THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 2021 A7 School board DEAR ABBY Write to Dear Abby online at or by mail at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Dear Abby: I have this di- lemma. I’m a woman in my 40s with a good job, and I’m told I am a good catch. About six months ago, I moved in with a man I will call Peter. It started as a roommate situa- tion, but then became friends with benefits. We have both agreed we are not a couple. The problem is Peter has a friend, “Reggie.” I like Reg- gie, and he likes me. We have hung out as a group sev- eral times. To the best of my knowledge, Reggie has no idea Peter and I are FWBs. Reggie recently asked me out to dinner as a date. I can see myself having a real rela- tionship with him, but don’t know how Peter will react. Should I accept the invita- tion? I mean, it’s just one date. Also, should I mention it to Peter? — F.W.B. in the South Dear F.W.B.: You and Pe- ter have agreed that you are NOT a couple. Accept Reg- gie’s offer and be upfront with Peter about it. The only thing that might change would be that Peter will have to find another friend with benefits because the sexual aspect of your relationship with him may be over. Dear Abby: I have a 22-year-old daughter from my first marriage and a 9-year-old son with my hus- band of 12 years. My hus- band is 57, and I just turned 41. I would like to have an- other baby, mainly because I want my 9-year-old son to have someone to grow up with. We have no other fam- ily. It’s just him and female cousins, ages 9 and 5. Can you please advise me if my husband and I are OK or too old to have one more child? — Considering it in the West Dear Considering: I’m glad you wrote. This is something that should be discussed fur- ther with your husband to make sure you are on the same page, and also with your OB-GYN. If your intention is that your children grow up to- gether, this is something that should have happened years ago. As it stands, the 10-year age difference will mean your son will be grown and gone while your younger child is still at home. A doctor with a specialty in genetics could be helpful as you gather information. It is important that you under- stand what precautions might be wise to take before making this decision. Dear Abby: I care a lot about what friends, family — even the general public — do with their money. Spe- cifically, I promote the ben- efits of owning a home, but I suspect my efforts to edu- cate them may need a more loving approach. I just don’t want people I care about to throw their money away to their landlords. Do I need to be more loving and support- ive vs. educating? — Community Helper in Michigan Dear Helper: People usu- ally have good reasons for renting instead of buying. If you keep repeating your ad- vice and it’s falling on deaf ears, it’s fair to conclude your message isn’t being appre- ciated. A saying widely at- tributed to Albert Einstein is, “Insanity is continuing to re- peat an action over and over again but expecting different results.” You can volunteer to serve as an adviser, but only if these individuals want to make a change and ask for your help. YOUR HOROSCOPE By Madalyn Aslan Stars show the kind of day you’ll have õeõeõeõeõ DYNAMIC | õeõeõeõ POSITIVE | õeõeõe AVERAGE | õeõeSO-SO | õ DIFFICULT HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR SATURDAY, MARCH 20, 2021: Artis- tic, emotional and good-natured, attend social gatherings and networking events. This year, you can meet people who advance your career and enrich your personal experiences. Life will be exciting. Continue to watch your finances. Spending could increase on necessary items, so cut back on others. If single, be discriminating, and the right one will come along. If attached, saying