lled , Scientific studies have that linked if hearing loss health goes conditions such as dementia, depression d Alzheimer9s. In fact, according to a study by Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and the National You are a receiving this information today because you best represent the untreated, condition called “auditory deprivation” occurs. stitute on Aging, people with severe hearing loss, are 5 times more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer segment of the population which is most likely to experience hearing loss and an those with tinnitus3 normal hearing. ringing and the other sounds in centers the ears. We have an important message Hearing loss starves auditory of your brain of for you. t there9s good news! Miracle-Ear is offering a FREE Hearing Evaluation, * during our New Year Sales Event, so acoustic information, aff ecting your ability to understand Scientific studies have proven that if hearing loss goes untreated, a condition u can get your hearing tested at no cost. is the step determining whether you have hearing loss. called