THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2021 A13 COVID-19 vaccines NATIONAL BRIEFING Single-dose shot from J&J works, FDA says Biden signals change in course for Postal Service BY LAURAN NEERGAARD AND MATTHEW PERRONE The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Johnson & John- son’s single-dose vaccine offers strong protection against severe COVID-19, according to an analysis released Wednesday by U.S. regulators. The long-anticipated shot could offer the nation a third vaccine option and help speed vaccinations by requiring just one dose instead of two. Food and Drug Administration scientists con- firmed that overall the vaccine is about 66% effective at preventing moderate to severe COVID-19, and about 85% ef- fective against the most serious illness. The agency also said J&J’s shot is safe. The analysis is just one step in the FDA’s evaluation. On Friday, the agen- cy’s independent advisers will debate if the evidence is strong enough to rec- ommend the shot. With that advice, the FDA is expected to make a final decision within days.The COVID-19 death toll in the U.S. topped 500,000 this week, and the vaccination drive has been slower than hoped, hampered by logistical and weather delays. So far, about 44.5 million Americans have re- ceived at least one dose of vaccine made by Pfizer or Moderna, and nearly 20 million of them have received the sec- ond dose required for full protection. Tests showed the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines were 95% effective at protec- tion against symptomatic COVID-19. J&J tested its single-dose option in 44,000 adults in the U.S., Latin America and South Africa. Warm Springs Continued from A1 Repairing the water distribu- tion system at Warm Springs, including a new water filtration plant and the network of wa- ter delivery pipes, could cost as much as $130 million, accord- ing to Chico Holliday, Warm Springs water and wastewater supervisor. “Hopefully I get to see it in my lifetime,” Holliday told The Bulletin. The Western Tribal Water Infrastructure Act would make Warm Springs eligible to ap- ply for the Indian Reservation Drinking Water Program. The legislation, currently $20 mil- lion per year, would increase to $50 million per year under passage of the new act. On Wednesday, Interior Sec- retary nominee Deb Haaland said during her confirmation hearing that she will seek solu- tions to tribal water challenges. “We will look at water in a new lens in 2021 when we know climate change is a drastic issue,” said Haaland. “And I hope we can find ways to conserve, re- cycle, move all those issues for- ward so that nobody is stuck in a desert without water to drink.” e e Reporter: 541-617-7818, President Joe Biden an- nounced three nomina- tions to the board of the U.S. Postal Service, signal- ing confidence in voting by mail and a possible change of course after months of turmoil over slowed deliv- ery under Postmaster Gen- eral Louis DeJoy. Biden named Ron Stro- man, a former deputy postmaster general; An- ton Hajjar, former general counsel of the American Postal Workers Union; and Amber McReynolds, an ex- pert on election administra- tion who leads the National Vote at Home Institute. The three would fill va- cant seats, and if confirmed by the Senate would give Democrats a majority of the nine presidentially ap- pointed slots on the Postal Board of Governors. The board selects the postmas- ter general, and Democrats have urged Biden to move to dismiss DeJoy, a logis- tics executive and Donald Trump donor. Ex-Cuomo aide accuses governor of harassment Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin file Flint Scott, a Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs member, moves a rack of 5-gallon containers of water while working at the distribution center in August 2019. The water was collected in 2019 when residents were asked to boil their water before they used it. The tribes have an outdated water system that has been plagued in recent years by failing pumps and cracked pipes. C LASSIFIEDS A former member of em- battled New York Gov. An- drew Cuomo’s administra- tion who previously accused him of sexual harassment of- fered new details Wednesday, saying he once kissed her on the lips without consent. Lindsey Boylan said that during her more than three years in the Democrat’s administration, Cuomo “would go out of his way to touch me on my lower back, arms and legs,” she said. Cuomo’s spokesperson called the allegations false. — Bulletin wire reports The Bulletin General Merchandise Employment Legal Notices 200 500 1000 204 Want to Buy or Rent 504 Employment Opportunities Wanted $ Cash paid for vintage, fake, & fine jew- elry. Top $ paid for Gold & Silver. I buy in bulk. Honest Artist. Elizabeth 541-633-7006 Field Representative Labor Union Represen- tative. Representing members in areas of contract enforcement, negotiations and organizing. Experience required. Position in 210 Central Oregon (Bend) Pets & Supplies area. $64,044, excellent Golden Double Doodle benefits and auto. Re- sumes to OSEA, 4735 Puppies born 12/28. Liberty Rd S, Salem OR Black/Apricot. Males 97302 by 4:00 pm Fri- $900 Females $1000. La Pine. (805)279-1105 day, February 26. Fax: 503/588-8307. Email POODLE Pups, Toy. Home raised. 541-475- 3889. 213 Furniture & Appliances Used Kenmore washer/ dryer $150 (541)389- 7731 219 Antiques & Collectibles Buying Lionel/American Flyer Trains and acces. 541-408-2191 Add your web address to your ad and readers on, will be able to click through automatically to your website. 222 Coins & Stamps Private collector buying postage stamp albums & collections, world- wide and U.S. 573-286- 4343 (local, cell phone) Rentals 600 604 Roommate Wanted Seeking roommate. Two professional men need a roommate for a partially furnished 3-bedroom home located in NE Bend near the Medical District. Rent is $975 monthly, includes bedroom suite, ga- rage parking, all util- ities, and WiFi. Must submit to background check, pay first and last month’s rent as a deposit. Email: gobrien10155@ with contact information. 607 Rooms for Rent 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice Estate of Helen E. Graziano Notice to Interested Persons Case No. 21PB00444 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of De- schutes. In the Matter of the Estate of Helen E. Graziano, deceased. Notice is hereby given that Cynthia Hossick has been appoint- ed as the personal representative of the above estate. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them to the undersigned per- sonal representative in the care of the un- dersigned attorney at: Kristin Larson, OSB #023639, Han- sen & Larson, LLC, 698 NW York Drive, Bend, Oregon 97703 within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, as stated be- low, or such claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings in this estate may obtain addition- al information from the records of the Court, the personal representative or the attorney for the per- sonal representative. Date of First Publica- tion: February 25, 2021. Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 3 bedrooms for rent. La STATE OF ORE- Have Gravel Will Travel Pine, OR. $600-$800/ GON FOR COOS month. 541-977-6560. Abbas Construction COUNTY Top Soil/ Excavation In the Matter of Ryan Rock Products 610 L. Templeton A 541-548-6812 Apartments for Rent CHILD SUMMONS Case No. 273 HUD Project Based 20JU01428 1) Jerry L. Templeton Announcements/Events 62+/Disabled Greenwood Manor 541- IN THE NAME OF 389-2712 Western Washington THE STATE OF OR- Studio 1 & 2 Bedroom Guy, seeks gal, 55-75, EGON: Apartments slim/average build, You are hereby re- 2248 NE 4th St Bend, to share quiet times; quired to appear Or 97701 trips, walks, nature, personally before TDD 800-735-2900 moon-light, cuddling. the above-entitled Equal Housing Opportu- Greg, P.O. Box 3013, Court for the County nity Arlington, WA 98223. of Coos, State of Or- C 261 Building Materials 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices egon, at the Court- house in Coquille in said County, in connection with the above-entitled Juve- nile Court proceed- ing in which it is al- leged that said child is within the juris- diction of the Court by reason of the petition and/or mo- tion attached hereto and incorporated by reference. If the peti- tion alleges physical or sexual abuse, the court may require the alleged perpetra- tor to move from the household in which the child resides. The hearing will be held at: COOS COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, COURT- HOUSE, 250 N. BAXTER ST. CO- QUILLE, OREGON, ON THE 15th DAY OF March 2021, AT THE HOUR OF 8:15 A.M. Failure to appear may result in the court taking ju- risdiction of the child and making orders and taking actions authorized by the law. NOTICE: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY!! A petition has been filed to establish jurisdiction under ORS 419B.100. A copy of the petition is attached. No later than 30 days from the date the petition is filed, each person about whom alle- gations have been made in the petition must admit or deny the allegations. Un- less directed oth- erwise above, the admission or denial may be made oral- ly at the hearing. If you do not appear as directed above, or do not appear at any subsequent court-ordered hear- ing, the Court may proceed without fur- ther notice and take jurisdiction of the child(ren) either on the date specified in this summons or on a future date, and make such orders and take such ac- tion as authorized by law including, but not limited to, establishing ward- ship over the child, ordering the removal of the child(ren) from 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices the legal and phys- ical custody of the parent(s) or guard- ian(s) and, restrain- ing you from having contact with, or at- tempting to contact, the child(ren) and re- quiring you to move from the house- hold in which the child(ren) resides (reside) if there are allegations of physi- cal or sexual abuse. RIGHTS AND OBLI- GATIONS You have a right to be represented by an attorney. If you wish to be represented by an attorney, please retain one as soon as possible to repre- sent you in this pro- ceeding. If you are the child or the par- ent or legal guardian of the child and you cannot afford to hire an attorney and you meet the state’s fi- nancial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. To request appoint- ment of an attorney to represent you at state expense, you must contact the juvenile court im- mediately. Phone 541-396-4077 for further information. If you are represented by an attorney, it is your responsibility to maintain contact with your attorney and to keep your attorney advised of your whereabouts. If you are a parent or other person legally obligated to support the child(ren), you have the obliga- tion to support the child(ren). You may be required to pay for compensation and reasonable expens- es for the child(ren)’s attorney. You may be required to pay sup- port for the child(ren) while the child(ren) is (are) in state fi- nanced or state sup- ported custody. You may be required to provide health insur- ance coverage for the child(ren) while the child(ren) is (are) in state financed or state supported custody. You may be required to pay other costs that arise from the child(ren) being in the jurisdiction of C f Create or find Classifieds at 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices the Court. If you are ordered to pay for the child(ren)’s sup- port or there is an existing order of sup- port from a divorce or other proceeding, that support order may be assigned to the state to apply to the costs of the child(ren)’s care. If this summons re- quires you to appear before the court to admit or deny the allegations of the petition or requires you to file a written answer to the pe- tition and you con- test the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the al- legations of the pe- tition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings relat- ed to the petition and order you to appear personally. If you are ordered to appear, you must appear personally in the courtroom, unless the court has grant- ed you an exception in advance under ORS 419B.918 to appear by other means including, but not limited to, tele- phonic or other elec- tronic means. If you are represented by an attorney you must appear personally at any hearing where you have been or- dered or summoned to appear. “Appear personally” requires your presence at court – you MAY NOT appear through an attorney, unless you are the child at issue. If your rights are ad- versely affected by the court’s judgment or decision regarding jurisdiction or dispo- sition, you have the right to appeal under ORS 419A.200. If you decide to appeal a judgment or deci- sion of the court, you must file a notice of appeal no later than 30 days after the entry of the court’s judgment or decision as provided in ORS 419A.200. You have a right to be repre- sented by an attor- ney in an appeal un- der ORS 419A.200. If you are the child or the parent or le- gal guardian of the 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices child and you cannot afford to hire an at- torney and you meet the state’s financial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state ex- pense. To request appointment of an attorney to represent you at state expense in an appeal under ORS 419A.200, you must contact the juvenile court imme- diately. Phone 541- 396-4077 for further information. Dates at Coquille, Or- egon **Questions regard- ing this proceeding, contact DHS Child Protective Services at 541-756-5500, 1431 Airport Ln., North Bend, OR 97459 or the Juve- nile Court Clerk at 541-396-4077, Coos County Courthouse, Coquille, OR 97423 Legal Notice Notice of Amended Application for Allo- cation of Conserved Water CW-116 On April 2, 2020, Tumalo Irrigation District (TID), 64697 Cook Avenue, Bend, OR 97703, filed an application for Allocation of Con- served Water for Certificates (Certs.) 74146, 74147, and 74148 under ORS 537.470. On Feb- ruary 17, 2021, TID filed an amendment to the application to include addition- al piping projects. Certs. 74146, 74147, and 74148 were su- perseded by Certs. 95175, 95176, and 95177, respectively. Cert. 95175 is for a total of approx. 53.95 cubic feet per sec- ond (CFS) from Tum- alo Creek, tributary of the Deschutes River for Irrigation of approx. 5801.5 acres, domestic use including livestock. Cert. 95176 is for 136.0 CFS from Tumalo Creek with any deficiency to be made up by divert- ing no more than 40.0 CFS from Cra- ter Creek, 34.0 CFS from Little Crater Creek, and 1.0 CFS from Three Springs Branches for irri- ( 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices gation (and other uses) of 1579.7 acres-equivalent, and supplemental irrigation of 5010.9 acres. Cert. 95177 is for 32,268 acre- feet (AF) from Cres- cent Lake Reservoir for supplemental irrigation of approx. 7381.2 acres. The conservation project proposes to pipe open un-lined lat- erals (Steele, High- line, 2 Rivers (Box S), Parkhurst, Gill, Lacy, and Allen) with HDPE pipe conserv- ing the following quantities of water: Cert. 95175, approx. 1,204.2 AF / up to 3.299 cfs with prior- ity dates of 8/5/1900, 9/1900, 4/28/1905, 5/27/1907, and 6/1/1907; Cert. 95176, approx. 979.9 AF / up to 6.154 cfs with a priority date of 10/29/1913; and Cert. 95177, approx. 1,936.9 AF with a priority date of 4/7/1911. TID pro- poses 100% of the conserved water to be protected in- stream. Any party may provide written comments directly related to CW-116 within 20 days of the last date of newspaper publi- cation, 03/04/2021. Comments should be sent to ACW Program, Water Resources Depart- ment, 725 Summer Street NE, Suite A, Salem, OR 97301- 1266. WRD will re- view all comments received when de- termining whether to approve the pro- posed ACW. Public Notice CITY COUNCILOR VACANCY CITY OF LA PINE The La Pine City Council currently has two available seats on City Council and is currently accept- ing applications from individuals who are interested in serv- ing. This individual will serve through December 31, 2022. This is a volunteer position. The City Council is a (5) member board and composed of the Mayor and (4) City Council posi- C C 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices tions. The City Coun- cil generally meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 5:30 p.m. City Coun- cil members are expected to attend Work Sessions and Special City Council meetings, serve on various sub- com- mittees or regional groups, and repre- sent the City in vari- ous other capacities. The vacancy will be filled via appoint- ment by a majority of the entire member- ship of the Council. Those individuals submitting applica- tions will be asked to meet with the Council for an in- terview prior to the Council making an appointment. Inter- views will begin after a minimum pool of qualified candidates have submitted ap- plications. In order to qualify for appointment, an applicant must be a resident of La Pine within city limits for at least one year prior. Applications will be received until inter- views have begun. Interested individu- als are encouraged to visit the City’s website at www. to print an application or visit City Hall. Please contact City Hall at (541) 536- 1432 or info@lapi- with any questions. DID YOU KNOW Newspaper-generated content is so valuable it’s taken and repeated, condensed, broadcast, tweeted, discussed, posted, copied, edited, and emailed countless times throughout the day by others? Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising in FIVE STATES with just one phone call. For free Pacific Northwest Newspaper Association Network brochures call 916-288-6011 or email (PNDC)