The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, February 28, 2021, Page 17, Image 17

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Write to Dear Abby online at
or by mail at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069
Dear Abby: I am a male
reader with a complaint.
Have you noticed that
women hardly ever compli-
ment men? On ANYTHING!
They expect men to compli-
ment them but never recip-
If you move furniture, take
them out for a nice dinner,
buy tickets to their favorite
show, buy them a gift, they
don’t have enough manners
or couth to say thank you or
express appreciation. Getting
a compliment is like pull-
ing teeth from a great white
shark while he’s feeding.
Don’t women ever think,
“Maybe I should say some-
thing to HIM instead of ex-
pecting him to say it to me”?
Where do they learn this be-
havior? Are they taught this
growing up? Or do they just
not care or even realize?
— Shaking My Head
in New Jersey
Dear Shaking: My late
mother, God rest her soul,
once commented to me that
people with “class” never use
that word. In this case, I will
make an exception and tell
you that individuals of both
sexes who have class were
taught from early childhood
the magic words “please” and
“thank you,” and to express
I don’t know what kind
of women you are involved
with, but I’m suggesting it
is time to upgrade the qual-
ity. Do not spoil anyone who
isn’t willing to spoil you right
Dear Abby: I’ve been go-
ing to the same poke joint
for more than five years now.
Several of the employees
have worked there for years.
I feel at this point, I should
know their names, but they
don’t wear name tags, and
I’m embarrassed to ask what
their names are after so many
years. They don’t know mine
either, but they know enough
about me to ask how my son
is doing or how my work is
I like calling people by
their names, but I’m a little
shy and awkward and don’t
know how to ask. Should I
just keep our weekly (some-
times bi-weekly) exchanges at
surface-level chitchat without
worrying about what their
names are?
— Friendly in the West
Dear Friendly: You can
certainly do that. It has
worked for you so far. How-
ever, if you would like to
know the employees’ names,
just say that you are “terrible
with names, and embarrassed
to even have to ask after all
this time, but ... what is your
name? My name is (insert
Dear Abby: I’m getting
married next month, and I’m
so nervous. What can I do to
not be scared?
— Cold Feet in Florida
Dear Cold Feet: I wish you
had been more forthcoming
about what you are worried
about. Is it the wedding cere-
mony and your wedding day?
If that’s the case, have faith
that you and your fiance will
make it through together be-
cause you WILL. Is it your
wedding night? A talk with
your doctor should allay your
Is it that you are unsure
about the person you are
marrying? If that’s the case,
postpone the wedding and
schedule premarital coun-
seling for you and your in-
tended. In some religions, the
clergy recommend this type
of counseling so issues like
money and child-rearing can
be discussed and not cause
serious problems later.
By Madalyn Aslan
Stars show the kind of day you’ll have
õ õ õ õ õ DYNAMIC | õ õ õ õ POSITIVE | õ õ õ AVERAGE | õ õ SO-SO | õ DIFFICULT
HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR SUNDAY, FEB. 28, 2021: Vibrant, alive
and emotionally complex, you live in a vital and uncompromising way. This
year, by investigating a new avenue in your work you become even more
successful. You receive major recognition. If single, be careful not to get too
carried away with thrills and sensations. Your mate is around the corner in
2022. If attached, love is bliss and your partner helps you with your goals.
ARIES inspires you.
ARIES (March 21-April 19)
õõõ Today blesses a commitment you make. Listen to suggestions. Others
are competitive and a bit argumentative; focus on tolerance and coopera-
tion. A partner has definite plans and ideas involving you. Compromise is key.
Tonight: Delicious dinner with a loved one.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20)
õõõõ Today emphasizes a need for clarity. Make time to release stress and
clear away clutter. Heed a hunch about the well-being of a cherished pet.
Also, a new animal may find its way to your door. Tonight: Many projects
need your attention at once.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20)
õõõõ You can feel unusually scattered, uncertain and divided regarding
matters of the heart. But Venus comes to the rescue. A healthy and loving
relationship begins to deepen, and this restores you. Tonight: Dance like no
one is watching.
CANCER (June 21-July 22)
õõõõõ Communicate with family members concerning home improve-
ments and repairs. Now would be a wonderful time to bless your dwelling,
perhaps with a sage smudge. Visitors suggest interesting ideas and offer
valuable insights during casual conversation. Tonight: Relax with family.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
õõõõ Be tolerant of others’ beliefs. It’s not the time to be too forceful if de-
bating politics. Anticipate some intriguing conversations and messages. Sev-
eral short journeys are likely. It’s a great time to catch up on current events.
Tonight: Catch up with a sibling or neighbor.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
õõõ Today emphasizes money and purchases. Do not overextend yourself
financially. Set funds aside to cover an unexpected expense. Consider new
directions concerning budgeting. Financial brainstorming sessions offer
valuable perspectives about security issues. Tonight: Take the night off and
just relax.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
õõõõ A competitive spirit encourages you to be progressive and exper-
iment today. An important relationship intensifies. Be aware of your own
aptitudes. Do some soul searching to determine how best to be who you are
and do what you can. Tonight: As you like.
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
õõõõõ Your insight is keen; memories are vivid and poignant. Plan some-
thing reminiscent of childhood activities. You will savor quiet moments,
cherishing chances to release stress. Intuitively you realize that a tranquil
mind knows the right moments. Tonight: A soothing herbal bath or sauna.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
õõõ Today impacts your circle of friends and long-range goals. Reflect, but
delay steering away from established associates or committing to a new di-
rection. An invitation is extended to participate in an organization. Think this
through before acting. Tonight: A network reaches out to you.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
õõõõõ Memories of grandparents or relationships with grandchildren are
heartwarming, and any volatile situations with in-laws should settle down. It
is also a wonderful day to combine business with pleasure. Tonight: One who
admires you can offer a valuable recommendation.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
õõõõõ Appreciation of beauty marks today. Employ art and music to
heighten your connection to the heavens. Today is also perfect for travel or
for enrolling in a study and learning program. A sense of freedom and com-
pletion surrounds you. Tonight: Insights about loved ones.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)
õõõõ Today reveals how family dynamics are shifting. Hidden facts come
to light; a message from the spirit world arrives. Your attitudes and percep-
tions are in flux. Heed subtle signs and synchronicities. Tonight: Donate items
to a worthy cause and you’ll experience good karma in return.
University of Oregon
Central Oregon Business Index
This data combines nine economic statistics into a single variable. The variables — labor
market, tourism, housing markets, waste generation and the state economy — are chosen
on the basis of economic relevance, timely availability and sufficiently long history. The
baseline of 100 was set in 1998 with that year’s numbers.
2020 Q4
5 5.2 pts.
q quarter
2006 Q2
2001 Q1
2009 Q2
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Clarinda Simpson/The Bulletin
Source: University of Oregon College of Arts and Sciences and Department of Economics
Continued from C1
These numbers are a good
indicator that once restrictions
are lifted and business can get
back to normal, Central Ore-
gon’s economy should rebound
to pre-pandemic levels.
The index comprises of nine
variables, which are adjusted
for seasonality and are mea-
sured against a benchmark of
100 set in 1998. It is designed to
show the health of an economy.
In the first quarter of 2020,
which was prior to when
COVID-19 was identified
in the United States, the in-
dex was 134.8, in the second
quarter it plummeted to 118.4
and in the third quarter it had
bounced back up to 131.5 .
Much of that bouncing around
was due to job losses and shut-
tered businesses.
The Central Oregon housing
market has been breaking re-
cords through the third quar-
ter, Duy said. And although
it slowed a bit in the fourth
quarter, homes are still selling
faster and inventory remains
low. In addition, new construc-
tion accelerated with 243 units
permitted compared to 166 the
prior quarter, according to the
And in the leisure and hos-
pitality industry, hotel revenues
were strong for Central Ore-
gon, fueled by the love affair
for our outdoor recreation. But
air travel remained soft, still
below pre-pandemic levels, ac-
cording to the report.
In all, the index was only
down slightly in the fourth
quarter of 2020, compared to
2019, Duy said.
The two government stim-
ulus efforts and the rounds of
Paycheck Protection Program
funds for businesses has helped
buffer the Central Oregon
economy, he said. But it will
take a bit of time for the econ-
omy to fully rebound overcom-
ing the supply chain shock felt
earlier in the year.
“The region has done really
well,” Duy said. “I expect the
first quarter to show continued
improvement. It will be hard
for people to hold back when
things fully open up.”
Reporter: 541-633-2117,