the
longest period of time the over-
whelming beauty and resources
of one of the nations’ most fa-
mous fishing streams,” he said.
“We may learn the majority
favors preservation of pristine
conditions over put-and-take
A speaker for the Portland
Anglers Club said the plan
seems to be socially, rather than
environmentally, oriented. He
stressed the fragility of the des-
ert and said protection of the
land’s health should be the first
“What will you do if the
weight of testimony is over-
whelmingly opposed to your
plan?” Asked one young man.
McBurney said there probably
would be limited improvement
to provide sanitary facilities.
The Bureau’s timetable calls
for submission o the plan and
written comment to the state
director by July 1. He will for-
mulate an action plan by Oct.
1. McBurney urged every-
one to send a statement to the
Prineville BLM office.
For the week ending
May 1, 1996
Longtime police chief retires
Bend Police Chief Dave
Malkin will end his 17-year
tenure as the city’s top cop and
take the helm of a small de-
partment in Central California
next month, where he can bet-
ter care for his elderly parents.
Malkin 53, will leave the job
in mid-May and depart as one
of the longest-serving chiefs of
police in the state of Oregon.
He said the choice was not
an easy one.
“We will leave behind a lot
of friends and a great commu-
nity,” Malkin said. “We leave
with a lot of mixed feelings.
But we’re doing something we
have to do.”
Malkin said he and his fam-
ily made the decision for the
sake of his parents, who are
78 and 84 years old. With no
other family members to care
for them, Malkin has been
making more frequent trips
to California and decided the
time had come to move closer.
City Manager Larry Pat-
terson called Malkin an asset
to the city as well as a confi-
dant and friend. Patterson said
Malkin will be missed.
“I hate to see him pick up
sticks and leave. I have con-
sidered him not only a good
working partner but also a
friend,” Sheriff Darrell David-
son said.
As chief in Bend since 1979,
Malkin led the department
through a population boom
that saw the town go from a
small mill town to a regional
hub facing city-size crime
Headlines: GOP blocks
minimum-wage vote — Mary
Poppins creator dies in London
at 96 —Brooks & Dunn top
country entertainers —
President will allow timber
salvage rider law to expire —
Gunman kills 34 at tourist site
in Tasmania
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