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Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 504 1-855-876-1237. (PNDC) Employment Opportunities ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! The NEW In- ogen One G5. 1-6 flow settings. Designed for 24 hour oxygen use. Com- pact and Lightweight. Get a Free Info kit today: 1-844-359-3986 (PNDC) Field Representative Labor Union Represen- tative. Representing members in areas of contract enforcement, DENTAL INSURANCE negotiations and from Physicians Mutual organizing. Experience Insurance Company. required. Position in Coverage for 350+ pro- Central Oregon (Bend) Tired of the same old cedures. Real dental area. $64,044, excellent dating sites? Meet real insurance - NOT just a benefits and auto. Re- Put on your TV Ears & people in your area & discount plan. Do not sumes to OSEA, 4735 hear TV with unmatched clarity. TV Ears Original wait! Call now! 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Discover info contact Cecelia @ money, reduce your the Power of Newspaper Horses & Livestock 916-288-6011 or http:// reliance on the grid, Advertising in five states prepare for 37TH ANNUAL IDAHO – AK, ID, MT, OR & WA. power outages & power california (PNDC) For a free rate brochure SALERS BULL & FE- your home. Full installa- call 916-288-6011 or MALE SALE, Tuesday, INVENTORS - FREE tion services available. email cecelia@cnpa. INFORMATION PACK- February 23rd, 1pm $0 Down Financing com (PNDC) AGE: Have your product MST, Treasure Valley Option. Request a Livestock, Caldwell, Ida- idea developed afford- FREE, noobligation, 510 quote today. Call 1-844- ably by the Research & ho. For information, call 208-924-5106, delivery Development pros and 651-0562 Financing available presented to manufac- turers. Call 1-888-378- Applying for Social GENERAC Standby 5369 for a Free Idea 413 Security Disability or Generators. The weath- Starter Guide. 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BECOME A PUB- l Up to $15,000 of Fuji Apples. Call NOW 10% Senior & Military LISHED AUTHOR! GUARANTEED Life and SAVE 33% OFF. Discounts. Call 1-855- Publications sold at all Insurance! No medical Pay just $19.99. FREE 473-9789 major secular & special- Shipping! Visit exam or health ques- ty Christian bookstores. tions. Cash to help pay Have Gravel Will Travel CALL Christian Faith funeral and other final MN257 or call 1-855- Abbas Construction Publishing today for 338-0587 to order item expenses. Visit www. Top Soil/ Excavation your FREE author MXSP and mention Rock Products submission kit, 1-866- or call Physicians Life code PNVH-N257 for 541-548-6812 397-2250 Insurance Company, savings! 1-844-218-4167 ENJOY 100% guaran- 276 ARE YOU BEHIND $10k teed, delivered-to-the- Miscellaneous OR MORE ON YOUR door Omaha Steaks! CHECK YOUR AD TAXES? Stop wage & Get 4 FREE Burgers, DID YOU KNOW News- Order The Griller’s Bun- bank levies, liens & au- paper-generated con- dle - ONLY $79.99. 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For free Pa- your diabetic supplies! be made to your ad. cific Northwest Newspa- Convenient home ship- Real Estate 541-385-5809 per Association Network ping for monitors, test Bulletin Classifieds For Sale brochures call 916-288- strips, insulin pumps, 6011 or email cecelia@ catheters and more! (PNDC) To learn more, call now! 1-866-835-3973. (PNDC) Become a Published Author. We want to read ORANGE SPECTACU- Attention: Oxygen Us- LAR GIFT BOX for the your book! Dorrance ers! Gain freedom Publishing, Trusted by Holidays: Send 4 navel 713 with a Portable Oxygen oranges, 4 tangerines, 4 Authors Since 1920. Lots & Acreage Concentrator! No more petite navel oranges, Book manuscript heavy tanks and refills! chocolate chip cookies submissions currently for Sale Guaranteed Lowest & foil-wrapped choco- being reviewed. Com- Prices! Call the Oxy- lates! SAVE 43%! Just prehensive Services: 10 acres with mountain gen Concentrator Store: $19.99 (plus s/h). Visit Consultation, Produc- views. 8 acres of water. 1-855-641-2803 (PNNA) tion, Promotion & 3 bedroom fixer-up- Distribution. Call for me201 per. On farm deferral. Medical-Grade HEAR- your free Author’s Guide or call 844-441-0967 to East Bend address. 1-877-256-3023, or visit ING AIDS for LESS order item 442X (men- $525,000 541-771-9922. THAN $200! FDA-Reg- tion code HNVH-E201 istered. Crisp, clear for savings) Pacific sound, state of-the-art Recreation features & no audiolo- Amazing Orange Gift for Now’s the time to be & Sports sure you have the Medi- gist needed. Try it RISK the Holidays – Delicious FREE for 45 Days! CALL oranges fresh from the care Advantage Plan 1-844-295-0409 (PNDC) that’s right for you. Extra grove! Four favorite vari- benefits may include eties. High in Vitamin SAVE BIG on HOME prescription drugs, C. December holiday INSURANCE! Compare delivery. SAVE 43%! dental, vision, hearing 20 A-rated insurances Just $19.99 (plus s/h.) aids, in-home aides, companies. 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Recogida rápida y GRATUITA. Deducción máxima de impuestos. ¡Las operadores están esperando! Llame al 855-315-1966 DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDA- TION! Your donation helps education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP, 24-hour re- sponse, TAX DEDUC- TION. 1-844-478-7513 Donate your car, truck or van. Help veterans find jobs or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. Fast, FREE pick-up. Max tax-deduction. Op- erators are standing by! Call 1-844-859-3920 DONATE your car or truck to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-day vacation, tax de- ductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. Call 1-866-871-1497 Legal Notices 1000 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice LEGISLATIVE PUB- LIC HEARING NOTICE CITY OF BEND PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY COUNCIL PROJECT NUMBER: PLTEXT20210122 APPLICANT: City of Bend NATURE OF THE APPLICATION: Amendments to Bend Development Code Chapters 2.2, Commercial Zoning Districts, 2.7, Special Planned Districts, Refinement Plans, Area Plans and Mas- ter Plans, and 3.6, Special Standards and Regulations for Certain Uses. AP- PLICABLE CRITE- RIA: Bend Develop- ment Code Section 4.6.200 available at https://www. OR/Bend/#!/Bend- DC04/BendDC0406. html#4.6.200 and upon request. PROPERTY LO- CATION: Citywide. DATE AND TIME OF THE VIRTUAL PLANNING COM- MISSION HEAR- ING: March 8, 2021, 5:30 p.m. Additional information may be found at https:// www.bendoregon. gov/planningcom- mission. DATE AND TIME OF THE VIR- TUAL CITY COUN- CIL HEARING: March 17, 2021, 7:00 p.m. Atten- dance instructions 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices dance instructions will be posted on the Council agenda at www.bendoregon. gov/councilagenda prior to the hearing. ADDITIONAL IN- FORMATION: The application, all docu- ments and evidence submitted by all parties and the ap- plication criteria are available for digital inspection upon re- quest at no cost and hard copies will be provided at a reason- able cost. CONTACT PERSON: Pauline Hardie at (541) 693- 2153, phardie@ b e n d o r e g o n . g o v. Written comments may be submitted at any time prior to the hearing by email to the contact person listed above, or by mail to the City of Bend Planning Divi- sion, 710 NW Wall St., Bend, Oregon 97703, or attend the virtual meeting and state your views. The hearings will be conducted in ac- cordance with BDC Section 4.1.500. Legal Notice Site ID: PO08216A, Bend, Oregon T-Mobile West Corpo- ration proposes to modify antennas and ancillary equipment on an existing roof- top telecommunica- tions facility at 2500 NE NEFF ROAD, Bend, Oregon 9 7 7 01 , 4 4 . 0 6 7 8 9 7 N,121.269158 W, FCC ASR file# A1183061. Interest- ed persons may re- view the application by going to www. tions and entering the FCC ASR file# listed above. In ac- cordance with the FCC’s rule 47 CFR §14.4(c), T-Mobile hereby solicits public comment concern- ing its proposed site and any impacts it may have upon the environment. Requests for Fur- ther Environmental Review should be submitted online. Instructions can be found at www.fcc. gov/asr/environmen- talrequest. Paper copies may be sent to FCC Requests for Environmental Review, Attn: Ramon Williams, 445 12th Street SW, Washing- ton, DC 20554. Re- quests should also be sent to: T-Mobile, ATTENTION: FCC Regulatory Compli- ance Contact, 12920 SE 38th St., Bellev- ue, WA 98006. In order for your com- ments to receive full and timely consid- eration, they should be received at the addresses above within 30 days of the date of this notice and reference FCC ASR file#A1183061. NEED TO SELL A VEHICLE? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! 541-385-5809 Legal Notice REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS: Jackson County (Medford, Oregon) is requesting Let- ters of Interest from qualified persons to serve as a Hearings Officer for the De- velopment Services Department to con- duct land use hear- ings, and optionally, code enforcement hearings; decide administrative qua- si-judicial matters; and if warranted, im- pose civil remedies. For an information packet, please call (541) 774-6905 or email McGaugh- DA@jacksoncounty. org. Deadline to sub- mit Letter of Interest is: 4:00pm PST on Friday, February 26, 2021. B5 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Public Notice The Bend Park & Recreation District Board of Directors will meet for a reg- ular board meeting Tuesday, February 16, at 5:30 pm. The work session agen- da items include up- dates on the Com- prehensive Plan level of service and COVID status. Fol- lowing the work ses- sion, there will be a business session to approve the Shevlin West purchase and sale agreement and Smallwood property annexation. To support Governor Brown’s recommen- dation for social dis- tancing, the Board of Directors will con- duct the board meet- ing by Zoom video. Members of the com- munity who wish to make public com- ment are asked to use the link posted on the website and Facebook to join the meeting. To provide a public comment at 5:30, click on the “Raise Hand” option. You will be called in the order received. Remarks should be limited to 3 minutes or less and relevant to a topic on the agenda. If there are questions, follow up will occur after the meeting. View the meeting live, there will be a link on the Bend Park and Recreation Face- book page For more information email Sheila Reed sheilar@bendpark- Anything for you Selenaaaaas... J. L. ~ You are my favorite person to eat pizza with and my bright light through the pandemic and beyond. Love, Lover Cindy/ R. M./D. D./T. A. For the Love of My Life Shannon, I am one of the luckies t men in the world to have your love and to be able to love you in ret urn. -Greg I Love My Valentine Here, There, Everywhere! Happ y Valentine’s Day to My Wife, Kay To Steven Anthony Happy 34 th Anniversary Love you more than I can say! -Vivianne Happy Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentines Day Janet! You still GOT IT!!! After All These The hes ese Years ears It’s Only 11.5 Years, Really! Happy Valentine’s Day Family! So grateful for the past 23 years. Ready for so many more! Love you so much- Jay Wouldn’t LOCKDOWN with anyone else! I love you all... MORE THAN ANYTHING Th e Very Best! To My Favorite Person Ever! You make our lives so much better. You are so very loved!! To Steven Anthony Happy 34 th Anniversary Love you more than I can say! -Vivianne