THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 2021 C3 Preston DEAR ABBY Write to Dear Abby online at or by mail at P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 Dear Abby: My boyfriend and I have been living to- gether for almost five years. His parents bought a house a few doors down. They pop in whenever they feel like it and even walk into our bedroom while we are in bed. I need this to stop. His mother and I had a falling-out in the past be- cause she felt she had a right to control everything down to where I keep my dirty laundry. This is a touchy sub- ject with my boyfriend, let alone his mother. Please help me. — Needs Privacy in Maryland Dear Needs Privacy: No one should enter your home without first asking permis- sion, and that goes for your boyfriend’s parents. That they would enter your bedroom while you and their son are in bed is over the top. I fail to understand why this would be a “touchy” subject with your boyfriend. When he became an adult and moved out of his parents’ home, surely it had some- thing to do with privacy. It’s time you changed the locks on your doors. Hash this out with a pro- fessional mediator if neces- sary. If you cannot do that, start counting your blessings. Chief among them should be thanking the Lord this woman is not your mother- in-law. Dear Abby: I’m a 16-year- old girl with a problem. It takes me forever to choose an outfit in the morning, no matter the occasion. It’s not that I’m a fashionista. It’s just that I can’t seem to put to- gether anything that makes me feel comfortable. I’ll put something on, think I like it, walk into the bathroom and then notice things about it that I don’t like. It’s starting to get on my nerves. I have tried shop- ping for clothes that I know I like, but even then, it seems like I’m changing my outfit three or four times before I leave. How can I make myself feel more comfortable about what I’m wearing? — Fashion Struggle in Michigan Dear Fashion Struggle: Try laying your clothes out and coordinating your ac- cessories the night before. After you have done it, leave the room for an hour or so. If you like what you have as- sembled before you go to bed, the chances are better that you will like it in the morning. You will also be less stressed and won’t have wasted time obsessing before leaving the house. Dear Abby: I am hurting because my mother favors my brother. I talked to her about it a few times, but she said it hurts her when I say things like that. I don’t bring it up to her now, but I am very troubled by it. I have invited her to visit so she could meet my fiance, but she refuses. She says it’s too long a drive. I miss her tremendously and want to see her. My fiance told me to give it time, but I don’t think it’s fair. What can I do about this situation? — Ranked Second in North Carolina Dear Ranked Second: Be- cause you miss your mother and want to see her, I suggest you make the long drive and visit HER. And when you do, bring along your fiance. YOUR HOROSCOPE Continued from C1 Companies like ( offer mobile apps that come close to the tricorder’s capabilities, which can measure wound healing, do kidney, urinary tract infec- tion and prenatal urine testing all from the comfort at home. All apps use artificial intelli- gence to conduct the testing and analysis with extremely high accuracy. There are now mobile apps such as Sonde (www.sonde- which can detect eye diseases using the phone’s camera or mental and physi- cal diseases by analyzing your voice pattern through the microphone. Sonde recently released the ability to detect Covid-19 using AI to analyze your cough. Universal translators = Google assistant interpreter mode Although “Star Trek” wasn’t the first to conceive of a Uni- versal Translator, it can be ar- gued it was the first to incor- porate it as a base technology feature. Star Trek’s computer had embedded translation code and handheld translators were also featured. Several dedicated devices exist, which can near-real-time translate several common languages, but Google’s Assistant’s Inter- preter Mode stands out. It can bi-translate over 29 languages via all Google Home speakers, other speakers with Google Assistant built-in, all Google Smart Displays, Google Smart Clocks and iOS and Android mobile phones/tablets with the Google Assistant app in- stalled. Earpiece = wireless headsets and earbuds Used throughout the “Star Trek” series and spinoffs, the earpiece was ubiquitous and came in forms familiar to us today. Some were bulky like the first Bluetooth earpieces, similar to what Communica- tions Officer Uhura wore at her station. “Star Trek”’s debut in the mid-sixties coincided with the first wireless head- phones, but they were not as refined as what the show used for earpieces. Transparent aluminum = transparent aluminum (yes, this really exists now) In “Star Trek IV The Voy- age Home,” Chief Engineer Montgomery Scott (“Scotty”) traded the formula for mak- ing Transparent Aluminum armor for some Plexiglas panels. Aluminum oxyni- tride is made from a form of ceramic powder that can be transformed into transparent aluminum which is similar to but stronger than bulletproof glass and weighs less. It was eventually productized and marketed as ALON by Surmet Corporation. ‘Star Trek’ computer voice chat = Siri, Hey Google and Alexa One of the most commonly used techs was the crew in- teracting with the ship’s com- puter using natural language voice commands. Today, most of us use it so often that we have forgotten how amazing the concept was in 1967, or even just a decade ago. Siri was invented in February 2010. Phasers = ultra-short pulse laser weapons The six-gun of “Star Trek,” the phaser, was an energy weapon capable of stunning or killing an opponent. Ap- plied Energetics, Inc. (aergs. com), an arms manufac- turer based in Tucson, Ari- zona, uses high-performance lasers to create photonic and high-voltage energet- ics-based weapons. One of their patented technologies, Ultra-Short Pulse lasers, can be used for “lethal and non-lethal” uses on the bat- tlefield. They also have ver- sions of the tech to intercept incoming missiles (“fire la- sers!”). Video conference = Zoom and AT&T telepresence Remember Captain Kirk’s big-screen interactions on the bridge with Fleet Command and aliens? There are several technologies that now exist: big-screen flat-TVs, wireless video transmission, high-defi- nition optics which created a sense of telepresence, discrete microphones and speakers. AT&T’s telepresence truly compares to Enterprise’s video conferencing (“Kirk, you’re on mute. The mute button…”) … And 30 or 40 more… Other technologies have come to fruition, such as food replicators (3D-Printed food and microwave ovens), hy- pospray (needleless medicine injectors) and doors that au- tomatically open and close as you enter or exit. Others are nearly there, such as the ho- lodeck (VR and AR and ho- lographic personas like Tupac and Michael Jackson), instan- taneous communication over vast distances (quantum com- munication), and nearly-hu- man artificial intelligence in the forms of non-organic be- ings. What’s crazy today is tomorrow’s innovation The world owes a huge debt to Sci-Fi and comics, which sparked many a creative mind to make real what was once a writer’s fantasy. We’re about to land on Mars and transform our planet with solar energy and electric vehicles. If you want your grandchildren to have a better life than what we have now, then be crazy enough to envision your wild- est dream, and then write a novel. Maybe that’s how we solve problems like climate change and pandemics. We need more crazy dreamers, now more than ever. e Preston Callicott is the CEO of Five Talent Software and is a self-described tech humanist who wants to embed the best of human traits in AI systems and robotics … before they rule the world. His wife, Chelsea, and twins remind him how great life is and that work isn’t everything. By Madalyn Aslan Stars show the kind of day you’ll have õ õ õ õ õ DYNAMIC | õ õ õ õ POSITIVE | õ õ õ AVERAGE | õ õ SO-SO | õ DIFFICULT HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR SUNDAY, JAN. 10, 2021: Realistic, authoritative and uncompromising, you tell it like it is. This year, a project you initiate and head is a tremendous success. You might feel it has opponents when it doesn9t. If single, allow yourself to need and be needed, and you9ll find your mate this year. If attached, you9re fiercely loyal and require your partner to be equally so. You both create a beautiful family. CAPRICORN has your back. ARIES (March 21-April 19) õõõ Resist the influence of a close partner 4 a loved one could be a bit too adventurous or optimistic. Your own hunches offer the best guidance. Plea- sure comes from doing a good deed or favor quietly. Tonight: Enjoy secrets with and about those you love. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) õõõõ Today creates a subtle psychic connection with some people. Seek creative and spiritual companions. Avoid those who drift or prove unreliable. You have had a recent experience with an untrustworthy one and you have learned your lesson. Tonight: Feeling proud of yourself. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) õõõõõ Today brings wonderful conversations with those you love. In action others might not be all they seem to be, but tolerance brings pleasure. It is a lazy, intimate Sunday. You enjoy it immensely. Tonight: The good times roll on. CANCER (June 21-July 22) õ New faces appear and long-time associates are ready to move on. Be cau- tious with changes in health care, medications and your fitness regimen. Stay aware of how your body responds and all will be well. Tonight: Change that is best is still traumatic in nature. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) õõõõõ You9ll appreciate a supportive partnership. The winter season is warmed by true love. An admirer plans a wonderful surprise for you. Sincer- ity, a love of music and stability are qualities that you would best seek in a romantic partner. Tonight: Thankful you have them all. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) õõõ You work at home today, even though it is a Sunday. A family member guides your career path. Bring sanctity to your residence by adding plants to an exposed window, exchanging harsh lights for more subdued lamps or selecting new drapes. Tonight: Take it easy. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) õõõõõ Humor and patience are your best defense against a cantankerous individual. There may be a subtle feud to resolve. But love magic can be a success today. Fulfillment on many levels is promised. Tonight: Highlights your house of passions and desires. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) õõõ Today cautions you to investigate financial decisions and commit- ments carefully. Learning a new skill and being aware of the latest develop- ments in your field will assure success and security. Prepare for offers and suggestions. Tonight: An in-law wishes to become closer. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) õõõõõ You mediate a dispute or receive a proposal. Leisure hours are brightened by intellectually stimulating games. Try chess. Others are elusive, charming and independent. Enjoy your companions as they are. Don9t try to change them. Tonight: You always win at chess. You9re brilliant. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) õõõõõ A valuable day of reflection. Look to see how you can be your own best friend or worst enemy. Time spent alone restores peace and helps release stress. Heed the messages sent by your dreams. Tonight: Express yourself. Iron out communication problems with others. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) õõõõ Today blesses a cherished relationship with loving affirmations. Offer an exchange of small, meaningful tokens. Mild exercise helps restore balance and provides a release of aggravation. Tonight: Make wise choices that will bolster your wellness and encourage improved health. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) õõõõ Others depend on you. Your visibility comes to the fore. Put your best foot forward and strive to make the best possible impression. You9ll have an opportunity to demonstrate your highest potentials. Tonight: After the initial pressure, feeling quite pleased. 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