A14 THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2021 TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED • 541-385-5809 C LASSIFIEDS The Bulletin Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com contact us: hours: 24-hour message line: 541-385-5809 Classifi ed telephone hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Place, cancel or extend an ad Subscriber services: 541-385-5800 On the web at: Subscribe or manage your subscription www.bendbulletin.com T h e B u l l e t i n : 3 2 0 S W U p p e r Te r r a c e D r i v e , S u i t e # 2 0 0 , B e n d , O r e g o n 9 7 7 0 2 General Merchandise 282 Community 3 bedrooms for rent. La Pine, OR. $500-$800/ month. 541-977-6560. 200 201 Free Items In observance of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, I am writing a book 1547 NW Spruce Ave. about the Flight for Free- Redmond, OR. 8am-12 dom, the trip 1,000 Or- noon, Saturday, March egonians made to New 6. Cleaning out FREE York City in October ITEMS, household 2001 to support New items, garden tools, and Yorkers after 9/11. This miscellaneous items. was an effort unequaled by any other constituen- 210 cy in the country. I am trying to locate them so Pets & Supplies I can speak with them and document their memories. I can be reached at this email address: sbourrie@veri- zon.net. I’ve also started a @FlightForFreedom- Book2021 Facebook page. AKC Collie Puppies Excellent tempera- ments and blood- lines. $850 each. Employment Call 503-860-6433 Golden Double Doodle Puppies born 12/28. Black/Apricot. Males $900 Females $1000. La Pine. (805)279-1105 Yorkie Puppies, 8 wks, 3 M, 2 F, tails & dew- claws, vet check, $650. Can deliver. Call Diane 541-792-0375. 219 Antiques & Collectibles 607 Rooms for Rent 500 501 Domestic & In-Home Positions La Pine OR female car owner needs driver to post office & Bend OR. Call Mary 541-977-6560 Recreation & Sports 800 804 Motorhomes, 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers WE BUY RV’S! LICENSED, BONDED AND INSURED. CALL FOR A FREE ESTI- MATE TODAY! 503-689-0669 Legal Notices 1000 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice BOARD MEETING Buying Lionel/American AGENDA Flyer Trains and acces. La Pine Rural Fire Pro- 504 541-408-2191 tection District Employment Opportunities Distributed March 2, 2021 For The March BULLETIN 11, 2021 Regular Culver School CLASSIFIEDS Meeting 9:00 a.m. District is seeking a Search the area’s most full-time, year-round NOTE STATE AND OROSHA COVID comprehensive Custodian. Excellent RULES IN EFFECT listing of classified Benefits. Visit www. - MEETING TO BE culver.k12.or.us for advertising. Real HELD VIA ZOOM - further details and estate to automotive, PLEASE CONTACT to apply, or call 541- merchandise to ADMIN FOR LINK 546-7503. Application PRIOR TO MEET- sporting goods. deadline: Open Until ING filled. EOE. Call 541-385-5809 1. 9:00 am Regular www.bendbulletin.com Meeting - Station 101, Huntington Road – Via ZOOM 2. Flag Salute (sus- Rentals pended due to virtu- 261 al meeting) 3. Roll Call Building Materials 4. Open Forum for Public Comment – 5 Have Gravel Will Travel min per person – Abbas Construction Please sign in to be Top Soil/ Excavation recognized by the Rock Products Chair 541-548-6812 604 5. Approve Minutes: Roommate Wanted Regular Board Meet- 273 ing – February 11, Announcements/Events 2021 Seeking roommate. 6. Financials Western Washington Two professional men 7. Management Re- Guy, seeks gal, 55-75, need a roommate for ports – February slim/average build, a partially furnished 2021 to share quiet times; 3-bedroom home 8. Correspondence/ trips, walks, nature, located in NE Bend News moon-light, cuddling. near the Medical 9. Old Business Greg, P.O. Box 3013, District. Rent is $975 10. New Business: Arlington, WA 98223. monthly, includes A. Ordinance #2021- bedroom suite, ga- 01. rage parking, all util- AN ORDINANCE NEED TO SELL A ities, and WiFi. Must TO REPEAL OR- VEHICLE? submit to background DINANCE #2019- Call The Bulletin check, pay first and 03 AND ADOPT and place an ad last month’s rent as a RULES AND REGU- today! Ask about our deposit. Email: LATIONS TO GOV- special deals for private gobrien10155@ ERN COST RECOV- party advertisers. gmail.com with ERY FOR MEDICAL contact information. 541-385-5809 AND HEALTH CARE FACILITY AMBU- 600 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices FACILITY AMBU- LANCE TRANS- PORTS REQESTED THROUGH 911 B. Ordinance #2021- 02. AN ORDINANCE TO ADOPT RULES AND REGULA- TIONS TO GOVERN COST RECOVERY FOR MEDICAL AND HEALTH CARE FACIITY SERVICES REQUEST Copies of the full ordi- nances may be ob- tained at the district office and at www. lapinefire.org 11. Appeals 12. Special Meetings and Workshops 13. Good of the Order 14. Adjourn Regular Board Meeting - Next Regular Meet- ing: April 8, 2021 house in Coquille in said County, in connection with the above-entitled Juve- nile Court proceed- ing in which it is al- leged that said child is within the juris- diction of the Court by reason of the petition and/or mo- tion attached hereto and incorporated by reference. If the peti- tion alleges physical or sexual abuse, the court may require the alleged perpetra- tor to move from the household in which the child resides. The hearing will be held at: COOS COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, COURT- HOUSE, 250 N. BAXTER ST. CO- QUILLE, OREGON, ON THE 15th DAY OF March 2021, AT THE HOUR OF 8:15 A.M. Failure to appear may result in the court taking ju- risdiction of the child and making orders and taking actions authorized by the law. NOTICE: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY!! A petition has been filed to establish jurisdiction under ORS 419B.100. A copy of the petition is attached. No later than 30 days from the date the petition is filed, each person about whom alle- gations have been made in the petition must admit or deny the allegations. Un- less directed oth- erwise above, the admission or denial may be made oral- ly at the hearing. If you do not appear as directed above, or do not appear at any subsequent court-ordered hear- ing, the Court may proceed without fur- ther notice and take jurisdiction of the child(ren) either on the date specified in this summons or on a future date, and make such orders and take such ac- tion as authorized by law including, but not limited to, establishing ward- ship over the child, ordering the removal of the child(ren) from the legal and phys- ical custody of the parent(s) or guard- ian(s) and, restrain- ing you from having contact with, or at- tempting to contact, the child(ren) and re- quiring you to move from the house- hold in which the child(ren) resides (reside) if there are allegations of physi- cal or sexual abuse. RIGHTS AND OBLI- GATIONS You have a right to be represented by an attorney. If you wish to be represented by Legal Notice Estate of Helen E. Graziano Notice to Interested Persons Case No. 21PB00444 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of De- schutes. In the Matter of the Estate of Helen E. Graziano, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Cynthia Hossick has been appoint- ed as the personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned per- sonal representative in the care of the un- dersigned attorney at: Kristin Larson, OSB #023639, Han- sen & Larson, LLC, 698 NW York Drive, Bend, Oregon 97703 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated be- low, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings in this estate may obtain addition- al information from the records of the Court, the personal representative or the attorney for the per- sonal representative. Date of First Publica- tion: February 25, 2021. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON FOR COOS COUNTY In the Matter of Ryan L. Templeton A CHILD SUMMONS Case No. 20JU01428 1) Jerry L. Templeton IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR- EGON: You are hereby re- quired to appear personally before the above-entitled Court for the County of Coos, State of Or- egon, at the Court- house in Coquille 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices to be represented by an attorney, please retain one as soon as possible to repre- sent you in this pro- ceeding. If you are the child or the par- ent or legal guardian of the child and you cannot afford to hire an attorney and you meet the state’s fi- nancial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. To request appoint- ment of an attorney to represent you at state expense, you must contact the juvenile court im- mediately. Phone 541-396-4077 for further information. If you are represented by an attorney, it is your responsibility to maintain contact with your attorney and to keep your attorney advised of your whereabouts. If you are a parent or other person legally obligated to support the child(ren), you have the obliga- tion to support the child(ren). You may be required to pay for compensation and reasonable expens- es for the child(ren)’s attorney. You may be required to pay sup- port for the child(ren) while the child(ren) is (are) in state fi- nanced or state sup- ported custody. You may be required to provide health insur- ance coverage for the child(ren) while the child(ren) is (are) in state financed or state supported custody. You may be required to pay other costs that arise from the child(ren) being in the jurisdiction of the Court. If you are ordered to pay for the child(ren)’s sup- port or there is an existing order of sup- port from a divorce or other proceeding, that support order may be assigned to the state to apply to the costs of the child(ren)’s care. If this summons re- quires you to appear before the court to admit or deny the allegations of the petition or requires you to file a written answer to the pe- tition and you con- test the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the al- legations of the pe- tition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings relat- ed to the petition and order you to appear personally. If you are ordered to appear, you must appear personally in the courtroom, unless the court has grant- ed you an exception in advance under ORS 419B.918 to 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices ORS 419B.918 to appear by other means including, but not limited to, tele- phonic or other elec- tronic means. If you are represented by an attorney you must appear personally at any hearing where you have been or- dered or summoned to appear. “Appear personally” requires your presence at court – you MAY NOT appear through an attorney, unless you are the child at issue. If your rights are ad- versely affected by the court’s judgment or decision regarding jurisdiction or dispo- sition, you have the right to appeal under ORS 419A.200. If you decide to appeal a judgment or deci- sion of the court, you must file a notice of appeal no later than 30 days after the entry of the court’s judgment or decision as provided in ORS 419A.200. You have a right to be repre- sented by an attor- ney in an appeal un- der ORS 419A.200. If you are the child or the parent or le- gal guardian of the child and you cannot afford to hire an at- torney and you meet the state’s financial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state ex- pense. To request appointment of an attorney to represent you at state expense in an appeal under ORS 419A.200, you must contact the juvenile court imme- diately. Phone 541- 396-4077 for further information. Dates at Coquille, Or- egon **Questions regard- ing this proceeding, contact DHS Child Protective Services at 541-756-5500, 1431 Airport Ln., North Bend, OR 97459 or the Juve- nile Court Clerk at 541-396-4077, Coos County Courthouse, Coquille, OR 97423 Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned has been appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Law- rence J. O’Neill, Deceased, by the Deschutes Coun- ty Circuit Court of the State of Oregon probate number 21PB00671. All per- sons having claims against the Estate are required to pres- ent them, with prop- er vouchers, within four ( 4) months after the date of first pub- lication of this notice 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices lication of this notice to the undersigned or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the un- dersigned or the attorneys for the un- dersigned. DATED and first pub- lished March 4, 2021. Edith A. Bowler-Lind c/o Thomas J. Sayeg Karnopp Petersen LLP 360 SW Bond Street, Suite 400 Bend, Oregon 97702 TEL: (541) 382-3011 FAX: (541) 388-5410 Of Attorneys for Per- sonal Representa- tive served Water for Certificates (Certs.) 74146, 74147, and 74148 under ORS 537.470. On Feb- ruary 17, 2021, TID filed an amendment to the application to include addition- al piping projects. Certs. 74146, 74147, and 74148 were su- perseded by Certs. 95175, 95176, and 95177, respectively. Cert. 95175 is for a total of approx. 53.95 cubic feet per sec- ond (CFS) from Tum- alo Creek, tributary of the Deschutes River for Irrigation of approx. 5801.5 acres, domestic use including livestock. Cert. 95176 is for 136.0 CFS from Tumalo Creek with any deficiency to be LEGAL NOTICE TO IN- made up by divert- TERESTED PERSONS ing no more than Donna M. Hines 40.0 CFS from Cra- has been appoint- ter Creek, 34.0 CFS ed as Administra- from Little Crater tor of the Estate of Creek, and 1.0 CFS Marilyn Kay Lane, from Three Springs Deceased, by the Branches for irri- Deschutes County gation (and other Circuit Court, State uses) of 1579.7 of Oregon, Case No. acres-equivalent, 21PB01410. All per- and supplemental sons having claims irrigation of 5010.9 against the estate acres. Cert. 95177 must present the is for 32,268 acre- claims to the Ad- feet (AF) from Cres- ministrator at C/O cent Lake Reservoir McCord & Hemphill, for supplemental LLC, 65 NW Gree- irrigation of approx. ley Ave., Bend, OR 7381.2 acres. The 97703, within four conservation project months after March proposes to pipe 4, 2021 which is the open un-lined lat- date of first publica- erals (Steele, High- tion of this notice, or line, 2 Rivers (Box the claims may be S), Parkhurst, Gill, barred. Additional Lacy, and Allen) with information may be HDPE pipe conserv- obtained from the ing the following Court, the Adminis- quantities of water: trator, or the attorney Cert. 95175, approx. for the Administrator: 1,204.2 AF / up to Brian T. Hemphill. 3.299 cfs with prior- ity dates of 8/5/1900, Public Notice 9/1900, 4/28/1905, PUBLIC LIEN SALE 5/27/1907, and U-STORE SELF 6/1/1907; Cert. STORAGE 95176, approx. 979.9 Bend Or. (541) 323- AF / up to 6.154 cfs 4222 with a priority date La Pine Or. (541) 323- of 10/29/1913; and 4224 Cert. 95177, approx. Auction to be held 1,936.9 AF with online at stor- a priority date of ageauctions.com 4/7/1911. TID pro- From 3/9/21 to poses 100% of the 3/19/21 conserved water Ending @ 10:00 AM to be protected in- Unclaimed storage stream. lockers to be sold by Any party may provide competitive bidding. written comments Anderson, Richard directly related to C07 CW-116 within 20 Blair, Jessica E05/H03 days of the last date Butler-Gilber t,Brent of newspaper publi- M08 cation, 03/04/2021. GOODS OF EVERY Comments should DESCRIPTION be sent to ACW SOLD BY LOT Program, Water CASH AND CREDIT Resources Depart- CARDS ONLY ment, 725 Summer Street NE, Suite A, Legal Notice Salem, OR 97301- Notice of Amended 1266. WRD will re- Application for Allo- view all comments cation of Conserved received when de- Water termining whether CW-116 to approve the pro- On April 2, 2020, posed ACW. Tumalo Irrigation District (TID), 64697 Cook Avenue, Bend, CLASSIFIEDS SELL! OR 97703, filed Place your ad online an application for BENDBULLETIN.COM Allocation of Con- served Water for SUPER SELLER SPECIAL: WHEELS & WINGS sty o Dyna ! Monac D E LOAD 20 04 - tion c e v e, con g id fr r 4-d w/d, built-in micro, r, o fl tile o ceramic Stainless , ed. TV/DVD s, king size b e c n applia 9,000 nly $14 All for o 00 0-0 541-00 $ * 49 FOR A 4 WEEK PACKAGE Includes autos, RVs, motorcycles, boats & airplanes. Includes up to 30 words of text, 1.5” in length, full color photo and price. Call 541-385-5809 or classifi eds@bendbulletin.com * Private party ads only. Prepayment required. Deal expires 3/31/2021.