A4 THE BULLETIN • MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2021 Who controls the Senate? Fight leaves Biden’s agenda in limbo Sides battle over $2 trillion virus package, impeachment — even basic legislative rules BY MIKE DEBONIS AND SEUNG MIN KIM The Washington Post WASHINGTON — When President Joe Biden took office last week, he promised sweeping, bipartisan legislation to solve the coronavirus pandemic, fix the econ- omy and overhaul immigration. But the Senate has ground to a halt, with Democrats and Republicans unable to agree on even basic rules for how the evenly divided body should operate. Meanwhile, key Republicans have quickly signaled discomfort with — or outright dismissal of — the cornerstone of Biden’s early legislative agenda, a $1.9 trillion pandemic relief plan that includes measures including $1,400 stimulus checks, vaccine distribution funding and a $15 minimum wage. On top of that, senators are preparing for a wrenching second impeachment trial for former president Donald Trump, set to begin Feb. 9, which could mire all other Senate business and further obliterate any hopes of cross-party cooperation. Taken together, this gridlock could im- peril Biden’s entire early presidency, mak- ing it impossible for him to deliver on key promises as he contends with dueling cri- ses. This reality could force Democrats to Trump, in the thick of a GOP civil war, teases a ‘MAGA Party’ PALM BEACH, Fla. 4 Former president Donald Trump threw himself back into politics this weekend by publicly endors- ing a devoted and divisive acolyte in Ari- zona who has embraced his false election conspiracy theories and entertained the creation of a new