THE BULLETIN • MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 2021 A9 © 2021 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 37, No. o. 6 In the past, some people have tried to get rid of crows in a number of st. ways – even exploding dynamite where large numbers of the birds roost. But despite it all, crows have thrived and now live almost everywhere in North America. Do you know your crows? People haven’t always been kind to crows. Farmers put up scarecrows to keep the birds out of their fields and gardens. Some people just don’t like them. Children are born curious. From their earliest days, sensory exploration brings delight and wonder. New discoveries expand their minds. When they unlock the joy of reading, their world widens further. Magic happens. Kid Scoop opens the doors of discovery for elementary school children by providing interactive, engaging and relevant age-appropriate materials designed to awaken the magic of reading at school, at home, and throughout their lives. For more information about our literacy non-profit, visit With a family member, see if you can find each scarecrow’s twin. Can you find the one unique scarecrow? Crows are intelligent birds. They also eat a lot of pests that can damage crops. But farmers know that one of the favorite foods these birds enjoy is corn! What do you call a group of crows? The letters along the correct path over the cornfield spell the answer! M O T F F A C S B M U L J W R S C Y E D A group of crows is called: A R W V R O P This crow removed some words from the story. Can you replace them? Crows are famous for holding “funerals” when one of their kind has died. Crows will keep watch over a fallen bird, sometimes for many days. Scientists wonder if they feel sad or if they might be trying to figure out how the crow died so they can learn from it. Crows have been found using sticks to get insects out of small cracks and holes. Shortly after she started the daily feeding routine, little _______ started getting left on the food platform. Over time, Gabi has ____________ nearly 100 little trinkets. The crows have brought her buttons, a LEGO piece, charms, stones – most of the gifts are ________ things they can carry in their beaks. One time she got a little piece of _________ with the word, “best” on it. Was there another piece with the word “friend” on it? Gabi likes to think so. Can you make five squares by moving only two sticks? Up in the Air Look through the newspaper to find: • 3 things that fly New Caledonian crows also make tools. They have been seen pulling the leaves off a stick and creating little hook-shaped tools from twigs, leaves and thorns. • 3 words that describe crows • 3 items crows might steal • 3 places where crows are found Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. Stumped? Answer at: Scientists have found that crows can solve puzzles that have up to eight steps. Can you solve this puzzle? Circle the numbers that add up to 8. Put a box around the numbers that add up to 10. The numbers must be next to each other or above and below each other like this: Standards Link: Math: Solve logic puzzles. Look through the newspaper for examples of three or more tools that people use at work. Discuss what life would be like without those tools. Standards Link: Use the newspaper to locate information. DYNAMITE MAGPIES THRIVED INSECTS RAVENS THORNS CROWS TWIGS TOOLS NESTS ROOST CLOSE STICK HOOK RID I N E T I M A N Y D D S T I N S E C T S E E E L G L S I G S This week’s word: V E D I R N N T A T ROOST I I W O P S E N D S The verb roost means to settle on a perch (a place where a bird rests). R T O S L G V M W E H S H O O K A O A N T H O R N S R M R T S T I C K C L O S E Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. ANSWER: Velcrow! ! Crows Use and Make Tools hen Gabi was four years old, she dropped some _______ on the ground. Quickly, a crow flew in and took off with it. Gabi then started feeding the crows in her neighborhood by leaving out dry dog food bits. The pigeons roost on the top of the roof. Try to use the word roost in a sentence today when talking with your friends and family members. If you were a bird, what kind of bird would you be? Why?