PAGE 18 • TV THE BULLETIN • FEBRUARY 18 - 24, 2021 Supporting our community’s most vulnerable families, now more than ever. MountainStar Family Relief Nursery | 541-322-6828 BY JAY BOBBIN ROBIN ROBERTS Robin René Roberts was born on Nov. 23, 1960, in Tuske- gee, Ala., but was raised in Mississippi. With a pilot father who flew with the Tuskegee Airmen, she is the youngest of four siblings, one of whom is now-retired New Orleans news anchor Sally-Ann Roberts. Robin was offered a basket- ball scholarship at Louisiana State University. She ultimately decided to attend Southwestern Louisiana University, she played basketball and ended her ca- reer there as the school’s third top scorer and rebounder up to that time. Her jersey, No. 21, was retired in 2011. Roberts’ broadcasting career was sports-based from the start, with on-air jobs at two Missis- sippi television stations, and later work in Biloxi, Miss., and Atlanta. In the latter city, she also was a radio host. In 1990, Roberts joined ESPN and became a “SportsCenter” host, also contributing to ABC’s “Good Morning America” during her time at the cable sports net- work. She eventually became “GMA’s” news anchor, then became co-anchor of the morn- ing show while Diane Sawyer still was an anchor of it. Sawyer left in 2009 to become “ABC World News” anchor and was succeeded by George Stepha- nopoulos, who remains Roberts’ main “GMA” hosting partner along with Michael Strahan. Her “Good Morning Amer- ica” role has brought Roberts many other opportunities at ABC. She regularly hosts spe- cials related to country-music award shows, as well as the annual holiday-season special “The Year.” Additionally, she has been involved in some of the network’s Oscar preshows, and she has co-anchored special events such as royal weddings. A member of the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame (and also an honorary Harlem Glo- betrotter), Roberts has received honors including the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism and the Radio Television Digital News Foun- dation’s Lifetime Achievement Award. Serving Central and Eastern Oregon Next Edition Publishes March 19 To Start a Home Subscription Call 541.385.5800 New Sewing Machines In-Stock Starting at $249 BACK TO REGULAR STORE HOURS! Tuesday-Friday 9:30am-5pm Saturday 9:30am-3pm 1245 SE 3rd Street, Suite B-1 541-383-1999