B4 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2021 MARKET RECAP MutualFunds For the week ending Friday, February 5, 2021 WK FUND NAV CHG AB LgCpGrAdv 84.24 +3.53 AMG 21.99 +.89 YacktmanI Akre FocInstl d 55.14 +2.78 FocRetail m 53.60 +2.70 American Century GrInv 49.20 +2.69 UltraInv 79.30 +4.60 American Funds 40.86 +1.93 AMCpA m AmrcnBalA m 30.68 +.68 AmrcnHiIncA m 10.31 +.09 AmrcnMutA m 45.61 +1.35 BdfAmrcA m 13.66 -.04 CptWldGrIncA m 61.80 +2.50 CptlIncBldrA m 64.09 +1.52 CptlWldBdA m 21.26 -.08 EuroPacGrA m 72.06 +3.80 FdmtlInvsA m 71.60 +3.21 GlbBalA m 38.19 +.94 GrfAmrcA m 71.32 +3.78 IncAmrcA m 24.12 +.61 IntrmBdfAmrA m 13.94 -.01 InvCAmrcA m 45.97 +1.90 NewWldA m 93.38 +5.33 NwPrspctvA m 63.60 +3.21 SmCpWldA m 85.57 +5.40 TheNewEcoA m 62.72 +3.62 TxExBdA m 13.72 +.01 WAMtInvsA m 51.52 +1.84 Angel Oak MltStratIncIns 10.40 -.01 Artisan IntlValueInstl 40.72 +1.21 Baird AggrgateBdInstl 11.64 -.04 CorPlusBdInstl 12.02 -.04 ShrtTrmBdInstl 9.92 +.01 Baron EmMktsInstl 20.62 +1.16 GrInstl 115.51 +8.95 BlackRock 20.98 +.91 EqDivInstl GlbAllcIncInstl 22.27 +.65 GlbAllcIncInvA m 22.10 +.64 HYBdInstl 7.83 +.07 HYBdK 7.84 +.08 HthSciOpIns 79.61 +1.51 LowDurBdInstl 9.78 +.01 MidCpGrEqInstl 45.52 +3.24 StrIncOpIns 10.41 +.06 StratMuOpIns 11.80 +.05 TtlRetInstl 12.13 -.01 Calamos MktNetrlIncIns 13.99 +.12 ClearBridge AggresivGrA m 184.25 +7.47 LgCpGrI 69.09 +2.82 Cohen & Steers PrfrdScInc,IncI 14.40 +.09 Rltys 63.05 +2.42 Columbia DivIncIns 26.41 +.88 LgCpGrIns 57.63 +3.14 p %RETURN 1YR 3YR +31.4 +22.9 +17.8 +13.4 +14.0 +19.3 +13.7 +19.0 +35.8 +23.3 +46.1 +27.8 +22.7 +10.6 +8.6 +5.4 +8.4 +18.7 +4.6 +7.8 +29.7 +16.2 +12.1 +38.7 +6.6 +6.3 +15.9 +31.5 +35.3 +45.0 +35.1 +4.2 +8.5 +15.5 +9.6 +6.2 +8.9 +6.2 +10.4 +5.2 +4.3 +11.7 +12.5 +7.4 +21.0 +7.1 +4.3 +11.3 +13.9 +19.3 +20.3 +18.4 +5.0 +10.9 -1.6 +2.2 +12.2 +4.7 +6.0 +6.3 +3.8 +6.0 +6.2 +3.5 +39.1 +10.7 +32.9 +24.4 +6.8 +8.8 +22.3 +9.8 +21.9 +9.5 +6.3 +6.2 +6.6 +6.3 +18.9 +18.3 +3.3 +3.2 +40.9 +27.1 +6.9 +4.5 +1.5 +3.7 +6.8 +6.1 +5.3 +4.4 +24.0 +10.5 +28.5 +18.8 +4.8 +6.8 -2.1 +11.9 +7.7 +11.3 +34.0 +22.5 DOW 31,148.24 +1165.62 SlgCmsInfoA m 114.92 +7.95 DFA EMktCorEqI 25.80 +1.21 EmMktsInstl 34.97 +1.66 EmMktsValInstl 29.89 +1.40 FvYrGlbFIIns 10.90 ... GlbEqInstl 28.82 +1.34 GlbRlEsttSec 10.97 +.26 InflProtSecIns 13.30 -.02 IntlCorEqIns 14.98 +.55 IntlSmCoInstl 20.99 +.83 IntlSmCpValIns 19.79 +.93 IntlValInstl 17.52 +.75 ItmGovtFIIns 13.22 -.06 OneYearFIInstl 10.30 ... RlEsttSecInstl 38.71 +1.18 ShTrmExQtyI 11.00 ... TAUSCorEq2Instl 24.17 +1.21 TwYrGlbFIIns 9.95 ... USCorEq1Instl 31.16 +1.53 USCorEqIIInstl 28.48 +1.43 USLgCo 29.17 +1.31 USLgCpValInstl 39.32 +1.68 USMicroCpInstl 25.86 +1.83 USSmCpInstl 42.67 +2.79 USSmCpValInstl 39.08 +2.72 USTrgtedValIns 26.47 +1.79 Davis NYVentureA m 33.57 +2.02 Delaware Inv ValInstl 22.23 +.80 Dodge & Cox Bal 105.39 +3.72 GlbStk 13.92 +.72 Inc 14.59 ... IntlStk 45.15 +1.77 Stk 203.10 +10.97 DoubleLine CorFII 11.27 -.02 LowDurBdI 10.01 +.01 TtlRetBdI 10.68 -.03 TtlRetBdN b 10.68 -.02 Eaton Vance AtlntCptSMIDCI 38.43 +2.09 Edgewood GrInstl 54.55 +3.47 FPA Crescent d 37.68 +1.78 NewInc 10.03 ... Federated InsHYBdIns 10.02 +.08 KaufmannR b 7.83 +.60 TtlRetBdInstl 11.49 -.01 Fidelity 500IdxInsPrm 134.88 +6.03 AsstMgr20% x 14.57 +.15 AsstMgr50% 21.33 +.57 AsstMgr70% 26.92 +1.00 BCGrowth 177.50 +12.51 BCGrowth 18.24 +1.27 BCGrowthK 178.05 +12.55 Balanced 29.24 +1.14 BalancedK 29.24 +1.14 Cap&Inc 10.99 +.24 CmdtyStrat 4.85 +.14 Contrafund 17.39 +.81 ContrafundK 17.43 +.82 CptlApprec 44.40 +2.21 DiversIntl 48.68 +1.87 EmMkts 49.51 +2.64 EmergMketsOpps 27.33 +1.60 EqIncome 64.55 +2.81 ExMktIdxInPr 92.28 +6.44 p +52.4 +31.5 +24.4 +25.1 +13.4 +1.1 +18.1 -6.4 +10.6 +12.1 +15.2 +8.0 +4.9 +5.7 +0.4 -4.6 +1.8 +19.5 +0.8 +19.7 +20.1 +18.7 +4.7 +22.6 +23.9 +19.7 +18.9 +5.3 +6.1 -0.2 +2.6 +10.5 +7.2 +6.8 +3.8 +4.3 -0.9 -1.0 +5.8 +1.6 +10.1 +2.8 +13.2 +1.9 +14.1 +13.2 +15.8 +5.4 +10.0 +10.5 +6.6 +7.3 +17.2 +11.1 +2.0 +6.3 +10.8 +11.9 +7.6 +7.9 +12.3 +8.4 +6.4 +6.2 +2.0 +9.5 +3.9 +2.0 +2.8 +2.5 +4.8 +2.9 +4.4 +4.1 +12.4 +13.3 +43.8 +26.0 +15.5 +2.4 +8.2 +3.0 +6.8 +6.3 +32.9 +23.3 +7.8 +6.2 +18.7 +8.0 +15.3 +18.7 +65.0 +65.9 +65.1 +22.7 +22.8 +12.4 +10.5 +30.4 +30.5 +36.2 +19.2 +42.4 +37.4 +9.4 +41.9 +15.8 +6.2 +9.8 +11.4 +32.9 +34.6 +33.0 +14.8 +14.9 +8.4 -1.0 +19.5 +19.6 +20.6 +10.5 +16.2 +12.9 +9.7 +20.0 FourinOneIdx 57.16 +2.12 Frdm 2020 17.61 +.45 Frdm 2025 15.91 +.46 Frdm 2030 19.93 +.64 Frdm 2035 17.28 +.70 Frdm 2040 12.32 +.55 Frdm 2045 14.10 +.63 GlbexUSIdxInsPr 15.15 +.56 GlobalexUSIdx 14.91 +.55 GroCo 35.68 +2.35 GroCo 24.73 +1.63 GroCoK 35.77 +2.35 Growth&Inc 45.51 +1.99 IntlDiscv 55.26 +2.65 IntlGr 18.05 +.58 IntlIdxInstlPrm 46.45 +1.39 IntlVal 10.30 +.42 InvmGradeBd 11.81 -.03 InvmGradeBd 8.48 -.03 LowPrStk 51.31 +1.91 Magellan 13.26 +.61 NasdCmpIdx 173.96 +9.90 OTCPortfolio 18.75 +1.15 OTCPortfolioK 19.10 +1.17 Overseas 60.25 +2.49 Puritan 26.95 +.99 SmCpOpps 17.66 +1.52 StkSelorAllCp 59.67 +3.17 TotalBond 11.22 -.03 TtlMktIdxInsPrm 112.93 +5.57 USBdIdxInsPrm 12.28 -.06 Value 12.93 +.83 Fidelity Advisor GrowthOppsI 170.88 +12.59 NewInsA m 38.05 +1.84 NewInsI 39.23 +1.90 StgInc 12.85 +.10 TotalBondI 11.21 -.02 Fidelity Select Biotechnology 27.25 +1.91 HealthCare 33.41 +1.06 MedTech&Devcs 78.19 +1.96 Swre&ITSvcs 28.28 +1.73 Technology 28.88 +1.87 First Eagle GlbA m 61.99 +1.77 Franklin Templeton CATxFrIncA1 m 7.86 +.02 DynaTechA m 151.11 +10.72 DynaTechR6 158.49 +11.26 FdrTFIncA1 m 12.39 +.01 GlbBdAdv 9.65 +.01 Gr,IncA m 23.98 +.97 GrA m 140.58 +7.31 IncA1 m 2.33 +.05 IncAdv 2.31 +.05 IncC m 2.37 +.05 RisingDivsA m 80.85 +2.53 GE RSPUSEq 68.35 +3.04 Harbor CptlApprecInstl 110.29 +7.30 Harding Loevner IntlEqInstl 28.99 +.78 INVESCO DevMktsY 57.09 +3.44 EqandIncA m 11.31 +.45 GlbA m 120.20 +6.64 HYMuniA m 10.35 +.03 MnStrA m 55.07 +1.83 RisingDivsA m 23.14 +.70 RisingDivsC m 19.05 +.58 NYSE 15,069.60 +672.40 +17.5 +15.6 +16.9 +18.4 +21.0 +22.6 +22.6 +15.7 +15.7 +70.6 +72.5 +70.7 +11.3 +25.7 +17.3 +10.3 +7.9 +7.5 +7.2 +16.8 +22.9 +46.7 +48.1 +48.2 +15.4 +21.0 +26.3 +26.8 +7.1 +22.6 +5.0 +18.8 +12.3 +9.4 +10.0 +10.7 +11.8 +12.3 +12.4 +6.4 +6.4 +32.7 +34.0 +32.8 +10.7 +10.2 +13.6 +5.4 +2.3 +6.5 +6.4 +9.3 +16.9 +26.8 +27.8 +28.0 +8.9 +13.3 +16.4 +16.6 +6.1 +16.6 +5.4 +9.9 +73.8 +43.7 +23.5 +15.9 +23.8 +16.2 +7.2 NA +7.1 +6.1 +46.5 +26.6 +34.9 +38.5 +61.8 +20.6 +21.7 +26.9 +29.0 +33.6 +10.6 +6.5 +4.2 +58.4 +59.0 +5.1 -4.3 +8.5 +29.1 +5.8 +6.0 +5.2 +13.5 +5.8 +32.1 +32.6 +5.1 -1.1 +1.8 +19.9 +5.7 +5.8 +5.2 +13.6 +22.8 +17.9 +51.1 +28.0 +21.5 +10.0 +26.8 +12.9 +29.9 +3.4 +14.3 +10.7 +9.9 p +10.3 +7.2 +14.5 +6.0 +13.4 +12.0 +11.2 Ivy SciAndTechA m 95.79 +4.03 +38.9 JPMorgan CPBondR6 8.66 -.02 +5.6 CoreBondI 12.15 -.04 +5.3 CoreBondR6 12.17 -.04 +5.4 EmMktsEqI 47.87 +2.95 +46.3 EqIncI 20.08 +.78 +5.5 HighYieldR6 7.21 +.06 +4.5 LCapGrI 64.06 +3.66 +51.5 MCapValL 38.84 +1.86 +6.5 Janus Henderson BalancedT 41.46 +1.12 +12.5 EnterpriseT 159.93 +8.54 +19.8 John Hancock BdI 16.64 -.03 +6.7 BdR6 16.67 -.02 +6.8 DiscpValI 21.62 +1.04 +6.6 DiscpValMCI 24.34 +1.35 +9.2 IntlGrI 39.20 +1.81 +28.7 MltMgLsBlA b 15.80 +.50 +17.2 MltmgrLsGr1 b 16.52 +.69 +21.0 Lazard GlbLtdInfrsIns 14.59 +.44 -9.6 Loomis Sayles BdInstl 13.49 +.04 +1.4 GrY 23.80 +1.18 +29.7 Lord Abbett BdDebA m 8.52 +.10 +8.0 BdDebF b 8.50 +.09 +8.0 ShrtDurIncA m 4.22 +.01 +2.9 ShrtDurIncF b 4.22 +.01 +3.0 ShrtDurIncI 4.22 +.01 +3.1 MFS GrA m 156.09 +8.50 +27.5 GrI 167.76 +9.15 +27.8 InstlIntlEq 30.90 +.96 +11.2 ValA m 45.70 +1.70 +3.8 ValI 45.97 +1.70 +4.1 MassMutual SelectMdCpGrI 29.51 +1.51 +27.8 Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI 11.08 -.03 +6.7 TtlRetBdM b 11.09 -.03 +6.5 TtlRetBdPlan 10.39 -.03 +6.8 Morgan Stanley InsInGrA m 94.23 +7.70 +118.0 InsInGrI 101.07 +8.27 +118.6 Northern StkIdx 43.51 +1.95 +18.6 Nuveen HYMuniBdA m 18.05 +.09 +3.3 HYMuniBdI 18.05 +.09 +3.5 IntermDrMnBdI 9.73 +.01 +3.8 LtdTrmMnBdI 11.37 ... +2.9 Oakmark EqAndIncInv 32.08 +1.31 +15.0 IntlInv 27.20 +1.55 +13.1 Inv 95.27 +6.22 +17.4 Old Westbury GlbSmMdCpStrat 19.60 +1.00 +29.7 LgCpStrats 17.94 +.91 +18.1 PGIM Investments HighYieldZ 5.58 +.04 +7.3 TtlRetBdZ 14.86 -.06 +4.7 PIMCO AlAstInstl 12.91 +.29 +14.0 HYInstl 9.11 +.07 +5.7 IBdUSDHI 11.06 -.01 +4.7 IncA m 12.15 +.04 +5.1 IncC m 12.15 +.04 +4.3 IncI2 12.15 +.04 +5.4 IncInstl 12.15 +.04 +5.5 NASDAQ 13,856.30 +785.60 p +27.6 +5.8 +5.8 +5.9 +15.6 +7.4 +4.9 +28.9 +5.4 +11.6 +15.9 +6.2 +6.3 +6.0 +7.7 +13.4 +10.0 +11.3 +6.2 +3.3 +19.9 +6.2 +6.2 +3.4 +3.5 +3.6 +23.0 +23.3 +9.0 +7.7 +8.0 +18.7 +6.3 +6.0 +6.3 +44.5 +44.8 +15.7 +7.0 +7.2 +5.1 +3.8 +6.7 +1.0 +9.5 +12.9 +11.6 +7.1 +6.2 +5.7 +6.1 +5.3 +4.8 +4.0 +5.1 +5.2 InvtGrdCdtBdI 11.11 -.03 InvtGrdCdtBdI-2 11.11 -.03 RlRetInstl 12.30 -.03 ShrtTrmIns 9.84 -.01 TtlRetA m 10.50 -.03 TtlRetIns 10.50 -.03 PRIMECAP Odyssey AgrsGr 60.30 +3.52 Gr 47.18 +2.32 Stk 37.43 +1.71 Parnassus CorEqInv 54.91 +2.14 Pioneer A m 35.79 +1.83 Putnam EqIncA m 27.52 +1.20 GrOppsA m 54.69 +2.87 Schwab IntlIdx 22.38 +.69 SP500Idx 59.49 +2.65 Schwab1000Idx 87.01 +4.14 SmCpIdx 38.59 +2.76 TtlStkMktIdx 69.68 +3.44 State Farm Gr 104.56 +3.66 T. Rowe Price BCGr 173.13 +9.83 Comm&TeInv 192.68 +12.79 CptlAprc 34.50 +1.05 DivGr 60.59 +2.14 EqIdx500 102.73 +4.58 EqInc 32.54 +1.42 GlbTech 30.40 +2.26 GrStk 102.94 +5.69 HlthSci 104.87 +3.70 InsLgCpCorGr 68.21 +3.86 InsMdCpEqGr 75.38 +3.22 InsSmCpStk 32.72 +1.87 IntlDiscv 97.19 +5.29 LrgCpGrI 65.47 +3.70 MdCpGr 117.53 +4.99 NewAmericaGr 71.43 +4.04 NewHorizons 86.25 +5.45 QMUSSmCpGrEq 50.86 +3.37 Rtr2020 23.34 +.62 Rtr2025 19.94 +.61 Rtr2030 29.43 +1.04 Rtr2035 22.07 +.87 Rtr2040 31.74 +1.35 Rtr2045 21.97 +.99 Rtr2050 18.59 +.83 SciandTech 59.14 +3.30 SmCpVal 56.42 +3.59 SpectrumInc 13.02 +.08 TCW EMIncIns 8.45 +.08 TtlRetBdI 10.32 -.04 TIAA-CREF BdIdxIns 11.44 -.06 EqIdxIns 29.08 +1.41 IntlEqIdxIns 21.58 +.68 LgCpGrIdxIns 51.46 +2.48 LgCpValIdxIns 21.18 +.96 Thornburg LtdTrmIncI 14.01 -.01 Tweedy, Browne GlbVal 28.36 +1.00 VALIC Co I StkIdx 51.89 +2.32 Vanguard 500IdxAdmrl 359.12 +16.06 BalIdxAdmrl 45.41 +1.29 BalIdxIns 45.42 +1.29 S&P 500 3,886.83 +172.59 +3.9 +3.8 +11.0 +2.3 +5.9 +6.2 +6.6 +6.5 +6.7 +2.3 +5.2 +5.6 +40.8 +16.8 +27.1 +14.2 +16.1 +11.6 +20.3 +17.9 +24.6 +18.4 +9.5 +10.0 +35.2 +25.5 +10.2 +18.7 +21.5 +34.7 +22.6 +5.3 +15.8 +16.6 +16.1 +16.6 +17.9 +14.4 +32.7 +54.9 +15.3 +11.3 +18.5 +5.2 +78.9 +36.5 +34.8 +32.8 +25.0 +30.9 +46.3 +40.8 +25.3 +42.0 +54.7 +28.7 +14.3 +15.9 +17.5 +19.1 +20.5 +21.3 +21.4 +49.5 +20.1 +5.6 +21.6 +27.5 +14.4 +14.6 +15.6 +7.2 +31.3 +22.4 +20.9 +21.7 +18.3 +21.1 +14.8 +24.6 +18.0 +25.9 +32.6 +17.9 +9.8 +10.6 +11.4 +12.0 +12.6 +13.0 +12.9 +27.6 +11.7 +5.1 +3.0 +5.8 +4.5 +5.7 +4.8 +5.3 +22.4 +16.6 +10.2 +5.4 +36.3 +24.4 +5.8 +8.2 +6.5 +4.9 +2.5 +3.1 +18.3 +15.5 +18.7 +15.8 +16.2 +12.5 +16.2 +12.6 p CAITTxExAdm 12.40 +.01 +4.0 CptlOppAdmrl 192.19 +9.04 +28.7 CptlOppInv 83.24 +3.91 +28.6 DevMIdxAdmrl 15.58 +.53 +13.0 DevMIdxIns 15.60 +.53 +13.0 DivGrInv 32.98 +1.17 +7.5 EMStkIdxInAdm 45.04 +2.14 +27.1 EMStkIdxInPl 113.93 +5.41 +27.2 EMStkIdxIns 34.25 +1.63 +27.2 EqIncAdmrl 81.38 +2.83 +4.7 EqIncInv 38.83 +1.35 +4.6 ExplorerAdmrl 129.59 +7.88 +39.5 ExtMktIdxAdmrl 137.96 +9.63 +42.0 ExtMktIdxIns 137.95 +9.63 +42.0 ExtMktIdxInsPls 340.45 +23.76 +42.0 FAWexUSIAdmr 37.77 +1.42 +16.3 FAWexUSIIns 119.74 +4.51 +16.3 GNMAAdmrl 10.74 +.01 +3.4 GNMAInv 10.74 +.01 +3.3 GlbEqInv 39.73 +2.06 +26.1 GrIdxAdmrl 136.44 +7.19 +37.4 GrIdxIns 136.45 +7.19 +37.5 GrandIncAdmrl 97.40 +4.20 +19.0 GrandIncInv 59.67 +2.57 +18.8 HCAdmrl 93.19 +1.02 +11.5 HCInv 221.01 +2.41 +11.5 HYCorpAdmrl 5.99 +.03 +5.5 HYTEAdmrl 12.09 +.02 +5.2 ITIdxAdmrl 189.85 +9.86 +41.2 InTrBdIdxAdmrl 12.44 -.04 +6.7 InTrInGdAdm 10.38 -.01 +8.1 InTrTEAdmrl 14.92 +.01 +4.5 InTrTrsAdmrl 11.62 -.02 +6.1 InflPrtScAdmrl 28.38 -.07 +10.0 InflPrtScIns 11.56 -.03 +10.0 InsIdxIns 343.46 +15.34 +18.7 InsIdxInsPlus 343.48 +15.35 +18.7 InsTrgRt2020Ins 26.71 +.55 +12.4 InsTtlSMIInPls 77.54 +3.82 +22.8 IntlGrAdmrl 174.63 +7.66 +69.1 IntlGrInv 54.90 +2.41 +68.9 IntlValInv 41.32 +1.86 +12.8 LTInGrdAdm 11.24 -.18 +6.7 LTTEAdmrl 12.30 +.01 +5.3 LfStrCnsrGrInv 22.92 +.37 +10.9 LfStrGrInv 41.59 +1.48 +17.3 LfStrIncInv 17.30 +.11 +7.5 LfStrModGrInv 32.35 +.84 +14.2 LgCpIdxAdmrl 92.30 +4.29 +21.4 LtdTrmTEAdmrl 11.29 +.01 +3.1 MCpGrIdxAdm 96.14 +5.65 +36.0 MCpVlIdxAdm 64.72 +3.22 +6.1 MdCpIdxAdmrl 269.74 +14.68 +20.9 MdCpIdxIns 59.59 +3.25 +20.9 MdCpIdxInsPlus 293.87 +15.99 +21.0 PrmCpAdmrl 164.72 +7.52 +21.8 PrmCpCorInv 30.96 +1.33 +17.6 PrmCpInv 158.96 +7.26 +21.8 RlEstIdxAdmrl 124.87 +4.47 -3.6 RlEstIdxInstl 19.33 +.69 -3.5 SCpGrIdxAdm 103.09 +6.92 +43.8 SCpValIdxAdm 66.11 +3.75 +14.3 STBdIdxAdmrl 10.85 -.01 +3.9 STBdIdxIns 10.85 -.01 +4.0 STBdIdxInsPlus 10.85 -.01 +4.0 STFederalAdmrl 11.02 ... +4.1 STInfPrScIdAdmr 25.78 +.03 +5.5 STInfPrScIdIns 25.80 +.03 +5.6 STInfPrScIdxInv 25.75 +.03 +5.5 STInvmGrdAdmrl 11.02 ... +4.6 STInvmGrdIns 11.02 ... +4.6 STInvmGrdInv 11.02 ... +4.5 STTEAdmrl 15.96 ... +1.7 STTrsAdmrl 10.77 ... +3.6 RUSSELL 2000 2,233.33 +159.69 +4.9 +17.6 +17.5 +5.9 +5.9 +13.9 +7.4 +7.5 +7.4 +8.7 +8.6 +22.3 +20.1 +20.1 +20.1 +6.6 +6.6 +4.0 +3.9 +14.7 +24.6 +24.7 +15.4 +15.3 +13.1 +13.0 +6.3 +6.4 +32.4 +6.7 +6.9 +5.1 +5.5 +6.3 +6.3 +15.8 +15.8 +9.0 +16.7 +25.2 +25.0 +4.8 +8.9 +6.2 +8.5 +11.3 +6.9 +9.9 +16.7 +3.2 +21.7 +7.3 +14.5 +14.5 +14.5 +16.3 +13.6 +16.2 +10.0 +10.0 +23.4 +8.6 +3.7 +3.7 +3.7 +3.5 +3.7 +3.7 +3.6 +4.1 +4.1 +4.0 +2.0 +3.2 SeledValInv 27.18 +1.55 +10.4 SmCpIdxAdmrl 101.52 +6.25 +27.7 SmCpIdxIns 101.52 +6.25 +27.8 SmCpIdxInsPlus 293.03 +18.04 +27.8 StarInv 32.09 +1.01 +22.5 StrEqInv 39.63 +2.26 +18.7 TMCapApAdm 205.55 +9.75 +21.6 TMSmCpAdm 83.31 +4.29 +24.7 TrgtRtr2015Inv 15.90 +.22 +9.9 TrgtRtr2020Inv 34.89 +.72 +12.3 TrgtRtr2025Inv 22.01 +.56 +13.9 TrgtRtr2030Inv 41.60 +1.20 +15.1 TrgtRtr2035Inv 25.98 +.85 +16.3 TrgtRtr2040Inv 45.79 +1.66 +17.5 TrgtRtr2045Inv 29.28 +1.17 +18.8 TrgtRtr2050Inv 47.22 +1.90 +18.9 TrgtRtr2055Inv 51.26 +2.05 +18.8 TrgtRtr2060Inv 45.28 +1.81 +18.8 TrgtRtrIncInv 15.06 +.18 +9.5 TtBMIdxAdmrl 11.46 -.05 +4.9 TtBMIdxIns 11.46 -.05 +4.9 TtBMIdxInsPlus 11.46 -.05 +4.9 TtInBIdxAdmrl 23.19 -.07 +2.2 TtInBIdxIns 34.79 -.12 +2.2 TtInBIdxInv 11.60 -.04 +2.2 TtInSIdxAdmrl 33.70 +1.28 +16.3 TtInSIdxIns 134.76 +5.11 +16.3 TtInSIdxInsPlus 134.79 +5.11 +16.3 TtInSIdxInv 20.15 +.77 +16.2 TtlSMIdxAdmrl 99.32 +4.89 +22.7 TtlSMIdxIns 99.33 +4.89 +22.8 TtlSMIdxInv 99.28 +4.89 +22.6 TxMgBalAdmrl 38.92 +.92 +13.2 USGrAdmrl 182.52 +12.14 +57.5 USGrInv 70.47 +4.69 +57.4 ValIdxAdmrl 47.88 +1.84 +4.8 ValIdxIns 47.88 +1.84 +4.8 WlngtnAdmrl 77.77 +2.06 +10.0 WlngtnInv 45.04 +1.19 +9.9 WlslyIncAdmrl 68.51 +.76 +6.4 WlslyIncInv 28.28 +.31 +6.3 WndsrAdmrl 74.68 +3.79 +12.0 WndsrIIAdmrl 72.04 +3.52 +17.6 WndsrIIInv 40.61 +1.99 +17.5 Virtus VontobelEMOppI 14.47 +.67 +26.7 Voya 10.54 -.03 +5.6 IntermBdI WCM FocIntGrIns 25.76 +1.12 +34.8 Wells Fargo SpMCpValIns 44.92 +2.33 +5.8 Western Asset CorBdI 13.45 -.05 +6.4 CorBdIS 13.47 -.05 +6.4 CorPlusBdI 12.37 -.02 +6.4 CorPlusBdIS 12.37 -.01 +6.5 iShares S&P500IdxK 460.28 +20.53 +18.7 +5.7 +15.4 +15.4 +15.4 +13.3 +11.0 +16.6 +13.0 +7.8 +9.0 +9.8 +10.3 +10.8 +11.3 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +11.9 +7.4 +5.4 +5.4 +5.4 +5.0 +5.0 +5.0 +6.3 +6.4 +6.4 +6.3 +16.7 +16.7 +16.6 +10.9 +30.7 +30.6 +8.5 +8.5 +10.5 +10.4 +7.9 +7.8 +9.3 +12.9 +12.8 +7.8 +6.0 +20.3 +9.0 +6.4 +6.4 +6.7 +6.7 +15.9 Fund Footnotes: b - Fee covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee. NA - not available. p - previous day´s net asset value. s - fund split shares during the week. x - fund paid a distribution during the week. Source: Morningstar. p WILSHIRE 5000 41,448.87 +2052.70 CONDITIONS REPORT HIKING AND DAY USE SITES • NOTE: Many of the trails along seasonally closed highways and forest service roads remain open, but can only be accessed by hike, snowshoe, cross country ski or snowmobile due to accumulating snowfall. See Forest websites for more details and restrictions. Bureau of Land Management seasonal trail closures The following Bureau of Land Management trails are now closed through Aug. 31 to protect nesting raptors: of Deep Canyon, • Millican Plateau Fryrear, Maston, OHV Trail System Jaguar Road) (Route 95 only) • Horny Hollow Trail • South side of Trout Creek Trail including • Dry River Canyon climbing walls • For more informa- • Cline Buttes Recre- tion visit blm.gov ation Area (portions Trail closures west of Bend Beginning Jan. 28 the following trails are closed from 12:01 a.m. Mondays and 3 p.m. Fridays (except for federal holidays) due to timber harvesting and forest restoration work: • Phil’s Trail between the • Lower Whoops junction with EXT and • Pine Drops it’s western terminus at • EXT the junction with Pine • Storm King from the Drops junction with Forest • Upper Whoops Road 4615 and the • Lower Whoops junction with Phil’s • Skyliners Trail Deschutes National Forest Ochoco National Forest • Bandit Springs Sno-park: Open • Benham East Trailhead: Open • Benham West Trailhead: Open • Bessie Butte Trail: Open • Besson Day Use: Open • Big Eddy Day Use: Open • Boyd Cave Day Use Area: Open • Charlton Lake Trailhead: Open • Crane Prairie Picnic Area: Open • Crater Butte Trailhead: Open • Crescent Lake Guard Station: Open • Cultus Lake Day Use Area: Open • Deer Lake Trailhead: Open • Dillon Day Use: Open • Elk Lake Trailhead: Open • Fall River Headwaters: Open; snow free and clear • Green Lakes Trailhead: Open Smith Rock climbing closures To protect nesting raptors, the following climbing routes are closed: Cajun Cliff, Vic- toria Tower, Little Three Fingered Jack, Puddy’s Tower, The Monument, Anglin’s Buttress and French Tent Rock. The Canyon Trail near the bald eagle nest is restricted to groups of four or less and noise must be kept to a minimum. See smithrock.com/ seasonal-closures for more information. • Lava Cast Forest Trailhead: Open; patchy snow and ice • Lava Island Day Use: Open • Lava Lake Day Use: Open • Lava Lands Trails: Open; potential patchy snow and ice, visitor center is closed for the season; trails and parking area open • Sun Lava Trailhead: Open; potential patchy snow and ice, heavy use on weekends • Lemish Lake Trailhead: Open • Little Fawn Day Use: Open • Lucky Lake Trailhead: Open • Ten Mile Trailhead: Open • Tandy Bay Picnic Area: Open • Tranquil Cove Day Use: Open • Crater Butte Trailhead: Open • Fawn Lake Trail: Open • Snell Lake Trail: Open • Stag Lake Trail: Open Bureau of Land Management • Black Hills ACEC: Open; climbing and geocaching are prohibited • Crack-in-the-Ground: Open • Green Mountain: Open • Simax North and South Beach area: Open • Six Lakes Trailhead: Open • Slough Day Use: Open • South Twin Day Use — Launch: Open • Summit Lake: Open • Sunset View Day Use: Open • Hoodoo: Open; 68.6 inch base; Hodag lift and the Autobahn Tubing Park are closed OREGON STATE PARKS • La Pine State Park: Open, expect reduced services; winter day use inches; good conditions; no dogs; area roads closed through March 31, 2021 • Mark’s Creek Sno-park: Open • Ochoco Divide Sno-park: Open • Walton Sno-park: Open • La Pine State Park, Roundabout: Ice • All other trails reporting a winter mix Waldo Lake Region • All trails reporting deep snow • Vista Butte Sno-park: Open; 42- 58 inches; good conditions; area north of parking area closed to snowmobiles, use Kapka Butte or Wanoga • Ikenick Sno-park: Open • Wanoga Snow Play: Open; 30-42 inches; good conditions; expect heavy use; pack out broken sleds and all trash; shelter is closed • Little Nash Sno-park: Open • Updated at 8 a.m. Feb. 4 • Maxwell Sno-park: Open; Mountain View and South Maxwell shelters are closed • Fall River: Brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout; fish during warmest parts of the day; access limited depending on snow; fly fishing only with barbless hooks; fishing has been good for trout, all public access to the hatchery remains closed Willamette National Forest • Gold Lake Sno-park: Open • Potato Hill Sno-park: Open FISHING • Mt. Bachelor: Open; 86 inch base; First Rays lift is closed. Tubing hill is closed. • Wanoga Snowmobile: Open; 30- 42 inches; good conditions; area roads closed to highway vehicles through March 31, 2021; shelter is closed • Willamette Pass: 48 inches at lodge; rentals and tickets must be reserved online in advance • Newberry (Six Mile Sno-park): Open; 6-10 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow. CYCLING Deschutes National Forest • Newberry (10 Mile Sno-park): Open; 12-24 inches; good conditions; road beyond park closed to vehicles for the season • East Lake: Brown trout, kokanee, rainbow trout, Atlantic salmon; access road is closed but fishing is open year-round Fatbike and winter trails: • Paulina Lake: Kokanee, rainbow and brown trout; good fishing for trout and kokanee • Crescent Junction: Open; 12-16 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow • Paulina Falls Picnic and Trailhead: Open • Rosary Lakes Trailhead: Open • Updated 8 a.m. Feb. 4 Deschutes National Forest — Diamond Peak Wilderness • Yoran Lake Trail: Open • Quinn River Day Use: Open SKI AREAS AND SNOW PARKS • Winopee Trailhead: Open • Whitefish Creek Trail: Open • Peter Skene Ogden Trailhead: Open; Paulina Creek restoration in progress, use caution to avoid machinery hours are 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; meeting hall is closed; reservations for cabins required • Crescent Lake Sno-park: Open; 12-16 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow • Wake Butte Trailhead: Open • Meadow Picnic: Open • Paulina Lake Day Use: Open The full report publishes online, and every Friday in The Bulletin’s EXPLORE section for outdoor adventures • Dutchman Sno-park: Open; 48-72 inches; good conditions, limited parking and no overnight camping; 40-foot max length limit for vehicle/trailer combination; expect heavy use • Edison Butte Sno-park: Open; 24- 36; inches; good conditions; area roads closed to highway vehicles through March 31, 2021 • Kapka Butte Sno-park: Open; 42- 54 inches; good conditions; area roads closed to highway vehicles through March 31, 2021 • Meissner Sno-park: Open; 24- 36 inches; good conditions; area roads closed through April 1, 2021; no dogs; lodge currently closed • Skyliner Sno-park: Open; unknown snow depth, access road closed for the season, road is now a ski/snowshoe trail • Swampy Sno-park: Open; 36-48 • Three Creek Sno-park (Lower): Open; 6-10 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow • Three Creek Sno-park (Upper): Open; 12-14 inches; good conditions; Forest Service Road 16 may not be plowed immediately after a storm • Walt Haring Sno-park: 6-10 inches; marginal conditions due to low snow • Ray Benson Sno-park: Open • Salt Creek Sno-park: Open • Santiam Sno-park: Open • Waldo Lake Sno-park: Open • Ben’s-MTB-Kent’s, Maston: Muddy • Horse Bute Loop, Horse Ridge Area, Wanoga — 3 PSI, Wanoga — Outer Loop: Rideable snow • Cline Buttes: Winter Mix • All other trials riding well Sunriver area trails • Black Rock: Rideable snow • Crater Rim: Deep snow Columbia Park access closure As of July 22, Deschutes River access is closed due to safety con- cerns and to prevent further erosion to the river bank. The access point will be closed until further notice. For more information visit bendparksandrec.org Fire restrictions Fire danger is currently listed as Moderate in the Deschutes National Forest. Fire danger is listed as Low in the Ochoco and Willamette National Forests. Industrial Fire Precaution Level is currently at Level 1 for the Deschutes and Ochoco national forests and the Prineville Dis- trict — Bureau of Land Management. • North Twin Lake: Rainbow trout; fair fishing; high clearance vehicle needed to get to the lake • South Twin Lake: Rainbow trout; fair fishing; high clearance vehicle needed to get to the lake • Davis Lake: Water level is low; rainbow trout and largemouth bass. Fly fishing only • Lava Lake: Rainbow trout; access road is closed but fishing open year-round • Little Lava Lake: Rainbow trout, brook trout and whitefish • Cultus Lake: Mackinaw, rainbow and brook trout • Hosmer Lake: Brook, cutthroat and rainbow trout; fly fishing only with barbless hooks • Elk Lake: Brook trout and kokanee; jigging, still-fishing and trolling from a boat or fly fishing are best • Crescent Lake: 27% full; kokanee, mackinaw, rainbow and brown trout, whitefish and chub; winter is good for brown trout; one lake trout per day, 24-inch minimum