The BulleTin • Sunday, March 21, 2021 A7 CALIFORNIA County tests technology to combat wildfires BY ALEX WIGGLESWORTH Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES — Sonoma County, California, is add- ing artificial intelligence to its wildfire-fighting arsenal. The county has entered into an agreement with the South Korean firm Alchera to out- fit its network of fire-spotting cameras with software that de- tects wildfire activity and then alerts authorities. The tech- nology sifts through past and current images of terrain and searches for certain changes, such as flames burning in darkness, or a smoky haze ob- scuring a tree-lined hillside, according to Chris Godley, the county’s director of emergency management. But emergency workers will first have to “teach” the system to differentiate between im- ages that show fire smoke, and others that might show clouds, fog, or vapor from geothermal geysers. The software will use feedback from humans to re- fine its algorithm and will even- tually be able to detect fires on its own — or at least that’s what county officials hope. “It’s kind of like learning how to read,” Godley said. “What letters can I put to- gether to make up a word?” The county activated the technology Wednesday and received 16 positive reports of smoke — all of which turned out to be permitted burns, he said. Once a seasonal ban on controlled burns goes into ef- fect in April or May, the county plans to ramp up the testing and feedback phase. The hope is that by November, the system will no longer need to be “taught” and can start providing reliable intel- ligence, Godley said. “This is really cutting-edge work, to bring this capability into the hands of local first re- sponders,” Godley said. “It’s go- ing to take us awhile to make sure we get the bugs out, as it were, and that we really can de- Irfan Khan/Los Angeles Times file An air tanker drops fire retardant during a wildfire in 2020 in Chino Hills, California. pend on it because ultimately this is a lifesaving mission.” The technology is intended to help officials investigate po- tential fire starts earlier so they can get personnel out to them more quickly and issue neces- sary evacuation advisories. It will be particularly useful in spotting fires at night, when fewer bystanders are likely to see smoke and flames and call authorities, as well as in remote areas, Godley said. Sonoma County chose Al- chera because it has performed “This is really cutting-edge work, to bring this capability into the hands of local first responders. It’s going to take us awhile to make sure we get the bugs out, as it were, and that we really can depend on it because ultimately this is a lifesaving mission.” — Chris Godley, Sonoma County’s director of emergency management similar work with wildfires in Australia, and offered a com- petitive rate as it was eager to test the system in the U.S. mar- ket, Godley said. Three-quar- ters of the funding for the $300,000-agreement will come from a hazard mitigation grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The county will provide a $75,000 local match. The remainder of the $2.7-million FEMA grant is being used to strengthen the county’s existing wildfire sur- veillance network by adding six cameras, which brings the total to 26. The grant will also be used to reinforce the com- munications network that supports the cameras, ensur- ing that they are able to re- liably transmit data back to emergency responders, even if power goes out or is turned off, Godley said. Sonoma County’s cameras are part of the ALERTWild- fire system, a network of about 746 cameras statewide that are linked by a common view- ing platform coordinated by UC San Diego, the University of Oregon and the University of Nevada, Reno. Local dis- patch centers can maneuver the cameras by rotating, pan- ning and zooming in or out, and the public can watch the feeds online. Sonoma County sometimes uses the cameras to scope out road conditions or check for flooding near river areas, but they’re mostly used to inform firefighting efforts, Godley said. The county started to install the cameras on radio commu- nication towers after a series of devastating fires in 2017, in- cluding the Tubbs fire, which killed 22 people and destroyed more than 5,000 homes. The network has already proven helpful to local firefighting ef- forts, Godley said. When a fire breaks out, crews study the footage to determine its exact location and to glean key de- tails about its behavior, such as how quickly it’s spreading, where it’s headed and what lo- cal wind conditions are like, he said. Such information is cru- cial to determining what areas might need to be evacuated. “This is not just to support firefighters,” Godley said. “But also, critically, it’s to help us ed- ucate and inform our warning efforts.” Sonoma County’s contract with Alchera runs through February 2023. If the technol- ogy is successful, officials ex- pect other places will adopt it, particularly since it plugs into the camera network that’s al- ready in place statewide. “We ultimately believe its potential could be realized in a year or two,” Godley said. “And it could really have a dramatic impact here in California.” Paid Advertisement 123rf 5 ways a digital agency can supercharge your marketing BY LIAM O’KENNEDY Digital Adversing and Content Strategist Digital marketing can be a confusing and time-con- suming process. Options and information abound, but the perfect marketing avenue for a particular business isn’t always obvious. It’s easy to take a stab in the dark by tossing a small percentage of a market- ing budget at a few random solutions and hoping for the best. That plan often ends in heartbreak when budgets are quickly exhausted and a tangible return on investment is nowhere to be found. Our mission at Whiteboard Media is to alleviate those pain points and deliver exceptional business results. Here’s how we do it. clients to develop a killer mar- keting strategy and routinely check in with results. 1. We offer you a relation- ship with a knowledgeable, trustworthy and talented team. It’s always nice to see a friendly face. It’s especially nice when that person is totally dedicated to providing world- class marketing solutions for your business. Whiteboard Media’s account representa- tives are trained to do exactly that. They suggest tactics that are tailored to each individ- ual business, work with their 2. A full suite of digital products is at your disposal. Every business has unique marketing needs, and there’s no one-size-fits-all solution that works for everyone. Some businesses may need a simple website tune-up, while others may need to get a full digital marketing strategy off the ground. No matter where your business is at, White- board Media can take you to the next level. Learn more at services. 3. Dedicated Account Strategists put your budget to work. The key to powerful digital marketing is attention to detail. Hidden in the data that marketers collect are insights that should inform future de- cisions. If that data is ignored, opportunity is lost. Daily check-ins are crucial to the health of a campaign, and are a hallmark of the Whiteboard Media ethos. Our account strategists keep a watchful eye on your cam- paigns, ensuring that every dollar spent pushes the goals of your campaign forward. 4. We keep you in the loop. When a well-run geofenc- ing campaign drives new customers to a business, or a paid search campaign triggers phone calls to a real estate office, we want our clients to know about it. That’s why we establish relationships that are built on trust and communi- cation. Delivering a strong and easy-to-understand report on a campaign’s progress is an essential part of what we do. 5. Regional presence and national reach make for a powerful combination. In order to help local businesses grow, a marketing agency has to know the area. Whiteboard Media has deep roots in Bend and Central Oregon as part of a long legacy of local media and advertis- ing. We use that history to inform our tactics and deliver exceptional results. But our capabilities reach far beyond Central Oregon, enabling us to match the outsized reach that so many of the region’s great companies have achieved. To learn more about how Whiteboard Media can re-en- ergize your marketing efforts, visit whiteboardmediagroup. com/contact, or call 541-633- 0184 today.