4/20 PAGE 16 • GO! MAGAZINE Thursday, april 15, 2021 • ThE BullETiN Case of the munchies? Snacks satisfy Photos and story by MAKENZIE WHITTLE • The Bulletin M ost attacks of the munchies result in rummaging through your pantry or fridge in search of something, anything that can satisfy a craving. While you may prefer not to prepare for those inevitable 4/20 snacks in advance, the recipes below require little effort and minimal groceries, making them wonderful pairings to your chosen method of imbibing. If the annual “high” holiday is just an- other Tuesday for you, the meals below are just as tasty while sober. BACON CINNAMON ROLLS Mixing the salty, savoriness of the bacon into the sweet and spicy rolls is really the perfect combination for a breakfast treat. Ingredients 1 can of store-bought cinnamon rolls 10 strips of bacon Directions Preheat the oven according to the direc- tions on the cinnamon roll tube. Cook the bacon using your preferred method, until cooked but still soft (soggy bacon fans can rejoice). Set aside to cool and pat dry the grease from the strips with a paper towel. Open and separate the can of cinnamon rolls. Take one roll and carefully unroll it on a cutting board. Take two strips of bacon and lay them on the dough then re-roll the bun and place it on a baking sheet. Repeat for the remaining rolls. Bake according to the cinnamon roll di- rections until golden brown. Allow rolls to cool slightly before icing or frosting is applied. Serve warm. CHOCOLATE-COVERED PRETZELS Bacon cinnamon rolls crowave on 100% power for 1 minute. Stir again and if the chocolate is still lumpy, re- While these may be more of a Christmas turn to the microwave additional 20-second treat, there is no rule that says you can’t en- intervals until completely melted. joy them year-round. While the more culi- Using the fork, dip the pretzels nary way to make these would be to in the chocolate and coat them temper the chocolate, using the completely. While holding the microwave is much easier and pretzel over the bowl, tap the delivers equally delicious re- fork gently to remove any sults. extra chocolate then place Ingredients them on a parchment pa- 8 ounces dark or semi- per-lined cookie sheet. Re- sweet chocolate chips peat until you have coated 8 ounces white chocolate about half of the desired chips number of pretzels. One bag of mini-twist In another microwave-safe pretzels White chocolate-covered bowl, melt the white choc- Directions pretzels with a dark chocolate drizzle olate chips using the above In a microwave-safe bowl, melt the dark or semi-sweet timing intervals and repeat chocolate chips for 1 minute the process of dipping, tap- 30 seconds on 50% power. Remove from ping and placing the pretzels on the cookie the microwave and stir with a fork, then mi- sheet. Ingredients When all pretzels have been coated, using 1 bagel of your choice a fork, drizzle the remaining melted 2 tbsp. Pizza sauce chocolate over the pretzels. ½ cup shredded cheese Allow the chocolate to set (mozzarella or cheddar or for at least one hour (use the both) refrigerator if necessary). 10-15 pepperoni slices Store in the refrigerator. Directions If you have leftover Preheat the oven to 350 chocolate, place it in a Zip- degrees and line a baking loc bag, flatten and allow sheet with tin foil. to cool on the counter com- Cut the bagel in half and pletely then freeze for future lightly toast then remove and recipes. Pizza bagels place on baking sheet. Smear pizza sauce on both PIZZA BAGELS bagel slices then sprinkle the cheese on top evenly. Place pepperoni slices There cannot be enough said for being and place in the oven for 10-15 minutes or able to enjoy pizza whenever the craving cheese and pepperoni are bubbling. strikes, and when pizza is on a bagel, you Remove from oven and serve immedi- can have pizza anytime, according to the old ately. Bagel Bites jingle. Turns out the 90s nostal- gic treat is a breeze to make on your own. e e Reporter: 541-383-0304, mwhittle@bendbulletin.com