The Bulletin. (Bend, OR) 1963-current, January 02, 1964, Page 12, Image 12

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    t Ml M 1 1 l II I I I " I ' I Jl ,- """Tl
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dressing built-in, when dairy sour
Appetizing entree
Serve pretty cheese tuna ring
to midwinter luncheon guests
By I la Grant Hopper
Bulletin Staff Writer
When it's your turn (o enter
tain the girls at a bridge lunch
con, try this tempting midwin
ter menu centered around
Cheese Tuna Ring. This pretty
salad is light yet substantial,
nutritious as well as flavor
some. Blue cheese, cottage cheese,
dairy sour cream and milk go
into Ilia salad along with tuna.
Onions and Worcestershire
sauce give it zest, and golden
carrots and bits of emerald
green pepper give it color and
texture, too. Cheese Tuna Ring
has its own built-in salad dress
ing, the dairy sour cream,
which is actually lower-calorie
than mayonnaise and most oth
er salad dressings.
You can make Cheese Tuna.
Ring in one large salad mold
or several individual molds.
There's no need to chill the gel
atin mixture first before adding
other ingredients. Simply mix
all ingredients together with the
dissolved gelatin, without wait
ing. You'll save yourself time
and trouble.
Serve this cool Cheese Tuna
Ring with piping hot buttered
tomato consomme, a blend of
tomato juice and canned con
somme. Add French cut green
Round loaf good
for party snack
canape wedges
Here's a new pickle sandwich
loaf that's just right for party
Canape Loaf
1 6-inch round loaf pumper
nickel or rye bread
Softened butter or margarine
1 can (714 ounces) minced
dams, drained
2 packages (3 ounces each)
cream cheese, softened
Vi teaspoon salt
1 can (4V4 ounces) deviled
Vt cup sweet pickle relish
1 teaspoon prepared hursera
dish Sweet gherkin slices
Canned pimento strips
Cut loaf of bread into 3 cross
wise slices. Remove crusts from
bread. Spread bread with but
ter. Combine clams, 1 package
cheese and salt; blend and
spread on 1 slice of bread. Top
with second slice of bread.
Combino ham, pickle relish
and horseradish; blend and
spread on bread. Top with third
tliro of breed.
Spread bread with remaining
cream cheese. Top with gher
kin slices and pimento. Cut in
to wedges to serve. (Makes 6
Putties made from pork sau
sage are a good choice for a
quirk dinner. To prepare them a
little differently, roll them In a
beaten egg, then in crushed po
tato chips. Pantry very slowly
until conked through in melted
lard or drippings. Garnish with
minced parsley.
salad, flavorful with tuna and cheese, has its
cream is one of the ingredients. Bits of carrot
beans with mushrooms and hot
buttered sesame rolls; it's a
satisfying, appealing luncheon
for your friends.
' Buttered Tomato Consomme
In a saucepan blend 1 can (1
pt. 2 11. oz.) tomato juice and
1 can (10'i oz.) undiluted con
somme. Serve hot topped with
a pat of butter.
Cheese Tuna Ring
1 tablespoon (1 envelope) un
favored gelnlln
1 cup cold milk
School lunch
menus given
for fhe week
Three main dishes featuring
beef, a chicken specialty and a
tuna casserole are on the menu
for the lunch program in the
Bend Public Schools next week.
Complete menus follow for the
period, January 6-10.
Monday: Beef stew, green sal
ad, peanut butter sandwich,
fruit gelatin, milk.
Tuesday: Chiliburger, molded
sunset salad, buttered yeast
roll, cookie, peaches, milk.
Wednesday: Chicken tctrazin
ni, buttered peas, cranberry
sauce, buttered cornbread,
pumpkin custard, milk.
Thursday: Meat blanquelt,
mashed potatoes, buttered
green beans, buttered rolled
wheat roll, pineapple upside
down cake, milk.
Friday: Snecial tuna casser
ole, cole slaw, buttered yeast
roll, apple cobbler, milk.
Skillet meal
minufe saver
When minutes realv count.
homcmnkcrs welcome shortcuts
that minimize time and energy
spent in the kitchen. This cas
serole is cooked entirely In one
skillet, saving several steps, as
well as having fewer utensils to
Quick Trick Casserole
l'a pounds ground beef
h cup chopped onion
Vj cup sliced celery
1 cup chopped green pepper
2 tablespoons lard or drip
pings 1 package (7 ounces) elbow
1 can (18 ounces) tomatoes
1 can (8 ounces) tomato
t cup water
1 teaspoon salt
teaspon pepper
'i teaspoon oregano
1 can (4 ounces) mushroom
stems and pieces
Cook ground beef, onion, cel
ery and green pepper In lard or
drippings until beef is lightlv
browned, stirring occasionally.
iiemovc trom pan,
Add macaroni to drionincs
and brown lightly. Add beof
mixture, tomatoes, tomato
sauce, water, sail, pepper, ore-
gano and mushrooms. Cover
tightly and cook slowly 30 to 35'
minutes, or until macaroni is l
tender. 8 to 8 servings.
and green pepper add zest, texture interest. Soup, vegetable, complete meal.
2 cups cottage cheese
'li cup Blue cheese, crumbled
1 can (9'A oz.) chunk-style
tuna, drained
'A cup chopped celery
cup chopped carrot
cup chopped green pepper
2 tablespoons minced onion
1 teaspoon Worcestershire
Vi cup dairy sour cream
In small saucepan sprinkle
gelatin on milk to soften. Stir
over low heat until dissolved.
In mixer or blender whip cot
tage cheese and Blue cheese to
gether until well blended. Add
gelatin mixture, tuna broken in
to small pieces, celery, carrot,
green pepper, onion, Worcester
shire sauce and sour cream.
Spoon mixture into individual
molds which have been rinsed
with cold water or into 5-cup
ring mold. Chill until firm. To
serve unmold on salad greens
and garnish with carrot curls, if
desired. (8 servings.)
Sour cream fine
in veal specialty
Here is a recipe that will be
particularly welcome, after an
abundance of holiday turkey.
The combination of veal and
sour cream is especially pleas
ing. Veal Stew with Sour Cream
2 lbs. boneless veal shoulder,
cut in lli-inch cubes
li cup cooking oil
1 cup water
2 teaspoons salt
li teaspoon thyme
1 cup thinly sliced celery
1 can (6 oz.) sliced broiled
1 can (1 lb.) small whole po
tatoes 1 can (8 oz.) small onions
14 cup cornstarch
V cup water
1 cup sour cream, optional
Paprika or chopped parsley
Brown veal in oil in large
skillet or saucepan, about 10
minutes. Add water, salt and
thyme then cover tightly and
simmer until meat is tender,
about Hi hours, replenishing
liquid if necessary.
Add celery, mushrooms
including broth, potatoes and
onions, drained. Bring to a boil
then simmer, covered, for 10
minutes. Add cornstarch and
water which have been blended
together and cook, stirring con
stantly, until liquid thickens.
Stir in sour cream which has
been brought to room tempera
ture and stirred smooth. Serve
in Individual casseroles or soup
bowls. Sprinkle with paprika or
chopped parsley.
CARACAS (UPI) President
Romulo Retancourt eulogized
the lale John F. Kennedy
Wednesday as "the first U.S.
President who ever took a sin
cere Interest In the problems of
l.nlin America
In a New Year's speech al
the Venezuelan "White House."
Itelancourt said the memory of
1 the assassinated U.S. Chief Ex -
ecutive "will live on in the
hearts and minds of Venezu -
Hearty hootenanny foods
no problem for hostess
Guitars and folk song rec
ords, singing and clapping are
the order of the day, when teen
agers gather these "hootenan
ny" days. For these parties,
lots of simple but hearty food,
soft drinks and no fussiness are
One hostess suggests individ
ual bandana - wrapped baskets,
chicken in a bun and hot bis
cuits with pre-cooked slices of
Canadian bacon. Ahead of time
the baskets are assembled, and
each is lined with a colorful pa
per towel. Provide stacks of pa
per nankins for wiping fingers.
Relishes are pre - packed In
get sfuffed
like furkey
Fresh mushrooms, stuffed
with seasoned cheese, topped
with buttered bread crumbs and
baked, are a delicious extra for
any feast.
Stuffed Mushrooms
12 large whole fresh mush
rooms 2 cups finely chopped mush
room stems
li cup finely chopped celery
2 tablespoons finely chopped
fresh onion
4 tablespoons butter or mar
garine li teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon ground black
li cup mild shredded Cheddar
1 tablespoon mayonnaise
li cup buttered bread crumbs
Wash mushrooms and remove
stems, leaving the caps intact.
Saute mushroom stems, celery
and onion in 2 tablespoons of
the butter or margarine S min
utes or until vegetables are ten
der. Add salt, black pepper and
cheese. Stir until cheese is melt
ed. Add mayonnaise and mix
Melt remaining butter or
margarine and brush over the
entire surface of mushroom.
Fill with the cooked mixture.
Arrange on buttered baking
sheet. Top each with 1 teaspoon
buttered bread crumbs. Broil
until brown, about 5 minutes,
(6 servings.)
Filberts flavor
quick tea loaf
Oregon filberts are plentiful
now. The cousin ot the hazel
nut, larger and more flavorful,
is rich in nutrients.
Filbert Tea Loaf
"i cup chopped filberts
3 cups biscuit mix
'i teaspoon cardamom
14 cup milk
14 cup honey
1 egg, beaten
la cup sherry wine or li cup
Grated pc-'l of 1 lemon
Toast shelled filberts at 275
degrees for 20 minutes. Stir fil -
berts and cardamom into bis -
ruit mix. Mix together milk,
honev, egg, wine or milk and!
lemon peel.
Combine the two mixtures on-
ly until blended. Pour Into 9x3 -
men greased loat pan. Bane at
HfiO fWrre for tn 50 min-
i 350 decrees for 45 to 50 min-
! utes. Remove from oven and
let stand on cool surface for 5
1 minutes. Turn out on rack to
wax sandwich bags. A jog of
apple cider is a popular bever
Chicken From The Hills
Large hard rolls or small
French bread loaves (1 per
Chicken drumsticks for each
Seasoned flour
Vi cup butter or margarine
Cut top from each roll: slight
ly hollow out bottom. Start
heating oven to 425-degrees. On
wax paper, coat chicken with
seasoned flour.
In shallow roasting pan in the
oven, melt the butter. Remove
pan from the oven; in the pan,
arrange the chicken pieces in a
single layer, with skin sides
down. Bake 30 minutes; turn
the chicken and continue to
bake 15 minutes or until brown
and tender.
To serve, tuck the chicken
drumstick in the hollow of the
roll. Eat with the fingers. The
chicken "butters" the bread.
Pappy's Biscuits
li pound Canadian-style ba
con, sliced thin
2 rolls packaged ready-to-bake
Before guests arrive: lightly
brown thin slices of Canadian
bacon. Open rolls of biscuits.
Arrange on a baking sheet or
in a pan. Cover witn wax pa
per. Refrigerate.
Just betore serving, remove
from refrigerator, lift off wax
paper and bake according to
package directions. Split and in
sert cooked Canadian bacon
slices in each. Serve hot.
Cookies hold
secret treat
Secret Treat Cookies
1 cup shortening
1 cup brown sugar
1 cup unsulphured molasses
2 eggs
5 cups sifted all-purpose flour
li teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon each, cinnamon
and ginger
Fruit jam or ielly
Cream together shortening,
sugar and unsulphured molass
es. Beat in eggs. Sift in flour,
salt, soda and spices. Blend.
Chill mixture overnight.
Roll out Is-inch thick on light
ly floured board or pastry
cloth. Cut with 2-inch round
cookie cutter. Place half the
rounds on baking sheet. Spoon
Mi teaspoon fruit iam in the
, center of each round ; cover
with another round and
press edges together to seal.
Bake In a moderate oven (350
degrees F.) 12 to 15 minutes.
Frost with Frosty Glaze. Yield.
3 dozen cookies.
Frosty Glaze
Vi cups sifted confectioners'
3 tablespoons water
ll4 teaspoons vanilla
Combine confectioners' sugar.
water and vanilla; mix until
. 5mooul ..a ' ,r05,ln8
iency - lcld: 1 C,IP-
H1LLSBORO (L'PD-Swearing
In ceremonies were to be held
1 today for Albert R. Musick of j
ueaverton, nasmngion icuniy s
new rimuit iuHpe.
I William McAllister, chief ius-
lice of the Oregon Supreme
Court, was to administer the
Sausage rarebit
fine for brunch
A brunch, with the refreshing
atmosphere of breakfast and a
menu with the heartiness of
lunch, is a nice meal with
which to greet house guests
when they arise, or to entertain
friends. Imagination and show
manship at a relaxed pace are
the kevs to success.
In this entree, tasty pork
sausage mixed with mushroom
sauce rests between corn bread
squares, and a parsley - flecked
cheese sauce spoons over the
top. Your guests will love it!
Sausage Rarebit Deluxe
1 pound bulk pork sausage
Vi cup chopped onion
2 tablespoons water
li can (10'4 ounces) condens
ed mushroom soup, approx
imately cup
1 tablespoon butter or mar
garine 1 tablespoon flour
1 cup milk
1 teasnoon prepared mustard
14 cup grated sharp Cheddar
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
6 corn bread squares, approx
imately 3 inches square
Paprika, if desired
Place sausage, onion and wa
ter in cold frying-pan. Cover
tightly and cook slowly 5 min
utes. Pour off drippings. Stir in
mushroom soup and heat
through. Melt butter or margar
ine in a saucepan. Stir in flour.
Add milk and cook, stirring
constantly, until thickened. Add
mustard and grated cheese and
cook slowlv until cheese is melt
ed. Stir in parsley. Split corn
bread squares. Spread approxi
mately 14 cup sausage mixture
on bottom half of corn bread
squares. Top with second half.
Spoon cheese sauce over
squares. Sprinkle with paprika,
if desired. 6 servings.
pie elegant
Let's have something new for
1964. We could begin with this
particularly deluxe double-decker
prune pie.
Top Layer
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
Vi cup cold water
2 cups plumped prunes,
14 cup sweet orange marma
lade 1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 egg whites
2 tablespoons sugar
14 teaspoon vanilla
Soften gelatin in cold water.
In a ruacepan combine prunes,
marmalade, lemon juice and
softened gelatin. Cook and stir
over low heat until gelaJln
melts and mixture is well
blended. Cool 1 hour.
Beat egg whites until frothy;
add sugar and vanilla and con
tinue to beat until stiff but not
dry. Thoroughly fold mixtures
together. Let stand in refrigera
tor while preparing bottom lay
er. (Easy way to plump prunes
is let them soak overnight in
cold water 1 quart water to
1 pound prunes.)
Bottom Layer
1 envelope unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon lemon juice
3 tablespoons cold water
14 cup hot milk
14 cup sugar
3 "gg yolks, beaten
1 8-ounce package cream
1 cup dairy sour cream
9-inch or 10-inch baked pie
Whipped cream
Crystalized ginger strips
Plumped prunes
Soften gelatin In combined
lemon iuice and cold water.
Stir into hot milk. Add sugar
and stir over low heat until gel
atin melts. Beat a little of hot
mixture into egg yolks, then
stir egg volks into hot liquid.
Stir a minute or two over low
heat: cool.
Whip cream cheese until
smooth and softened; whip m
egg mixture. Fold in sour
cream. Spoon mixture into bak
ed pie shell. Place in refriger
ator for about 15 minutes.
Spread prune whip mixture
over cream cheese mixture to
make two-layer pie. Chill sev
eral hours or until set. Decor
ate with whipped cream, strips
of crystalized ginger and
j ifm'i o6f. cm, !
: wppy :
Stops in quality!!
1 1 unit eoof j
The Bulletin,
Santa manages assortment
of off-beat yule presents
By Gay Pauley
UPI Staff Writer
Claus managed to present an
assortment of off-beat gifts this
Christmas, along with the con
ventional Items such as jewelry,
shirts, ties and perfumes.
We know. We just checked
our office to see what unusual
items showed up under Christ
mas trees.
The 10-year-old daughter of
the office secretary presented
her mother with a mail box,
rural delivery style.
One man we know received
four large wooden crates. The
contents were from his wife
and daughter. He said that it
took him half an hour to open
the crates to find a radial
power saw plus the table to
put it on. Now all he has to do
is wade through 19 pages of
instructions on how to assemble
the table and attach the saw.
At last report, he was down to
the section which said the pres
ent "was made to save you
physical effort."
Monogrammed Hammer
One wife we know received a
tool kit. A husband got a mono
grammed hammer. One of the
girls in the business office gave
her husband new license plates
for the family car.
One husband said among gifts
he received was a giant-sized
fruit juice container, emptied,
decorated gaily, and' slit to be
come a used razor blade holder.
He admitted that he footed the
bill for the reconditioned car
buretor for the car as a present
to his wife.
One of our switchboard oper-
Teens enjoy
coffee punches
Sophisticated teen-agers seem
to be turning to coffee recipes.
Particularly at parties they say
they enjoy cottee drinks.
This Mocha Frosted Punch is
a perfect party concoction a
combination of instant coffee.
chocolate syrup, milk and ice
cream, zipped up with spark
ling club soda.
Just to make doubly certain
all your teen-age guests have a
wonderful time, serve a platter
of brownies, too.
Mocha Frosted Punch
2 cups cold water
1 cup instant coffee
1 cup chocolate syrup
1 quart milk
Vi gallon vanilla ice cream
.. softened
1 large bottle (28 or 29
ounces) club soda
Add cold water to coffee. Stir
until dissolved. Blend in choco
late syrup, milk, and ice cream.
Just before serving, stir in the
club soda. If desired, additional
vanilla ice cream may be float
ed on the punch. (Makes about
3-!i quarts, or 30 servings, 4
ounces each.)
14 cup sifted flour
Vi teaspoon double-acting bak
ing powder
14 teaspoon salt
cup butter or other short
2 squares unsweetened choco
1 cup sugar
2 eggs, well beaten
14 cup broken walnuts
1 teaspoon vanilla
Sift together flour, baking
powder and salt. Melt shorten
ing ana chocolate over hot wa
ter. Gradually add sugar to
eggs, beating thoroughly. Blend
in chocolate mixture.
Add flour mixture and mix
well; then add nuts and vanil
la. Spread in greased 8-inch
square pan. Bake in moderate
oven (350 degrees F.) about 25
minutes. Cool in pan; then cut
into squares or rectangles.
(About 30 Brownies.)
Prlcei Good Thursday, Friday & Saturday At Retail Store
PEASANT BREAD Rcg; 3 ;....,5LS29e
815 Wall Ph. 382402
Thursday, January 2, 1964
ators, who is an actress when
she's not pushing buttons, found
under her Christmas tree dues
paid for one year to the Screen
Actors Guild and the Legit
imate Theatre Employees Un
ion, plus her hospitalization and
medical plans underwritten for
the next six months.
The husband of our assistant
financial editor presented his
wife a stable. No, not a racing
stable, she said. Just a three
stall job for the two horses and
pony they own.
One husband presented him
self with a set of ear phones so
he could listen to stereo without
interrupting his wife as she
pounded a typewriter at home.
One husband received from
his wife a hand-tooled Morrocan
hassock cover. Elegant? Yes.
Useful? Yes. As soon, that is,
as he figures what to stuff it
Stuffed Owl
One woman's gift from her
husband was a termite treat
ment for the house. One secret
ary journeyed to a Brooklyn
taxidermist's to locate for her
fiance one stuffed owl. That,
she said, was what he wanted.
One young man of "our
acquaintance received a tiger
skin rug trom an aunt who had
shot the beast from which the
rug was made.
The hit of one suburban
neighborhood, as reported by,
one of its commuting residents,
is a talking doll given collect
ively to four small girls. It has
a tape recorder in its chest and
when the recorder is turned on
it takes down bright sayings,
then spouts them back.
One husband was a little less
than grateful to his missus for
the carving knife with an ad
justable gadget alongside so
that roasts and other meats
could be sliced uniformly. "I
don't know," he said, "whether
she attributes the range of pre
vious slices from ultra thin to
hunky to failing eyesight (ad
vancing years) or to nerves
(too many beers)."
For The Drinker
Another husband received a
beer can opener two feet long,
with mahogany handle, and
bearing the inscription, "king
size opener for king size drink
ers." One husband gave his wife a
copper step-on garbage pail, the
one thing she said she wanted.
Another husband received a
model auto racing set from his
wife. A fad, he said, which has
outmoded electric trains for a
lot of grown-up males.
The wife of one of the men
in the business office presented
him with a cigarette lighter.
It's a conventional pocket light
eruntil you measure it. Then,
it's a four by six inch rectangle
and the recipient said it took a
full can of lighter fluid to get
it started. Now, he's worrying
about how to carry it, and is
considering a camera case as
the only solution.
As far as has been deter
mined, no one presented per
sons of our acquaintance with
those "his" and "her" sub
marines which were available.
Reg. 39c