A8 THE BULLETIN • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2021 EDITORIALS & OPINIONS AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER Heidi Wright Gerry O’Brien Richard Coe Publisher Editor Editorial Page Editor The agenda for Bend’s new state representative W hen Jason Kropf was running to be the state representative for Bend, he pledged to fight for the community’s priorities. Now he’s in office. He’s a chief sponsor of one bill, a sponsor of an- other and is working on much more. The bills he sponsors are far from the only measure of what he does as a state legislator. But they are crucial steps. We spoke with him Monday about his legislative agenda. House Bill 2593 helps plug a fund- ing gap in Oregon for search and rescue. The answer in the bill is not: Raise more taxes. Kropf is a chief sponsor. Sheriffs in Oregon are directed by state law to run search and rescue op- erations. There isn’t a great funding source for it. State law puts a cap on how much any in- dividual can be charged at $500, anyway. Some difficult searches and rescues cost far more than that. And basi- cally in Oregon, people ar- en’t forced to pay. You don’t Kropf want to force people to pay, because they might not call for help. In places like Deschutes County beautiful scenery and tourists adds up to a lot of search and rescue mis- sions. Deschutes Search and Rescue carried out 128 missions in 2019 and 106 in 2020. The Sheriff’s Office runs the program. Volunteers are the backbone of its success. Working with the professionals at the sheriff’s office, volunteers carry out many of the rescues. Volunteers also run a private nonprofit to raise money for Deschutes SAR. Sheriff Shane Nelson told us Deschutes SAR is actually in good shape financially. That’s because of the fundraising, donations from people who are rescued and because county residents supported taxes for his office. Many counties, though, struggle, and Deschutes could always use help. H.B. 2593 could be a smart solu- tion. It would authorize a nonprofit representing sheriffs to sell search and rescue cards. The money raised would be used to reimburse search and recreation operations and train- ing. Distribution of the money would take into consideration the volume and nature of rescues in a county and other factors. There’s a similar pro- gram in Colorado. People will still get rescued if they don’t have a card. It’s just a way for people to show their support of the efforts to keep people safe when they venture out. Rep. Anna Williams, D-Hood River, originally introduced the bill. Kropf said he supported it, because it’s a creative solution to a funding problem for an essential service. When people call for help, he said, you want our sheriffs to be able to respond fully staffed, equipped and trained. Kropf’s committee assignments are centered primarily around justice — public safety, civil law and the judi- ciary. “I want to make Oregon as safe as possible,” he said. “Expect more ac- tion on racial justice.” His solution is not just more laws and more law enforcement, more incarceration. He wants more addic- tion and mental health treatment. He wants training and support for inmates so when they get out they can live productive lives and not re-offend. That’s part of the reason he is sup- porting House Bill 2912. It extends and adds more funding to a pilot pro- gram at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. The program helps inmates with legal services so they understand and can overcome the barriers — le- gal, economic and social — they will have when they get out of prison. We can’t predict what else will come up this ses- sion. But there are two long-standing issues for De- schutes County that require legislative action: funding for Oregon State Univer- sity-Cascades and more judges for the county. Kropf has spoken to Gov. Kate Brown about how important the funding is for the campus to build on its success and student demand. He is also on the committee that will be reviewing the requests for new judges in the state. The simple fact is “we don’t have enough judges in this community,” Kropf said. The county’s court system runs well and does sev- eral innovative things, such as having a specialized drug court to help peo- ple overcome addiction, not just jail. It needs enough judges to be able to specialize. The county also needs enough judges so one judge could be assigned to one family to handle all the claims regarding divorce, custody, delin- quency and other matters. The logic is obvious. The judge will be more efficient, better informed and there would be more uniformity in ap- proach. But it’s hard for Deschutes County to pull that off if there are so few judges that they must be pulled to other duties. Additional judges for Deschutes County have been yanked before in last minute negotiations by the Leg- islature’s Democratic leadership. Per- haps as a Democrat, Kropf will have more success. Let’s hope so. These issues are just a start. He has more bills he is working on — gun safety, clean energy, siting of shel- ters and the bill we wrote about re- cently that could help flows in the Deschutes River. Kropf believes what we believe. It doesn’t matter if you are a Republican, a Democrat or some- thing else. Bend needs excellent rep- resentation in the Legislature. He was a Deschutes County deputy district attorney before he was elected. He is now, though, working full time as a state legislator to be the best represen- tative he can for Bend. We may dis- agree with him from time to time, but we can’t ask for more commitment than that. Editorials reflect the views of The Bulletin’s editorial board, Publisher Heidi Wright, Editor Gerry O’Brien and Editorial Page Editor Richard Coe. They are written by Richard Coe. Understanding greenhouse gases BY SCOTT CHRISTIANSEN For The Bulletin G reenhouse gases (GHGs) are out of sight and out of mind. This public service message re- views U.S. GHG emissions from car- bon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O) and fluorocar- bons (see table below). Also presented are the carbon dioxide equivalency (CO2e) of GHGs, indicating their po- tential to trap more heat relative to CO2. Note that fluorinated gases have no natural source — they are 100% man- made — and are dangerous because of their high CO2e and long atmo- spheric lifetimes. Two examples: per- fluorocarbon, used in the manufac- turing of semiconductors, has a CO2e near 10,000 and sulfur hexafluoride, used as an insulating gas in electrical transmission equipment, has a CO2e of 22,800, making it among the most potent GHGs. Finally, carbon black and water va- por also contribute to global warm- ing, but they are not GHGs. Note: U.S. Environmental Protec- tion Agency data were used in the preparation of this article. GHG GHGs in the US atmosphere (%) CO2e CO2 81 1 CH4 10 25 N2O 7 300 Fluorocarbons 2 10,000+ Human activities have increased CO2 in the atmosphere. The concen- tration of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere is currently 412 parts per million (ppm). This represents a 47% increase since the beginning of the Industrial Age when the concentration was near 280 ppm. CO2 presents a major chal- lenge because it stays in the atmo- sphere for 300-1,000 years. CO2 is generated from the com- bustion of fossil fuels used for trans- port (34%), electricity (32%), industry (15%), homes and businesses (11%), and other sources (7%). Several in- dustrial processes also produce CO2 emissions that do not involve com- bustion such as production of cement, iron, steel, and chemicals. Many in- dustrial processes also use electricity, Climate Changed CENTRAL OREGON GON CROSSROADS S By Scott Christiansen indirectly generating CO2. CH4: Human activities emitting CH4 include leaks from natural gas systems and the raising of livestock. CH4 is also emitted by natural sources such as wetlands. In the US, 38% of CH4 emissions are from livestock (en- teric fermentation) and manure man- agement; 36% from natural gas, pe- troleum, and coal mining; 17% from landfills; and 9% from other sources. Agriculture is the largest source of CH4 emissions in the U.S. Reorganiz- ing our waste management systems to fully separate our garbage would improve our ability to compost or- ganic materials and generate electric- ity from the emitted CH4. Recycling metal, glass, plastic, paper and organic materials is an essential step in the transition to a circular economy. Natural gas and petroleum systems are the second largest source of CH4 emissions in the U.S. CH4 is emitted to the atmosphere during the produc- tion, processing, storage, transmission and distribution of natural gas and the production, refinement, transporta- tion, and storage of crude oil. According to Science Advances, satellite sensors have revealed that fracking in the heartland of the US is releasing CH4 at a record-break- ing rate. The high CH4 leakage rate is mostly from venting, flaring and fugitive emissions. Solutions include better wellbore sealings and CH4 de- tection. There is another reason to worry about CH4. The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet, and the region is home to enormous stores of organic carbon locked up in per- mafrost soils that if thawed would lib- erate CH4. Water warmed by climate change is already forcing the release of CH4 from beneath the sea floor. CH4 emitted today lasts for only a decade in the atmosphere, so decreasing CH4 emissions is a feasible place to begin making progress in combatting cli- mate change. N2O accounted for about 7% of all U.S. GHG emissions. Agricultural soil management is the largest source of N2O emissions in the U.S., account- ing for about 78% of total N2O emis- sions. N2O is also generated from treatment of domestic wastewater. N2O is the single greatest ozone-de- pleting substance — a gas not regu- lated under the Montreal Protocol. Limiting future N2O emissions would enhance the recovery of the ozone layer (protecting us from dangerous, cancer-causing levels of ultraviolet ra- diation). Recommendations to reduce GHGs Energy: The burning of natural gas, and oil for electricity and heat (25%) is the largest single source of GHGs globally. In Oregon we could rapidly move to 100% clean energy using hy- dro, solar and geothermal sources, while also reorganizing waste man- agement to create CH4 for electricity generation. Agriculture: GHG emissions (24%) from agriculture, forestry, and other land uses comes mostly from cultiva- tion of crops and deforestation (not adjusted for CO2 removed by seques- tration). Oregon can focus on refor- estation and management schemes to increase sequestration of CO2, reha- bilitating areas burned by forest fires while improving forest health state- wide. Transport: Almost all transpor- tation energy comes from petro- leum-based fuels, largely gasoline and diesel. State government conversion to electric vehicles and incentives for citizens to purchase electric vehicles can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels used for transport. Heating: GHG emissions from buildings (6%) arise from burning fuels for heat in buildings. Continua- tion or increase of government subsi- dies are recommended to encourage household energy efficiency improve- ments. ý Scott Christiansen is an international agronomist with 35 years of experience. He worked for USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and the U.S. Agency for International Development. GUEST COLUMN Recognize the value of Oregon’s wild and scenic rivers BY ALLISON HARTZ A rbitrary river units. I learned this phrase at the outset of a six-day pad- dling trip on the Wild and Scenic Rogue River. It’s a way to communicate and maintain minimal structure among a group: for example, “coffee will be ready in five arbi- trary river units.” No one’s going to miss the meaning here (or the chance to get first dibs on that sweet nec- Hartz tar of life). Yet, arbitrary river units are not only a way to loosely keep time in a remote wilderness with no cell service. This measurement is an ac- knowledgement – and understand- ing – that on the river, time doesn’t move according to a clock. It flows. Slow, gentle, with the first light of day shifting the world into color and warmth. It roars with the approach of a rapid, a distant rush reverberating up the canyon. I can feel it thrumming through my entire body, depositing my nerves somewhere between antic- ipation and dread. It un- winds, as we pull our boats ashore, unpack lunch, and spread wet layers across rocks in the sun. And it me- anders through the after- noon, kicking up its feet and taking in the view around each bend. On the river, time is marked by rapids on a map. By a great blue heron accompanying our boats downriver. By salmon jumping in the waning evening light. By a black bear and her cub clamber- ing along the shore on an endless hunt for late summer berries. By the smell of coffee in the morning. The always-present sound of flow- ing water. The search for the perfect sleeping spot and the last call for the groover as we’re packing up camp. This is what I learned on the river. Growing up, I did not know what a wild and scenic river was. I knew the creek that wrapped around my neighborhood, where we searched for crawdads in the shallows. I knew the river that flowed through the nearby city, how it would smell like a sewer after big storms. I knew the harbor that smelled of oil and in- dustry and fish. The bay that filled with algae blooms that depleted ox- ygen and blocked sunlight from the ecosystems below. And yet, these were the places where I learned to swing from a rope tied to a tree, trying to prove my courage and also not belly-flop. On these waters, I paddled a canoe with my dad, learned to kayak, and raced in triathlons. Later, I began to understand the connection we all share to the water flowing through our communities. Rivers shape us. They change our perspective, our outlook, our mood through their soothing, rhythmic flow. With their presence that is both constant and ever-changing. In the wonders they reveal around each bend. And we shape them too – for bet- ter or for worse. In 1968, Congress passed the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act, aiming to preserve certain rivers for future generations while encouraging us to work together to manage them. Currently, only 2% of Oregon’s rivers and streams are protected under this act. In 2019, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., declared his com- mitment to making Oregon a na- tional leader in wild and scenic river miles. This week, he and Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., introduced the River Democracy Act of 2021, which proposes an addition of 4,700 miles of Oregon’s rivers to the Na- tional Wild & Scenic River System. Imagine how many arbitrary river units those miles will hold. Thank you, senators, for recog- nizing the value of Oregon’s rivers. Because healthy rivers not only cre- ate healthy wildlife habitat, support strong economies, and connect communities. They give people a place to find a new perspective. To swing from the rope, paddle toward that roar of whitewater, or to sit and watch. Rivers provide a place where time moves with the flow of the wa- ter, with life of a salmon, with the expansiveness of the night sky. In its own time, measured in arbitrary river units. ý Allison Hartz lives in Bend.