The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, April 24, 1964, Page 3, Image 3

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    The Bulletin, Friday, April 24, 1944
S Briefs
Activities tonight include a
carnival at the John Tuck
School, Redmond, from 7 to 9:30
o'clock. At 7:30: Little Des
chutes Grange, county visitation,
LaPine School; Royal Neigh
bors, Norway Hall; Cub Scout,
pack No. 90, Kenwood gymnas
ium. At 8 o'clock: Game night,
Moose Hall; Rebekah Lodge,!
IOOF Temple. j
Cindy Michelle is the name
selected by Mr. and Mrs. Rod
ger Bucholz, Bums Star Route,
for their infant daughter. The;
baby was born this morning at
St. Charles Memorial Hospital,'
and weighed 8 pounds. j
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Prince
have returned to their home at
499 Broadway Avenue, after
spending the past four months
in California. They were head
quartered at Santa Barbara,
and spent some time on the des
ert. Annual spring rally of the
Baptist youth of the Deschutes
Association will be held Satur
day at First Baptist Church in
Bend. Registration will begin at
9 a.m.
Circle 2 members. Catholic
Altar Society, will hold a bake
sale Saturday, April 25, at the
Sears - Roebuck order office.
Hours will be from 9:30 a.m. to
5 p.m.
Iff a boy for Mr. and Mrs.
Carter Thomas, Virginia Apart
ments, Bend. The baby weigh
ed 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and has
been named Aaron Gail.
Members of Bend Barracks
No. 153, Veterans of World War
I, are to meet at the Niswonger
6 Reynolds Mortuary Saturday
shortly before 3 p.m. for the
funeral of George L. Conklin,
who was a member of the unit.
Those having their barracks
caps are being asked to wear
them to the funeral.
Golden Age Club will have a
dance Saturday night at the
clubhouse, E. Fifth and Glen
wood Drive, starting at 8
o'clock. Guests are invited. Re
freshments will be served. "
Terry D. McClanahan, Navy
recruit from Bend, recently
completed basic training at the
Naval Training Center, San Die-
. . . and you're
in carpet heaven at
furniture co.
821 Wall
3bull get ahead if you listen to...
10 Past 11 On Your Radio Dial
For Political News ... For Foreign News
... For Farm News ... For Local News . . .
For Selected Music ... For Tops in Sports
Central Oregonians
DIAL 1110
llero and
go, Calif. He is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Albert B. McClanahan,
1324 Albany Avenue.
Weed Growers 4-H Club m e t
recently at the home of San
dra and Phyllis Hensley. Other
members present were Shirley
Ramsey, Karen McFarlin, Glor
ia Kerr, Jeanette Pedersen, Cin
dy Jones, Ray Pedersen and
Teresa Vincent. Planting of
summer bulbs was discussed
Mrs. Meade Pedersen is the
Bachelor Beauts, local square
dance group, will hold their reg
ular dance Saturday, April 25,
at 8:30 p.m., at the Eastern
Star Grange Hall. Refreshments
will be served.
C. A. "Chet" Clink, who
taught in the Bend High School
more than 40 years ago, was
here today, attempting to locate
landmarks and old friends.
Clink taught mechanical draw
ing and manual training here at
the start of the 1920's.
Pine Forest Grange will hold
its "church Sunday" April 26 at
the hall. Potluck dinner will get
underway at l.p.m. with a 2
p.m. service to follow. Persons
attending are asked to bring a
main dish of fried chicken plus
a hot dish or dessert..
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Gar
rick, Silver Lake, are parents of
a girl bom Thursday at St.
Charles Memorial Hospital. The
baby weighed 6 pounds, 5
ounces, and has been named
Susan Lynette.
Bend chapter, Order of East
em Star, will meet Monday at 8
p.m. at the Masonic Temple.
Friendship Night will be observ
ed. Mrs. John McWilliams is
chairman of the refreshment
Blue Bell Blue Birds met Wed
nesday at the home of their
leader, Mrs. Ray Spencer. Mem
bers present were Lynnette
Houghton, Denise Coffelt, Cathy
and Connie Spencer, Jeanne
Spencer and Carol Durocher.
The group made Mothers Day
gifts. At the last meeting, they
visited the Bend Fire Hall. No
meeting will be held next Wed
nesday. jjv.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Fair of
Bend have accepted a position
as managers of Webb's Stage
uoacn inn in Vancouver, wash.,
according to word received from
the graduate service department
of Northwest Schools, Portland,
The Fairs are recent graduates
of the motel hotel manage
ment division of the s c h o o l .
They were co-managers of Fall
River Fishing Lodge last sea
son. Election of officers will be
held by the Mountain View
Hospital Foundation, Monday,
May 4, at 8 p.m. at the Jeffer
son County Courthouse confer
ence room, Madras.
The Rev. and Mrs. Larry
Field of the Bend Foursquare
Church will attend the annual
four - day convention of the de
nomination's churches in the Pa
cific Northwest, starting Mon
day, May 4, in Vancouver,
Wash. The Rev. James B. Kitch
ell, previous pastor of the local
church, and his wife, will be
farwelled at the parley. They
JAYCEE OF THE MONTH Dallas Merchant received the
Bend Jaycee of the Month award or his outstanding work as
general chairman of the Jaycee Community Development
project. He is employed by a local bank.
Fund raisinq
hootenanny set
Special to The Bulletin
REDMOND To raise funds
for its annual activities, Red
mond Volunteer Fire Depart
ment will sponsor a hootenanny
May i at 8 p.m. in the Red
mond Union High School.
Musical groups from ail Cen
tral Oregon are invited to par
ticipate in the contest. A prize
of $100 is being offered for first
place, $50 for second and $25
Groups wishing to participate
are asked to write to Hootenan
ny," Box 787, Redmond. A com
mittee has been named to select
those to appear. Audience ap
plause will determine the win
ners. have been assigned to mission
ary duty in Australia.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Olnv
stead are parents of a daughter,
Rebecah Jean, born April 22 in
Santa Clara, Calif., where Olm
stead is serving in the U.S. Na
vy, at Moffett Field. Mrs. Olm-
stead is the former Delores
Lenaburg, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. . Irwin Lenaburg, Bend.
Paternal grandmother is Mrs.
Earl Sevems, Spokane, Wash.
The baby joins a sister, Ronda
Marie, who will be a year old
on April 26.
I I It rt 1199 1
: ,v ; ' ": i i i fi 38"Lensth 2,Z9pr- liu
-M,r42V litis o An I I It
' " U. ' ' -aga :mmmv " ' J 11 I 4S" Lcnslh Z,49pr- l ft ft
$ ' I teel-r J4 j. l.-V T' W&trf I ' H A I ' Ouillty drapes made frem remnentt. ! ' J 1
I I $M&fiti .1 $ ! 3 I ! All tingle wldthi. Fabrlet Include 1 '
'8fei V fH J j,PA,R AT THESE fl I
M U ,?,,, $I3J.3. 1.98 I
This appealing little pup would make some child mighty
happy possibly your own! And it's just one of the
many pets available right now, here at Bend's own Town
& Country Pet Shop. Why not bring the family out to
choose from our scotties, wire-haired terriers and cocker
spaniels? But
puppies, it's not likely you'll be a b 1 e
one. Little balls
t. r V nfi Wal irtiiir ii!6t
Grange inspects
Improvements at the Eastern
Star Grange Hall were inspect
ed at a recent meeting of the
Grange. New light fixtures have
been installed in the dining
room and kitchen, and pulldown
lights for the master's and sec
retary's desks.
New concrete porches and
steps for both front and back
doors have been installed. The
concrete work was done by men
of the Grange; the electrical
work by a professional electric
ian. Painting of the inside of the
hall is the next project.
Ted Sims, State Grange dep
uty, and Mrs. Sims, were spec
ial guests.
The charter was draped in
memory of the late R. D. Sto-
well, a long-time member.
Funds to provide a half schol
arship for 4-H summer school
were allowed.
Special to The Bulletin
GILCHRIST Mr. and Mrs.
L. N. Rametes, Gilchrist, an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, D a r 1 e n e Dee, to
James Gordon Prater Jr.
Prater is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Gordon Prater of Hayden
Lake, Idaho.
A June wedding is planned.
a word of warning: Once
of fluff are marvelous sak
You'll find us ust eest ef town, at the corner of Reed Mkt.
and Ferguson Rosdi. Mary Moe, Prop.
iam Mallicoat
Special to The Bulletin
coat, director, State Depart
ment of Planning and Develop
ment, will speak at the Monday
luncheon meeting of the Prine
ville Chamber of Commerce,
April 27, at the Ochoco Inn.
A large attendance is expect
ed, due to the timeliness of the
speaker's topic. He will present
some general thoughts on Ore
gon's economy, including the as
pects of the payroll development
program which has been found
beneficial to the economy of
various areas in the state.
Among out-of-town guests will
be Sam Johnson, Redmond, of
the Jefferson Plywood Company.
Other community leaders are
expected to be present.
President John Say of the
PrineviUe Chamber has issued
an invitation to attend to all
who are concerned with the
strengthening of Prineville's cur
rent economic cresting develop
ment, to avoid the troughs of
possible local economic set
backs. Tennis classes
to be offered
Special te The Bulletin
REDMOND Tennis classes
for youngsters and adults will
be offered in Redmond this
summer under sponsorship of
the Redmond Jaycees. Jerry
Shearer will be director.
JC Junior Tennis" is spon
sored by Jaycees in many local
ities, but the adult classes are a
local innovation. The program
will consist of a series of ten
nis clinics, individual instruction
and a tournament, complete
with prizes for the winners.
Further details will be made
public as the program takes
shape, Shearer said.
Hood highway
to be widened
SALEM (UPI)-The Mt. Hood
highway will be completed to
four-lane standard from Burn
side junction east of Gresham
to Sandy, as the result of proj
ects authorized Thursday by the
State Highway Commission.
The Commission also ap-
Creek-North Fork of the Coquille
River section of the Coos y
Roseburg Highway, grading.
paving, one structure and right-of-way
to '; owning
Floor Covering I V. VXaALA. AAa A, U "l
msTu Wmnm SHORTIE mriHr4
seen our H I XXM3JXM I I
y.-rr-.. ' p;mw..iiM (.A I continental style. Browns I I iiuni a t u I
iukkZib-fiitwiMMttti.f II andgreem.Siiei6tol8. I I UNTIL T r.rn.
Fourteen Bend residents at
tended all or part of the fifty
first annual convention of t h e
Oregon Congress of Parents and
Teachers, which ended Thurs
day at the Hilton Hotel In Port
Mrs. Albert Gassner of Bend
is first vice - president, and is
expected to advance to the pres
idency next year. She had a key
part in the program.
Full three-day delegates were
Mrs. Donald Goodwin, past
iresident, and Mrs. David Ward-
law, new president, both of the
Reid - Thompson PTA, and Mrs.
Edward Spring, new president
of Kenwood - Kingston PTA.
In Portland for one day were
Kenneth Dykeman and Mrs.
Palmer Aust, Reid - Thompson:
Mrs. Frank Ellis and Mrs. Ken
neth Whitson, Kenwood - Kings
slon, and Mrs. Richard Turner,
Allen - Marshall - Yew Lane.
Mrs. Lee Baker, Mrs. A. S.
Beauvais, Mrs. Bernard Dube
row and Mrs. Winton Edwards,
members of the Mothersingers,
were in the chorus of 300 wom
en from all over the state, who
performed at the annual ban
quet Wednesday evening.
Among the speakers were
Governor Mark Hatfield, Port
land, Portland Mayor Terry
Schrunk, and Dr. Leon Minear,
Oregon superintendent of public
Van Huff el car
theft reported
Thursday night
James Van Huffel, 134 Green
wood, reported to city police
that his car was stolen from be
hind his residence Thursday
night. The car is described as
a 1956 Dodge, red and black in
color and with an Oregon li
cense, 3L-7775.
Al Jorgensen reported the
theft of a battery and an elec
tric fuel pump from a hyster
fork lift parked behind the Bend
Senior High School Thursday
Warren D. Towlerton, 1345
Wilson, reported that his daugh
ter's bike was stolen sometime
Thursday from his residence. .
A vehicle driven by Waldron
Garfield L e s s e r t , Warm
Springs, and another driven by
jonn L. jonnson,
Irnllldlxi xt Unncl mill Prnnlclln
"i",. ?j?"!age was rePorted mi
- 1""
1 2r&A Jm
I i Built to give firm uplift UIItI k rr-' MW7
L with comlort Elastic front I JJ '.nsrwiMraB f
aJavSS Moldedrubber yj
h mmmm only. Sizes Sm
I Poliihed cotton, Regular and flOQ PEN TONIGHT
Spring season
delayed month
in Crook County
Special te The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE - Cold nights
and continued lack of rainfall
have delayed the spring season
in croon county about a month,
according to Gus Woods, county
agricultural agent. Hardest hit
are range operators waiting for
the spring grass.
Heavy frosts continue night
after night. Cold, dry w 1 n d s ,
blowing almost dally, add to
ranchers' problems, by drying
out surface moisture he said.
Each afternoon for some time
clouds of dust from plowed
fields have surrounded t h e
Princville area.
One bright note in the current
ranch picture, It was noted, is
the promise of a good supply
of irrigation water from the
PrineviUe and Ochoco reser
voirs. Reservoirs are now filling
rapidly as snow melts on the
higher elevations.
Temperatures during the 24
hours ending at 4 a.m. PST to
day. High Low Pep.
Bend 44 28 T
Redmond 48 37 T
Trinity Lutheran
Is Now Accepting
Registrations For The
64-65 School Year
Morning and
Afternoon Sessions
For Further Information
Call Mrs. Dorothy Forshey
Classes Limited
Assistant due
during summer
Special te The Bulletin
REDMOND - Stephen K. Cro
well, a student at McCormick
Theological Seminary in Chica
go, will be assistant pastor at
the Community Presbyterian
Church this summer, announces
the Rev. James K. Egly.
He will serve the church dur
ing June, July and August and
will conduct services during
Rev. Egly's absences.
A second year student at the
Seminary, he is a native of In
dianapolis, Ind. During the past
four summers he has been a
camp counsellor for the Boys'
Club Association of Indianapo
lis. Aside from his studies, he
presently is employed as a
group worker in a Neighborhood
House in Chicago.
"Business Forms" j
382-1963 i
To 20 Each Session