PAGE 10 • GO! MAGAZINE Thursday, april 1, 2021 • ThE BullETiN LOCAL LITERARY HIGHLIGHTS 2021 A Novel Idea events to begin this week BY DAVID JASPER The Bulletin D to continue to include a youth selection moving forward. This year’s book, ‘Front Desk,’ was selected by a team of our youth services librarians. We are eager to welcome ‘Front Desk’ author Kelly Yang in early May to speak to Deschutes County on Saturday, May 1.” eschutes Public Library’s monthlong literary celebration, A Novel Idea … Read Together, is set to begin this week. By featuring two books that cap- ture the immigrant experience in modern America, the 2021 installment of the annual ‘Front Desk’ community read could be the most perti- nent in its 18-year history. “Front Desk” author Yang’s first book is “The Other Americans,” by Laila Lalami, aimed at kids in grades 3 through 6 and tells and “Front Desk,” a youth selection written the story of 10-year-old Mia Tang, who lives by Kelly Yang, are the two books everyone in a motel with her immigrant parents. It’s will be reading, discussing and learning Mia’s job to work the front desk when her more about alongside their neighbors. The parents are cleaning the rooms. all-free, all-online programs inspired by the Mia, who longs to be a writer even selected novels is just getting started, with though English is not her first language, also virtual appearances by Lalami and Yang harbors a pretty big secret — her par- planned for early May. ents hide immigrants in the motel, The Youth Edition of A Novel something its heartless owner, Idea marks just the second Mr. Yao, would not like very time in the event’s history much if he got wind of it. that a children’s book is But, naturally, Mia has a being included in the pro- plan to make it all work. gramming. The first was in According to Youth Ser- 2009, when Deschutes part- vices Supervisor Chandra nered with the Oregon State vanEijnsbergen, who served Library in celebration of on the committee that the state’s sesquicenten- chose the book, it can nial and went with the and will appeal to older three titles that the state- readers as well. wide committee chose — As Mia wants to be a among them two books, writer, library offerings “Apples to Oregon” and related to the book in- “Bat 6,” geared toward clude the “Snail Mail: youth readers. Grab & Go Kit,” vanEi- A youth selection was jnsbergen said. Available made this year to include starting Saturday at De- more people in A Novel schutes library branches, Idea, according to Chantal it’s being offered for all Strobel, communications ages and has everything and development man- you need to revive the ager for Deschutes Public nearly lost art of snail Library. mail. “We have wanted to “It’s encouraging peo- Submitted photos ple to write physical let- expand our reach to all ages for several years and Kelly Yang, author of “Front Desk,” ters, which people really believed that adding a don’t do as much any- will speak May 1 via Zoom as part of youth edition would be more,” she said. “There’s A Novel Idea, the annual community an exciting way to include reading event from Deschutes Public a bunch of stuff in there younger readers and their Library. to write postcards, and families. We received a so we’re just encouraging generous grant from the people to pick somebody Roundhouse Foundation that made this that they care about or appreciate and write possible,” Strobel said via email. “We intend them an actual personal postcard. It will “We will have an actual park ranger in Joshua Tree National Park, in the Mojave Desert, and he or she will be there to show us some actual flora and maybe even fauna from the park,” Ferro said. While some of the offerings are prerecorded, this is a live presentation, though the recording of it will be available to view by April 8. “This year, for A Novel Idea, all of our adult programs are going to be re- corded so that everyone can ac- cess them if they can’t make them on the exact time and date that it’s airing, they can still get to them at our De- ‘The Other Americans’ schutes Library Youtube In “The Other Ameri- page.” cans,” author Lalami tells the Other upcoming pro- story of Nora Guerraoui, grams include an online a Bay Area jazz composer book discussion with who returns to the Mojave Lalami at noon April 9. Desert hometown where Questions for Lalami she was raised by her Mo- can be sent in advance to roccan immigrant parents, Ferro at paigeb@dpls.lib. who own a restaurant. The Foodies may want visit is precipitated by the to check out “Merging death of her father, Driss, Flavors,” a cooking work- the victim of a hit and run. shop at 3 p.m. April 17. In the book, composer But it’s not just Nora who narrates this tale. The Nora has synesthesia, a story is also told through rare neurological con- the eyes of her mother, dition in which sensory Maryam; Mexican im- pathways become inter- migrant Efraín, who wit- twined, leading her to nessed the accident but is hear colors. It so hap- afraid to come forward; pens that Bend is home Submitted photos to professional composer Jeremy, Nora’s former Laila Lalamai’s “The Other Americans” and synesthete Chris classmate who is now a cop, and so forth. Thomas, who will discuss is the adult selection for the 2021 A The book’s timely Novel Idea, Deschutes Public Library’s what that’s like in “Hear- themes, along with the ing in Color” at 7 p.m. annual community read. Lalami will way Lalami weaves food, give a live presentation as part of the April 22. the desert and music are The library is also community read’s festivities at 4 p.m. woven into the novel, partnering for two virtual May 2 on YouTube. make for some rich pro- exhibits of artwork and gramming possibilities. quilts inspired by “The “We have 12 original programs crafted af- Other Americans.” A link for the quilt show ter ‘The Other Americans,’ basically every- will be shared at 6 p.m. Tuesday, and will thing from cooking to jazz to presentations become active 24 hours later. A link to the on immigration, PTSD, the opioid epidemic presentation “Art Inspired by Art” will go and lots more,” said Deschutes Public Li- live at 6 p.m. April 26. brary Adult Programs Specialist Paige Ferro. For more information and access to all of Among the first programs related to Lala- these programs, head to deschuteslibrary. mi’s tome is the Joshua Tree National Park org/calendar/novelidea. e e David Jasper: 541-383-0349, Ranger Talk at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. include stamps to send them, so really, es- pecially during this time, to reconnect with friends and family. Whether you’ve already read the book or plan to, “Let’s Talk about It,” at 1 p.m. Wednes- day, will offer a variety of discussion questions and resources relating to “Front Desk.” Mia’s favorite game in the book is Mo- nopoly, and another kit put together for the Youth Edition of A Novel Idea is called Front Deskopoly, which is like the game, but with a Front Desk theme. It will be available starting April 10.