C8 The BulleTin • Sunday, april 25, 2021 NON-FUNGIBLE TOKENS Solve these puzzles on C4 Digital art frenzy raises questions about taxes and law enforcement transactions of non-fungible tokens are definitely traceable,” she said in an interview, calling it a “tight paper trail.” The IRS is “keenly aware” of the use of blockchain to move wealth and is investing in the skills needed to trace those trades, she said. BY CAITLIN REILLY CQ-Roll Call The sale last month of a dig- ital piece of art for a near-re- cord price raises new questions about a technology the financial sector sees as offering great op- portunity. Christie’s auctioned the artwork for $69 million and recorded the transaction on a public blockchain as a “non-fungible token,” or NFT. The digital collage incorpo- rating 5,000 separate digital images was created by Beeple, whose real name is Mike Win- kelmann, and can be seen on the auction house website. The price exemplifies the frenzy involving non-fungi- ble tokens, which rely on the same technology that powers cryptocurrencies, including bit- coin and ether. The tokens are unique records that represent another asset. Unlike cash or cryptocurrency, a non-fungi- ble token isn’t completely inter- changeable with another. The flurry in activity and soaring prices of non-fungible tokens are raising questions for federal officials about whether the assets are susceptible to money laundering, manipu- lation or tax evasion. The art world’s experience may also give federal regulators a hint of challenges in the future — as well as a tool to address those challenges. One area of vulnera- bility is blockchains where both cryptocurrencies and non-fun- gible tokens are bought and sold. Tim Carpenter, who oversees the FBI’s art crime team, said the scope of the money laun- dering problem in the art in- dustry is “enormous.” “Criminal enterprises have long looked at the art market as a useful place to hide their il- licit proceeds,” he said. “It stems largely from the fact that the art market is almost completely unregulated.” Carpenter spoke with CQ Roll Call about using art to launder money in general and wasn’t authorized to speak about NFTs specifically. The frenzy in NFTs has seen Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey sell- ing his first tweet as an NFT for $2.9 million and football player Rob Gronkowski selling more than 300 collectible cards for about $1.6 million total. In February, an animated GIF of the cartoon “Nyan Cat” fetched more than $500,000 as a token. Marketplaces where the to- kens are created, bought and sold saw a combined trading volume of $342 million in Feb- ruary, up from $12 million in December, according to the blockchain application tracker DappRadar. Money laundering Auction houses selling art don’t face the same know-your- customer and anti-money laun- dering regulations that banks and financial institutions do. That makes them an attractive Nancy Kaszerman/ZUMA Wire The Christie’s Auction House sale of a digital artwork for $69 million last month illustrated the frenzied interest in non-fungible tokens. vehicle for obscuring the illicit origins of funds. Skyrocketing prices and easy movement across borders also make non-fungible tokens at- tractive commodities through which to launder wealth, Car- penter said. Josh White, an assistant pro- fessor of finance at Vanderbilt University, said the anonymity offered by non-fungible tokens may raise some of the same money laundering issues as the physical art world. White was an economist for the Securities and Exchange Commission from 2012 to 2014 and had later stints as visiting scholar and consultant to the agency. “Blockchain is by nature both visible and anonymous,” he said. “If I were moving money from the drug trades or any kind of illegal activity, the cryp- tocurrency space and the NFT space by relation is definitely a way that you can move assets in a large way, in an anonymous way, to try to circumvent some of the banking rules that we’ve put in place to identify this type of stuff.” The potential use of non-fun- gible tokens for illicit activity likely drives some of the de- mand for and, by extension, the value of non-fungible tokens, he said. non-fungible tokens that trade on blockchains, such as Ethereum, that also support a cryptocurrency provide an ad- ditional layer of anonymity be- cause users can buy tokens with cryptocurrencies they also own anonymously, White said. Even for a crook, the non-fungible token isn’t risk- free, as its value could drop. If a criminal buys a van Gogh painting to launder money or trade illegally, the artwork will still be valuable years from now, White said. “But the token, you don’t re- ally know,” he said. “What if the speculative market comes to a halt? What if there’s no more demand for NFTs? The value could go to zero really quickly, whereas the value for the van Gogh is still there.” Manipulative trading Whether non-fungible to- kens have a long-term role in illegal transactions depends on how easy they are to trade and how stable their prices are. In the meantime, they’re more likely to attract people trying to manipulate prices than money launderers, White said. He cited similarities between the emerging non-fungible to- ken market and the penny stock pump-and-dump schemes he investigated at the SEC. “No matter what new tech- nology comes along, a lot of the fraud is the same,” he said. Manipulators would draw in other investors by creating the appearance of liquidity or demand for a penny stock by passing the assets among ac- counts controlled by the same group of people through “wash trades.” “For the NFTs, you could see the exact same thing,” White said. An individual could trade an NFT among different cryp- tocurrency accounts he or she controls to attract buyers. The emerging cryptocur- rency sector has largely kept its eye on the SEC and the Com- modity Futures Trading Com- mission in its fledgling years, but investigation of this type of manipulative trading would likely fall to the Justice Depart- ment, White said, noting that, unlike penny stocks, non-fungi- ble tokens aren’t securities. The department may partner with Treasury’s Financial Crimes En- forcement Network if a scheme involves banks, or with the CFTC if it incorporates deriv- atives. White said investigators looking for manipulation in non-fungible token markets have an advantage: the block- chain itself, which should reveal whether the same accounts pass a token back and forth even if account owners are anony- mous. Tracking tax evasion Michelle Hutchens, assistant professor of accountancy at the Gies College of Business in Champaign, Ill., said the public digital record of a blockchain would also help the IRS track the movement of wealth and uncover tax evasion. “There are certain areas of the economy where potentially tax evasion or avoidance is eas- ier because the wealth is less trackable,” she said, adding that there’s no equivalent public re- cord of transactions in the cash economy or for tangible art. “With the appropriate tools, Custody and customs Wasim Ahmad, chief cryp- tocurrency officer at the digital asset storage and security firm Vault12 Inc., said non-fungible tokens raise questions about the nature of custody when it comes to digital assets and the corresponding tax implications. The issue is a familiar one in the securities markets. Ahmad corrected what he called a misconception about non-fungible tokens, saying in an interview that the tokens and the digital art they represent are often conflated. “They’re talking about the NFT, which is the record of the art, and they’re talking about the art itself as if it’s all one thing, and it’s not one thing,” he said. “The NFT is much more like a receipt.” The tax question is whether owners of non-fungible tokens should have access to the same tax havens that collectors of physical art have. They can de- lay or avoid some taxes by stor- ing the art in warehouses called freeports that exist outside na- tional jurisdictions. “If you purchase something and it goes straight to a free- port and you don’t receive it, you don’t pay certain duties and taxes,” he said. “There isn’t a digital equivalent of that.” Ahmad said he’s exploring whether a digital freeport is needed and how that would work legally. 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