TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED • 541-385-5809 276 Miscellaneous ENJOY 100% guaran- teed, delivered-to-the- door Omaha Steaks! Get 4 FREE Burgers, Order The Griller’s Bun- dle - ONLY $79.99. Visit www.OmahaSteaks. com/Family645 or call 1-877-701-4335 & men- tion code 63281EVH 282 Community ATTENTION DIABET- ICS! Save money on your diabetic supplies! Convenient home ship- ping for monitors, test strips, insulin pumps, catheters and more! To learn more, call now! 1-866-835-3973. (PNDC) Attention: Oxygen Us- ers! Gain freedom with a Portable Oxygen Concentrator! No more heavy tanks and refills! Guaranteed Lowest Prices! Call the Oxy- gen Concentrator Store: 1-855-641-2803 (PNNA) Medical-Grade HEAR- ING AIDS for LESS THAN $200! FDA-Reg- istered. Crisp, clear sound, state of-the-art features & no audiolo- gist needed. Try it RISK FREE for 45 Days! CALL 1-844-295-0409 (PNDC) SAVE BIG on HOME INSURANCE! Compare 20 A-rated insurances companies. Get a quote within minutes. Average savings of $444/year! Call 1-877-676-8443! (M-F 8am-8pm Central) (PNDC) CLASSIFIEDS Search the area’s most comprehensive listing of classified advertising. Real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Call 541-385-5809 Stay in your home longer with an Ameri- can Standard Walk-In Bathtub. Receive up to $1,500 off, including a free toilet, and a lifetime warranty on the tub and installation! Call us at 1-855-876-1237. (PNDC) ATTENTION: OXYGEN USERS! The NEW In- ogen One G5. 1-6 flow settings. Designed for 24 hour oxygen use. Com- pact and Lightweight. Get a Free Info kit today: 1-844-359-3986 (PNDC) Farm Market Employment SUNDAY, JANUARY 10, 2021 • THE BULLETIN 510 Financing 400 500 413 Meat & Animal processing ENJOY 100% guaran- teed, delivered-to-the- door Omaha Steaks! Get 4 FREE Pork Chops and 4 FREE CHICKEN BREASTS, Order The Omaha Steaks Classic - ONLY $129.99. Visit www.OmahaSteaks. com/Dinner184 or call 1-877- 701-4335 & use code 66762ENW 416 Produce & Food Pittman & Davis’s Mixed-Fruit Medley for the Holidays! Give the gift of Winter Sunshine! 6 Rio Ruby Red Gems. 4 Tiny Tim Navels. 6 Mini Fuji Apples. Call NOW and SAVE 33% OFF. Pay just $19.99. FREE Shipping! Visit MN257 or call 1-855- 338-0587 to order item MXSP and mention code PNVH-N257 for savings! ORANGE SPECTACU- LAR GIFT BOX for the Holidays: Send 4 navel oranges, 4 tangerines, 4 petite navel oranges, chocolate chip cookies & foil-wrapped choco- lates! SAVE 43%! Just $19.99 (plus s/h). Visit me201 or call 844-441-0967 to order item 442X (men- tion code HNVH-E201 for savings) CHECK YOUR AD on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Spellcheck and human errors do occur. Contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 Bulletin Classifieds Amazing Orange Gift for the Holidays – Delicious oranges fresh from the grove! Four favorite vari- eties. High in Vitamin C. December holiday delivery. SAVE 43%! Just $19.99 (plus s/h.) Tired of the same old Call 1-855-657-2388 dating sites? Meet real to order item 496X people in your area & and mention code make a new connection HNVH-N181 for savings on your terms! 18+ only. or visit www.halegroves. Call 1-866-308-3216 com/mn181 Applying for Social Security Disability or Appealing a Denied Claim? Call Bill Gordon & Assoc. Our case managers simplify the process & work hard to help with your case. Call 504 Employment Opportunities 1-888-678-1284. FREE Consultation. Local Gary Gruner Chevro- Attorneys Nationwide [Mail: 2420 N St NW, let-Buick-GMC Washington DC. Office: has an opportunity for Broward Co. FL (TX/NM you. We are looking Bar.)] for a technician to join our team. Pay will vary depending on level of WARNING experience. Must have The Bulletin valid driver’s license recommends you and be insurable. This is use caution when a full-time position. We offer health insurance, you provide personal 401k benefits, paid time information to off and more. Duties companies offering and responsibilities loans or credit, include but are not especially those asking limited to: for advance loan fees - Ability to diagnose, re- pair and document work or companies from out of state. If you have performed on multiple vehicles brands. concerns or questions, - Maintain a clean and we suggest you organized tool box and consult your attorney work space or call CONSUMER - Perform electrical HOTLINE, diagnosis and repair 1-877-877-9392. - Perform mechanical diagnosis and repair - Ability to follow mainte- Timeshare Can- nance plans required by cellation Experts: the vehicle manufac- Over $50,000,000 in turer timeshare debt & fees Qualifications for this cancelled in 2019. Get a position: free informational pack- - ASE certification age & learn how to get preferred rid of your timeshare! - Must have excellent Free consultations. Over attendance 450 positive reviews. - MUST have a positive Call Wesley Financial attitude Group LLC, 844-615- - MUST be able to lift 0146 25-50 lbs - Clean and valid Ore- l Up to $15,000 of gon driver’s license GUARANTEED Life Please make an Insurance! No medical appointment with the exam or health ques- Service Manager @541- tions. Cash to help pay 475-2238 funeral and other final expenses. Visit www. Call The Bulletin At or call Physicians Life 541-385-5809 Company, Place Your Ad or E-Mail Insurance 1-844-218-4167 At: ARE YOU BEHIND $10k Field Representative OR MORE ON YOUR Labor Union Represen- TAXES? Stop wage & tative. Representing bank levies, liens & au- members in areas of dits, unfiled tax returns, contract enforcement, payroll issues, & resolve negotiations and tax debt FAST. Call organizing. Experience 1-855-730-0388 (PNDC) required. 1 Position in Central Oregon (Bend) Over $10K in Debt? Be area. $64,044, excellent debt free in 24 to 48 benefits and auto. Re- months. No upfront fees sumes to OSEA, 4735 to enroll. A+ BBB rated. Liberty Rd S, Salem Call National Debt Relief OR 97302 by 4:00 pm 1-888-231-4274 (PNDC) Friday, January 15. Fax: 503/588-8307. Email 507 Business Opportunities DID YOU KNOW that not only does newspaper media reach a HUGE Audience, they also reach an ENGAGED AUDIENCE. Discover the Power of Newspaper Advertising in five states – AK, ID, MT, OR & WA. For a free rate brochure call 916-288-6011 or email cecelia@cnpa. com (PNDC) Rentals 600 607 Rooms for Rent LaPine- Female seeking female roommates, rent $500-$800/mo. No pets, drinking/smoking. Chris- tian home. 541-977-6560 I WONDER WHAT EVERYONE IS LOOKING AT ? Make sure you get their attention with an ad in the The Bulletin Classified Ads: CALL 541-385-5809 • Mon-Fri 10am-3pm or go to: Autos & Transportation 900 901 Automobiles-Trucks, Auto, RV, Vans 2011 Buick Enclave CXL. AWD, 1 owner, Non-smoker. Under 70,000 miles. Tow package. $10,900. New cost over $50,000. 541- 954-1971 DONATE YOUR CAR FOR BREAST CAN- CER! Help United Breast Foundation ed- ucation, prevention, & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP - 24 HR RESPONSE - TAX DE- DUCTION. 1-855-385- 2819. (PNDC) 913 Autos Wanted DONATE YOUR CAR TO UNITED BREAST CANCER FOUNDA- TION! Your donation helps education, prevention & support programs. FAST FREE PICKUP, 24-hour re- sponse, TAX DEDUC- TION. 1-844-478-7513 Donate your car, truck or van. Help veterans find jobs or start a business. Call Patriotic Hearts Foundation. Fast, FREE pick-up. Max tax-deduction. Op- erators are standing by! Call 1-844-859-3920 Legal Notices 1000 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Legal Notice ANNUAL MEETING DONATE YOUR CAR, The 2021 Deschutes TRUCK OR BOAT TO County Fair Associa- HERITAGE FOR THE tion annual member BLIND. Free 3 Day Va- meeting has been cation, Tax Deductible, postponed until Sun- Free Towing, All Paper- day, June 6, 2021 work Taken Care Of. CALL 1-844-493-7877 Legal Notice (PNDC) City of Bend Sole Source Public 2009 Toyota Camry 4 dr Notice sdn LE/in excellent con- Date of Public Notice: dition. Only one owner. January 10, 2021 Comes with snow tires Anticipated Award and Sirius radio. Ser- Date: January 20, viced regularly. 2021 184,000 miles -Call 541- Description: Software 633-0824/$4200.00 for analysis of water distribution and col- lections systems. 913 Prospective Contrac- Autos Wanted tor: Optimatics, LLC Amount: $195,498 Done su auto o ca- over 4 years mioneta. Ayude a los The City intends to ex- veteranos a encontrar tend the current two trabajo o iniciar un ne- year agreement for gocio. Llame a la Fun- Optimizer Software dación Patriotic Hearts. for an additional two Recogida rápida y years. The software GRATUITA. Deducción is the only one that máxima de impuestos. supports the current ¡Las operadores están built system models esperando! Llame al and provides analy- 855-315-1966 sis of the City’s wa- ter distribution and DONATE your car or collections systems. truck to HERITAGE Optimatics, LLC is FOR THE BLIND. Free the sole vendor who 3-day vacation, tax de- can provide Optimiz- ductible, free towing, all er software. paperwork taken care An entity may protest of. Call 1-866-871-1497 this determination in accordance with 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices in accordance with OAR 137-047-0710 no later than January 18, 2021. Protests must be submitted to City of Bend Purchasing 710 NW Wall Street, Bend, Oregon, 97703. For additional informa- tion please contact Heather Herauf at 541-693-2156 or h h e ra u f @ b e n d o re - . Date of Public Notice: January 10, 2021 Legal Notice LEGAL NOTICE Directors’ Positions Three positions with incumbents running for re-election on the Board of Directors at Central Electric Co- operative, Inc. are up for election. They are: District # 1 Sisters District # 7 Alfalfa District # 8 Bend Pursuant to the By- Laws of the Cooper- ative, members who live in that district are eligible to run for election. Applica- tions and informa- tion for candidates, including district boundaries and eli- gibility requirements, are available at the Cooperative’s of- fice at 2098 NW 6th Street in Redmond Oregon. The applica- tion process involves several steps and must be completed and filed at the same cooperative office by 5:00 PM, February 5, 2021. LEGAL NOTICE City of Redmond, Maple Avenue Stair- case Construction The City of Redmond Public Works De- partment invites contractors to bid on the construction of the Maple Avenue Staircase, PK2101. Sealed Bids shall be received by City Hall, Attn: City Recorder, 411 SW 9th St, Red- mond, OR, 97756 until 2:00 p.m. on February 10, 2021, and publicly opened and read via virtual meeting. In-person 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices meeting. In-person bid submissions will be accepted from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, Febru- ary 10, 2021, at the entrance to Council Chambers adjacent to the courtyard on the west/backside of City Hall. A City em- ployee will be wait- ing inside the doors to receive bids. Bids received after the 2:00 p.m. deadline will not be consid- ered and will be re- turned unopened to the contractor. First Tier Subcontractor List is required to be submitted by 4:00 p.m., same day. The First Tier Subcon- tractor List may also be submitted with the sealed bid at the contractor’s prefer- ence. Bids shall be clearly labeled: “Ma- ple Avenue Stair- case, PK2101.” The Project includes a stairway that travers- es an approximate 50-Foot change in elevation from the Dry Canyon Rim to the canyon bottom; 10-foot-wide path- ways connecting the Dry Canyon trail and NW Rockcrest Court; and sidewalk and stairs connect- ing under the bridge to the north side of NW Maple Avenue. The City estimates the Project cost at $275,000. This is a Public Works Contract and sub- ject to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Wage Rates, dated January 1, 2021 and Amend- ments for Region 10 as defined under ORS279C.800 to 279C.870. Digital copies of the plans, specifica- tions, and bid pro- posal, including any future addenda or revisions to the bid documents, are available by go- ing to www.ciplist. com and signing up, by going to the Member Login (It’s free), then choose Oregon, then scroll down to Deschutes County and click on Browse Cities, then B5 1001 Legal Notices & Public Notices Browse Cities, then scroll down to Red- mond and click on City Projects, then click on the Project of interest under the Title and follow directions for down- load. Copies of the plans, specifications, bid proposal, adden- dums and revisions will not be printed. General Contrac- tors who plan to bid on this project are required to register for an account on to be included in the Plan Holder’s list and to receive email updates of any ad- denda or revisions to the bid documents. The information con- tained on this site may change over time and without notice to bidders or registered users. While effort is made to keep information current and accu- rate and to notify registered users of any changes to the bid documents, it is the responsibility of each bidder to regis- ter with www.ciplist. com and to check this website on a dai- ly basis through the close of bids for any applicable addenda or updates. The City may reject bids not in compli- ance with all pre- scribed solicitation procedures or other applicable law and may reject any or all bids when the can- cellation or rejection is in the best interest of the City, and at no cost to the City. Pric- es quoted shall be firm offers, irrevoca- ble, valid and bind- ing after the closing date. CLASSIFIEDS Search the area’s most comprehensive listing of classified advertising. Real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Call 541-385-5809