B8 THE BULLETIN " SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2021 TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED " 541-385-5809 LAST WEEK9S SOLUTION Sudoku High Fives How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of o ve reg- ular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num- bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus. Sell your stuff fast. In print and online with the Bulletin’s Classifieds. Sell your stuff faster with color. FOR JUST ADDITIONAL $1 PER DAY! BEFORE FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck can haul it all Extra Cab, 4x4, and a tough V8 engine will get the job done on the ranch. @ 20132013 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS Employment 510 Financing 500 l Up to $15,000 of GUARANTEED Life Insurance! No medical exam or health ques- tions. Cash to help pay funeral and other onal expenses. Visit www. Life55plus.info/pacioc 504 Employment Opportunities or call Physicians Life Insurance Company, 1-844-218-4167 Field Representative Labor Union Represen- ARE YOU BEHIND $10k tative. Representing OR MORE ON YOUR members in areas of TAXES? Stop wage & contract enforcement, bank levies, liens & au- negotiations and organizing. Experience dits, unoled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve required. Position in Central Oregon (Bend) tax debt FAST. Call area. $64,044, excellent 1-855-730-0388 (PNDC) beneots and auto. Re- Over $10K in Debt? Be sumes to OSEA, 4735 Liberty Rd S, Salem OR debt free in 24 to 48 months. No upfront fees 97302 by 4:00 pm Fri- to enroll. A+ BBB rated. day, February 26. Fax: Call National Debt Relief 503/588-8307. Email 1-888-231-4274 (PNDC) chris@osea.org. Jefferson County District Attorney9s Office is seeking a Bilingual Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Victim9s Advocate. To learn more about the position, and to apply visit our web- site at Jeffco.net. EOE CLASSIFIEDS WHERE BUYERS & SELLERS MEET 507 Business Opportunities DID YOU KNOW that not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising in ove states 3 AK, ID, MT, OR & WA. For a free rate brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa. com (PNDC) 510 Financing Applying for Social Security Disability or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc. Our case managers simplify the process & work hard to help with your case. Call 1-888-678-1284. FREE Consultation. Local Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Washington DC. Office: Broward Co. FL (TX/NM Bar.)] Timeshare Can- cellation Experts: Over $50,000,000 in timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get a free informational pack- age & learn how to get rid of your timeshare! Free consultations. Over 450 positive reviews. Call Wesley Financial Group LLC, 844-615- 0146 Autos & Transportation 913 Autos Wanted Donate your car, truck or van. Help veterans ond jobs or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. Fast, FREE pick-up. Max tax-deduction. Op- erators are standing by! Call 1-844-859-3920 DONATE your car or truck to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-day vacation, tax de- ductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. Call 1-866-871-1497 Add your web address to your ad and readers on BendBulletin.com, will be able to click through automatically to your website. Legal Notices 900 1000 901 Automobiles-Trucks, Auto, RV, Vans 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice Housing Works will DONATE YOUR CAR hold a Regular FOR BREAST CAN- Board Meeting on CER! Help United Wednesday, Feb. Breast Foundation ed- 24, 2021 at 3:00 ucation, prevention, & p.m. online and with support programs. FAST electronic commu- FREE PICKUP - 24 HR nication with Board RESPONSE - TAX DE- members. DUCTION. 1-855-385- Principal subjects 2819. (PNDC) anticipated to be considered include DONATE YOUR CAR, general business. A TRUCK OR BOAT TO draft agenda for the HERITAGE FOR THE meeting will be post- BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- ed under Legal No- cation, Tax Deductible, tices on the Housing Free Towing, All Paper- Works website at work Taken Care Of. www.housing-works. CALL 1-844-493-7877 org. (PNDC) If you would like assis- tance in connecting to the virtual meet- 913 ing, please contact Autos Wanted Lesly Gonzalez at 541-323-7416 or Done su auto o ca- lgonzalez@hous- mioneta. Ayude a los ing-works.org. veteranos a encontrar If you have any ques- trabajo o iniciar un ne- tions or need special gocio. Llame a la Fun- accommodations, dación Patriotic Hearts. please contact San- Recogida rápida y dy Goldapp at (541) GRATUITA. Deducción 923-1018. For spe- máxima de impuestos. cial assistance due ¡Las operadores están to motion, vision, esperando! Llame al speech and hearing 855-315-1966 disabilities, the toll free number of Cen- turyLink9s services DONATE YOUR CAR for customers with TO UNITED BREAST disabilities is 1-800- CANCER FOUNDA- 244-1111. TION! Your donation David Brandt, Execu- helps education, tive Director prevention & support programs. FAST FREE Housing Works (abn Central Oregon PICKUP, 24-hour re- Regional Housing sponse, TAX DEDUC- Authority) TION. 1-844-478-7513 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES PROBATE DEPART- MENT In the Matter of the Es- tate of LISA SUZANNE KUHLMANN, De- ceased. Case No. 21PB00109 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned has been appointed personal representative of this estate. All per- sons having claims against the estate are required to pres- ent their claims, with vouchers attached, within four months after the date of the orst publication of this notice to the personal represen- tative at 52490 SE 2nd Street, Suite 100, Scappoose, OR 97056, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the per- sonal representative, or the attorney for the personal repre- sentative. DATED and orst pub- lished February 13, 2021. Personal Represen- tative Legal Notice NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS James B. Dow has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Val- erie Jo Dow, de- ceased, by the Cir- cuit Court, State of Oregon, Deschutes County, Case No. 21PB00860. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the Administrator at 204 SE Miller Ave, Bend, OR 97702, within four months after the date of February 6, 2021, the orst publication of this notice, or the claim may be barred. Additional informa- tion may be obtained from the records of the court, the Admin- istrator, or the lawyer for the Administrator, Patricia Nelson. 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS Pamela J. Stuemke has been appointed Personal Represen- tative (PR) of the estate of Lee Ed- ward Tomlinson, de- ceased, by the Cir- cuit Court, State of Oregon, Deschutes County, Case No. 21PB00725. All per- sons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the PR at 204 SE Miller Ave, Bend, OR 97702, within four months after the date of February 13, 2021, the orst publi- cation of this notice, or the claim may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the records of the court, the PR, or the lawyer for the PR, Patricia Nelson. Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GOVERNOR9S ORDER On April 15, 2020, Governor Brown directed state and local governments to take necessary measures to facili- tate public participa- tion in decision-mak- ing, helping ensure the continued oper- ation of local gov- ernment and the delivery of essential services during the COVID-19 outbreak (Executive Order No. 20-16). The order di- rects state and local government bodies to hold public meet- ings and hearings by telephone, video or other electronic or virtual means when- ever possible, and to provide the public with a mechanism to listen or virtual- ly attend the public meeting or hearing at the time it occurs. For the reasons iden- tioed above, the Deschutes County Hearings Officer will conduct the public hearing described below by video and telephone. If partici- pation by video and telephone is not pos- sible, in-person tes- timony is available. Options for partici- pating in the public hearing are detailed in the Public Hearing Participation section. PROJECT DESCRIP- TION FILE NUMBERS: C 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices 247-20-000568-CU OWNER: M i t c h e l l Holdings Sunriver II, LLC APPLICANT: Mitchell Holdings Sunriver II, LLC ATTORNEY: Liz Fancher PROPOSAL: Conditional Use and site plan review to establish a Template Dwelling on the 40- acre Lot of Record 1 of the subject prop- erty. The subject property is within the Forest Use (F2) Zone and the Land- scape Management (LM) and Wildlife Area (WA) Combin- ing Zones. LOCATION: The subject property has an assigned ad- dress of 17605 Van- devert Rd, Bend, OR 97707; and is further identioed as the 40- acre Lot of Record #1 on County Asses- sor Tax Map 20-11- 00, as tax lot 105. HEARING DATE: Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 HEARING START: 6:00 pm STAFF CONTACT: Tarik Rawlings, As- sociate Planner Tar ik.rawlings@de- schutes.org, 541- 317-3148 DOCUMENTS: Can be viewed and downloaded from: www.buildingpermits. oregon.gov and http://dial.deschutes. org PUBLIC HEARING PARTICIPATION If you wish to provide testimony during the public hearing, please contact the staff planner by 5 pm on March 15th, 2021. Testimony can be provided as de- scribed below. Members of the pub- lic may listen, view, and/or participate in this hearing using Zoom. Using Zoom is free of charge. To login to the electron- ic meeting online us- ing your computer, copy this link: https:// us02web.zoom. us/j/82524686072 Using this option may require you to download the Zoom app to your device. Members of the pub- lic can access the meeting via tele- phone, dial 1-346- 248-7799. When prompted, enter the following: Webinar ID: 825-2468-6072. If participation during the hearing by video and telephone is not AFTER FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck can haul it all Extra Cab, 4x4, and a tough V8 engine will get the job done on the ranch. 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices possible, the public can provide testimo- ny in person at 6 pm in the Barnes and Sawyer Rooms of the Deschutes Ser- vices Center, 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend. Please be aware County staff will enforce the 6-foot social dis- tancing standard in the hearing room. Additionally, all par- ticipants attending in person must wear a face covering at all times, except when providing testimony. Copies of the staff re- port, application, all documents and evi- dence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and ap- plicable criteria are available for inspec- tion at the Planning Division at no cost and can be pur- chased for 25 cents a page. The staff re- port should be made available 7  days pri- or to the date set for the hearing. Docu- ments are also avail- able online at www. deschutes.org. Deschutes County encourages persons with disabilities to participate in all pro- grams and activities. This event/location is accessible to peo- ple with disabilities. If you need accommo- dations to make par- ticipation possible, please contact the staff planner identi- oed above. Legal Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING GOVERNOR9S ORDER On April 15, 2020, Governor Brown directed state and local governments to take necessary measures to facili- tate public participa- tion in decision-mak- ing, helping ensure the continued oper- ation of local gov- ernment and the delivery of essential services during the COVID-19 outbreak (Executive Order No. 20-16). The order di- rects state and local government bodies to hold publicmeet- ings and hearings by telephone, video or other electronic or virtual means when- ever possible, and to provide the public with a mechanism to listen or virtual- ly attend the public meeting or hearing at the time it occurs. F h id To place your photo ad, visit us online at www.bendbulletin.com or call with questions, 541-385-5809 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices For the reasons iden- tioed above, the Deschutes County Hearings Officer will conduct the public hearing described below by video and telephone. If partici- pation by video and telephone is not pos- sible, in-person tes- timony is available. Options for partici- pating in the public hearing are detailed in the Public Hearing Participation section. PROJECT DESCRIP- TION FILE NUMBERS: 247- 20-000569-CU OWNER: 60/40 Prop- erties, LLC APPLICANT: 60/40 Properties, LLC ATTORNEY: Liz Fancher PROPOSAL: Condi- tional Use and site plan review to es- tablish a Template Dwelling on the 40- acre Lot of Record 2 of the subject property. The subject property is within the Forest Use (F2) Zone and the Land- scape Management (LM) and Wildlife Area (WA) Combin- ing Zones. LOCATION: The sub- ject property has an assigned address of 17605 Vandevert Rd, Bend, OR 97707; and is further iden- tioed as the 40-acre Lot of Record #2 on County Assessor Tax Map 20-11-00, as tax lot 105. HEARING DATE: Tuesday, March 16 th , 2021 HEARING START: 6:00 pm (This public hearing is scheduled to commence at the conclusion of public hearing for coun- ty ole no. 247-20- 000568-CU) STAFF CONTACT: Tarik Rawlings, Associate Planner Ta r i k . r a w l i n g s @ deschutes.org, 541- 317-3148 DOCUMENTS: Can be viewed and downloaded from: w w w. bu i l d i n g p e r- mits.oregon.gov and http://dial.deschutes. org PUBLIC HEARING PARTICIPATION If you wish to provide testimony during the public hearing, please contact the staff planner by 5 pm on March 15 th , 2021. Testimony can be provided as de- scribed below. Members of the pub- lic may listen, view, and/or participate in 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices this hearing using Zoom. Using Zoom is free of charge. To login to the electron- ic meeting online us- ing your computer, copy this link: https:// us02web.zoom. us/j/82524686072 Using this option may require you to download the Zoom app to your device. Members of the pub- lic can access the meeting via tele- phone, dial 1-346- 248-7799. When prompted, enter the following: Webinar ID: 825-2468-6072. If participation during the hearing by video and telephone is not possible, the public can provide testimo- ny in person at 6 pm in the Barnes and Sawyer Rooms of the Deschutes Ser- vices Center, 1300 NW Wall Street, Bend. Please be aware County staff will enforce the 6-foot social dis- tancing standard in the hearing room. Additionally, all par- ticipants attending in person must wear a face covering at all times, except when providing testimony. Copies of the staff re- port, application, all documents and evi- dence submitted by or on behalf of the applicant and ap- plicable criteria are available for inspec- tion at the Planning Division at no cost and can be pur- chased for 25 cents a page. The staff re- port should be made available 7  days pri- or to the date set for the hearing. Docu- ments are also avail- able online at www. deschutes.org Deschutes County encourages persons with disabilities to participate in all pro- grams and activities. This event/location is accessible to peo- ple with disabilities. If you need accommo- dations to make par- ticipation possible, please contact the staff planner identi- oed above. CHECK YOUR AD On the orst day it runs to make sure it is correct. Spellcheck and human errors do occur. Contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 Bulletin Classioeds