THURSDAY • January 7, 2021 Serving Central Oregon since 1903 • $3 ’90s NOSTALGIA » GO! MAGAZINE LOOKS BACK ALSO INSIDE: SPORTS PULLOUT, A5-8 CHAOS AT THE CAPITOL PRO-TRUMP MOB STORMS CONGRESS Lawmakers evacuate amid Electoral College certification ‘Our president is fanning the flames’ Bulletin staff report One person killed » Some Republicans slam rioters — and Trump O Trump tells crowd: ‘Go home, we love you’ » Twitter locks account Jacquelyn Martin/AP President Donald Trump arrives to speak at a rally in Washington on Wednesday. The gathering eventu- ally devolved into what Sen. Mitt Romney and others characterized as an “insurrection” at the U.S. Capitol. Democrats win Georgia seats — and control of the Senate, A4 Local residents express outrage over D.C. chaos n the day she started her first day in politics, taking the oath of of- fice Wednesday along with three other new- comers to the Bend City Council, Rita Schenkelberg felt fear and passion for the job. She wondered if it would be affected by the chaos in Washington, D.C., where an angry mob broke into the U.S. Capitol, clashed with police and prompted a building lockdown. Both chambers of Con- gress went into recess in the middle of the Electoral College vote. Law enforcement of- ficers aimed weapons at intruders and tear gas floated through the Capitol Rotunda. “How do you do your job if the whole time you are looking over your shoulder be- cause you are scared people are going to storm the room?” Schenkelberg said. But that fear doesn’t make Schenkelberg want the job any less. See Reaction / A4 Julio Cortez/AP Trump supporters try to break through a police barrier Wednesday at the U.S. Capitol. As Congress prepared to affirm President-elect Joe Biden’s victory, thousands of people gathered to show their support for the president and his claims of election fraud. ‘Lock the doors!’ Violent Trump loyalists cleared from Capitol after forcing lawmakers out Associated Press A Oregon’s congressio- nal delegation found themselves trapped by people who stormed the Capitol in protest of the Electoral College vote to verify the election of Joe Biden as president. Pro-Trump pro- testers broke into the main part of the Cap- itol, forcing senators and House members to lock themselves inside the chambers. “Lock the doors, lock the doors,” Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., shouted. violent mob loyal to President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday and forced lawmakers into hiding, in a stunning at- tempt to overturn America’s presidential election, under- cut the nation’s democracy and keep Democrat Joe Biden from replacing Trump in the White House. The nation’s elected representatives scrambled to crouch under desks and don gas marks, while police futilely tried to barricade the building, one of the most jarring scenes ever to unfold in a seat of American po- litical power. A woman was shot and killed inside the Capitol, and Washington’s mayor instituted an eve- ning curfew in an attempt to contain the violence. The rioters were egged on by Trump, who has spent weeks falsely attacking the integrity of the election and had urged his supporters to descend on Washington to protest Congress’ formal approval of Biden’s victory. Some Republican lawmakers were in the midst of raising objections to the results on his behalf when the proceedings were abruptly halted by the mob. Together, the protests and the GOP election objec- tions amounted to an almost unthinkable challenge to American democracy and exposed the depths of the divisions that have coursed through the country during Trump’s four years in office. See Delegation / A13 See Chaos / A14 BY GARY A. WARNER Oregon Capital Bureau TODAY’S WEATHER By GEORGE PLAVEN, EO Media Group, and PETER WONG, Oregon Capital Bureau Some sun High 44, Low 33 Page A12 INDEX Business Classifieds Comics A11-12 A14 A9-10 Andrew Harnik/AP U.S. Capitol Police with guns drawn stand near a barricaded door inside the House chamber as people try to break through. Dear Abby Editorial Events Joe Biden speaks from Wilmington, Delaware, on Wednesday. Biden — due to be sworn in as the next president in two weeks — called the violent protests on the U.S. Capitol “an assault on the most sacred of American undertakings: the doing of the people’s business.” See Salem / A4 Susan Walsh/AP A7 A8 GO! Horoscope Local/State Lottery A7 A2-3 A6 Obituaries Puzzles Sports A4 A10 A5-7 The Bulletin ù An Independent Newspaper We use recycled newsprint Vol. 119, No. 6, 38 pages, 2 sections SALEM — Right- wing demonstrators and supporters of Pres- ident Donald Trump rallied outside the Or- egon State Capitol on Wednesday as part of a nationwide protest of the 2020 election re- sults. Protesters also took the opportunity to de- cry Gov. Kate Brown’s COVID-19 emergency orders. While the crowd of hundreds had largely dispersed af- ter 2:30 p.m., video taken by the Salem Re- porter earlier in the day showed violent clashes with counterprotesters that led Salem Police to declare an unlawful as- sembly. SUN/THU What Oregon9s members of Congress said Trump backers rally at Oregon Capitol U|xaIICGHy02330rzu