The BulleTin • Monday, March 29, 2021 A9 © 2021 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 37, No. 17 Doodling with the Alphabet Bebe Bunny loves to start with a letter of the alphabet and see what kind of drawing she can make from it. Here’s what she made using the letter B. 1. 3. 2. 4. This is how Bebe transformed the letter F. 1. 2. G rab your crayons and let’s have some drawing fun! Phone Doodles Bart Bunny likes to doodle when he’s talking on the phone. See if you can find: ❏ 3 pizza slices ❏ 2 rockets ❏ 5 carrots ❏ 4 bunnies ❏ a baseball ❏ 2 birds Did Bart doodle more stars or more flowers? Bella Bunny drew some different lines. She made a picture out of the first one. Work with a family member to see what you can make out of the other lines. Give it a try! Create pictures using these letters. Remember that you can turn the letters sideways or upside down. 3. 4. Eggs-actly Alike Barb Bunny used markers to create colorful Easter eggs. Can you make an exact duplicate of each egg? How many eggs can you find on this page? Half & Half Can you draw the other half of Bixby Bunny? Springtime Search Find these things in the newspaper: • a number greater than a million • a face with glasses • something to play with • a happy word • a symbol of spring BORING BOUQUET: This flower is a little blah. Use crayons to add a big bunch of beautiful blooms to this bouquet! Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. Children are born curious. From their earliest days, sensory exploration brings delight and wonder. New discoveries expand their minds. When they unlock the joy of reading, their world widens further. Magic happens. Kid Scoop opens the doors of discovery for elementary school children by providing interactive, engaging and relevant age-appropriate materials designed to awaken the magic of reading at school, at home, and throughout their lives. For more information about our literacy non-profit, visit THE ART OF PATTERNS: Draw the art supply that should come next in each row to continue the pattern. TRANSFORM ALPHABET CRAYONS DOODLE TURN HALF BUNNY REWRITE FUN DRAW TRY PHONE FACE BLOOMS PLAY F M C N E L D O O D P A R R K W N T E W B P C O A U R U N A L L H E F Y D R O R O A Z A N S O N H D O Y B N L V N N P I M K U O J F T A S G S B E T I R W E R I W V A L P H A B E T Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. This week’s word: TRANSFORM The verb transform means to change the form, shape or look of something. Stacy was able to transform a cardboard box into a cool rocket ship with construction paper, markers and tape. Try to use the word transform in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members. Which Am I? Play this game with a buddy. Player one picks a story or picture in the newspaper. Player two asks “yes” or “no” questions until correctly identifying the story or picture. ANSWER: So they can draw blood. Standards Link: Language Arts: Understand the main idea or message. Which part of a chocolate bunny do you eat first? Why?