Need Extra Cash? Sell "Don't Needs" with a Classified Ad! Call 3824811 The Bulletin, Saturday, December 28, 1963 Dressing Up ACROSS 4 Corset 5 Rabbit ' 6 Sojourns 7 Genus of rodents 8 Decamp (coll.) 9 Chapeaux 10 Shield bearing 11 Biblical namo 17 Court proceedings 19 Perfume Head covering Chemisette Foot covering Era Sacred interdiction igan jacket Mutilate Greek philoaopher (384-322 B.C.) Endeavored Flowers Possessive pronoun Redact Nuisance Sailing ZJ Lure 24 Step 5Kind of jacket 26 Anoint 27 North, for instance 28 Boy's name 29 Essential being Scottish stream Compass Demands as due 'Curb. Egyptian diety Terminate Confederate Remove Scope Dry, as wine Japanese city . hoi uay (cou.; Opposing Boy's name European mountains Speed contest skins Legal term Followers . Mariner's direction' DOWN Lead rod in stained glass windows Mohammedan commanders Continued I obstinately Powell facing contempt count NEW YORK (UPI) - Con troversial Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, D-N. Y., was held in contempt of court Fri day for failure to heed a legal summons in connection with a $211,500 libel judgment against him. The Harlem Democrat was ordered to pay the full amount or to appear in court here on Jan. 6 for a determination of whether he could pay any amount of the settlement. The latter probably would entail a complete study of Powell's fi nancial status. However, his lawyers said the congressman would appeal the decision. Powell was at his res idence in Puerto Rico. Powell stepped into the libel suit during a, television inter view in 1960, He was in the midst of a campaign against gambling and alleged police corruption in Harlem. During the interview he labeled Mrs. Esther James, a 66-year-old Harlem widow, as a "bag wom an (graft collector) for the po lice department." Mrs. James sued and won the judgment earlier this year. However, attempts to collect the money failed and Powell did not answer a court summons in September. He contended through his lawyers that it was illegally served. One subpoena had been tacked to the door of his apart ment in Manhattan and a sec ond had been mailed to him. State Supreme Court Justice Arthur Markewich ruled Friday that the subpoena had been served according to due process. However; he said Powell could purge himself of contempt by paying the total judgment or appearing in court for examination. Photographer crash victim SEATTLE (UPI)- Tom Car son, 48, a photographer for the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, men. at University Hospital here ear lv todav of injuries suffered Friday, in a two-car collision about four miles south of Sno homish. Carson and reporter Jack Jar vis were returning from cover ine a storv concerning the death of a Seattle man and his son on Mt; Index, 40 miles east of here. Carson suffered a c r 1 1 1 c a 1 head injury and was taken first to Everett General Hospital in very critical condition. He was later transferred to the hospital here where he died at 2:55 a.m. . Jarvis suffered a fracture of the right shoulder and cuts and bruises. He was admitted to Providence Hospital here In good condition. Jarvis was driving Carson s par when it collided head-on with a station wagon driven by Gilbert V. Arthur, 31, spring field, Ore. Youth session due to open PORTLAND (UPI) -Leaders of Conservative Jewish youth In the Pacific Northwest will open a four-day meeting at the Syna gogue Neveh Sholom here Sun day. Representatives are expected from the Portland, Seattle, Spokane and Vancouver, B. C, areas. 1 3 4 5 6 1 IS 15 116 hi R: 3 j - is b ST " Tj3"" 1 a ; 3i ps T 3 h 35 H 5? MT n5"" n3" B T si 53 54 55 5g 5 1 1 1 I i t I.I III II ,2 Answer to Previous Punle blliililiPlll 31 Daedalus' so (Gr. myth.) 33 Military assistants 38 Lasso 40 Get up 41 Wise ones 42 Mouthward 43 Far off (comb. lormi 44 Vipers 46 One time 47 Ireland 48 Chest rattle 50 In three ways -(comb, form) Lawmakers due in Washington PORTLAND (UPI)-Sen. Mau rine Neuberger, D-Ore., will in terrupt her Christmas vacation here Friday to return to Wash ington D. C. at the special re quest of Senate Majority Lead er Mike Mansfield. Mansfield called members of the Senate back to the capital in order to hold a vote on the foreign aid bill Monday. THE BULLETIN SUBSCRIPTION RATES By Carrier One Month . .. $1.50 ... $9.00 Six Months . One Year . $18.00 ... $1.50 ... $4.00 By Mail One Month Three Months ........ Six Months . $7.50 One Year $14.50 FOR CIRCULATION SERVICE CALL In Bend-The Bulletin 382-1811 In Redmond-5484261 In Prineville Mrs. Gary Stephens-447-7730 In Madras, Culver, Metolius- Mrs. Pearl Viegas-548-4121 Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations The Bend Bulletin (Weekly) 1903-1931. The Bend Bulletin (Daily) Est. 1916. Published Every Afternoon except Sun days and certain holidays by the Bend Bulletin Inc. 736-738 Wall St., Bend, Oregon. CLASSIFIFD ADVERTISING RATE SCHEDULE Ads received oeture 4:30 p.m. will appear In the tollowlnn day's paper. The BulleUn wlU not be respunslble tor mure than one Incorrect Insertion. Low. tow rates tor monthly ads. 2 lines for 1 time only $1.50 2 lines for 4 times only $2.00 2 lines for 8 times Only $3.25 4 lines for 1 time only $2.00 4 lines for 4 times only $3.00 4 lines for 8 times only $5.00 6 lines for 1 time only $2.50 6 lines for 4 times only $4.00 6 lines for 8 times only $6.75 lost? Classified Ad LNDriX To Buy. .Sell. . .Trade Apartments Ifof Hem A ppllancM - If umltore Auction 8lw Apartmontt Ifumiinea Aiitoi For rrad tutoi Yot Sal Baby 8ltln Boats Motor Busltwu Opportnnmet Build Ini Contractor Card l Thank Contracts Don. Putt, etc ...,.... ftimeiitlo Servlrea Parma. Acrearai m Par men uoiunui farm Marhlir tfeedi A Seed! fuel. uoal. Wood. OU ruel Wanted runeral Director Vitneral Senrtoet i runeral Notice Help Hunted Help Hunted. Imall Help Wanted. Mala - Home Troll en Hnasekeeplna Knomi 1 UocMi For Kent nstrurtlon-STbaoll In Memnrlnm 1 Lel Notice Lost M round Uta Boilritnt SUM Uveatoc Wanted Loam Machinery ror Sfll Machinery Wanted Masonic ftoUettt Mtscellaneout For Kent MHcellaneuu rot Bala . Money To Lnao Money Wanted Motorcycles For Sal Musical Instrument . it Nursln Car , ..... Personal ( I rooltry. KabMta Keal EstaM ror Sal m Itonm. Board , t Sale People. Ateat Venice Dtrecsnry ,... " Situations Wanted ... t3 4 It in lions Wanted. Pmal lltoatlons Wanted. Hal 4 port mam Uohuna ,, 4wap Column frailer spac . ., Id frac ki-miller H Wanted to Borrow (.i ( Wanted Buy .... 41 Wanted to Kent n erf. Honm Board 7 1 -Legal Notices ""Notice ToTreditors Estate of JOHN DeBOER 1 -Legal Notices In the District Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the undersigned, A 1 1 a Shields, has been appointed as Executrix of the estate of John DeBoer, deceased, by the above entitled Court. All persons hav ing claims against estate are hereby notifea and required to present the same, duly verified, as by law required, to the un dersigned at the office of De Armond, Goodrich, Gray, rancher and Holmes, 1044 Bond Street, P.O. Box 1151, Bend, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this no tice in The Bulletin. Dated and first published De cember 14, 1963. Date of last publication Janu ary 4, 1964. ALTA SHIELDS, Executrix of said estate DeARMOND, GOODRICH, GRAY, FAN CHER & HOLMES, Attorneys for said estate. . 8-14-19-24-C INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids will be received by the School Board of School District No. 1, Deschutes Coun ty, at the office of the Clerk, 221 Kansas, Bend, Oregon untii 2:30 p.m.. Pacific Standard Time, January 9, 1964 for con struction of a grandstand and locker building for Bend Senior High School, Bend, Oregon, at which time they will then and there be opened and publicly react aioua. One set of drawings. snecifl. cations and forms of contract documents may be obtained by Didders rrom tne omce or An nand and Boone. Architects. 3933 S. W. Kelly, Portland. Ore gon upon request. Additional sets may be purchased from the Architect for the cost of re- Droduction. Drawings, specifications, and forms of contract documents may be examined at the office of the Superintendent of Schools. 547 Wall Street. Bend. Oregon or at the office of the Architect. All bidders must be preaual- ified to bid and prequahfication lorms are avauaDie at tne of fice of the Architect. The owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all Dios and waive any tniormau ties. . No bid may be withdrawn by the bidder after the hour set for opening thereof unless the awarding ot the contract is de layed m excess of thirty days. Irene uotnreu, (jierK School District No. 1 Deschutes County. Oregon 14-1U-U 6-Masonic Notices BEND LODGE NO. 139 AF&AM St. Johns Observance Sun., Dec. 29; breakfast .7-10. First Christian Church - service 11:00. 8-Special Notice ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS For information call 382-4780. or Redmond 548-3606. 22-Building INVENTORY INCREASE : SALE " We're not reducing our inventory, we're increasing it! Check these prices! Vi-ir. Prefinished Mahogany Rejects $1.50 2 stacks - 4x8 sheet -in. PLYWOOD , .'. $3.50 one stack - 4x8 sheet . -in. Prefinished Knotty Pine Rejects . . $2.50 -Many other Plywood Bargains- FENCE POSTS ....V. 35c ea. 6tS and 7 ft. Open 7 days a week -Prices good thru Sunday- THE LUMBER YARD . South City Limits -Go SOUTH and SAVE- 8-Special Notice I WILL not be responsible for any debts other than my own. 99 pn xi. ACKerman 14-Moving, Trkng, Storage SAVE 50 OR MORE Rent New Moving Vans From Avis. We Furnish Everything, But The Driver AVIS RENT-A-TRUCK SYSTEM Bend i 382-2151 18-HeIp Wanted Male PLUMBER, Journeyman. Per manent. Apply in person or by letter. Open Shop. $4.50 per hour. Eurfitt Plumbing, 5700 NE Sandy. Portland, Oregon. MAN 21 years or older. Apply frnaney s Fizza parlor. 19-Help Wanted Female WANTED: Advertising Copy- writer. Prefer someone wnn exDerience. but will train per. son who can type, use words and is alert and willing to learn, write Box 1226A, care The Buuetin. 20-Service Directory STANLEY HOME Marilyn Bull PRODUCTS 382-0268 Home" APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or Small All work guaranteed. 638 W. Deschutes 548-3320 Redmond BEWREWEAVINO Clothing-Upholstory-Rugs Next to Tom Tom Motel Free Estimates 382-1948 GEORGE NETTACOMPANY Drywall interiors, hanging and Iininsning gypsum wauDoara Phone 382-5279 if no answer cal after 3:00 P.M. SEWING AND alterations, men and women. Expert work, 10 years with Mastercraft Clean, ers. Pat Taylor, 448 Division, 382.2338. W IlTTDO ironing in my home, JANITOR SERVICE. Floors walls, windows, and general cleaning. Satisfaction guaran teed. Bud s Cleaning Service, 382-2780 or 382-1920. 20-Setvice Directory PAINTING DONE. Reasonable rates. Anderson 38Z-ZU43, FURNITURE REFURNISHING Work guaranteed. 548-zau MUSSON'S REFINISHING LADIES Alterations and dress making. Experienced, mrs. Shepardson, 382-4744. APPLIANCE REPAIR WASHERS, DRYERS, FREEZ ERS, RKi JSKS. WAtlilt HEATERS, FURNACES. All makes. MIKES ELECTRIC 382-5312 JIM'S TV SERVICE $3.50 Service Call 382-3027 TV & RADIO REPAIR SNOWPLOWING. 382-4248 or 382.2588. 22-Building Sup.-Cont. Redecorate any room in th hnnsA fnr Christmas . . . With Weldwood DELUXE Charter Pre-Finished PANELING Here Is nature's own beauty marks that makes any room a rich rustic setting. This is the finest pre-finished paneling avauaDie anywnere. a shades to choose from. WALNUT . OAK - BIRCH PECAN and SAMARA. We also have A-GRADE Pre-finished MAHOGANY PANELING 4x8 sheet 6.88 Gifts from Miller's TOOLS Miller'o has evervthine for the do-it-yourselfer! uiict ano Decker Power Tools, hand saws, hammers, screwdriver sets, etc. PING PONG TABLE TOPS S'x9 unfinished. . . ' Also a wide variety of table legs for your coffee table, end tables, etc, SEE US FIRST MILLER LUMBER COMPANY Thriftway Store & Yard S&H Green Stamps on all cash and carry purchases Open 8:00 to 5:00 Monday through Saturday 1 Greenwood 382-4301 Sup. - Cont. 26-Loans NOW. . . for all of Central Oregon, comes one of the Pacific Northwest s largest mortgage brokers . . Commonwealth, Inc. Portland. Oregon Bend Agency Announcing all types of real estate financing, ha, va, un- ventional. ' Existing home refinancing. New Construction Land Development Construction Funds Will loan anywhere In Cen tral Oregon Lowest possible financing rates See Us FIRST! Commonwealth, Inc. Bend 382-1232 30-Miscellaneous for Sale DON'T MERELY brighten youi pets. , .uiue Lustre them .eliminate rapid resoiling. Rent electric shamnooer $1 Western Auto Assoc. Store, 903 SKISTiSEb once, with bind- infF, $40. Boy's 24 Inch bicycle Remember the " HEALTHWAY SPECIALTY SHOP for all your holiday CANDIES NUTS FRUITS See the many verities of Health rooos at your local neaitn Store. HEALTHWAY SPECIALTY SHOP 624 Franklin 382-0564 Vi blk. from P.Q. on Franklin 30-Miscellaneous for Sale TOP SOIL, fill dirt, dump truck, tractor, loader work, excava tions. 382-5161. WESTSIDE 2ND HAND 725 Columbia off Galveston 382-2425 Used Furn. & Misc. FOR RAWLEIGH Products caU 38Z-1S84. -LEASING- Autos-Trucks "The Ideal Service" for small or large business firms, businessmen or profes sional people. CENTRAL OREGON AUTO LEASE Murray & Holt Motors. Inc. 181 East Franklin 382-2222 NEW MOHAWK Herculeon avo cado green carpet, 15x25. Wholesale price. 382-4556. 31-Appllances, Furniture LATE MODEL 21" Magnavox console TV. UHF-VHF. No. down payment OAC. $8.25 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, Third & Greenwood. RECONDITIONED and guaran teed ranges and reirigeraiors. Ranges from $39.50. Refrigera tors from $49.50. Oregon Equipment Company, 165 East ureenwooo. TWENTY-ONE Inch Motorola $65. 382- TV console, walnut, 0552 after 6 p.m. BARGAIN TREE Everything New It Used Complete Home Furnishings Buy-Sell or Trade I J & M Furniture THE BIG GREEN STORE 1854 N. 1st. 382-2202 Just 3 blks. No. Pioneer Park LATE MODEL deluxe Frigi daire refrigerator. No down Sayment OAC. $7.00 per month, en Cale Hardware, Third & Greenwood. APPLIANCE REPAIR SERVICE Ranges, washers, water heaters, dryers, dishwashers. Any make or model. BILL'S ELECTRIC 942 Hill St. 382-2821 HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE The following items of furniture and appliances have been re possessed end will be sold in an entire group: Kelv. 30" elec. range, Kelv. 12 ft. Refg, Kelv. auto, washer, Kelv. dry er, 10 piece dinette- set, 3 piece bedroom set, complete with box springs and mattress, daveno with matching chair, 2 end tables and coffee table. This entire group may be pur chased, nothing down and $50.00 per month. This mer chandise Is lesi than one year old and everything is in perfect condition, HEALY'S BARGAIN HOUSE "Home of Kelvinator Appliances" "Central Oregon's Only Self-Service Furniture Store" Minnesota Ave. next to fire hall EASY TERMS Phone 382-3324 32-Musical Instruments AMERICAN MUSIC CO. 929 Wall St. 382-1393 Home of the famous HAMMOND ORGAN 'Music's Most Glorious Voice" Give the finest .. . Give a HAMMOND! CLARINET AND saxophone Ted Thorson, 548-2384, Red. mondj , oe: your next electric organ. Try Gulbransenl Hemmingson Pi ano & Organ service, Boum 97, call 382-5177. . 40-Farmers Column BUY, SELL or trade all types horses. Wanted, chicken feed, horses. Madras 4754439 or 475 2148. - . LOCKER MEAT now, Vz young beef 39c lb, Vi young pork Jac lb. Cut to order tree. Midstate Meat 382-3651 GRAIN FED Whiteface steer around 700 lbs., Just readv to butcher, 24c pound live weight. 382-3818. 42-Poultry, Rabbits BEND EGG & POULTRY WHOLESALE Eggs, chickens, turkeys, custom poultry kill ing. No poultry received after December 16, 1063. 740 E. First. 382-1042 43-Dogs, Pets, Etc. PUPPIES FOR Sole: Poodles, Terriers. Chihuahuas and Pekes. Boarding, electric heat. Kanch Fet Kennels, 3BZ-3634 45-Sportmen's Column TO TRADE for good boat, mo- del 70 Winchester nign power rifle with 4 power Lyman scope. CaU 548-3094 after 6 n.m. MODEL 52 Winchester tared ri lie. uompicxe wun an stem apertures and fitted case. No down payment OAC. $8.07 per month. Ken Cale Hardware, Tnira ana ureenwooa 47-Wanted to Buy GUNS WANTED, aU types and models, lop prices paid. Bend Surplus Sales. 920 Bond Street. WANTED: UTILITY trailer? Must be reasonable, 382-5117. MONEY AVAILABLE Want to purchase first mort. 3 sees and sales contracts at a iscount. Write The Bulletin Box 501 A. Bend. Ore. 50 Fuel, Coal, Wood, Oil GOOD BODYwood, qulcinie livery, 382-1426. 50-FueI, Coal, Wood, Oil GOOU JUNIPER and body wood. Evenings, 382-6053. 56-Apartments for Rent TWO BEDROOM duplex, some utilities paid, 3z-aiav. TWO BEDROOM duplex, 1047 Bear Creek Road. $95 month. No children or pets. 382-6154 after 5 p.m. ONE BEDROOM apartment, furnished or unfurnished. 57 Greeley. 382-5342 or Mode U Day days 57-Apartments Furnished ONE BEDROOM, close in, no cnuoren or pets, asz-4Yoa. 58-Houses for Rent A REAL cozy 3 bedroom home, central heat, double garage. Large lot next to grade school. Ready for rental January 1st. $75 per month. 1219 Lexington rtvenue. TWO BEDROOM, furnished or unfurnished. 382-5100. t NICE 3 bedroom, extra large, unfurnished duplex in conveni ent location. Available January 4th. Double garage. 382-3333 be tween a a.m. ano i p.m. TWO BEDROOM. Large living room, easy to heat. Close to shopping area. 382-2473. THREE BEDROOM modern house with acreage or without, adjoining city limits, W. B. Shelley, 382-0783, 59-Houses Furnished SUITABLE FOR 1 or 2 adults. Water, cable furnished, 382- 1358 after 6 p.m. SMALL FURNISHED house, 216 Riverfront. 62-Insurance GILBERT'S INSURANCE AGCY 1015 Wall 382-3752 70-Business Opportunities FLYING "A" station for lease. Equipment furnished. Outstand ing rental terms. Days, phone 382-1921. evenings. 382-5643. 73-Beal Estate Wanted. WANT RANCH near Redmond area that will handle 75 head of cattle. Have mobile home as part payment. Roger Byrd Keystone MTaiier farm. 78-Farms & Acreages FOR SALE or trade, 160 acre irrigated ranch, well improved Also rnnffe nermit. Route 1. Box 43, Terrebonne. Call 548- 3702, 80-Real Estate for Sale ART SH0LES Real Estate & Insurance 444 So. Third 382-2743 SKI.L, OR trade eauitv in com- pletely lurnisnea z oearoom home for $800. Call 382-6430 or 382-6706 Riui .nF.RR' SPF.C.IAL. Finished basement, wired, piumDea ana livnhle. Readv for new home. Sets on 3 city lots. Two blocks from river, close to town. 382-3996. PRICED FOR quick sale, three H1rnnTn home. HiehwaV 97 South. Close in 382-3592 after 5 p.m. V Midstate Realty 103 Minnesota Ave. 382-1871 Harold Phillips, Realtor EXCELLENT Eastslde 3 bed room home, fireplace, 2 baths. Electric heat, attached garage. Only $19,800. - NICE 2 bedroom home, large living room and kitchen, V basement, gas furnace, close to Kenwood school. Price $10,250. SMALL HOUSE close in. A value. Possession January 1st. $3250 - $500 down. Evenings Franck 382-1273 jaricy 38Z-m3u rnmips joa-uan IN ORDER That we may give our people a well-deserved holiday, we at Russell's will be closed until January first, May you enjoy the holiday season to its fullest. RUSSELL'S REALTY 233 Oregon Avenue 382-3031 HAP TAYLOR, Realtor MAIN OFFICE 822 Wall St. 382-1761 $6800.00 - 2 large bedrooms. Kitchen, dining room end liv ing room. Attached carport. Exterior painted this fell. 2 corner lots. $800.00 down, $60 per month. Eveninirs Harvey 382-4686 Hap 382-1318 Swede Mi-i'Mi 80-Real Estate For Sale RAMSAY'S REAL ESTATE 223 E. Franklin You can fish from your own front yard in this beautiful setting on the Deschutes River. We have just listed this outstanding 4 bedroom home located on 10 acres with 1400 ft. frontage on the river. Paved drive from main road leads to property. Only 10 minutes from Bend, Home has 2 fireplaces, 2 living rooms, dining room, Z bathi, a den for father, and an en closed 4 ear garage. All throughout, Drapes included. homes in this area. Priced at IF YOU are interested in trading a home In town for a good 40 acre ranch with 26 acres C.O.I, water and 60 acres adjoining BLM lease with 3 bedroom cistern, contact this office. WE HAVE some unimproved In price from $40.00 per acre KIcth Jr. 382-1858 Roger 80-Real Estate for Sale VERN LARSON Real Estate and Appraiser FHA-GI-Other Federal Agencies 1496 Qulncy Ave. 382-5297 Bend AN IMMACULATE 3 BR on E. side, wwall carpet, fireplace, dishwasher, large bedrooms, close to pool and school. Only $15.200 'With low FHA down payment. . A CUTE 2 BR with basement, large garage, neat as a pin. $10,500 with low FHA down payment. Will GI too. VIEW PROPERTY, 3 BR, wwall carpet, fireplace. One of Bend's better homes, $19,500. ALL 3 available for Christmas. Buy your new house through Bulletin classifieds. The Land Mart GET YOUR $ WORTH. You'll like this 15 x 20 living room with adjoining dining room. Light, cheer ful kitchen with nook. 2 nice sited bedrooms end bath. Oil furnace heat. At tractive enclosed patio with fireplace. Large garage with extra room which can be used for guest room or hobby shop. Good location. Paved street. Shade trees, $10, 600, terms. CLOSING ESTATE 2 bedroom modern home, 2 lots. $5,000.00 with $1, 000 down. The Land Mart Arleleh Black. Realtor 811 Wall St. Bend 382-5121 Branch Offices Redmond, The Dalles Evenings Joe Tilden 382-2768 Jim Lance 382-5756 Bob Lilicnthal 382-6363 KERR REALTY, INC. 728 E. Greenwood 382-2521 K eep this in mindl E ntirely new R ich in comfort & convenience R ight for you. R ecently constructed E state home A beautiful 4 bdrm home L arge living area T wo car garage Y our chance to spread our I n case you're interested N ow is the time to act C ome in & see us Dick Kerr, Broker Walt Kittredge 382-4492 Jack Ziegler 382-2636 Can't decide? Then see this! Snug, cute 2 BEDROOM home in nice location, close to down town shopping area. Living room, separate dining room, kitchen, bath and utility room. Attached garage. Finished on the outside with maintainance free, ell new aluminum tiding. Fenced back yard. Price $11, 000. NEW Now available. Office space for doctor or dentist - finished to suit. Call Rick Amie Swarens Town & Country Realty 601 E. Greenwood Ave. 382-3333 Evenings Rick Jim Arntz Arnle 382-4500 382-5243 382-4475 382-6772 electrio. Well to well carpeting This truly is one of the finest $57,500, home, large. stock pond end new land left close to Bend, ranging to $75 per acre. Kicth Sr. 382-3105 Griffin 382-5235 80-Real Estate for Sale NEW 3 bedroom home, built-in oven and range, $13,500 full price. Just $740 for owner' equity and assume FHA mort- gage, payable $100 month, wner transferred, Call 382- 4549. EASI bIDET bedroom home'. arranged, 382- $6000. Terms 3592. HAP TAYLOR, Realtor BRANCH OFFICE ... 1233 E. 3rd. 382-1799 "Where Parking Is A Pleasure" 4 BEDROOMS EAST SIDE - Near high school. 75' x 100' lot. Big in every way except the price. Large, wall to wall carpeted living room with fireplace. 2 full baths. Separate utility room. All electric heat. Part base ment. Single garage. Corner lot. Full price $16,950.00. FHA terms to qualified buyer. 30 days possession.' Evenings LARRY KEOWN-Asso. Broker Res. Ph. 382-2395 Jav Scott-Salesman 382-0834 Tony Vogel-Salesman 382-2977 100-Autos for Sale 1963 P0NTIAC Bonneville Convertible 1 Automatic transmission, power steering ana power Draxes. Radio and heater. Aluminum wheels. White with blue vinyl interior. This is a real beauty. OUR PRICE $3595 MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181 East Franklin 382-222 law) t'OUD S'iATlON wagiir aoor. ttaaio, neater,- power steering, new engine. $1095. Kertmnnn 54H-2S47 19C2 VOLKSWAGEN panel de- livery, $i,05U. xceuent me chanical condition, low mile age, good tires. 382-1151, 382- 1878 or 382-2374. ' BEN JACQUES CHEVY CITY Cen. Oregon's Exclusive Chevr let Dealcr-548-2141 REDMOND. ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS E. Second & Franklin TARE OVER payments on 1983 Dart convertible. Low mileage. Free equity. BUI Thorn, Box 301, Metolius or see at Butt Avenue and Denver Lane, Me- toUug. j . DON'S USED CARS "It's Time To Trade" ' 913 East Third 382-283t USED PICKUPS from 1951 to 1964 13 -in stock- 3 spds, - 4 spa's. V8s, 6 cyl. Look for th PRICE -LABEL on each one BOB THOMAS Chevrolet-CadiUa?. . , "OK" USED CAR LOT 235 E. Greenwood 382-8131 Across from wagner NO CASH? Wo have some cars and trucks that you can assume payments on O.A.C. Phone 382-2448 for Information. Hal WUson Auto Sales, 160 E. Greenwood, Bend.. RED'S AUTO SALES USED CARS-We speciaUze In 55-58-57 and Dos. no aown pymi. O.A.C. Ask about our lifetime warranty. 148 N, 6th REDMOND 548-2323 1962 FORD Galaxle "500" . 4 door sedan Automatic transmission, radio and heater, power steering ana power brakes. A real clean one. Exceptionally nice at only 2195 MURRAY & HOLT MOTORS, INC. 181 East Franklin 382-22?! VOLKSWAGEN The lowest depreciating ut h the world. Complete service & parts avail- able. We Invite your Inspec tion of our facilities. Ask our salesmen about the 100 guarantee on both uieef and new Volkswegens. 1 - SEE MEL & BOB BEFORE " YOU BUYI : MID-OREGON MOTORS, Ine. Phone 382-1711 - Evenings Phone M.I Raaerian 312.3864 Bob Hostetler 382-6791 VOLKSWAGEN So. City Limits Bend, Orego- i