MARCH 13 - APRIL 9 A publica} on courtesy of Central Oregon Homes & Business is a collec} on of Real Estate lis} ngs throughout Central Oregon, brought to you on a monthly basis. The Real Estate industry professionals that par} cipate in Central Oregon Homes & Business are true experts in their û eld and are genuinely here to help you with your home buying and selling needs. Thank you to our par} cipants, adver} sers, contributors and readers. Central Oregon Homes & Business and The Bulle} n team are here to showcase up to date available property lis} ngs, regardless of what you are looking for. To par} cipate in this magazine, or for any other Real Estate marke} ng ques} ons, please contact: Debbie Coû man debcoû man@bendbulle} 541-383-0384 4 | Central Oregon Homes & Business Residential • Commercial • Land