THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2021 • THE BULLETIN GO! MAGAZINE • PAGE 7 LOCAL LITERARY HIGHLIGHTS Pulitzer-winning journalists to wrap up Author! Author! Submitted photo Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn are the co-authors of “Tightrope: Americans Reaching for Hope.” BY DAVID JASPER The Bulletin P ulitzer Prize-winning authors Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn — the first husband and wife pair to earn the prize — are often asked how they can write together and stay married. Their output includes books such as “Thunder from the East,” “Half the Sky” and, most re- cently, 2020’s “Tightrope: Americans Reach- ing for Hope,” a deep dive into impoverished America, the policies that create poverty and proposals that might fix it. The two will discuss the book on March 4 in the third and final 2021 Author! Author! event from Deschutes Public Library. According to Kristof, 61, “We raised three kids together, and if you can raise three kids together and stay, a book is a piece of cake,” he said with a chuckle. However, they’re not exactly sitting elbow to elbow at the keyboard. Kristof and Wu- Dunn divide tasks when tackling a project. “We tend to carve up the topics and go off and report separately, and interview people Continued on next page book notes e e News from Central Oregon’s reading scene Poetry event to make a winter night ‘brighter’ Roundabout Books will host a virtual Zoom event promoting “Suppose the room just got brighter,” the new chapbook from Jenna Goldsmith, at 6 p.m. Thursday. Published by Fin- ishing Line Press, it’s the third book from Gold- smith, senior instructor of writing at Oregon State University-Cascades and one of four mem- bers of the Portland-based interdisciplinary arts group Danger Punch. Poet Jennifer Tseng has said of the work in “Suppose the Room Just got Brighter,” “Her po- ems are effervescent; even the heavy ones tread lightly as children in a fairy tale, ever alive with bewilderment and curiosity.” To procure a link to the Zoom event, visit Submitted photo Jenna Goldsmith is a senior instructor of writing at Oregon State University-Cas- cades. — David Jasper, The Bulletin