A14 THE BULLETIN • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2021 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices due and payable (ex- clusive of the Emer- gency Period Amounts as defined below) being the fol- lowing: Unpaid prin- cipal and interest due and owing un- der the Note as of March 5, 2020: $183,138.51. Unpaid Default Rate interest owing under the Note as of March 5, 2020: $713,341.32. Late Fees: $139,739.33. Prior Default Interest: $77,611.67. Property Protection Advances including attorneys’ fees and costs paid through January 31, 2020, costs of fore- closure, consultants and inspection fees: $278,065.20. Taxes, Reserves, Insur- ance, Deposits: $809,408.50. Spe- cial Servicing Fees: $72,683.33. Workout Fees: $112,209.51. Payoff Fee: $3,950.00. Interest on Advances: $7,318.66. Subtotal: $2,397,466.03. Un- paid principal and interest payable on March 5, 2020, due and owing under the Note for March 1, 2020 to March 31, 2020: $61,046.17. Unpaid principal and interest payable Jan- uary 5, 2021, due and owing under the Note for January 1, 2021 to January 31, 2021: $61,046.17. Unpaid Default Rate interest owing under the Note for or Janu- ary 1, 2021 to Janu- ary 31, 2021: 46,865.59. Special Servicing Fee – Jan- uary 2021: $3,500.00. Workout Fee – January 2021: $610.46. TOTAL DUE: $2,570,534.42. Accordingly, the amount necessary to effect a statutory cure of the Deed of Trust under ORS 86.778, is $2,570,534.42 as of January 31, 2021, together with interest accruing on the prin- cipal portion of that amount, plus addi- tional costs and ex- penses incurred by Beneficiary and/or the Successor Trust- ee (including their respective attorney’s fees, costs, and ex- penses). In addition, Grantor failed to make and is respon- sible for all missed payments and amounts accruing under the Note and the governing loan documents from March 8, 2020, to December 31, 2021 (the “Emergency Pe- riod”) established by HB 4204 (the “Emer- gency Period Amounts”). These Emergency Period Amounts are not in- cluded in the above total which details the amount neces- sary to cure the de- faults and cause the discontinuance of the trustee’s sale in accordance with ORS 86.778. To the extent that HB 4204 is not invalidated or ruled unenforceable in whole or in part by a court of competent jurisdiction the fol- lowing Emergency Period Amounts shall be due at the scheduled or antici- pated date on which full performance of the obligation is due: Unpaid principal and interest due and ow- ing under the Note from April 5, 2020 to December 31, 2020: $488,369.36. Un- paid Default Rate in- terest owing under the Note from March 5, 2020 to December 31, 2020: $369,056.68 (For ease of reporting, March default inter- est accruing from March 1, 2020 through March 7, 2020, has been in- cluded in the de- ferred Emergency Period Amounts.) Late Fees: $48,393.17. Proper- ty Protection Ad- vances including at- torneys’ fees and costs paid from March 8, 2020 through December 31, 2020, costs of foreclosure, consul- tants and inspection fees: $53,695.30. Taxes, Reserves, In- surance, Deposits: $442,163.71. Special Servicing Fees: $31,500.00 (For ease of reporting, March special ser- vicing fees accruing from March 1, 2020 through March 7, 2020, have been in- cluded in the de- ferred Emergency Period Amounts.) In- terest on Advances (March 8, 2020 through December 31, 2020): $11,343.23. TOTAL EMERGENCY PE- RIOD AMOUNTS DEFERRED PER HB 4204: $ 1 , 4 4 4 , 5 2 1. 4 5 . ELECTION TO SELL: Notice is hereby given that the Beneficiary, by rea- son of the uncured and continuing de- faults described above, has elected and does hereby elect to foreclose 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices elect to foreclose said Deed of Trust by advertisement and sale pursuant to ORS 86.752 et seq., and to cause to be sold at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the Grant- or’s interest in the subject Property, which the Grantor had, or had the pow- er to convey, at the time the Grantor ex- ecuted the Deed of Trust in favor of the Beneficiary, along with any interest the Grantor or the Grant- or’s successors in interest acquired af- ter the execution of the Deed of Trust, to satisfy the obliga- tions secured by the Deed of Trust as well as the expenses of the sale, including compensation of the Trustee as provided by law, and the rea- sonable fees of Trustee’s attorneys. PLEASE TAKE NO- TICE that the sale will be held at the hour of 11:00 a.m., in accordance with the standard of time es- tablished by ORS 187.110, on Friday, March 26, 2021, on the front steps of the main entrance to the Deschutes County Courthouse, at 1100 NW Bond, Bend, OR 97701. RIGHT OF REINSTATEMENT: Notice is further giv- en that any person named in ORS 86.778 has the right, at any time prior to five (5) days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceed- ing dismissed and the Deed of Trust re- instated by (A) pay- ment to the Benefi- ciary of the entire amount then due, other than such por- tion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, together with the costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the terms of the obli- gation, as well as Successor Trustee and attorney fees as prescribed by ORS 86.778; and (B) by curing all such other continuing and un- cured defaults as noted in this Notice. Please note that the cure amounts under ORS 86.778 do not include the Emer- gency Period Amounts. NOTICE REQUIRED UNDER ORS 86.771(9): Without limiting the Successor Trustee’s disclaimer of repre- sentations or war- ranties, Oregon law requires the Succes- sor Trustee to state in this notice that some residential property sold at a trustee’s sale may have been used in manufacturing meth- amphetamines, the chemical compo- nents of which are known to be toxic. Prospective pur- chasers of residen- tial property should be aware of this po- tential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property at the trustee’s sale. DATED: January 27, 2021. By: David W. Criswell, OSB 925930, Successor Trustee, Lane Powell PC 601 SW Second Ave- nue, Suite 2100,Port- land, OR 97204. Telephone: (503) 778-2100. Facsimi- le: (503) 778-2200. Email: CriswellD@ L a n e Po w e l l . c o m . EXHIBIT A Addition- al Collateral The Col- lateral located on the Property as detailed in UCC Financing Statement filed No- vember 3, 2015, with the Oregon Secre- tary of State, File No. 90626574 (the “UCC1”), more par- ticularly described as follows: (a) All machinery, furniture, furnishings, equip- ment, computer soft- ware and hardware, fixtures (including all heating, air con- ditioning, plumbing, lighting, communi- cations and elevator fixtures), inventory, materials, supplies and other articles of personal proper- ty and accessions thereof, renewals and replacements thereof and sub- stitutions therefor, and other property of every kind and nature, tangible or intangible, owned by Grantor, or in which Grantor has or shall have an interest, now or hereafter located upon 3105 O.B. Riley Road, Bend, OR 97702, the “Premises” or the “Improvements”, or appurtenant there- to, and usable in connection with the present or future operation and occu- pancy of the Premis- es and the Improve- ments (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Equip- ment”), including any leases of, deposits in connection with, and proceeds of any sale or transfer of any of the foregoing, and 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices the foregoing, and the right, title and interest of Grantor in and to any of the Equipment that may be subject to any “security interest” as defined in the Uni- form Commercial Code, as in effect in the Oregon (the “UCC”); (b) All ac- counts (including re- serve accounts), es- crows, documents, instruments, chattel paper, claims, de- posits and general intangibles, as the foregoing terms are defined in the UCC, and all franchis- es, trade names, trademarks, sym- bols, service marks, books, records, plans, specifications, designs, drawings, surveys, title in- surance policies, permits, consents, licenses, manage- ment agreements, contract rights (in- cluding any contract with any architect or engineer or with any other provider of goods or services for or in connection with any construction, repair or other work upon the Property), approvals, actions, refunds of real es- tate taxes and as- sessments (and any other governmental impositions related to the Property) and causes of action that now .or here- after relate to, are derived from or are used in connection with the Property, or the use, operation, maintenance, occu- pancy or enjoyment thereof or the con- duct of any business or activities thereon (hereinafter collec- tively referred to as the “Intangibles”); (c) All other personal property described in the UCC1; and (d) All proceeds, prod- ucts, offspring, rents and profits from any of the foregoing, in- cluding those from sale, exchange, transfer, collection, loss, damage, dis- position, substitution or replacement of any of the foregoing (together, the “Col- lateral”). Legal Notice Case No.: 13CV0771 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY WELLS FARGO BANK N.A., Plain- tiff/s, v. DOES 1-2, being the occupants of or parties in pos- session or claiming any right to pos- session of the Real Property commonly known as 19126 Pumice Butte Road, Bend, OR 97702; DOES 3-4, being the unknown heirs and devisees of John H. Hindson and also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, lien, or inter- est in the property described in the Complaint herein; M’LISA SHEILDS HINDSON; MAE- GEN HINDSON; and JESSE HINDSON;, Defendant/s. Notice is hereby given that the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Of- fice will, on Thurs- day, March 18, 2021 at 10:00 AM, in the main lobby of the Deschutes Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the high- est bidder, for cash or cashier’s check, the real property commonly known as 19126 Pumice Butte Road, Bend, Oregon 97702. Conditions of Sale: Po- tential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office to review bid- der’s funds. Only U.S. currency and/ or cashier’s checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office will be accepted. Pay- ment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. For more information on this sale go to: http://oregonsheriffs- sales.org/ Legal Notice Estate of Stuart D. Katter NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS Case Number: 20PB09051 Notice: The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of De- schutes, has ap- pointed Douglas R. Kerkoch as Personal Representative of the Estate of Stuart D. Katter, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are required to present the same, with proper vouchers to the Personal Rep- resentative, c/o Da- vid E. Petersen, Mer- rill O’Sullivan, LLP, 805 SW Industrial Way, Suite 5, Bend, Oregon 97702, within four months from the date of TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED • 541-385-5809 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices from the date of first publication of this notice as stated below, or they may be barred. All per- sons whose rights may be affected by this proceeding may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Personal Representative, or the Attorney for the Personal Represen- tative. Dated and first published January 27, 2021 Personal Representative:- Douglas R. Kerkoch 45 NW Hawthorne Avenue Bend, Or- egon 97703 Attor- ney for Personal Representative: David E. Petersen, OSB #821049 Mer- rill O’Sullivan, LLP 805 SW Industrial Way, Suite 5 Bend, Oregon 97702 Of- fice: (541) 389-1770 Facsimile: (541) 389-1777 Email: redside@merrill-os- ullivan.com Legal Notice PAUL CROWLEY, an individual, Plain- tiff/s, v. STEPHAN ALLEN WHITE, an individual, GLACIER BANK, f/k/a Moun- tain West Bank, an Idaho state banking corporation, WA- TERSTONE MORT- GAGE CORP., a Wisconsin corpora- tion, WATERSTONE BANK, f/k/a Wau- watosa Savings Bank, THE CITY OF REDMOND, an Oregon municipal corporation, and EXCHANGE PROP- ERTIESM INC., a Nevada corporation, Defendant/s. Case No.: 18CV35199 NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION -REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Of- fice will, on Thurs- day, March 11, 2021 at 10:00 AM, in the main lobby of the Deschutes Coun- ty Sheriff’s Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the high- est bidder, for cash or cashier’s check, the non-residen- tial real property commonly known as Hanger J, 674 Salmon Avenue, Redmond, Oregon 97756. Conditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 min- utes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office to re- view bidder’s funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier’s checks made pay- able to Deschutes County Sheriff’s Of- fice will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immedi- ately upon the close of the sale. For more information on this sale go to: http://oregonsheriffs- sales.org/ Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES PROBATE DEPART- MENT In the Matter of the Es- tate of ROBERTA ANN GIAMBOI, De- ceased. Case No. 21PB00814 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the un- dersigned has been appointed person- al representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal represen- tative at Kevin Lee Gonzales, c/o AN- DREW C. BALYEAT, HURLEY RE, P.C., 747 SW MILL VIEW WAY, BEND, OR 97702, within four months after the date of first publica- tion of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the per- sonal representative, or the attorneys for the personal repre- sentative. Dated and first pub- lished on February 10, 2021. Kevin Lee Gonzales, Personal Represen- tative Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON COUNTY OF DESCHUTES Case No. 21PB00782 NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS In the Matter of THOMAS ROBERT ASHMAN, De- ceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that KEVIN W SPENCE has been appointed per- sonal representative of the ESTATE of 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices of the ESTATE of THOMAS ROBERT ASHMAN. All per- sons having claims against the estate are required to present them, with vouchers attached, to: Pacific Northwest Probate, LLC, 8865 SW Center Street Tigard, OR 97223, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may  obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court or the per- sonal representative. Dated and first pub- lished on February 10, 2021. KEVIN W SPENCE PERSONAL REPRE- SENTATIVE Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS NOTICE IS HERE- BY GIVEN that RICHARD THOM- AS STEINEKE has been appointed Personal Represen- tative of the Estate of David G. Wagner, Deceased, by the Deschutes Coun- ty Circuit Court of the State of Oregon probate number 21PB00163. All per- sons having claims against the Estate are required to pres- ent them, with prop- er vouchers, within four (4) months after the date of first pub- lication of this no- tice to the Personal Representative at the address set forth below or the claims may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affect- ed by the proceed- ings may obtain ad- ditional information from the records of the Court, the Per- sonal Representa- tive or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. DATED and first pub- lished February 10, 2021. RICHARD THOMAS STEINEKE c/o Annie M. Nelson Karnopp Petersen LLP 360 SW Bond Street, Suite 400 Bend, Oregon 97702 TEL: (541) 382-3011 FAX: (541) 388-5410 Of Attorneys for Per- sonal Representa- tive Legal Notice IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF ORE- GON FOR COOS COUNTY In the Matter of Ryan L. Templeton A CHILD SUMMONS Case No. 20JU01428 1) Jerry L. Templeton IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OR- EGON: You are hereby re- quired to appear personally before the above-entitled Court for the County of Coos, State of Or- egon, at the Court- house in Coquille in said County, in connection with the above-entitled Juve- nile Court proceed- ing in which it is al- leged that said child is within the juris- diction of the Court by reason of the petition and/or mo- 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices petition and/or mo- tion attached hereto and incorporated by reference. If the peti- tion alleges physical or sexual abuse, the court may require the alleged perpetra- tor to move from the household in which the child resides. The hearing will be held at: COOS COUNTY CIRCUIT COURT, COURT- HOUSE, 250 N. BAXTER ST. CO- QUILLE, OREGON, ON THE 15th DAY OF February 2021, AT THE HOUR OF 8:15 A.M. Failure to appear may result in the court taking ju- risdiction of the child and making orders and taking actions authorized by the law. NOTICE: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY!! A petition has been filed to establish jurisdiction under ORS 419B.100. A copy of the petition is attached. No later than 30 days from the date the petition is filed, each person about whom alle- gations have been made in the petition must admit or deny the allegations. Un- less directed oth- erwise above, the admission or denial may be made oral- ly at the hearing. If you do not appear as directed above, or do not appear at any subsequent court-ordered hear- ing, the Court may proceed without fur- ther notice and take jurisdiction of the child(ren) either on the date specified in this summons or on a future date, and make such orders and take such ac- tion as authorized by law including, but not limited to, establishing ward- ship over the child, ordering the removal of the child(ren) from the legal and phys- ical custody of the parent(s) or guard- ian(s) and, restrain- ing you from having contact with, or at- tempting to contact, the child(ren) and re- quiring you to move from the house- hold in which the child(ren) resides (reside) if there are allegations of physi- cal or sexual abuse. RIGHTS AND OBLI- GATIONS You have a right to be represented by an attorney. If you wish to be represented by an attorney, please retain one as soon as possible to repre- sent you in this pro- ceeding. If you are the child or the par- ent or legal guardian of the child and you cannot afford to hire an attorney and you meet the state’s fi- nancial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state expense. To request appoint- ment of an attorney to represent you at state expense, you must contact the juvenile court im- mediately. Phone 541-396-4077 for further information. If you are represented by an attorney, it is your responsibility 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices your responsibility to maintain contact with your attorney and to keep your attorney advised of your whereabouts. If you are a parent or other person legally obligated to support the child(ren), you have the obliga- tion to support the child(ren). You may be required to pay for compensation and reasonable expens- es for the child(ren)’s attorney. You may be required to pay sup- port for the child(ren) while the child(ren) is (are) in state fi- nanced or state sup- ported custody. You may be required to provide health insur- ance coverage for the child(ren) while the child(ren) is (are) in state financed or state supported custody. You may be required to pay other costs that arise from the child(ren) being in the jurisdiction of the Court. If you are ordered to pay for the child(ren)’s sup- port or there is an existing order of sup- port from a divorce or other proceeding, that support order may be assigned to the state to apply to the costs of the child(ren)’s care. If this summons re- quires you to appear before the court to admit or deny the allegations of the petition or requires you to file a written answer to the pe- tition and you con- test the petition, the court will schedule a hearing on the al- legations of the pe- tition and order you to appear personally and may schedule other hearings relat- ed to the petition and order you to appear personally. If you are ordered to appear, you must appear personally in the courtroom, unless the court has grant- ed you an exception in advance under ORS 419B.918 to appear by other means including, but not limited to, tele- phonic or other elec- tronic means. If you are represented by an attorney you must appear personally at any hearing where you have been or- dered or summoned to appear. “Appear personally” requires your presence at court – you MAY NOT appear through an attorney, unless you are the child at issue. If your rights are ad- versely affected by the court’s judgment or decision regarding jurisdiction or dispo- sition, you have the right to appeal under ORS 419A.200. If you decide to appeal a judgment or deci- sion of the court, you must file a notice of appeal no later than 30 days after the entry of the court’s judgment or decision as provided in ORS 419A.200. You have a right to be repre- sented by an attor- ney in an appeal un- der ORS 419A.200. If you are the child or the parent or le- gal guardian of the child and you cannot afford to hire an at- 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices afford to hire an at- torney and you meet the state’s financial guidelines, you are entitled to have an attorney appointed for you at state ex- pense. To request appointment of an attorney to represent you at state expense in an appeal under ORS 419A.200, you must contact the juvenile court imme- diately. Phone 541- 396-4077 for further information. Dates at Coquille, Or- egon **Questions regard- ing this proceeding, contact DHS Child Protective Services at 541-756-5500, 1431 Airport Ln., North Bend, OR 97459 or the Juve- nile Court Clerk at 541-396-4077, Coos County Courthouse, Coquille, OR 97423 Legal Notice NOTICE TO INTER- ESTED PERSONS DANIEL STROHM has been appointed Personal Represen- tative of the ESTATE OF MARY CATH- ERINE STROHM, Deceased, by the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, De- schutes County, under Case Num- ber 21PB00442. All persons having a claim against the estate must present the claim within four months of the first publication date of this notice to Brin- ich & Bertalan, LLP, at 250 NW Franklin Ave, Ste 101, Bend, Oregon 97703, Attn:  Lisa N. Berta- lan, or they may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the court records, the Personal Represen- tative or the follow- ing-named attorney for the Personal Representative. DATE OF FIRST PUB- LICATION: February 3, 2021. BRINICH & BERTA- LAN, LLP 250 NW FRANKLIN AVE, STE 101 BEND, OR 97703 541-382-4980 Legal Notice NOTICE OF APPLICA- TION Notice is hereby giv- en that U.S. Bank National Associa- tion (800 Nicollet Mall, Minneapolis, MN 55402) filed an application with the OCC for permission to establish a branch office at 550 NW Franklin Ave., Bend, OR. Any person wishing to comment on this application may file comments in writing with the Di- rector for Large Bank Licensing, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Mail Stop 10E-2, 400 7th Street SW, Wash- ington, DC 20219 within 30 days after the date of this publi- cation. The non-con- fidential portions of the application are on file with the Dep- uty Comptroller as part of the public file and this file is avail- able for public in- spection during reg- ular business hours. Published: February 10, 2021. 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice “Regular Board Meeting” The Board of Di- rectors regular meeting for the Deschutes County Rural Fire Protec- tion District #2 will be held on Tues- day, February 16, 2021 at 11:30 A.M. at the Fire Admin- istration Head- quarters located at 1212 SW Simpson Avenue Bend, OR. Seating is limited to the Board and Staff only due to the Governor’s Covid-19 social distancing rules. To participate re- motely it shall be done by telecon- ferencing by call- ing 503-946-5336 using Conference I.D. 876290566# and then introduc- ing yourself. Items on the agenda in- clude but are not limited to: Adop- tion of Meetings Minutes, Approval of Expenses, Fire Chief’s report, Ex- ecutive Director report, Finance Re- port in addition to New and Old Busi- ness. LEGAL NOTICE TO IN- TERESTED PERSONS Thomas Scarvie has been appoint- ed as Administra- tor of the Estate of Carol Ann May, Deceased, by the Deschutes County Circuit Court, State of Oregon, Case No. 21PB00588. All persons having claims against the estate must present the claims to the Administrator at C/O McCord & Hemphill, LLC, 65 NW Gree- ley Ave., Bend, OR 97703, within four months after Febru- ary 10, 2021 which is the date of first pub- lication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the Court, the Adminis- trator, or the attorney for the Administrator: Brian T. Hemphill. Legal Notice Notice to Creditors and Others, in accor- dance with the pro- bate filing process of Deschutes County in the State of Oregon, first published Feb- ruary 3, 2021 in the estate of Roger M. Wright, deceased, late of La Pine, Or- egon, in Deschutes County, who died on September 18th, 2020. Take notice that all persons hav- ing claims upon the estate of the above named must file with the undersigned Es- tate Trustee by June 3, 2021 a full state- ment of their claims and proof of securi- ties held by them. Contact the des- ignated Estate Trustee: Ronald Wright, email: rwright12521@ya- hoo.com NEED TO SELL A VEHICLE? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! 541-385-5809