PAGE 12 • GO! MAGAZINE Thursday, March 4, 2021 • ThE BuLLETIN RESTAURANT REVIEWS, DINING DEALS & FOOD NEWS Poached eggs are atop spinach, jalapeno and herb pancakes with two chunks of salmon on the Pacific Northwest Benny. Birdies Cafe focuses on local food, serving neighborhood community STORY AND PHOTOS BY BARB GONZALEZ • For The Bulletin S ince the beginning of the pandemic, Birdies Cafe, at 1444 NW College Way in Bend, has been there for its community, offering food to residents in its neighborhood and raising funds for charities. It’s nothing new for the west-side breakfast eatery as they have a history of doing fundraisers for various animal emergency relief organizations. Little has changed at the restaurant in the five years since I last visited. There is still a wall with fun photos of pugs enjoying breakfast foods. Many items on the menu are the same. Birdies was founded by Chef Chris Tate and his wife, Denise, in 2014. It is their pug photos on the wall. Continued on next page