THE BULLETIN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 2021 A9 © 2021 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 37, No. 10 Are you an eagle-eyed reader? Read the article below and correct the ten errors you find. The first one is done for you. reate some healthy Valentine cards by filling in the missing vowels. Then cut out each message, paste it on some construction paper and give to a good friend! TO: TO: TO: FROM: FROM: FROM: Do you feel with your heart? Is you making pictures of hearts and fiving little heart-shaped candies to your friends for valentine’s Day? Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. When you make a promise you really, really meant, do TO: FROM: you cross your heart? do you How do you love your heart? Well, first of all you need to understand that your heart is a muscle. And, like all of your muscles, it works best when you exercise, rest, drink water and eat healthy food. listen to songs about feelings and emotions? Circle the healthy food item that should come next in each row. This time of year, we hear about and saw hearts Which two hearts are exactly the same? everywhere. Long ago, people thought our feelings came from our hearts, maybe because strong feelings can make our hearts beated faster. now we know feelings come Ad Transformer Look for newspaper ads that encourage kids to eat or drink things that are unhealthy. Rewrite the ad so that it is advertising something good for your health. Cut out the 10 cards at right. (Paste them onto construction paper to make them sturdier if you wish.) A watch with a second hand will be needed as well. Give the stack of activity cards to the person who is “It.” When “It” tags someone, that person selects a card and performs the named activity for the amount of time stated. After the person completes the activity, he or she becomes “It.” Standards Link: Language Arts: Identify compound words. VALENTINE HEART MUSCLE EXERCISE HEALTHY TEACHER CARDS PLACE SECONDS STACK FITNESS GOOD REST CARE Complete the grid by using all the letters in the word LOVE in each vertical and horizontal row. Each letter should only be used once in each row. Some spaces have been filled in for you. S E E X E T R K C H S N E E I S R C E E E I R T C M P A X R N T A E U N L T E E T N C S S T A S R H I E C D H T C D C C F L R Y O H E E I A E A S D N O C E S E C V H E A R G T E T Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. Valentines from the Headlines This week’s word: HEALTH The noun health means being without sickness or pain. Exercise and eating right will keep you in good health. Try to use the word health in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members. Valentine Surprise Cut out five or more words from the headlines in today’s newspaper. Use these to write a Valentine message to your teacher! ANSWER: “I love you with all of my art.” Standards Link: Writing Applications: Write in a variety of genres and forms. Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Understand the meaning of words from context clues. Standards Link: Health: Students understand essential concepts about nutrition and diet; know healthy eating practices. Standards Link: Physical Education: Use a variety of basic and advanced movement forms. Draw a line from each piece of broken heart below to its other half. What compound words did you create? from the brane, not the hart. Make up a story about a Valentine’s Day surprise. Who was surprised? What was the surprise? Use five or more adjectives in your story.