A8 The BulleTin • Sunday, april 25, 2021 Armenian honor guards attend a memorial service at the monument to the victims of mass killings by Ottoman Turks to commemorate the 106th anniversary of the massacre in Yerevan, Armenia, on Saturday. WORLD BRIEFING Biden is first president to formally recognize atrocities against Armenians as genocide Biden followed through on a promise he made a year ago Saturday — the annual commemoration of Arme- nian Genocide Remembrance Day — to recognize that the events that began in 1915 were a deliberate effort to wipe out Armenians. An estimated 2 million Arme- nians were deported and 1.5 million were killed. “We do this not to cast blame but to ensure that what hap- pened is never repeated,” Biden said in a statement. The United States is formally recognizing that the systematic killing and deportation of hundreds of thousands of Armenians by Ottoman Empire forces in the early 20th century was “genocide” as President Joe Biden used that precise word that the White House has avoided for decades for fear of alienating ally Turkey. — Associated Press Grigor Yepremyan/PAN/AP MARKET RECAP MutualFunds For the week ending Friday, April 23, 2021 WK FUND NAV CHG AB LgCpGrAdv 90.28 +.50 AMG 23.83 -.06 YacktmanI Akre 61.32 +.67 FocInstl d American Century 50.83 -.02 GrInv UltraInv 81.86 -.11 American Funds 43.05 -.08 AMCpA m AmrcnBalA m 32.11 -.07 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.37 -.01 AmrcnMutA m 49.52 +.01 BdfAmrcA m 13.45 +.01 CptWldGrIncA m 64.42 -.04 CptlIncBldrA m 67.59 ... CptlWldBdA m 20.82 +.09 EuroPacGrA m 71.99 +.32 FdmtlInvsA m 76.44 -.31 GlbBalA m 38.99 -.02 GrfAmrcA m 72.97 -.38 IncAmrcA m 25.45 -.05 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.84 +.01 InvCAmrcA m 49.17 -.21 NewWldA m 92.62 +.67 NwPrspctvA m 65.28 +.03 SmCpWldA m 87.57 +.67 TheNewEcoA m 63.13 +.04 TxExBdA m 13.67 +.01 WAMtInvsA m 56.17 -.12 Angel Oak MltStratIncIns 10.39 +.01 Artisan IntlValueInstl 44.52 -.38 Baird AggrgateBdInstl 11.44 +.02 CorPlusBdInstl 11.82 +.01 ShrtTrmBdInstl 9.89 ... Baron EmMktsInstl 19.48 +.20 BlackRock EqDivInstl 23.32 -.01 GlbAllcIncInstl 22.87 +.04 GlbAllcIncInvA m 22.68 +.04 HYBdInstl 7.82 -.01 HYBdK 7.83 -.01 HthSciOpIns 82.81 +1.49 LowDurBdInstl 9.77 +.01 MidCpGrEqInstl 47.94 +.83 StrIncOpIns 10.36 -.01 StratMuOpIns 11.89 +.01 TtlRetInstl 11.91 +.01 Calamos MktNetrlIncIns 14.17 -.02 ClearBridge LgCpGrI 72.55 -.07 Cohen & Steers PrfrdScInc,IncI 14.40 +.02 Rltys 70.66 +1.32 Columbia 28.85 -.06 DivIncIns LgCpGrIns 61.28 +.02 SlgCmsInfoA m 121.88 -1.07 DFA EMktCorEqI 26.42 +.19 q %RETURN 1YR 3YR +51.1 +24.8 +57.2 +16.4 +40.4 +22.6 +54.6 +23.7 +67.9 +27.8 +47.6 +26.7 +24.4 +34.4 +2.3 +48.8 +27.8 +8.8 +57.8 +49.4 +29.1 +58.7 +31.0 +2.0 +45.4 +58.4 +62.9 +78.7 +56.3 +7.9 +43.4 +16.3 +11.3 +6.7 +12.1 +6.2 +11.6 +7.6 +4.0 +11.3 +14.7 +8.1 +20.8 +9.3 +4.4 +14.0 +13.5 +19.5 +20.4 +17.3 +5.0 +13.6 +11.1 +2.2 +63.6 +8.9 +2.0 +3.5 +3.3 +5.8 +6.1 +3.6 +64.1 +9.0 +50.8 +36.9 +36.6 +19.9 +20.0 +28.3 +5.4 +70.4 +12.0 +14.1 +4.8 +12.4 +11.4 +11.1 +6.4 +6.5 +19.4 +3.3 +27.3 +4.9 +3.9 +5.9 +9.4 +4.6 +51.6 +21.1 +16.7 +7.2 +42.6 +16.1 +40.8 +14.7 +57.5 +23.9 +93.7 +32.2 +62.1 +6.6 DOW 34,043.49 -157.18 EmMktsInstl 35.20 EmMktsValInstl 32.15 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.91 GlbEqInstl 31.15 GlbRlEsttSec 12.11 InflProtSecIns 13.17 IntlCorEqIns 16.09 IntlSmCoInstl 22.52 IntlSmCpValIns 21.48 IntlValInstl 19.19 ItmGovtFIIns 12.88 LgCpIntlInstl 27.18 OneYearFIInstl 10.30 RlEsttSecInstl 43.27 ShTrmExQtyI 10.99 TAUSCorEq2Instl 26.34 TMdUSTrgtedVal 44.96 USCorEq1Instl 33.81 USCorEqIIInstl 31.07 USLgCo 31.36 USLgCpValInstl 44.19 USMicroCpInstl 28.35 USSmCpInstl 46.86 USSmCpValInstl 44.62 USTrgtedValIns 30.29 Davis NYVentureA m 36.88 Delaware Inv ValInstl 24.10 Diamond Hill LgCpI 35.09 Dodge & Cox Bal 113.06 GlbStk 15.31 Inc 14.27 IntlStk 47.67 Stk 229.40 DoubleLine CorFII 11.12 LowDurBdI 9.99 TtlRetBdI 10.56 Eaton Vance AtlntCptSMIDCI 43.22 Edgewood GrInstl 56.96 FPA Crescent d 40.75 NewInc 10.02 Federated InsHYBdIns 9.97 TtlRetBdInstl 11.33 UltraShrtBdIns 9.22 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 145.11 AsstMgr20% 14.62 AsstMgr50% 21.77 AsstMgr70% 27.90 BCGrowth 178.61 BCGrowth 18.47 BCGrowthK 179.20 Balanced 30.59 BalancedK 30.59 Cap&Inc 11.23 CmdtyStrat 5.19 Contrafund 17.84 ContrafundK 17.89 CptlApprec 46.26 DivGro 35.35 DiversIntl 49.94 EmMkts 47.94 EmergMketsOpps 26.31 EqIncome 69.12 ExMktIdxInPr 88.75 p +.23 +58.5 +.31 +59.1 ... +1.2 +.04 +63.3 +.16 +39.1 +.01 +6.8 -.05 +58.3 ... +64.7 -.08 +62.0 -.26 +62.0 +.02 -3.6 -.06 +50.7 ... +0.2 +.84 +37.4 ... +2.3 +.04 +66.2 +.05 +103.0 +.02 +63.3 +.05 +67.2 -.04 +52.0 +.03 +61.0 +.03 +95.5 +.12 +93.6 -.09 +110.4 ... +111.0 +7.0 +2.9 +2.7 +12.9 +10.6 +6.6 +5.8 +6.3 +1.5 +1.3 +5.4 +7.0 +1.6 +14.5 +2.9 +15.8 +9.7 +16.6 +15.9 +18.3 +9.4 +11.4 +12.5 +9.8 +10.9 -.17 +68.0 +14.3 -.18 +40.8 +8.2 +.08 +60.1 +15.6 +.26 -.09 +.02 -.62 +.44 +.01 +.01 +.02 +45.7 +11.7 +68.1 +9.9 +5.5 +6.2 +57.6 +3.9 +69.5 +14.1 +6.1 +6.5 +3.7 +4.6 +2.9 +4.1 +.45 +66.8 +16.6 +.13 +60.2 +25.4 -.06 +55.8 +12.1 ... +3.5 +2.9 -.01 +17.8 +.01 +5.4 ... +3.8 -.16 +.03 +.04 +.05 -.64 -.01 -.64 -.03 -.03 -.03 +.11 -.07 -.06 -.01 -.08 +.09 +.17 +.16 ... +.53 +51.9 +12.9 +29.9 +41.5 +84.9 +87.6 +85.0 +44.7 +44.8 +35.1 +44.8 +51.5 +51.7 +63.5 +58.9 +47.3 +61.1 +64.1 +46.0 +92.2 +6.4 +6.3 +2.6 +18.3 +6.4 +10.4 +12.3 +31.9 +33.9 +32.0 +16.3 +16.4 +9.3 +0.8 +20.4 +20.5 +20.5 +12.2 +11.3 +15.6 +12.7 +13.6 +19.3 FourinOneIdx 59.83 +.03 +46.1 Frdm 2020 18.01 +.03 +31.0 Frdm 2025 16.33 +.02 +34.9 Frdm 2030 20.57 +.03 +40.1 Frdm 2035 18.02 +.02 +49.6 Frdm 2040 12.94 +.01 +55.5 Frdm 2045 14.81 +.01 +55.5 GlbexUSIdxInsPr 15.68 +.03 +50.4 GlobalexUSIdx 15.43 +.03 +50.3 GroCo 35.89 -.11 +81.9 GroCo 24.93 -.08 +83.4 GroCoK 35.99 -.11 +82.0 Growth&Inc 50.56 -.12 +55.3 IntlDiscv 57.10 -.26 +57.0 IntlGr 19.08 +.13 +47.2 IntlIdxInstlPrm 49.17 +.01 +48.0 IntlVal 11.18 -.10 +59.4 InvmGradeBd 11.63 +.01 +4.6 InvmGradeBd 8.35 +.01 +3.0 LargeCapValIdx 15.21 +.01 +51.8 LowPrStk 57.38 -.01 +67.8 Magellan 14.05 -.01 +46.8 MidCapStock 44.34 +.09 +75.9 NasdCmpIdx 176.26 -.44 +66.1 OTCPortfolio 19.26 -.10 +69.0 OTCPortfolioK 19.61 -.11 +69.1 Overseas 64.15 +.16 +49.5 Puritan 28.18 -.08 +38.1 SmCpOpps 18.42 +.14 +77.0 StkSelorAllCp 63.61 +.02 +61.2 TotalBond 11.06 +.01 +5.3 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 120.48 +.02 +58.1 USBdIdxInsPrm 12.07 +.02 -0.4 Value 14.85 +.02 +103.2 Fidelity Advisor GrowthOppsI 168.75 -.37 +89.7 NewInsA m 38.84 -.19 +49.8 NewInsI 40.09 -.20 +50.1 StgInc 12.80 -.01 +15.7 TotalBondI 11.04 +.01 +5.1 Fidelity Select Biotechnology 22.11 +.32 +33.4 HealthCare 32.88 +.56 +32.9 MedTech&Devcs 78.08 +1.76 +51.3 Semicon 17.72 -.38 +89.9 Swre&ITSvcs 29.12 -.04 +62.5 Technology 27.41 -.10 +83.6 First Eagle GlbA m 66.16 -.22 +35.9 Franklin Templeton CATxFrIncA1 m 7.80 ... +8.2 DynaTechA m 147.70 +.10 +65.7 DynaTechR6 155.02 +.11 +66.3 FdrTFIncA1 m 12.33 +.01 +8.2 GlbBdAdv 9.40 +.01 -1.3 Gr,IncA m 25.52 -.03 +41.3 GrA m 147.17 +.77 +55.7 IncA1 m 2.48 ... +31.0 IncAdv 2.46 ... +31.4 IncC m 2.52 ... +30.3 RisingDivsA m 87.85 +.73 +48.7 GE RSPUSEq 74.30 -.01 +54.4 Harbor CptlApprecInstl 108.36 -1.12 +64.8 Harding Loevner IntlEqInstl 29.75 +.07 +49.8 INVESCO ComStkA m 28.75 -.09 +64.7 DevMktsY 56.24 +.28 +53.9 EqandIncA m 12.13 ... +45.5 GlbA m 123.80 +.44 +63.7 HYMuniA m 10.36 ... +16.5 NYSE 16,206.00 +19.71 q +13.8 +10.2 +10.9 +11.7 +13.0 +13.9 +13.9 +7.5 +7.5 +31.6 +32.9 +31.7 +14.6 +11.4 +15.6 +6.9 +5.0 +6.5 +6.3 +11.9 +12.8 +18.3 +15.5 +26.3 +27.6 +27.7 +10.8 +14.6 +15.9 +18.1 +6.1 +18.5 +5.3 +14.8 +41.3 +16.7 +17.0 +5.7 +6.1 +16.0 +20.5 +26.3 +33.0 +28.8 +31.8 +8.8 +5.7 +29.1 +29.6 +5.1 -1.8 +3.9 +20.5 +8.0 +8.2 +7.5 +16.7 +20.6 +26.0 +9.6 +8.9 +10.1 +10.0 +15.6 +6.1 MnStrA m 60.18 -.08 +48.1 RisingDivsA m 25.00 +.04 +46.0 RisingDivsC m 20.58 +.03 +44.9 Ivy SciAndTechA m 96.87 -.70 +62.9 JPMorgan CPBondR6 8.55 +.01 +3.9 CoreBondI 11.99 +.02 +1.8 CoreBondR6 12.01 +.02 +2.1 EqIncI 22.30 +.11 +46.3 LCapGrI 64.28 -.04 +67.0 MCapValL 44.72 +.30 +67.6 Janus Henderson BalancedT 43.28 -.03 +29.9 EnterpriseT 171.63 +1.16 +61.1 John Hancock BdI 16.35 +.02 +5.5 BdR6 16.37 +.01 +5.6 DiscpValMCI 27.58 +.08 +69.2 IntlGrI 40.04 +.29 +54.6 MltMgLsBlA b 16.33 +.01 +38.1 MltmgrLsGr1 b 17.31 +.01 +49.5 Lazard GlbLtdInfrsIns 15.50 +.07 +17.5 Loomis Sayles BdInstl 13.50 +.03 +14.0 GrY 25.08 -.25 +48.2 Lord Abbett BdDebA m 8.47 -.01 +20.0 BdDebF b 8.46 -.01 +20.2 ShrtDurIncA m 4.21 ... +7.3 ShrtDurIncF b 4.21 ... +7.4 ShrtDurIncI 4.20 ... +7.2 MFS GrA m 162.91 -.05 +47.9 GrI 175.18 -.05 +48.2 InstlIntlEq 32.48 +.05 +44.5 ValA m 50.52 +.17 +44.4 ValI 50.83 +.18 +44.7 MassMutual SelectMdCpGrI 30.82 +.27 +62.4 Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI 10.92 +.01 +2.2 TtlRetBdM b 10.93 +.02 +2.1 TtlRetBdPlan 10.24 +.01 +2.4 Morgan Stanley InsInGrI 96.98 -.66 +103.0 Northern StkIdx 46.79 -.05 +51.8 Nuveen HYMuniBdA m 18.10 +.01 +19.8 HYMuniBdI 18.10 +.01 +20.0 IntermDrMnBdI 9.66 ... +7.4 LtdTrmMnBdI 11.33 ... +5.1 Oakmark EqAndIncInv 34.95 +.14 +52.2 IntlInv 29.24 -.40 +83.8 Inv 107.80 -.08 +79.0 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCpStrat 19.92 +.17 +64.2 LgCpStrats 18.61 +.02 +47.7 PGIM Investments HighYieldZ 5.56 -.01 +21.5 TtlRetBdZ 14.50 +.02 +4.9 PIMCO AlAstInstl 13.10 +.04 +36.8 HYInstl 9.03 -.02 +15.3 IBdUSDHI 10.91 ... +5.9 IncA m 12.06 ... +13.1 IncC m 12.06 ... +12.3 IncI2 12.06 ... +13.4 IncInstl 12.06 ... +13.5 InvtGrdCdtBdI b 10.87 +.01 +6.3 NASDAQ 14,016.81 -35.53 q +17.0 +14.7 +13.8 +26.9 +5.8 +5.6 +5.8 +13.0 +29.5 +11.3 +13.7 +18.8 +6.2 +6.3 +11.3 +13.3 +11.0 +12.7 +7.2 +3.5 +22.2 +6.4 +6.5 +3.5 +3.6 +3.7 +23.3 +23.6 +10.5 +12.0 +12.3 +19.3 +6.1 +5.9 +6.2 +39.6 +18.2 +7.1 +7.3 +4.9 +3.8 +10.6 +3.4 +13.4 +12.6 +12.7 +7.4 +5.7 +7.8 +6.2 +4.6 +4.9 +4.1 +5.2 +5.3 +6.4 InvtGrdCdtBdI-2 10.87 +.01 RlRetInstl 12.17 ... ShrtTrmIns 9.84 ... TtlRetA m 10.32 +.01 TtlRetIns 10.32 +.01 PRIMECAP Odyssey AgrsGr 58.84 +.36 Gr 48.45 +.04 Stk 41.00 -.13 Parnassus CorEqInv 60.31 +.01 Pioneer A m 38.77 -.06 Putnam GrOppsA m 56.09 -.08 LrgCpValA m 30.01 -.16 Schwab FdmtlUSLgCIdx 21.59 -.02 IntlIdx 23.74 -.03 SP500Idx 64.19 -.07 Schwab1000Idx 93.08 -.03 SmCpIdx 39.33 +.16 TtlStkMktIdx 74.42 +.01 State Farm Gr 112.66 +.45 T. Rowe Price All-Cap Opps 75.88 +.59 BCGr 178.40 -.35 Comm&TeInv 192.52 -.59 CptlAprc 37.05 +.10 DivGr 66.21 +.52 EqIdx500 110.48 -.13 EqInc 36.45 -.04 GlbTech 29.71 +.14 GrStk 106.21 +.21 HlthSci 103.93 +2.13 InsLgCpCorGr 70.34 -.14 InsMdCpEqGr 78.92 +.78 InsSmCpStk 34.52 +.22 IntlDiscv 99.29 +.29 LrgCpGrI 68.03 +.20 MdCpGr 123.02 +1.19 MdCpVal 35.02 +.14 NewHorizons 86.91 +1.20 QMUSSmCpGrEq 51.87 +.15 Rtr2020 24.10 +.03 Rtr2025 20.70 +.02 Rtr2030 30.72 +.03 Rtr2035 23.16 +.03 Rtr2040 33.46 +.05 Rtr2045 23.23 +.04 Rtr2050 19.67 +.03 SciandTech 62.26 -.07 SmCpVal 61.25 +.09 SpectrumInc 13.09 +.01 TCW EMIncIns 8.21 ... TtlRetBdI 10.16 +.02 TIAA-CREF BdIdxIns 11.24 +.01 EqIdxIns 31.11 ... IntlEqIdxIns 22.89 -.02 LgCpGrIdxIns 53.48 -.10 LgCpValIdxIns 23.50 +.01 Thornburg LtdTrmIncI 13.86 ... Tweedy, Browne GlbVal 30.36 ... VALIC Co I StkIdx 52.29 -.06 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 386.10 -.44 BalIdxAdmrl 46.65 +.04 S&P 500 4,180.17 -5.30 +6.2 +7.7 +3.7 +2.3 +2.7 +6.3 +6.4 +2.2 +5.3 +5.6 +69.7 +14.3 +63.3 +14.1 +65.0 +14.7 +53.0 +20.9 +53.1 +21.2 +52.1 +25.5 +50.6 +13.0 +62.8 +48.0 +51.9 +55.5 +89.4 +58.0 +15.7 +6.9 +18.3 +18.7 +14.9 +18.5 +48.3 +17.5 +67.0 +51.9 +56.4 +37.4 +45.9 +51.7 +57.6 +88.8 +60.7 +39.5 +52.0 +61.2 +78.3 +75.8 +62.6 +59.9 +66.8 +71.2 +64.6 +33.1 +38.1 +43.0 +47.6 +51.8 +54.7 +54.7 +82.4 +83.3 +15.3 +27.4 +21.3 +27.3 +16.8 +17.5 +18.1 +11.2 +30.7 +22.5 +20.5 +21.4 +18.8 +21.0 +14.9 +24.7 +18.5 +11.0 +30.5 +17.3 +10.7 +11.6 +12.5 +13.3 +14.0 +14.5 +14.5 +28.3 +13.2 +5.7 +25.8 +0.6 +4.3 +5.4 -0.2 +5.2 +57.8 +18.6 +47.7 +6.9 +58.7 +25.2 +51.6 +11.8 +5.0 +4.8 +34.7 +5.1 +51.5 +17.9 +51.9 +18.3 +32.0 +13.6 p BalIdxIns 46.66 +.04 CAITTxExAdm 12.32 +.01 CptlOppAdmrl 200.31 +.09 CptlOppInv 86.75 +.04 DevMIdxAdmrl 16.45 -.04 DevMIdxIns 16.47 -.04 DivGrInv 35.98 +.11 EMStkIdxInAdm 44.25 +.45 EMStkIdxIns 33.65 +.35 EqIncAdmrl 89.26 +.02 EqIncInv 42.59 +.01 ExplorerAdmrl 134.75 +.95 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 140.34 +.83 ExtMktIdxIns 140.33 +.83 ExtMktIdxInsPls 346.31 +2.04 FAWexUSIAdmr 39.06 +.02 FAWexUSIIns 123.83 +.07 GNMAAdmrl 10.70 +.02 GNMAInv 10.70 +.02 GlbEqInv 41.65 -.01 GrIdxAdmrl 142.04 -.27 GrIdxIns 142.05 -.27 GrandIncAdmrl 105.31 -.27 GrandIncInv 64.51 -.16 HCAdmrl 93.62 +1.54 HCInv 222.01 +3.64 HYCorpAdmrl 5.96 +.01 HYTEAdmrl 12.06 +.01 ITIdxAdmrl 197.11 -.83 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 12.10 +.02 InTrInGdAdm 10.10 +.02 InTrTEAdmrl 14.84 ... InTrTrsAdmrl 11.43 +.01 InflPrtScAdmrl 28.17 +.05 InflPrtScIns 11.47 +.02 InsIdxIns 365.37 -.41 InsIdxInsPlus 365.38 -.41 InsTrgRt2020Ins 27.30 +.03 InsTtlSMIInPls 82.54 +.01 IntlGrAdmrl 169.73 +1.65 IntlGrInv 53.34 +.51 IntlValInv 43.70 -.28 LTInGrdAdm 10.83 +.04 LTTEAdmrl 12.24 +.01 LfStrCnsrGrInv 23.19 +.02 LfStrGrInv 43.36 +.02 LfStrIncInv 17.25 +.02 LfStrModGrInv 33.28 +.03 LgCpIdxAdmrl 98.58 -.11 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 11.26 ... MCpGrIdxAdm 98.37 +1.01 MCpVlIdxAdm 72.25 +.27 MdCpIdxAdmrl 287.87 +2.01 MdCpIdxIns 63.59 +.44 MdCpIdxInsPlus 313.63 +2.19 PrmCpAdmrl 174.86 -1.33 PrmCpCorInv 33.63 -.11 PrmCpInv 168.72 -1.28 RlEstIdxAdmrl 138.54 +2.38 RlEstIdxInstl 21.44 +.37 SCpGrIdxAdm 101.12 +.81 SCpValIdxAdm 73.70 +.42 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.79 +.01 STBdIdxIns 10.79 +.01 STBdIdxInsPlus 10.79 +.01 STFederalAdmrl 10.95 +.01 STInfPrScIdAdmr 25.94 ... STInfPrScIdIns 25.96 ... STInfPrScIdxInv 25.91 +.01 STInvmGrdAdmrl 10.96 +.01 STInvmGrdIns 10.96 +.01 STInvmGrdInv 10.96 +.01 STTEAdmrl 15.95 ... STTrsAdmrl 10.72 +.01 +32.1 +5.8 +64.9 +64.8 +52.2 +52.1 +39.1 +53.5 +53.6 +42.2 +42.1 +84.6 +92.2 +92.2 +92.2 +51.7 +51.7 +0.3 +0.2 +60.2 +60.9 +60.9 +53.5 +53.4 +19.6 +19.5 +14.8 +12.2 +69.4 +1.2 +5.2 +6.6 -0.9 +6.0 +6.0 +51.9 +51.9 +25.6 +58.1 +85.8 +85.6 +56.1 -0.9 +8.7 +20.1 +43.0 +9.8 +31.2 +54.1 +4.3 +63.2 +64.9 +64.3 +64.3 +64.4 +58.8 +60.8 +58.6 +40.3 +40.4 +75.8 +90.0 +1.4 +1.4 +1.4 +1.8 +6.5 +6.5 +6.4 +4.6 +4.6 +4.5 +2.2 +1.0 RUSSELL 2000 2,271.86 +9.19 +13.6 +4.8 +18.6 +18.6 +7.5 +7.5 +16.7 +8.0 +8.0 +12.1 +12.0 +21.4 +19.4 +19.4 +19.4 +7.7 +7.8 +4.1 +4.0 +16.0 +25.8 +25.8 +17.7 +17.6 +14.2 +14.2 +6.5 +6.4 +32.2 +6.5 +6.8 +5.1 +5.4 +6.1 +6.1 +18.3 +18.3 +9.6 +18.6 +23.7 +23.5 +6.7 +9.2 +6.1 +8.9 +12.5 +7.0 +10.7 +19.0 +3.3 +21.6 +10.7 +16.2 +16.2 +16.3 +17.8 +16.3 +17.8 +14.1 +14.1 +20.7 +11.5 +3.8 +3.8 +3.8 +3.6 +3.9 +3.9 +3.8 +4.3 +4.3 +4.1 +2.0 +3.2 SeledValInv 31.48 +.05 SmCpIdxAdmrl 106.83 +.72 SmCpIdxIns 106.83 +.72 SmCpIdxInsPlus 308.34 +2.08 StarInv 32.97 +.03 StrEqInv 43.34 +.16 TMCapApAdm 220.29 -.12 TMSmCpAdm 89.70 +.15 TrgtRtr2015Inv 16.11 +.02 TrgtRtr2020Inv 35.65 +.04 TrgtRtr2025Inv 22.62 +.02 TrgtRtr2030Inv 42.97 +.03 TrgtRtr2035Inv 26.98 +.02 TrgtRtr2040Inv 47.79 +.04 TrgtRtr2045Inv 30.71 +.02 TrgtRtr2050Inv 49.56 +.03 TrgtRtr2055Inv 53.80 +.03 TrgtRtr2060Inv 47.53 +.03 TrgtRtrIncInv 15.19 +.02 TtBMIdxAdmrl 11.25 +.02 TtBMIdxIns 11.25 +.02 TtBMIdxInsPlus 11.25 +.02 TtInBIdxAdmrl 22.85 +.01 TtInBIdxIns 34.29 +.01 TtInBIdxInv 11.43 +.01 TtInSIdxAdmrl 34.97 +.03 TtInSIdxIns 139.85 +.13 TtInSIdxInsPlus 139.89 +.13 TtInSIdxInv 20.91 +.02 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 105.71 +.01 TtlSMIdxIns 105.73 +.01 TtlSMIdxInv 105.68 +.01 TxMgBalAdmrl 40.13 +.01 USGrAdmrl 180.44 -.76 USGrInv 69.65 -.29 ValIdxAdmrl 52.78 -.01 ValIdxIns 52.78 ... WlngtnAdmrl 81.91 +.20 WlngtnInv 47.43 +.11 WlslyIncAdmrl 70.22 +.16 WlslyIncInv 28.99 +.07 WndsrAdmrl 83.57 +.22 WndsrIIAdmrl 79.96 +.12 WndsrIIInv 45.06 +.07 WndsrInv 24.78 +.07 Voya IntermBdI 10.34 +.01 WCM FocIntGrIns 26.39 +.38 Wells Fargo SpMCpValIns 50.65 +.63 Western Asset CorBdI 13.18 +.02 CorBdIS 13.20 +.02 CorPlusBdI 12.09 +.03 CorPlusBdIS 12.08 +.02 iShares S&P500IdxK 494.75 -.56 +94.4 +84.0 +84.0 +84.0 +40.2 +80.6 +55.9 +91.9 +18.3 +25.5 +30.8 +35.1 +39.7 +44.2 +49.0 +49.2 +49.2 +49.2 +16.0 -0.2 -0.2 -0.2 +1.6 +1.6 +1.6 +52.5 +52.6 +52.6 +52.5 +58.0 +58.0 +57.9 +28.6 +71.4 +71.2 +46.0 +46.0 +30.8 +30.7 +15.3 +15.2 +65.8 +65.3 +65.2 +65.7 +11.5 +15.9 +15.9 +16.0 +14.2 +13.1 +18.8 +13.7 +8.1 +9.6 +10.6 +11.3 +11.9 +12.6 +13.3 +13.3 +13.3 +13.3 +7.8 +5.3 +5.3 +5.3 +4.2 +4.2 +4.2 +7.6 +7.6 +7.6 +7.5 +18.6 +18.6 +18.5 +11.8 +28.9 +28.8 +11.9 +11.9 +12.7 +12.6 +9.3 +9.2 +12.6 +16.8 +16.7 +12.5 +5.0 +5.9 +58.9 +20.6 +66.5 +13.0 +3.9 +4.0 +5.9 +5.9 +6.0 +6.0 +6.3 +6.3 +51.8 +18.3 Fund Footnotes: b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA - not available. p - previous day´s net asset value. s - fund split shares during the week. x - fund paid a distribution during the week. Source: Morningstar. q WILSHIRE 5000 43,875.28 -12.64 IT’S ALL YOURS FOR 2021! In Bend River Promenade 541-382-5900 SHOP THURSDAY THROUGH MONDAY, 10 AM UNTIL 6 PM EACH DAY! ! E L A S R E UP M. JACOBS’ TOTAL SPRING S EVERYTHING’S REDUCED! HURRY! IF YOU FIND WHAT YOU, YOU’LL SAVE IMPORTANT MONEY! YES! It’s designed and intended to be the most incredible few days of savings in area history, as we highlight a great spring selling season by offering every item in over $6,000,000 worth of inventory at outstand- ing price reductions! If your plans for the immediate future include the purchase of fi ne, new home furnishings...DON’T MISS THIS SALE! SPECIAL CREDIT OFFER! BUY $500 WORTH, $1,000 WORTH, EVEN $5,000 WORTH WITH: • NO DOWN PAYMENT and • NO INTEREST for ONE FULL YEAR Ask For Details At The Sale! 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