The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, February 21, 2021, Page 21, Image 21

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More storage at jail needed for confiscated stills in 1921
Compiled by the Deschutes
County Historical Society from
the archived copies of The Bul-
letin at the Deschutes Historical
Mr. Stokes will remain in
the city a few days longer sur-
veying the fire prevention
work that has been carried out
More storage room
needed for stills
So rapidly has liquor-mak-
ing equipment been accumu-
lating in the county jail that
sheriff S.E. Roberts ordered
the removal of eight complete
plants. These were transferred
yesterday afternoon to the ga-
rage of Special Agent L.A.W.
Nixon. Four stoves, which
had been formerly used by
moonshiner, were sold to sec-
ond-hand dealers by the sher-
iff and the purchase price of
$10 turned over to the Red
Sheriff Roberts has endeav-
ored to secure instructions
regarding the disposition to
be made of confiscated stills,
but has received no advice up
to date. If the accumulation
of moonshine plants contin-
ues, he may be forced to sell
the equipment as junk cop-
per to allow for more storage
room for the bulky evidence,
he states.
For the week ending
Feb. 20, 1921
New telephone line is planned
Construction work on a
telephone line to serve the
residents south of town along
The Dalles-California high-
way and to High Lake will be
started immediately, according
to Charles Carroll, secretary of
the company recently formed
by the residents of that section.
The equipment will be stan-
dard to conform with the state
laws, and a double-ground
system will be used in order to
eliminate noise in the phones.
Connection will be made with
the Pacific Telegraph & Tele-
phone line at the residence of
Mr. Carroll.
The line will be five miles
long and 17 phones will be in-
stalled at present, one of which
will be at the Carroll Acres
school house. Provision will be
made for increasing the ser-
vice as the country becomes
more thickly settled.
Valentine gifts brought
by stork weigh 18 pounds
Two valentines were
brought to families near
Bend by the stork yester-
day, one a seven and one-half
pound baby girl arriving at
the home of Mr. And Mrs. Joe
S. Thrasher at Brooks Scan-
lon camp No. 1, in the morn-
ing, the other a 10 1/2-pound
boy, appearing at the Oliver B.
Caldwell home east of Bend,
on the afternoon of St. Valen-
tine’s day.
Fire Marshal well pleased
Bend, with but one excep-
tion, has the best drilled and
best equipped volunteer de-
partment in Oregon, declared
Deputy State Fire Marshall
George W. Stokes at a meeting
of the department at the fire
station last night.
He stated that he was per-
sonally interested in the wel-
fare of the department here,
having watched its growth
from almost nothing in the
shape of equipment to its pres-
ent state of efficiency. He com-
plimented the members highly
upon their showing during
the past two years. Mr. Stokes
spoke of the excellent repu-
tation enjoyed by the Bend
department in other towns
throughout the state and urged
that all members continue to
perform their duties as well in
the future as they have in the
The department put on an
inside drill without a hitch and
Mr. Stokes admitted the work
to be as good as he had ever
seen performed by a volun-
teer company of the size of the
Bend department.
For the week ending
Feb. 20, 1946
Redmond quintet
noses out Bend
Bend’s American Legion
basketball team lost a hard
fought game to the Redmond
town team, composed mostly
of veterans, last night by the
score of 36 to 34. The contest
was a thriller from the first
toss to the final whistle, with
the Redmond quintet easing
into the win column through
the brilliant shooting of Endi-
cott who scored 13 points and
Lewis, who accounted for 5.
Tomorrow night, the Bend
legionnaires will tangle with
Prineville, on the Crook
county court.
Betrothed news told at
meeting of a sorority here
The engagement of Miss
Marian Mowery, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Mowery, to
Leon Devereaux, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Leon E. Devereaux,
was announced at the regular
Beta Sigma Phi dinner meet-
ing Tuesday evening in the
Pine Tavern. A date for the
wedding has not been set.
Miss Mowery, a 1944 Bend
high school graduate, is a clerk
at the First National bank. Her
fiancé, a veteran of ten months
service overseas as a fighter pi-
lot on the Shangri-La, was re-
leased from active duty in the
navy last November. Before his
three years in the service, he
was a student at Oregon State
college, where he is affiliated
with Delta Tau Delta fraternity.
Many children get health aid
Activities of the Deschutes
county health department yes-
terday included a child health
conference at the courthouse
and immunization clinics at
Richardson school and in Red-
mond. Fourteen babies and
pre-school children attended
the conference at the court-
house, accompanied by their
mothers. Dr. P.W. Chernenkoff
was in charge, assisted by Miss
Lucy Davison and Mrs. Gladys
Cochran of the health depart-
ment staff.
Both immunization clin-
ics reported an identical at-
tendance, 27 each. Miss Elma
Mullins, public health nurse,
was in charge at the Church of
Christ in Redmond, assisted
by Mrs. George Fairfield. Dr.
Chernenkoff gave the im-
munizations at Richardson
school, with Mrs. Cochran as
assistant. At Richardson 10
smallpox vaccinations and two
Schlick tests were given and
two were protected against
Hodkinsons sell
theater interests
Interests in the Tower, Cap-
itol and Liberty theaters for-
merly owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Hodkinsons have been
sold to Albert Forman of Port-
land and William Forman of
Seattle, it was announced here
today. The sale will be effective
March 1.
Henry Mullendore, for-
merly of Portland, will repre-
sent the Forman interests in
Bend and will handle the man-
agement of the local theaters
with B.A. Stover, pioneer Bend
showman, who will retain his
interests in the company. Mr.
and Mrs. Mullendore arrived
Wednesday night from Port-
The Hodkinsons plan to
spend a month vacationing in
California, after which they
will return to Bend. Hodkin-
sons has numerous real estate
holdings here, which he will
continue to manage. He and
his wife came here seven years
ago from San Francisco. They
built the Tower theater, which
was merged in 1941 with Sto-
ver’s interests. First known as
Bend Theaters, Inc., the own-
ers later adopted the name of
Bend Amusement company.
No change in policy is antic-
ipated, adn the same person-
nel will be retained, it was in-
dicated by the managers.
HEADLINES: Entire North-
west rocked by earthquake —
Subs to cruise under polar ice
may be designed — Truman
signs Employment Act of 1946
— Steel strike naring settle-
ment, industrial peace looms
for U.S. — Navy sets date for
A-Bomb tests, drone planes
are also to be used.
For the week ending
Feb. 20, 1971
Blaze damages Madras High
A fire of undetermined or-
igin gutted the choir room
at Madras High School this
morning and caused damage
to several other rooms in the
west central part of the build-
ing. The blaze was believed to
have started in a small closet
off the choir room where robes
were stored. Other rooms that
sustained damage included
music library and practice
rooms and the band room.
First indication of the fire
came when about 35 drama
students rehearsing in the caf-
eteria next to the band room
smelled smoke. They noti-
fied Homer Moore, mainte-
nance supervisor, who dis-
covered there was a fire and
called in the alarm at 7:20 a.m.
Three fire departments, the
city, North Unit and Warm
Springs, responded to the
alarm. They had the fire under
control about 8:15 a.m.
A Chickering grand piano
in the choir room, purchased
about a year ago, was a total
loss, according to Supt. Don
Kipp. But the number of band
instruments damaged in the
blaze had not been determined
by late this morning.
Smoke damage was exten-
sive throughout three-fourths
of the building, according to
David Green and Paul Lund-
gren of the Insurance Mart,
which handles insurance for
District 509-J.
Green said there was a one-
quarter-inch layer of soot in
some places. Don Chapman
of the North Unit Fire Depart-
ment said that water damage
was extensive throughout the
halls. Insurance adjusters from
the general adjustment bureau
in Bend were to meet with the
school board, Kipp and Dar-
rell Wright, assistant superin-
tendent, later this morning to
try to determine the exact loss.
All school records were
moved by school personnel to
Buff Elementary, adjacent to
the high school. Kipp said that
the cause of the fire was un-
School will be resumed as
soon as possible, but just how
soon had not been determined
by noon.
Streets leading to the school
were blocked off, keeping away
arriving students and teachers.
Bus drivers were notified not
to pick up any high school stu-
dents before they began their
morning routes.
The drama students were re-
hearsing for a play. They cus-
tomarily go to school early to
rehearse on their own time.
For the week ending
Feb. 20, 1996
City sweeping tide of red grit
As Willamette Valley res-
idents sweep miles of muck
from their flood-ravaged
homes and businesses, a less
damaging but hard-to-ignore
phenomenon coats the cars,
streets, shoes and lungs of
Central Oregonians: leftover
Road cinders that once were
welcomed by slipping, slid-
ing motorists have become a
major post-thaw nuisance in
recent days, crunching under
feet, tires and bicycle wheels as
they are pounded into pum-
ice that sends up plumes of
blinding, choking dust.
Weekend rain proved to be
enough to dampen the cin-
ders, if not wash them away.
But a cold snap could bring
more snow later this week —
and with it the need for yet an-
other layer of grit.
In the past month, Oregon
Department of Transportation
crews have dumped 18,029
cubic yards of volcanic red
cinders worth $133,913 on
snow-covered highways from
Madras to Mitchell and Sis-
ters to Brothers, said spokes-
woman Arlene Thomas.
The city of Bend spread an-
other 10,000 cubic yards. De-
schutes County dumped a like
Travel lanes cleared fairly
quickly on major streets, but
side streets, sidewalks and
bike paths are still coated with
the stuff. To avid cyclists like
Nils Eddy of Bend, the results
are obvious: “Grit in the face,
breathing it, getting it all over
“Eat my dust” may be just a
saying for dirt-bike riders, but
driving behind street sweepers
these days could bring a cloud
of reality wafting in.
As for health effects, the
grit can irritate eyes, nose and
lungs. Cinder exposure also
can aggravate a sinus condi-
tion or allergy.
Of course, dust and the
High Desert go together all
year long. But the extra clouds
have left some broom-wielders
wearing face masks and asking
the question: when will it be
gone? “Whenever the weather
permits, we’re sweeping, at
least during the night,” said
Dave Neys, the state transpor-
tation department’s Bend-area
maintenance manager. “We try
and pick up the sand within 24
hours after we put it down.”
County Public Works Di-
rector Larry Rice said, “We’re
making a dent in it. We’ve got
our main sweeper on dou-
ble shifts, and a couple of
other broom sweepers. We’re
sweepin’ like mad.”
But he said, “There’s a heck
of a lot of it. We’re painfully
aware of that.” Neys said the
state picks up the cinders on
curbed highways, but it’s not
cost-effective on rural roads,
where they are swept onto the
shoulders. Cinders are not re-
used, as gravel is in the Willa-
mette Valley.
“The cinders crush down
and pulverize, so they don’t
work very well,” he said. “We
don’t use hard rock here. It’s
expensive, and it causes a lot
more flat tires and chipped
windshields.” Not that the cin-
ders can’t cause their own car
“It’s just like sandpaper,” said
Mike Fassett, manager of Red
Carpet Car Wash in Bend.
He and others recommend
washing of the cinders with
a high-pressure hose before
touching the vehicle with a
sponge or mitten.
Bruce Hoard, shop manager
at Professional Auto Body in
Bend, said “The worst thing
you can do is take a rag and try
to dust the car off.”
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