Thursday, april 8, 2021 • ThE BullETiN GO! MAGAZINE • PAGE 11 Submitted photo Catch sea creatures such as this octopus in Hatfield Marine Science Center’s online Marine Science Day on Saturday. Continued from previous page Normally, the event would be held live at Hatfield, but the coronavirus tsu- nami washed away those plans, accord- ing to Cinamon Moffett, research pro- gram manager at the Newport research and education institution. “It has happened every year for many, many years, on the same week- end,” Moffett said. “Last year, we canceled it because COVID kind of took us off our game a little bit. And then this year we decided early on that we were going to switch it to a virtual event, just because we didn’t want to lose another year.” The gulf between in-person and vir- tual events is perhaps not as wide as you’d think: The scope of Marine Sci- ence Day is ambitious, with five virtual “rooms” full of programs and activities, including the Main Stage, where re- searchers will be sharing their work on sharks, whales, sea stars and more. Though the push to make Marine Science Day virtual began in the last few months, Moffett began paddling toward that goal early, enrolling in courses on how to put on a virtual con- ference just two weeks after last year’s event was canceled. The effort shows. Over in the Exhibit Hall, check out the dozens of interac- tive displays about marine mammals and fisheries, plus plankton, scientific diving, seabirds and ocean technology. There’s also the Kid Zone, with live an- imal interactions, lessons on how to draw like an octopus and information on careers in marine science. Another room is dedicated to virtual tours of the center’s research and educational facili- ties, and, finally, there’s a room devoted to seeing — and even sharing — art devoted to the the event’s theme, “The Beauty of Science.” To attend or learn more, visit rine-science-day. “It is a free event, so anybody can come. It is tailored to just about any- one,” Moffett said, adding with a laugh, “That sounds weird, that it’s tai- lored, but it is lifelong learners, it is K through 12 students, and it is our po- tential undergrads that are interested in what it means to go into marine science.” Moffett and other organizers expect Marine Science Day to hit those target audiences. “This is a really asynchronous event, and in those five different rooms, there are events either on- your-own activities or prerecorded, or things you can download or en- gage with, or live events in each one of those different rooms, all happening at the same time.” e e David Jasper: 541-383-0349, LES NEWMAN’S QUALITY OUTDOOR WEAR On NE Franklin Avenue across from Les Schwab 541-318-4868