THE BULLETIN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2021 A9 © 2021 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 37, No. o. 9 Kid Scoop regularly features topics related to money and financial ave literacy. Financial literacy means knowing how to spend, invest and save your money carefully. It also includes donating your time and treasure to make your community a better place. This is called philanthropy. Read the article about a six-year old girl who became a philanthropist and helped her local zoo! Children are born curious. From their earliest days, sensory exploration brings delight and wonder. New discoveries expand their minds. When they unlock the joy of reading, their world widens further. Magic happens. Kid Scoop opens the doors of discovery for elementary school children by providing interactive, engaging and relevant age-appropriate materials designed to awaken the magic of reading at school, at home, and throughout their lives. For more information about our literacy non-profit, visit Replace the missing words in this article. I A n March of 2020, California’s Oakland Zoo had to close its gates to ____________ because of the coronavirus. By July, the zoo was still closed and it was in trouble. ccording to the Oakland Zoo, Andy’s fundraiser helped feed and care for the animals. Because the Zoo was closed from mid-March through the end of July, there were no ticket _______ or other ways to raise money. The animals still needed food and care, so Andy’s fundraiser was VERY helpful. A Castro Valley six-year-old named Andy learned that the Oakland Zoo was running out of _________ and might have to shut its doors forever. It made Andy sad, but it also made her think. An idea came to her. “My brain just told it to me,” said Andy. “I thought I could make and give bead bracelets to people who ______________ $25 or more. My goal was to raise $200.” Andy and her mother, Kelly, sent messages to friends and family who quickly donated and asked for bracelets. The Oakland Zoo and the animals wanted to show their appreciation. Andy was given a ___________ tour of the Zoo. Big T Thanks Andy got to see a new b baby giraffe named Kijii and a huge t tortoise. She got to pick out _____ ________ for a grizzly bear to make a painting, just fo for her. She also g got to feed a tiger a __________ of goat milk! For helping to save the Oakland Zoo, Andy got om a thank you notes from tiger and a grizzly bear! Big Idea Gets Bigger T heir friends and family did more than donate. They ________________ Andy’s project information to their friends and families. Those people sent the message to their friends and families. And so on, and so on until more than 4,000 people sent in donations. My Time I have time during the week when I could do something kind for another person or help out the community. Check the boxes to show when you might have time to help. Recess Before School After School Saturday Mornings Saturday Afternoons Sunday Mornings Sunday Afternoons My Talent What is your talent? Can you play a musical instrument? Can you sing or dance? Paint? Do you enjoy talking to people? There are many kinds of talents that help others. Make a list of your talents. Andy was also interviewed by Kelly Clarkson for her TV show! What is Andy’s advice for other kids who want to help? “All you need to do is have an idea and just start helping!” In six short weeks, more than 4,000 people from all over the ________________ made donations. About 900 of them wanted bracelets. Andy and her family enjoying a bird’s-eye view aboard the Oakland Zoo’s gondola ride. Fortunately, Andy’s friends wanted to help. Andy made 500 bracelets and her friends made another 700. How much did Andy’s project raise? It raised a whopping $226,558!!! Are there ways you can help in your community? Work with a family member to complete the following: My Treasure Treasure isn’t only money. You might have some toys, books or clothing you have that are in good condition and that you don’t want anymore. Someone else may really treasure those! Make a list of items that you can donate. 1. What is the name of the zoo helped by Andy’s money? 2. In which city does Andy live? A Letter is a Gift Look through the newspaper for people who are working hard to care for others in your community. Write a letter to the editor thanking them. 3. What did Andy charge for her bracelets? 4. How did the zoo use the money Andy raised? 5. What kind of animal did Andy feed with a bottle of goat milk? Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple, written directions. Can you find the tiger that’s different? BRACELETS DONATED ANIMALS HELPFUL PROJECT TROUBLE THANKS MONEY CLOSE BRAIN ANDY IDEA SAVE BEAD ZOO S L U F P L E H H O L T E V A S W S D T A H E O O Z E S O R M A V L A Y S E N O I D C E E D K N A U N Y D N A C N I T B A I O E A Z A A E L O M B E A R H R D E P R O J E C T B B O Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognize identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. TALENT The noun talent means a natural skill or ability. Vivien showed her talent for watercolor painting by creating a portrait of the teacher. Try to use the word talent in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members. Start a New Business Find a Philanthropist Look through the newspaper for three people who help others. Cut out and glue the articles onto a piece of paper. Under each, write what they gave and tell whether it was time, talent, treasure or more. ANSWER: It was a nice jester. Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate information. This week’s word: If you could start a business, what would it be? How do you know if people need what your business offers? Explain why you would start this business.