THE BULLETIN • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2021 A7 NFL COMMENTARY | SEATTLE SEAHAWKS DEAR ABBY Write to Dear Abby online at or by mail at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Dear Abby: I am 20-some- thing years old, and my fa- ther still hits my behind sometimes. I feel it is inap- propriate, but the last time I complained about it, several years ago, it didn’t go over well. It also didn’t stop his be- havior. What else can I do? Right now all I can do is try not to place myself in a position where my behind is exposed. I no longer walk in front of him or wear leg- gings, and I wear oversized jackets to cover it. I’m a mod- est dresser. I’m not provoca- tive. Did people back in the day normally “playfully” hit their adult daughters’ be- hinds? — Inappropriate in Idaho Dear Inappropriate: No, they did not. Your daddy is acting like a dirty old man. His behavior may seem “playful” to him, but to per- sist after you asked him not to is not only inappropriate but also somewhat creepy. You are an adult. No one has a right to hit, swat or put his hands on you regard- less of how he claims it’s in- tended. Tell him again that you don’t like it and it makes you uncomfortable, and if he per- sists, he will see far less of his daughter. Dear Abby: My husband and I grew up in very con- servative households. Since college (where we met) and moving to a large city, we have become more liberal. We have friends of other races with whom we are very close, but both of our fami- lies frequently post inflam- matory and offensive, racially biased comments on social media. Do we have a duty because of our beliefs and our friends to publicly ob- ject to their posts? We have previously discussed our dif- ferences with these family members, and we don’t see eye to eye. — Different Now in Texas Dear Different: Because you have already discussed your differences privately with these relatives, feel free to post your reaction to the offensive posts. They won’t like you for it, and the rest of the tribe may gang up on you, but you and your hus- band will be able to look at yourselves in the mirror knowing you spoke aloud your truth. Dear Abby: My wife of nine years has been fak- ing a disability for seven of them. Yes, she was injured. However, I and many oth- ers are not convinced she’s in chronic pain. She doesn’t take her medication, and she functions like she did before her injury. This has had a detrimen- tal effect on my life as well as our sons’ because we have to live with her lies. When con- fronted, she denies it, and so does her family. — Stuck in the Lie Dear Stuck: Your wife should be examined by a pain management special- ist. Whether she’s in physical pain, psychological pain or faking can be determined by a medical doctor and possi- bly a licensed therapist who understands PTSD, depend- ing upon how she was in- jured. For your sake, your sons’ and hers, you owe it to yourselves to find out what the cause is. Of course, this suggestion depends on your wife agree- ing to the examination. If you are correct in your sus- picions, you may want to rethink whether this is how you want to live the rest of your life. YOUR HOROSCOPE By Madalyn Aslan Stars show the kind of day you’ll have õ õ õ õ õ DYNAMIC | õ õ õ õ POSITIVE | õ õ õ AVERAGE | õ õ SO-SO | õ DIFFICULT HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR WEDNESDAY, FEB. 17, 2021: Sen- sitive, realistic and hard-shelled, you go to bat for yourself, others and what you believe in. This year, preservation of your individuality while doing good for others is vital to your happiness, and you make a fortune. If single, you meet your soul mate in June, surprisingly and unexpectedly. If attached, you like your partner to awaken and inspire you. This year, greater trust grows. GEMINI is the most fun. ARIES (March 21-April 19) õõõõ Money can come from another source. There is something unpre- dictable about old financial patterns. Your values and priorities regarding finances are shifting. Learn by listening carefully to conversations. Tonight: The keyword now is