The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, January 29, 2021, Page 17, Image 17

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    Th e Bu l l eTin • Fr iday, Ja n ua r y 29, 2021 B9
Cross-country skiing can smooth
a bumpy winter’s ups and downs
According to the Cross
Country Ski Areas Association,
which maintains an online di-
rectory, there are more than
350 cross-country ski areas in
the United States and Canada.
Many are within an hour’s drive
of cities. Some are resorts like
Mt. Bachelor that offer Nordic
and downhill skiing, and oth-
ers are Nordic-specific centers.
Other locations include stand-
alone trail systems, parks and
golf courses. Some groom their
trails, and light touring on un-
groomed terrain is sometimes
available. Many locations have
trail maps online; beginner
trails are marked green.
Staying local this season can
keep skiers safer and avoid pos-
sible closures, shutdown re-
strictions, nonessential travel
advisories and travel quaran-
tines (even for weekend skiers).
Part of cross-country skiing’s
appeal is that cost won’t neces-
sarily freeze out participants.
With many free or low-cost
local ski areas, access can be
affordable. Gear rental is typ-
ically inexpensive, and some
ski shops offer local delivery. In
Bend, Mt. Bachelor offers one-
day packages for $35 as well
as seasonal leases. Sunnyside
Sports priced its rental pack-
ages for a rock-bottom $50 to
$75 for the winter.
“When push comes to shove,
we’re here to serve,” said Sun-
nyside Sports co-owner Susan
Conner, who wanted to open
the door for those who might
have missed outdoor experi-
ences this winter. “We’ve tried
to continue to operate weighing
how we can keep people safe
while getting them outside.”
Some local shops and on-
line retailers also sell complete
packages that eliminate guess-
work for novice enthusiasts.
Each package usually bun-
dles skis, bindings, boots and
poles; size charts are simple,
with ski length based on body
weight. Beginner- and inter-
mediate-friendly recreational
packages start at around $300
to $500.
“Anything in that price range
will be designed to do a little bit
of everything, whether you’re
skiing at a Nordic touring cen-
ter or making your own tracks,”
Neagle said. “And it allows you
to go out your front door and
have a little adventure.”
Special To The Washington Post
inter arrived early this
year in Bend, bring-
ing a 3-foot base to
the Cascades by late November
— as well as antsy Nordic ski-
ers who pounced on the snow
when the first flakes fell.
Bulletin file photo
Awaiting them was Sunny-
A mountain biker rounds
side Sports. Concerned with
a corner while riding the
keeping its customers and
Maston Area Trails.
staff safe yet wanting to help
the community get outside, in
Top picks
October the local bicycle and
north of Bend
cross-country ski shop decided
to forgo daily ski rentals and in-
Maston Complex —
stead offer season-long leases.
Thanks to recent snow
Its rental stock was cleaned out
storms, the trails at Mas-
by the following day.
ton are reporting rideable
As the pandemic grinds on
snow. So grab your fatbikes
and restrictions and winter
(or regular bike) and check
worsens cabin fever, traversing
out the complex’s many in-
our nearby trails brings
terconnected trails. Located
essential mental and
off Cline Falls Road south-
physical health benefits;
west of Redmond, the area
cross-country skiing al-
also typically stays clear of
lows us to discover out-
Erin Williams/For The Washington Post.
snow during the winter —
door areas, enjoy nature
Under a partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, the nonprofit Meissner Nordic Ski Club grooms
this past week excluded —
and exercise while main-
approximately 25 miles of community trails for all levels of skiers at Virginia Meissner Sno-Park.
making it a great place to
taining distance. And it’s
hit the singletrack during
remarkably accessible
“The best thing about
the colder months.
Rimrock Springs Natural
since you can ski nearly any-
cross-country skiing is that
Gear up and get informed
Area — The small wetland
where there’s snow.
Since the sport is endurance focused, attire is lighter than alpine
south of Madras on U.S.
I also jumped on the season,
outerwear: usually a sweat-wicking base and mid-layers and a breath-
Highway 26 features a 1.9
taking advantage of this winter’s
able, wind-resistant jacket. Bottom options include thermals and run-
mile loop (part paved, part
storms to explore cross-coun-
ning tights, or fleece or soft-shell pants.
dirt) with interpretive signs
try ski areas along part of the
Questions? Call your nearby shop, which can help customers se-
explaining some of the flora
Cascade Lakes National Scenic
you have existing technique
lect, size and maintain gear. Whether by phone, online or in person
and fauna that can be seen
Byway, which snakes into the
when it’s safe, these businesses offer expert advice about local ter-
as well as geologic and hu-
mountains near my house in
rain and connection with the ski community. Ski associations are also
man history of the area. The
Bend. Several winter recreation
resources for getting people outside, teaching skills and managing
loop includes a few seat-
areas flank the route, providing
short outdoor lessons (where
trails; American Cross Country Skiers has an online list of these groups.
ing options including two
This season, participants should avoid pre- and post-ski gatherings.
easy access to miles of skiing
people are typically masked
wildlife viewing platforms
Distancing and masks are important anywhere people might have
and snowshoeing trails in the
and distanced) can help stu-
overlooking the marshy
closer contact, including warming huts that haven’t already shuttered
Deschutes National Forest — as
dents learn technique and how
area and benches at the
to reduce risk. Anderson advised that even outdoors, skiers should
well as dazzling panoramas of
to handle gear. PSIA-AASI
top of the rimrock hill that
distance, maintain proper hygiene and exercise caution skiing for an
surrounding peaks and volcanic
provides snow-sports school
overlooks the Cascades and
extended time near anyone outside their household.
and instructor referrals, online
Gray Butte to the west.
Wherever you adventure, be considerate of other people and pri-
Only 15 miles from town,
guides for every level and even
Smith Rock State Park —
vate land, heed trail signs and follow Leave No Trace practices.
nonprofit Meissner Nordic Ski
individual virtual instruction
There is a reason this is one
Club partners with the U.S.
through a partnership with
of the most popular hiking
Forest Service to operate about
coaching tool Givego — which
areas in Central Oregon.
25 miles of community trails
“There’s definitely been a no- HealthPartners. He researches
directly connects users with
While parking — which
at Virginia Meissner Sno-Park.
ticeable increase in demand,”
cross-country skiers’ relation-
the country’s top instructors.
costs $5 — is at a premium
on good days, you may be
Here, I found my snow legs on
said former Nordic ski racer
ship with healthy practices. Par- Nordic Ski Lab’s and REI’s vid-
able to score a coveted spot
less-traveled routes that curved
Jeff Neagle. He has worked in
ticipants tend to be interested
eos can also help develop skills
and check out the stunning
white ribbons through the coni- the ski industry for 15 years,
in movement, eating well and
at home, from stepping into
rock formations just outside
fers, then shared wide, perfectly including the last five at Pin-
avoiding unhealthy habits —
bindings to getting up after a
of Terrebonne with a bit
groomed main tracks with
nacle Ski and Sports in Stowe,
and they support other com-
of snow this weekend. Be
other skiers. A few miles farther Vt. At this family-owned shop
munity members’ exercise, An-
“The goal is to have fun,
careful on certain trails as
up the highway, my tracks inter- and its online storefront Ski-
derson found.
so don’t get too hung up on
they may become muddy
sected with wild critters’ foot-, year-over-year
“It also gets people into na-
whether or not you’re doing it
or icy with thawing.
prints at Swampy Lakes Sno-
cross-country ski sales skyrock- ture, which can help address
right,” Neagle added. “Rather
— Makenzie Whittle,
Park, where the Central Oregon eted more than 700% in No-
anxiety and depression,” he
than focusing on the perfect
The Bulletin
Nordic Club maintains trails
vember, Neagle said.
added. “Nature and outdoor
technique, just enjoy shuffling
with the Forest Service. And I
That’s heartening news for
therapy are becoming more
around and growing your skills
swooped down gentle hills on
snow-sport businesses — and
widely understood as important as you move forward.”
an approximately 9,000-foot
for people who are discover-
components of mental health
mountain; Mt. Bachelor, the
ing their nearby trails, since the care.”
United States’ sixth-largest ski
activity can help initiate and
The sport has a lower entry
resort, boasts approximately 35
maintain longevity-boosting
barrier than its downhill cousin,
miles of groomed Nordic trails
which has steeper slopes and
and a season that can stretch
“Cross-country skiing is low
learning curves. Cross-country,
into June.
impact and weight-bearing, and a type of Nordic skiing, has its
Like other resorts, Mt. Bach-
its cardiovascular benefits are
own variations, including clas-
elor is navigating an unprec-
significant because you’re using sic: the most popular and be-
edented winter in accordance
so many muscle groups,” said
ginner-friendly method, which
with state and local health
Paul Anderson, a Nordic skier
involves kicking and gliding
guidelines. Its “back to ba-
and occupational medicine
forward with parallel skis, mim-
sics” approach includes on-
physician at Minnesota-based
icking a walking rhythm.
line parking reservations and
a requirement that visitors
purchase passes, rentals and
lessons before arrival. Food is
grab-and-go at the lodge and
Bend’s boutique medical spa...
food carts. Lodge and Nordic
Center capacity is limited, with
fi nding beauty in the details.
masking, one-way flow and dis-
tancing measures. For downhill
skiers and snowboarders, lift
Come see our
access is distanced, with no re-
quirement to ride with strang-
new location!
ers; as usual, Nordic skiers don’t
525 NW Colorado Ave
use the lifts.
According to Mt. Bachelor,
this year’s season pass sales and
parking reservations reflect a
pent-up need for outdoor ac-
tivities that lend themselves to
distancing. The Professional Ski
Instructors of America and the
Come visit our amazing New Location!
American Association of Snow-
board Instructors, or PSIA-
759 NE Greenwood Ave • Bend
AASI, also forecast an uptick in
cross-country skiing this winter.