INSIDE: DEAR ABBY, HOROSCOPE, PUZZLES & FEATURES THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, MAY 2, 2021 C1 B USINESS REPROCESSOR BOOM Medline ReNewal expands its Redmond location One of the surgical instrument that Medline Industries, Inc. remakes are trocars. BY SUZANNE ROIG • The Bulletin B usiness is so good for a Redmond manufacturer that repurposes medical devices that it is doubling its size while it keeps thousands of pounds of waste from going to the landfill and saving money for health care companies. Despite the pandemic and the cancellation of elective surger- ies over the past year as a way for hospitals to keep their beds available for COVID-19 patients, business has been strong for the privately held company, Medline ReNewal. Construction is underway now to double its manufacturing footprint. Last year, the company recycle d about 5.2 million devices from a list of more than 4,300 different items, cleans them, sorts them and sterilizes them to be repackaged for reuse. It’s a labor-intensive business that is on the upswing, said Frank Czajka, president of Medline ReNewal division. The Associa- tion of Medical Device Reprocessors said that it’s a $500 million industry with the potential to grow. In 2018, more than 8,000 hospitals and surgical centers in the United States, Canada and Europe partnered with commercial reprocessors. Beverly Wilson assembles a tissue sealing dissector at Medline Industries, Inc. in Redmond. Dean Guernsey/ The Bulletin See Medline / C2 MEDLINE REWAL » BY THE NUMBERS 5.2M 4,300 $500M 8,000 37M $545M Medical devices recycled, sterilized and sorted. Different types of items cleaned and repackaged. Value of industry for reprocessing medical devices. Hospitals and surgical centers that use this equipment. Equivalent in water bottles of waste diverted. Estimated amount saved by the medical industry.