The Bulletin, DENNIS, THE MENACE 14 'If i don't caw how much i weigh, could i put my penny in the peanut awchne? Television in review Program on Thresher avoided : dullness, had adult approach By Rick Du Brow UPI Staff Writer HOLLYWOOD (UPI)-"CBS Reports" went down to the sea Wednesday night to record the search for the sunken atomic uhmnrinn Thresher. The result iwis a study that went beyond tne searcn ana impneu sue rintlv hnw man's future could be sharply altered by unlocking the secrets ot tne deep. It was this circling in on the enormous implication ana ralnHnff the gPflrch for the Thresher to the present limits ot oceanic Knowieage inai gave quiet distinction to the work by the young producer and reporter, David Buksbaum and Dan Rather. It takes seasoned restraint to bypass the cheaply popular and sensational approach to a diffi cult subject, and to hew to the hard information at the risk of being called dull. The hour took the risk, avoided dullness, and Indians vow they'll continue angling battle OLYMPIA (UPI)-Screen ac tor Marlon Brando has gone home but Washington State In dians today vowed to continue their fight against state efforts to force tnem to ODey usn con servation laws. In the thick of the battle are five Indians who face 30-day Jail sentences for contempt of court because they defied an in junction prohibiting them from fishing with nets on the Nisqual ly River. They went fishing Wednesday In an effort to assert what they consider their treaty-guaranteed right to fish as they please in their "usual and accustomed grounds." Pierce County Superior Court Judge William LeVeque then or dered them locked up. ' 'While the Nisquallys were staging their fish-in, Brando was more than 100 miles away on the Quillayute Reservation In the Northwest corner of the Olympic Peninsula. TTie actor failed for the sec ond time this week to be jailed for illegal fishing. , -Brando went out In a boat with some Indians and returned a short time Inter carrying a fish However, Walter Neubreeh, chief enforcment officer for the Slate flame Department, said ho believed the fish had been "stashed on the bank." Neubreeh said ho did not be lieve Brando was actually fish ing "therefore we have no grounds on which to arrest him." Neubreeh did arrest Brando Monday but Pierce County Pros ecuting Attorney John 15. Mc Cutcheon decided Ilia actor fish' ed "just for show" and there was no purpose In locking him up. Ho refused to prosecute. Some of the Indians who fish ed the Nlsqually grumbled that Brando should have joined them. They said the actor had promised to lend moral and fi nancial support to Uieir demon stration. KEY TO SOLUTION PES MOINES, Iowa (UPI) Fiv times in the past 18 months the county board of su pervisors has had to pay for damage caused by prisoners sawing their way out of county jail. Board member Kverett W. Armel suggested a way to save money early this week. "Instead of the expense of fixing bars," he said, "give all I tbe prisoners keys." Thursday, March 5, 1964 emerged an adult story. The Thresher, with 129 aboard, made a dive last April in about 8,400 feet of water, 254 miles east-northeast of Boston, and never surfaced again. Be yond an 800-foot depth, salvag ers were virtually useless, and Wednesday night's study con centrated, therefore, on the oceanographers called In to ex plore the depths, and how the tragedy spurred scientific ef forts. There were films of the above-water movement of ves sels to discover the exact loca tion for below-water investiga tion. And there were films of wreckage of the Thresher at the bottom of the ocean, taken by Navy cameras in the bathy scape Trieste, which traveled to the tioor ot tne sea. As the program said, it was an "underwater detective story." It was replete with the other world lingo of the mili tary ("we then commenced dropping. . . ). But best of all, it never lost stent ot tne tar- reaching story, the scientific one, and the eventual meaning it will give to the 129 who lost their lives. The Channel Swim: "Grey- friars Bobby," a movie about a doe's devotion to his old mas ter, will be presented in two parts on NBC-TV's Walt Disney show March 29 and April 2. . . the movie was produced by Disney, whose film and video works are intertwined. NBC-TV, as expected, con firmed two new one-hour series for the coming season. . .One, "Daniel Boone," stars Fess (Davy Crockett) Parker in the title role. ..The other, "Solo," headlines Robert Vaughn as an International agent. S.P. supported by Chamber PORTLAND (Tjpi)-The man ager of the Eugene Chamber of Commerce appeared at a hear ing Wednesday In favor of Southern Pacific's request to suspend operation of Its Shasta Daylight passenger train except In the summer months. Fred Brenne read a resolution from the chamber supporting the railroad, but his was the only voice in favor of the action at the first day of a two-day Interstate Commerce Commis sion hearing here. State Sen. Edward Failelcy, D - Eugene, said all forecasts point to increased need for rail transportation in the future. 11c said some of the knowledge used in the present operations could be used in the future. Jacob Sedgewick, Por'Jand, a fireman engineer for the Spo kane, Portland and Seattle Rail way, accused Southern Pacific of lack of interest in passenger travel. He said the Shasta con sistently refused to delay its de parture even a few minutes so SPSS passengers from the Spo kane and Tri-Cities area of Washington could make connec tions. Southern Pacific later brought In A. W. Kllborn, Its division superintendent, to deny that charge. He said the Shasta left before the SP&S connection arrived only 18 times since Sept. 1. The hearing wns scheduled to conclude today. ICC examiner Thaddeus Benton said It will be resumed in San Francisco March 11 for about three days to allow Southern Pacific to an swer some of the criticism. The Shasta now runs three times a week between Portland and Oakland, Calif. The railroad wants to operate onlv between June 20 and the dav after Labor Day, when it would make the trip daily. Broiler chicks hatched in '63 hit new record By Oaylord P, Godwin UPI Staff Wrltar WASHINGTON (UPI) The Crop Reporting Board said to day 2,054,365,000 broiler chicks were hatched in the 22 impor tant broiler-producing states in 1963. Most of these chicks grew into broiler-fryers for the retail market. The number of broiler chicks hatched was three per cent larger than in 1962 and the largest of record. The states where these broiler chicks were produced account tor about 93 per cent of the broilers. I hey are: Georgia Arkansas, Alabama, North Caro lina, Mississippi, Texas, Mary land, Delaware, Maine, Califor nia. Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Vir ginia, West Virginia, South Carolina, Florida, Louisiana, Washington and Oregon. The Agriculture Department has set the national average support price for 1964-crop dry beans at $6.32 per hundred weight, the same as for tne 1963 crop. The department said the sup port rates for 11 classes of dry beans, based on the national average support price, were un changed from 1963. The average support price of $6.32 per hundredweight for all classes is about 68 per cent of the February, 1964, dry bean parity price of $9.33 per hun dredweight. The government's weekly weather and crop bulletin said the condition of the winter wheat crop in the Southern great plains continued to im- Drove in the week ended Marcn 2. The Improvement was noted! in areas ot Texas, uwanoma, Kansas, and Colorado. The weather bureau said fall- sown small grains in Nebraska were greening as favorable mild temperatures prevailed. In Mon tana, there was light to moder ate damage to wheat from mgn winds. Dry soil conditions pre vailed in Wyoming and South Dakota. Small grains in Colo rado were in satisfactory con dition, except for wind damage in the southeastern part of the state. Fall-seeded grains were green ing up in the Western corn belt states. More rain was needed despite an improvement in top- soil moisture during February, the bureau said. Citrus groves in Florida were reported in exceuent condition. Vegetable harvest in California continued active although the growth of some crops was slowed by dry winds. The Agriculture Department said 1963-crop wheat under price support as of Feb. 15 totaled 105.8 million bushels. The de partment said this was the smallest amount of the previous year's crop to be under price support during the past 11 years. Farmers put 171.4 million bushels under support through Feb. 15, but had redeemed 65.6 million bushels as of that date. The Foreign Agricultural Service said the United States exported larger amounts of wheat and flour (grain equiva lent) between July 1 and Dec. 31, 1963, than it did during any similar period in the past 30 years. FAS said exports during this six-month period also were greater than those exported dur ing any entire fiscal year prior to 1945. Increased shipments to Eu rope because of drought, greater domestic requirements brought total U.S. shipments to almost 65 million bushels during July- December, 1963, as compared with 30 million bushels during the corresponding period a year earlier. FAS said exports to Common Market countries were up 92 per cent, bastern buropean countries up 22 per cent, and to other European countries up 84 per cent. Total U.S. wheat shipments to nil markets during Julv-Decem-ber, 1963, were 387 million bush els. A year earlier, total ship ments for the six-month period were 277 million bushels. Blasts kill 3, injure 48 SEOUL, Korea (UPI) - Fire broke out in an artillery shell disposal plont today, setting off a series of explosions that killed 3 persons and injured 48 others. Police said the three dead were workers In the plant about ui miles soulh of here. Among the Injured were 6 school chil dren, 7 prison officials and 21 prison inmates In nearby build ings. KITES CAUSE BLIPS MOL1NK. Til. (IlPn Wins on a Federal Aviation Agency radar screen traced to West Branch, Iowa, have been Iden tified as kites flown by youngster!. Scranton asks legal opinion on Oregon race HARRISBURG, Pa. (UPI) -Gov. William W. Scranton indi cated Wednesday he does not want to sign any affidavit that would take him out of the run ning for the Republican nomina tion. At a news conference, Scran ton said he hoped to have a le gal opinion soon on whether he can withdraw from the May 15 Oregon primary and still remain a presidential possibility. Under Oregon statutes, the secretary of state can place on the primary ballot any person prominently mentioned as a presidential prospect. If the per son wants to strike his name, he must sign an affidavit which, according to general beliefs, re moves him from presidential consideration. Although Scranton disclaims any ambition to become presi dent he has been reluctant to sign such an affidavit for fear it would impair his availability for an "honest and sincere draft" for the nomination. He said Atty. Gen. Walter E Alessandroni. a legal and politi cal advisor, was checking Ore gon law. Fleet postpones visit to Greece ATHENS (UPI)-Anti-Ameri- can demonstrations forced post ponement of a visit to Greece today by the U.S. 6th Fleet. The fleet was scheduled to begin the six-day visit today at Piraeus, the Aegean Sea port near Athens, but Greek mili tary sources said It was called off for the present because of two days of demonstrations in the capital. Greek demonstrators, protest ing the U.S. stand on Cyprus, Wednesday whitewashed a statue of former President Harry S. Truman. The statue was erected last vear through contributions by Greeks and Americans in hon or of Truman's help to this na tion in its civil war against tne Communists. SNAPS AT JUDGE LONDON (UPI)-Leslie Wil liams was jailed for contempt in London's divorce court Wednesday for "snapping his fingers" at a judge's order not to molest ms estrangea wue. THE BULLETIN Subscription Rates By Carrier One Month $150 Six Months $9.00 One Year $18.00 By Mail One Month $1-50 Three Months $4.00 Six Months $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The Bulletin-382-1811 In Redmond 548-4261 In Madras 548-4121 In Prinevule 447-7730 Member, Audit Bureau ot Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Dally) Est. 1916. Published Everv Afternoon except Sun day and certain holidays by the Bend Buuelln inc. tm-im wau St., Bend, Oregon. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Ada received before 4:30 p.m. will appear In the following day's paper. Tha Bulletin will not be responsible (or more Uian one incorrect insertion. Low, low ralei tor mommy aos. 2 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 4 times only $2.00 2 lines for 8 times only $3.25 4 lines for 1 time only $2.00 4 lines for 4 times only $3.00 4 lines for 8 times only $5.00 6 lines for 1 time only $2.50 6 lines for 4 times only $4.00 6 lines for 8 times only $6.75 LOST? Classified Ad INDEX To Buy . . . Sell . . , Trade Apartments For Rent M Appllnnret.Furnltura .... 31 Auction Sates 33 Apartments Furnished BT Autos Y'nr Trnda .............. M Autos Knr Sal Inn fishy Sitter 13 Boat M Motor 44 rlii'lness Opportunities Tn tlulldln Cn"lrctor 12 Cnrd of Thank B Otntrart S3 Doss, rets, etc 43 Itoniestlo Services 13 Farms, Acreaces 1 Farmer Column 40 farm Machinery tl Feeds Seeds 3 Fuel, (Ml. Hood. OU 80 Fuel Wanted 4t Funeral ill rector S Funeral Service 4 Funeral Notices S Help Wanted IT Help rtanted. Femala II Help issnted. Uls 1ft Houvl Trailer 4 Hnuselreeptiur Rooms SB Houses For Rent M Instruction-Schools II tesal Notice .,, 1 Usettoct Imih t t-osl A Found 10 lots Rulldlnt Sltos n Livestock W anted 3 Machinery VT anted ... as Machinery Far Sola an Mssonle Notices t Miscellaneous For Reirt ts Mlseellanrou For Rent SO Money T loan 31 Money Vtanted TS Motorcycle For dak) S3 Musical Inslnuneala .., 33 stimuli Car 7 Personals roullry. Raohlta Real Estate. For sals Roam. Board ..,,,,,. Sates People. AtesMs Service lureetory , SKuattcsts Rnaseal , a Situation Wants. Hal ftportsmans Column .... Swm Column , Trailer Space Trucks-Trailer Wiinted to Borrow Hunted to Buy Hunted, Itoom-Board Wanted lo Kent I -Legal Notices No. 12254 NOTICE OF SALE OP REAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES CHUTES. JACKSON RANCH, INC., An Oregon Corporation, Plaintiff, ROBERT A. ESLINGER and H. R. Heitman, dba BAR T. CATTLE COMPANY, BAR T CATTLE CO., INC., A Corpora tion, and COURTESY CREDIT CORPORATION, A Corporation, Defendants. BY VIRTUE of a Judgment and Decree of the above en titled Court In the above entitled cause rendered and entered in said Court and cause on the 22nd day of January, 1964. in favor of Jackson Ranch, Inc., an Oregon Corporation and against Robert A. Eslinger, H. R. Heitman and Bar T Cattle Co., Inc., and each of them, for the sum of $187,643.21, with in terest thereon at the rate of 5 per cent per annum from the 15th day of October, 1962, for attorneys' fees in the sum of $10,000.00, and for the further sum of $47.00 costs and dis bursements, and a further De cree that the following describ ed real and personal property be sold in the manner provided by law as real property is- sold on execution, to-wit: JACKSON RANCH: In Township 21 South, Range 20 East of the Willamette Mer idian: Section 1: Southeast Quarter Section 12: Northeast Quart er, Northea it Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and West Half of the Southeast Quarter; bee ii on id: ji,asi naif of Northeast Quarter and North-1 east Quarter of Southeast Quart er. I Section 23: East Half of Easti Half Section 24: North Half of Southeast Quarter; Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter and South Half of Southwest Quarter. Section 25: Northwest Quarter ! of Southwest Quarter Section 26: Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter; Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter; I South Half of Southeast Quart er and Southwest Quarter. i Section 27: West Half, West Half of East Half, East Half of Southeast Quarter and Southeast yuarter of Northeast Quarter. Section 28: North Half. North Half of South Half and South Half of Southeast Quarter Section 34: All Section 35: All Section 36: West Half In TownshiD 22 South. Ranse 20 . East of the Willamette Mer idian: Section 1: South Half and South Half of North Half Section Z: All Section 3: North Half and Southwest Quarter Section 4: Northeast Quarter, Northeast Quarter of Northwest yuarter, west Halt of North west Quarter, West Half of Southwest Quarter, Southeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter and West Half of Southeast Quarter bection 9: Northeast Quarter, Northwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter. Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter, East Half of Southwest Quarter and North Half of Southeast Quarter Section 10: North Half of Northwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter. and North Half of Southwest quarter. Section II : North Half. North east Q u a r t e r of Southwest quarter, west Half of Southeast Wuarter Section 12: North Half. F,ast Half of Southwest Quarter, East Half of Southeast Quarter and Northwest Quarter of Southeast yuarter. Section 13: Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter, Northwest Quarter. Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter, Southwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter and North Half of Southeast Quarter. Section 22: Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter and East Half of Southeast Quarter, Section 23: Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter and North Half of Southwest Quarter and Southeast Quarter of Southwest yuarter. Section 25: Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter, East Half of Southwest Quarter and Southeast Quarter Section 26: Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter In Township 22 South, Range 21 East of the Willamette Mer idian: Section 4: West Half of West Half, and Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter j Section 5: East Half of East Half, West Half of Southeast Quarter, and Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter. Section 6: South Half of South-' east Quarter, Southwest Quarter i and soutnwest wuarter ol North west Quarter. Section 7: Nortn Half, South east Quarter, North Half of Southwest Quarter and South, east Quarter of Southwest Quarter, Section 8: All, excepting from the Northwest Quarter of South west Quarter the South 223 feet and North 307 feet of South 530 feet of West 460.3 feet. Section 8: West Hall of Nortn- east Quarter and Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter, West Half, and Southeast Quart er. Section 10: South Hair oi North Half, Northeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter, and South Half, except the East 400 feet of the South 630 feet. Section 15: North Half, South west Quarter, East Half of Southeast Quarter, and North Half of Northwest Quarter of Southeast Quarter i section ib: ah Section 18: North Half of! Northeast Quarter. Southeast i Quarter of Northeast yuarter, and North Half of Southeast Quarter I section 2u: iwst nnir ; Section 21: North Half KxcMnn 22: West Half. South Half of Northeast Quarter., Northeast Quarter of Northeast, Quarter and Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter. section 23: Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter, and South Half of southwest wuarter Section 30: Nortn Hair of South Half, and South Half of i North Half. AU in Deschutes county, Ore gon In Township 21 South. Range 21 East of the Willamette Mori, dinn: Section 5: Southeast Quarter, South Half of southwest Quart er, Northwest Quarter of South wort Quvtar and Southwest i 1 -Legal Notice! Quarter of Northwest Quarter. Section 6: South Half of Northeast Quarter. East Half of Northwest Quarter and South Half Section 7: North Half, North Half of South Half, and South west Quarter of Southwest Quarter Section 8: Northwest Quarter oi rsoruiwesi yuarter, Nortn Half of Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter and Northeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter. Section 18: West Half of West Half Section 19: West Half and Northeast Quarter Section 20: Northwest Quarter Section 28: Southwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter Section 29: Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter Section 32: East Half of East Half Section 33: West Half of West Half All in Crook Countv. Oreeon In Township 23 South. Range zu cast oi tne Willamette Meri dian: Section 12: Southwest Quarter of Northeast Quarter, South Half of Northwest Quarter, North Half of Southwest Quart er. Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter, and West nan oi southeast yuarter In Township 23 South. Range 21 East of the Willamette Meri dian: Section 19: Southeast Quarter Section 20: Southwest Quarter AU in Lake county, Oregon RABBIT VALLEY RANCH: In Township 15 South, Range tt ,ast oi tne wiuameue meri dian: Section 21: West Half of Northwest Quarter Section 25: AU Section 29: East Half Section 31: Southeast Quarter Section 34: Southeast Quarter of Southeast Quarter Section 35: Southwest Quarter of southwest yuarter Section 36: AU In Township 15 South, Range a bast oi tne wiuamette ivien. dian: Section 31: West Half and West Half of East Half In Township 16 South, Range a East of tne wiuamette Meri dian: Section 2: West Half of West Half Section 3: East Half of East Half Section 9: AU Section 11: AU Section 12: East Half of West Half and East Half. Section 14: West Half of Northwest Quarter, East Half of Northeast Quarter and South Hall Section 15: AU Section 16: All Section 17: AU Section 19: AU Section 20: AU Section 21: All Section 22: South Half of Northwest Quarter, Northeast Quarter and South Half Section 23: AU Section 25: AU Section 26: Northwest Quart er, West Half of Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quarter of Northeast Quarter and South Half Section 27: All . , Section 29: All y-; Section 30: Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter, West Half of Southwest Quarter and Northeast Quarter of Southwest Quarter Section 33: AU Section 35: AU Section 36: Southwest Quarter In Township 16 South, Range 23 East of the Willamette Mer idian: Section 18: Northwest Quart er, East Half ot Southwest Quarter, West Half of Southeast Quarter All in Crook County, Oregon 1 Humphrey Gas Heater 1 Seavel Gas Refrigerator 1 Paramount Gas Range 1 Gas Hot Water Heater General Water Heater Corp. 1 Sanlmatic Sink 1 Small Gas Heater 1 Cot and Mattress 3 Chairs Pump House Pump Jack Valve & pipe Briggs Stratton Motor 4 700 Gal. Water Trough 1 35 Gal. Trough 2500' Dim. Lumber 1 Vaughn Gasoline Drag Saw 1 KilUfer Fresno Scraper 1 Cement Wheelbarrow 1 1000 Water Tank 1 Forge Blower 1 McCormack Sulky Rake 1 GaUon Grader 1 Jd Side Rake 1 Manure Spreader 1 AC Combine without motor (smaU) 1 8' Disc Harrow 1 Pump, pump jack, Wiscon sin Motor, Pipe & 3 700 Gal. Troughs 1 Pump, pump jack. Wiscon sin Motor, Pipe & 2 700 Gal. Pump, pump jack, Pipe & 3 700 Gal. Troughs Pump, pump jack, AC Motor Pipe and 2 700 Gal. Troughs 2 800 Gal. Trough. 8' Wind miU Tower & Fump (Also jack for motor attachment) 2 Troughs and WindmiU Setup Grain DriU 5 Metal Troughs Table and Bench Cot and Mattress 1 Cook Stove wood 1 AC Motor with Clutch and starter Pump jack pipe and pump 5 700 Gal. Troughs Set Corrals Hampton Corrals, 1500 head capacity with sorting pens 1 Jet Pump Electric motor and 2 700 Gal. Troughs 1 Set stock scalers Teco Squeeze Gate 1 Buda Diesel & 300 Gal Tank 1 US Irrigation pump and gear head 1 Complete Sprinkler Irriga tion System for 40 acres Well Pump, Pump Jack, Mo tor, Redwood Storage Tank (2000 gals.) 1 SmaU A.C. Combine 1 Tappen Gas Range 1 Seavel Gas Refrigerator 1 Gas Water Heater 1 Gas Floor Furnace 8 1 Ton Capacity Covered Self-feeders Wood 1 Quarter Horse Stud named "KeUey Beaver" Register NOW, THEREFORE, by vir tue of said Judgment and De cree and in compUance with the requirements thereof. I will on Wednesday, the 1st day of April, 1964. at 10:00 o'clock a m., at the front door of the Courthouse in Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon, seU at pubUc auction to the highest hirlrler fra- cash the above described prop- env, suujeci to a real propenv mortgage in favor of Connecti cut Mutual Life Insurance Com pany and a real rtmrurtv mort gage in favor of the estate of George J. Isadore. deceased, unless the said defendants or any of them redeem said prop erty on or before midnight March 31, 1964. in accordance iui uie provisions ct Mid Judg ment tod Deere, 1-Legal Notices DATED February 21, 1964. First Publication: February 27, 1964. Last PubUcation: March 19, 1964. F. C. SHOLES. Sheriff Deschutes County. Oregon 70-76-82-88-C NOTICE OF SALE THE CITY OF BEND wUl of fer for sale at public auction to be held at 11:00 a.m., Friday, March 13, 1964, in the Commis sion Room of the City Hall, 710 Wall Street, the foUowlng de scribed property: BEND PARK ADDITION, BLOCK 70, Lot 8 $750.00 Lot 9 750.00 Lot 10 750.00 Lot 11 750.00 TOTAL $3,000.00 plus costs The above are the minimum prices which wiU be accepted, and the purchaser or purchas ers may make deferred pay ments at 6 per cent interest, if desired, terms to be mutuaUy agreed upon. JuUa S. Johnson, Recorder of the City of Bend. 70-76-82-C NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate of LEWIS H. BEALL, Deceased. In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Fremont S. Beall. has been aDDOinted as Administrator of the estate of Lewis H. Beall. deceased, b: the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against estate are hereby notified and required to present tne same, duly verified, as by law requir ed, to the undersigned at 1044 Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this notice in The Bulletin. Dated and first pubUshed Feb ruary 20, 1964. Fremont S. BeaU, Administrator of said es tate DeArmond, Goodrich, Gray, Fancher & Holmes. Attorneys for said estate. 64-70-76-82-C CITATION No. 2571 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES CHUTES, PROBATE DEPART MENT. In the Matter of the Estate of CHARLES HAMILTON. To Charlotte Baxter: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You hereby are commanded to ap pear before the Honorable Judge of the District Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, in the court room of said court, at the courthouse of said county in the City of Bend, Oregon, within ten days after the date of the service of this citation upon you, if served within the county in which the above entitled pro ceeding is pending; or if served within any other county of said state, within twenty days from the date of service; or if served upon you by publication or if served personally outside of the State of Oregon, but within the United States, within four weeks or twenty-eight days after the date of the first pubUcation of such citation or after the date of such personal service; or if servea personally upon you out side the United States, within six weeks after the date of service, to show cause, if anv exists, why the real property in said estate should not De sola. WITNESS my hand and the seal of said court affixed this Uth day of February, 1964. Helen M. uacey, County Clerk. By Opal Sprague, Deputy. 58-64-70-76-C NOTICE OT CREDITORS Estate of FRANCES E. PAR RETTE In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, Mildred Hammer, has been appointed as Administratrix with the Will Annexed of the estate of Fran ces E. Parrettc, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons having claims against esiuie are neieoy nuuueu ajtu required to present the same, duly verified, as by law requir ed, to the undersigned at the of fice of De Armond, Goodrich, Gray, Fancher & Holmes, P.O. Box 1151, 1044 Bond Street, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first pubUcation of this notice in The Bulletin. Dated and first miblished March 5, 1964. MILDRED HAMMER Administratrix with the WiU Annexed of said estate DeArmond, Goodrich, Gray, Fancher & Holmes, Attorneys for said estate. 76-82-88-94-C 8-SpeciaI Notice ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For problem drinkers 382-4780. Redmond 548-2972 1 1 -Instruction-Schools EARN YOUR high school diplo- ma at nome in your spare time. $6.00 monthly payments includes aU new standard text books, yours to keep, supplies exams, etc. Write for free booklet. TeUs how American School, P.O. Box 581, Boise, Idaho. Registered with the Oregon State Board of Educa tion. 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage XViT50O RMO R E Rent New Movinif Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend 382-2151 "18-Help Wanted Male MEN WANTED Train now for openings in: WELDING Heliarc, Tig, Arc, Acy. & Sigma DIESEL Mechanics or Heavy Equipment Operator AUTOMOTIVE Tune-up, Body Repair, Carb,, Automatic Trans. REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITION aU phases Train on factory machinery We have been successfully training in skilled jobs for 62 years. Even a Bov Scout is trained to "Be Pre pared?" Let us prepare you for the security of a good paying, skilled trade. Free transportation to and from training center Write P.O. Box 304A The BuUetin, give phone number Irajtof-town applicants give iinctioosla 19-Help Wanted Female COMPETENT AND willing sec retary needed. State age, qual ifications, references. Send par ticulars to The BuUetin, Box 3IHB. WANTED Mothers of s i x t h grade chUdren to sponsor for ballroom classes Lessons free. Wallace Dance School, call 382-1556. 20-Service Directory JANITOR SERVICE, general cleaning and windows. Bud s Cleaning Service, phone 382- 2780 Or "BEV'S REWEAVING Clothing-Uphoistery-Rugs Next to Tom Tom Motel Free Estimates 382-1948 JIM'S TV SERVICE S3 50 Service Call 382-3027 Satisfaction Guaranteed LADIES Alterations and dress making. Experienced. Mrs. Shepardson. 382-4744 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Fireplaces, Foundations, etc. J. D Olmstead 382-6753 CUSTOM' FIREPLACES Rock veneer, block laying, basement remodeling, fireplace repair. Jack Jeffers, 382-2979. APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL SMALL APPLIANCES Irons, mixers, toasters, coffee makers, waffle irons. Any make or model. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill Stj 382-2821 44c day is all vou pay for a clas sified ad that could make you extra cash for that vacation trip vou plan this vear. Trv it! Dial 382-1811 and ask for clas sified GEORGE-NETTA SHEETROCK FINISHING . DrywaU interiors, hanging and finishing gypsum wallboard. Phone 382-5279. If no answer caU after 3 P.M. APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS, DRYERS, FREEZ ERS, REFERS. WATER HEATERS. FURNACES. AU makes. MIKES ELECTRIC 382-5312 LICENSED TREE Service. Why pay more for less? Serving Central Oregon for 19 years. EUis Tree Service. 1459 Cum berland. 382-1601. MEN AND women's sewing alterations and repairs. Expert work. Reasonable prices. Pat Taylor. 448 Division. 382-2338. FLY TYING MATERIALS Harold's Sporting Goods Vt MUe No. of Bend City Limits FURNITURE REFINISHING Musson's 548-2511 PAINTING: Kitchen $40. Living Room $40. Bedroom $35, Bath $18. Exterior Painting. Also Commercial. Harper 382692 PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates. Anderson 382-2043. WATCH REPAIRING and bead stringing. Alpine Gift House. 22-Building Sup.-Cont. SAVE -SAVE MILLER'S SPECIAL 6Vt" Black & Decker POWER SAW Reg. $49.95 $39.88 and on Miller's TOOL TABLE all tools reg. 99c 69c SHOVELS No. 2-48" handle 2.98 NOW at MILLER'S T-lll CEDAR SIDING 4x8 sheets 16k per square ft. SAVE AT MILLER'S MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard S&H Green Stamps on aU cash and carry purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 1 Greenwood 3824301 30-Miscellaneous for Sale TOP SOIL, fiU dirt, dump truck, tractor, loader work, excava tions. 382-5161. BATHROOM SCALE S2.25, elec tric heating pad. $1.90, new bed pan, $3.50, 1 doz. silver salad forks, $2.25. 1 doz. silver fruit knives. $2.25. 382-1880. DIAMOND RING 174 carat, val ued $550., wiU sell for $250. cash. Write care The BuUetin, Box 305A. Just Received! A Large Shipment Of English Bone China CUPS and SAUCERS Some real collector's items I THE GIFT BOX Next to the Pine Tavern WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382-2425 Used Furn. & Misc. PEARL'S Bargain Store. Clos ing out due to injury. Every thing price. Open 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. North Highway 97, y, mile from new 3rd Street tin- oerpass, u uay Building. USED 180 amp DC portable Lin. coin Welder. Wisconsin engine. Excellent condition. $325. Call 382-2362. If You're Looking For A JOB Try BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS