TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED • 541-385-5809 SUNDAY, JANUARY 24, 2021 • THE BULLETIN C LASSIFIEDS B5 The Bulletin General Merchandise 200 204 Want to Buy or Rent Wanted $ Cash paid for vintage, fake, & fine jew- elry. Top $ paid for Gold & Silver. I buy in bulk. Honest Artist. Elizabeth 541-633-7006 210 Pets & Supplies Great Pyrenees puppies Males/females,all white, ready soon! Photos available. $500 each call/text 530-905-2250 Chorkie puppies, $500 ea. (541)350-0568 243 TV, Computers, Stereo, etc. 258 Tools & Misc. 276 Miscellaneous 416 Produce & Food HughesNet Satellite In- ternet - 25mbps starting at $49.99/mo! Get More Data. FREE Off-Peak Data. FAST download speeds. WiFi built in! FREE Standard Installa- tion for lease custom- ers! Limited Time, Call 1-855-977-6826 GENERAC Standby Generators. The weath- er is increasingly unpre- dictable. Be prepared for power outages. FREE 7-year extended warranty ($695 value!). Schedule your FREE in-home assessment today. Special financing for qualified customers. Call 1-855-384-0645 Moving out of state in the next 30-60 days? Don’t get taken for a ride! Moving APT offers a PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE and RISK-FREE RES- ERVATIONS. Carriers are all licensed and bonded. Free quote! Call 1-866-945-0848 Amazing Orange Gift for the Holidays – Delicious oranges fresh from the grove! Four favorite vari- eties. High in Vitamin C. December holiday delivery. SAVE 43%! Just $19.99 (plus s/h.) Call 1-855-657-2388 to order item 496X and mention code HNVH-N181 for savings or visit www.halegroves. com/mn181 HughesNet Satellite Internet: 25 mbps starting at $49.99 per month! Get more data, free off-peak data, fast download speeds, Wi-Fi built in! Free standard installation for lease customers! Limited time! Call 855-581-2751 Eliminate gutter clean- ing forever! LeafFilter, the most advanced debris-blocking gutter protection. Schedule a FREE LeafFilter USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! estimate today. 15% off entire purchase! Door-to-door selling with 10% Senior & Military fast results! It’s the easiest Discounts. Call 1-855- 473-9789 way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 Two great new offers from AT&T Wireless! Ask how to get the new iPhone 11 or Next Generation Samsung Galaxy S10e ON US with AT&T’s Buy One, Give One offer. While supplies last! CALL 1-888-712-4345 DIRECTV NOW. No Satellite Needed. $40/ month. 65 Channels. Stream Breaking News, Live Events, Sports & AT&T TV - The Best On Demand Titles. No of Live & On-Demand Annual Contract. No On All Your Favorite Screens. CHOICE Pack- Commitment. CALL 1-855-210-4574 age, $64.99/mo plus taxes for ¡DIRECTV Te Trae El 12 months. Premium Channels at No Charge Mejor Fútbol De México por Univision! Paquete for One Year! Anytime, anywhere. Some restric- “Más ULTRA”, Todo Incluído $45.00/ mes, tions apply. W/ 24-mo. más impuestos. Incluye agmt TV price higher Más de 240 canales! in 2nd year. Regional Sports Fee up to $8.49/ Llame al numero 1-888- 738-8122. mo is extra & applies. Call IVS, 1-844-940- EarthLink High Speed 3503 Internet. As Low As Thinking about installing $14.95/month (for the first 3 months). Reliable a new shower? Amer- High Speed Fiber Optic ican Standard makes Technology. Stream it easy. FREE design consultation. Enjoy your Videos, Music & More! Call EarthLink Today, shower again! Call 1-833-927-0006 today to 1-844-359-5240 see how you can save HughesNet Satellite $1000 on installation, Internet FOR BUSI- or visit NESS. 25mbps for just www.newshowerdeal. $69.99/mo! Get More com/pacific Data. FREE Off-Peak Data. Built-in WiFi for Stay in your home longer with an American wireless devices. FREE Standard Installation. Standard Walk-In CALL 1-844-363-8714 Bathtub. Receive up to $1500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime Viasat Satellite Internet: warranty on the tub and Up to 12 Mbps Plans starting at $30/month. installation! Call us at 1-855-982-0329 or visit Our Fastest Speeds (up to 50 Mbps) & Unlimited www.WalkInTubQuote. Data Plans start at com/1 $100/month. Call Viasat Almond refrigerator and today! 1-855-656-2141 Almond stove. Make DIRECTV - Every live offer. 541-543-7036 football game, every Sunday - anywhere - on 219 your favorite device. Restrictions apply. Call Antiques & Collectibles IVS: 1-855-780-9289 Buying Lionel/American 252 Flyer Trains and acces. 541-408-2191 Medical Equipment 213 Furniture & Appliances FDA-Registered Hearing Aids. 100% Risk-Free! 45-Day Home Trial. Comfort Fit. 3000 rounds of .223 Crisp Clear Sound. If caliber ammo. $1700. you decide to keep it, 541-419-3794. PAY ONLY $299 per aid. FREE Shipping. Call 243 Hearing Help Express, TV, Computers, Stereo, etc. 1-877-598-1669 234 Guns, Hunting & Fishing AT&T Internet. Starting at $40/month w/12-mo agmt. Includes 1 TB of data per month. Get More For Your High- Speed Internet Thing. Ask us how to bundle and SAVE! Geo & svc restrictions apply. Call us today, 1-877-689- 1742 261 Building Materials Life Alert: One press of a button sends help FAST, 24/7! At home & on the go. Mobile Pendant with GPS. FREE First Aid Kit (with subscription). CALL 877-969-1132. FREE Brochure. MobileHelp, America’s Premier Mobile Medical Alert System. Whether DIRECTV - Switch & You’re Home or Away. Save! $49.99/month. For Safety & Peace of Select All-Included Package. 155 Channels. Mind. No Long Term 1000s of Shows/Movies Contracts! Free Brochure! Call Today! On Demand. FREE 1-888-510-2477 Genie HD DVR Up- grade. Premium movie Portable Oxygen channels, FREE for 3 Concentrator may be months! Call 1-855-780- covered by Medicare! 9289 Reclaim independence & mobility with the com- DISH Network $59.99 pact design & long-last- for 190 Channels! ing battery of Inogen Blazing Fast Internet, One. Free information $19.99/ month (where kit! Call 1-877-572-8073 available). 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Duties include, Community 270 but are not limited to, weekly cleaning, Lost & Found ATTENTION DIABET- housekeeping, ironing, ICS! Save money on and shopping, personal Lost- hearing aid- $100 your diabetic supplies! touches, handling small reward in Bend mdal- Convenient home ship- projects – start to finish. ping for monitors, test We need a year round strips, insulin pumps, commitment from some- Mens ring found Market catheters and more! one who is responsible, of Choice lot. Engraved. To learn more, call experienced, detail now! 1-866-835-3973. oriented, organized 541-224-1200. (PNDC) and trust-worthy. Good communication, com- 276 Attention: Oxygen Us- puter, email and phone Miscellaneous ers! Gain freedom skills required. If you with a Portable Oxygen have these qualities, DID YOU KNOW News- Concentrator! No more email your resume to paper-generated con- heavy tanks and refills! Lowest – salary DOE. tent is so valuable it’s Guaranteed taken and repeated, Prices! Call the Oxy- condensed, broadcast, gen Concentrator Store: 504 tweeted, discussed, 1-855-641-2803 (PNNA) Employment Opportunities posted, copied, edited, and emailed countless Medical-Grade HEAR- Jefferson County times throughout the ING AIDS for LESS District Attorney’s Office day by others? Discover THAN $200! FDA-Reg- is seeking a Bilingual the Power of Newspa- istered. Crisp, clear Domestic Violence & per Advertising in FIVE sound, state of-the-art Sexual Assault Victim’s STATES with just one features & no audiolo- Advocate. To learn more phone call. For free Pa- gist needed. Try it RISK about the position, and cific Northwest Newspa- FREE for 45 Days! CALL to apply visit our web- per Association Network 1-844-295-0409 (PNDC) site at EOE brochures call 916-288- 6011 or email cecelia@ SAVE BIG on HOME Part-time floral designer. (PNDC) INSURANCE! Compare Must have shop expe- 20 A-rated insurances rience. Ana’s Rose N companies. Get a quote Thorn (541)382-0756 Become a Published Author. We want to read within minutes. Average savings of $444/year! Floral delivery driver for your book! Dorrance Call 1-877-676-8443! Valentines. Ana’s Rose Publishing, Trusted by (M-F 8am-8pm Central) N Thorn (541)382-0756 Authors Since 1920. (PNDC) Book manuscript submissions currently 507 Stay in your home being reviewed. Com- longer with an Ameri- Business Opportunities prehensive Services: can Standard Walk-In Consultation, Produc- Bathtub. Receive up to DID YOU KNOW that not tion, Promotion & $1,500 off, including a only does newspaper Distribution. Call for your free Author’s Guide free toilet, and a lifetime media reach a HUGE 1-877-256-3023, or visit warranty on the tub and Audience, they also installation! Call us at reach an ENGAGED Discover 1-855-876-1237. (PNDC) AUDIENCE. Pacific the Power of Newspaper Advertising in five states ATTENTION: OXYGEN Now’s the time to be – AK, ID, MT, OR & WA. USERS! The NEW In- sure you have the Medi- ogen One G5. 1-6 flow For a free rate brochure care Advantage Plan call 916-288-6011 or that’s right for you. Extra settings. Designed for 24 email cecelia@cnpa. hour oxygen use. Com- benefits may include pact and Lightweight. com (PNDC) prescription drugs, Get a Free Info kit today: dental, vision, hearing 510 1-844-359-3986 (PNDC) aids, in-home aides, Financing and more. Some plans may have a $0 monthly Tired of the same old premium, regardless of dating sites? Meet real Applying for Social people in your area & Security Disability or your income! Call an insurance agent to com- make a new connection Appealing a Denied on your terms! 18+ only. Claim? Call Bill Gordon pare! 888-686-0604 Call 1-866-308-3216 & Assoc. Our case managers simplify the We want to Read Your process & work hard to Book! Dorrance Publish- help with your case. Call Farm ing-Trusted by Authors 1-888-678-1284. FREE Since 1920 Book man- Consultation. Local Market uscript submissions cur- Attorneys Nationwide rently being reviewed. [Mail: 2420 N St NW, Comprehensive Ser- Washington DC. Office: vices: Consultation, Pro- Broward Co. FL (TX/NM duction, Promotion and Bar.)] Distribution. Call for Your Free Author’s Guide Timeshare Can- 1-888-913-2731 or visit 413 cellation Experts: Meat & Animal processing Over $50,000,000 in northwest (PNDC) timeshare debt & fees cancelled in 2019. Get a ENJOY 100% guaran- DENTAL INSURANCE free informational pack- from Physicians Mutual teed, delivered-to-the- age & learn how to get door Omaha Steaks! Insurance Company. rid of your timeshare! Coverage for 350+ pro- Get 4 FREE Pork Free consultations. Over Chops and 4 FREE cedures. Real dental 450 positive reviews. CHICKEN insurance - NOT just a Call Wesley Financial BREASTS, Order The discount plan. Do not Group LLC, 844-615- wait! Call now! Get your Omaha Steaks Classic 0146 - ONLY $129.99. Visit FREE Dental Informa- www.OmahaSteaks. tion Kit with all the de- l Up to $15,000 of tails! www.dental50plus. com/Dinner184 or call GUARANTEED Life com/pacific 1-855-553- 1-877- Insurance! No medical 701-4335 & use code 9250 (Ad#6258) exam or health ques- 66762ENW tions. Cash to help pay funeral and other final EVERY BUSINESS 416 expenses. Visit www. has a story to tell! Get your message out with Produce & Food or call Physicians Life California’s PRMedia Insurance Company, Release – the only Pittman & Davis’s 1-844-218-4167 Press Release Service Mixed-Fruit Medley for operated by the press the Holidays! Give the to get press! For more gift of Winter Sunshine! BULLETIN info contact Cecelia @ 6 Rio Ruby Red Gems. CLASSIFIEDS 916-288-6011 or http:// 4 Tiny Search the area’s most Tim Navels. 6 Mini comprehensive california (PNDC) Fuji Apples. Call NOW listing of classified and SAVE 33% OFF. advertising. Real INVENTORS - FREE Pay just $19.99. FREE estate to automotive, INFORMATION PACK- Shipping! Visit merchandise to AGE: Have your product sporting goods. idea developed afford- MN257 or call 1-855- Call 541-385-5809 ably by the Research & 338-0587 to order item Development pros and MXSP and mention presented to manufac- code PNVH-N257 for turers. Call 1-888-378- savings! 5369 for a Free Idea Starter Guide. Submit ORANGE SPECTACU- ARE YOU BEHIND $10k your idea for a free LAR GIFT BOX for the OR MORE ON YOUR consultation. Holidays: Send 4 navel TAXES? Stop wage & oranges, 4 tangerines, 4 bank levies, liens & au- DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 petite navel oranges, dits, unfiled tax returns, Americans or 158 million chocolate chip cookies payroll issues, & resolve U.S. Adults read content & foil-wrapped choco- tax debt FAST. Call from newspaper media lates! SAVE 43%! Just 1-855-730-0388 (PNDC) each week? Discover $19.99 (plus s/h). Visit the Power of the Pacific Over $10K in Debt? Be Northwest Newspaper me201 debt free in 24 to 48 Advertising. For a free or call 844-441-0967 to months. No upfront fees brochure call 916-288- order item 442X (men- to enroll. A+ BBB rated. 6011 or email cecelia@ tion code HNVH-E201 Call National Debt Relief (PNDC) for savings) 1-888-231-4274 (PNDC) 400 Create or find Classifieds at 704 Homes for Sale FSBO. 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 year young house. Quality craftsman- ship throughout, lots of extras. Quiet neighborhood/ 4 miles south of Ma- dras. $282,000. Call Brion, 541-325-1995. Recreation & Sports 800 804 Motorhomes, 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers 2006 Keystone Outback 27RSDS Travel Trailer RV, 2 Slide Outs, 1 Aw- ning, 1 A/C Unit, $2000,, (503) 905-8102 Autos & Transportation 900 901 Automobiles-Trucks, Auto, RV, Vans DONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CAN- CER! Help United Breast Foundation ed- ucation, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DE- DUCTION. 1-855-385- 2819. (PNDC) 913 Autos Wanted DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDA- TION! Your donation helps education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP, 24-hour re- sponse, TAX DEDUC- TION. 1-844-478-7513 Donate your car, truck or van. Help veterans find jobs or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. Fast, FREE pick-up. Max tax-deduction. Op- erators are standing by! Call 1-844-859-3920 DONATE your car or truck to HERITAGE FOR THE BLIND. Free 3-day vacation, tax de- ductible, free towing, all paperwork taken care of. Call 1-866-871-1497 Legal Notices 1000 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice NOTICE OF ELEC- TION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS Terrebonne Domestic Water District Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 18, 2021, an election will be held for the purpose of electing two board members to fill the following positions and terms, including any vacan- cy which may exist on the board of Ter- rebonne Domestic Water District. One Director, Position No. 4, 4-year term One Director, Position No. 5, 4-year term Each candidate for an office listed above must file a declara- tion of candidacy or petition for nomina- tion for office with the County Clerk of De- schutes County, Or- egon, not later than the 61st day before the date of the reg- ular district election. The filing deadline is 5 pm on March 18, 2021. Filing forms are avail- able at the De- schutes County Clerk’s office, 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 202, Bend, Oregon 97703 and online at Nancy Blankenship Deschutes County Clerk DONATE YOUR CAR, TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE Legal Notice BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- NOTICE OF ELEC- cation, Tax Deductible, TION OF DISTRICT Free Towing, All Paper- BOARD MEMBERS work Taken Care Of. Oregon Water Won- CALL 1-844-493-7877 derland Unit II Sani- (PNDC) tary District Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 913 18, 2021, an election Autos Wanted will be held for the purpose of electing Done su auto o ca- four board members mioneta. Ayude a los to fill the following veteranos a encontrar positions and terms, trabajo o iniciar un ne- including any vacan- gocio. Llame a la Fun- cy which may exist dación Patriotic Hearts. on the board of Or- Recogida rápida y egon Water Wonder- GRATUITA. Deducción land Unit II Sanitary máxima de impuestos. District. ¡Las operadores están One Director, Position esperando! Llame al No. 1, 4-year term 855-315-1966 One Director, Position No. 2, 4-year term 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices No. 2, 4-year term One Director, Position No. 3, Unexpired 2-year term One Director, Position No. 4, 4-year term Each candidate for an office listed above must file a declara- tion of candidacy or petition for nomina- tion for office with the County Clerk of De- schutes County, Or- egon, not later than the 61st day before the date of the reg- ular district election. The filing deadline is 5 pm on March 18, 2021. Filing forms are avail- able at the De- schutes County Clerk’s office, 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 202, Bend, Oregon 97703 and online at Nancy Blankenship Deschutes County Clerk Public Notice Property for Sale The Oregon Depart- ment of Transpor- tation (ODOT) is offering for sale to the public an un- improved 2,861 SF (+/-) parcel located between  Hwy 97 and SE 5 th St. in Madras, Jefferson County. Sale will be by sealed bid auc- tion with a minimum bid of $7,153.00. Sealed bids must be mailed to ODOT, Right of Way Prop- erty Management, 123 NW Flanders St., Portland, OR 97209. Bids must be received and receipt acknowl- edged before 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 2/16/21. Bids must be accompanied by a deposit of 10% of the bid in the form of a cashier9s check. The balance of the purchase price will be due on or be- fore 8/16/21. ODOT reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Fax bids and late bids will not be accepted. Property is to be sold